One Sword Reigns Supreme

2514 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred chapters: withdraw!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

There is a small tower.

Qin Guan looked at the Ye Xuan, the look of the look!

At this moment, the whole body is really a blood, and it is extremely dangerous, because Ye Xuan is very dangerous, because Ye Xuan will want to cut her several times!


For this madness, she naturally knows. It can be said that this crazy blood is the first blood of the present, but this blood has a fatal defect, that is, it will be mad, once it enters the madness, it is really six pro.

Therefore, Ye Xuan will restore God, otherwise, now Ye Xuan is cut!

Qin Guan Shen said: "Is there a way to let him recover?"

After the small tower is silent, he said: "Press the madness of the madness in his body!

Qin Guan asked, "How to suppress?"

The small tower hesitated, then said: "Forced press!

Qin Guan continued to ask, "How to force it?"

After the small tower is silent, he said: "I am just a tower!

Qin Guanfu face black line.

At this moment, the human swords of Ye Xuan Zhou suddenly suddenly drifted!

Human swords!

In the eyes of Qin Guan, I won a surprise, because he found that Ye Xuan\'s human swords and Ye Xuan\'s blood pulse!

See this scene, Qin Guanxin is one of them!

Obviously, the reason why Ye Xuan can still keep a little awake, it is because this is a sword!

On the one side, Qin watched the swords between the world, clenched the little fist, "Come on!

Cover his blood!

The human sword seems to understand the words of Qin Guan, the moment is on the moment, and the madness suppresses the human sword!

And the power of the blood is not willing to show weakness, when the moment is skyrocketing, anti-press the human sword!

If it is before, the two may still be quite aqi, but the madness of the madness can be completely different, so when the madness is bloody, the world\'s sword is instantially suppressed!

Ye Xuan original, some Qingming\'s eyes will turn it again into a bloody sea!

Seeing this scene, Qin Guanrton is like venting the ball, sigh.

She also found that Ye Xuan\'s current blood is completely different, and I don\'t know how much than before.

Can\'t ratio!

How to do? Qin Guan looked like a bloody Ye Xuan, some guilty!

This is a good!

At this moment, the Qing Xuanjian in Ye Xuan suddenly trembled, the next moment, he directly went to Qin Guanjun!


A sword is smooth and down!

Qin Guan\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, next moment, she quickly took out a quite ring, "give you a million spirit!

The sword has a position in the top of the Qin Guan\'s head stopped!

Ye Xuan reached out and took the quite ring and received it!

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, blinking, "you are.

Are you crazy? "

Ye Xuan looked at Qin Guan and his eyes were still a bloody.

Qin Guan hesitated, then said: "Xiaoxuanzi, you can don\'t crazy."

At this time, the Qingxuanjian in the Xuanxuan is trembled!

See this scene, Qin Guan also took out a quite ring, "" 100 billion "!

Ye Xuan Zuo immediately took the quite ring, then received it!


Qin Guan\'s horror looked at Ye Xuan, "You.

Don\'t you really install crazy? "

When I saw Ye Xuan\'s Qing Xuan sword and trembled, Qin Guan took directly to escape the small tower!

After escaping, Qin Guan took the chest, "Xiaoxuanzi is really terrible!

The small tower suddenly said: "Qin Guan sister, the little Lord seems to be true.

Qin Guan has some intake, "Why do he know how to ask?"

Xiao Tower said: "Maybe it is afraid!

Instinct reactions!

Qin Guan: ".

Xiaota Road: "Qin Guan Sister, now you can do it now!"

In the face of this crazy, Qin Xuan, Qin Guan has some headache!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of her. When I saw Ye Xuan, Qin Guan\'s face was changing, I had to open, and Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Qin Guan.

Wen said, Qin Guan stunned, she hesitated, "you.

Ye Xuan right hand suddenly grasped, and the people in the body sword out!


Soon, under the suppression of Ye Xuan\'s help, the strength of the blood gradually moved!

After a long time, Ye Xi\'s eyes slowly recovered in the Qingming, but he is still full of suffocating and killing!

When I saw Ye Xuan\'s gaze, I was relieved when Qin Guanrton was relieved. She quickly said: "Nothing?"

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "I caught it!

Qin Guan\'s heart is a loose, then said: "That\'s good!

Ye Xuan bowed a look at his body, Shen Sheng: "My blood is varied!

Qin Guanji, "there are many more than before!

Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, he carefully felt his blood change, after a while, his look gradually gained!

dramatic change!

He feels that his blood has been very different from before!

The small tower suddenly said: "Little Lord, congratulations!

Ye Xuan slightly, then said: "Congratulations?"

Small tower Shen Sheng: "Little Lord, your current blood is awakened!

Ye Xuan brows, "unyielding?"

Xiao Tower said: "Yes!

In fact, the blood of the owner is not only a blood of the madness. The blood of the madness is the blood of Yang\'s family, and the owner has improved this madness, which is not blotting!

Now you are, it is the essence of madness!

Ye Xuan is a little curious, "small tower, you know a lot!

After the small tower is silent, he said: "Little Lord, I am in your heart is the kind of unpredictable, I only know the power of bragging."

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Tower: ".

On the side, Qin Guan suddenly laughed: "No matter what, this is a good thing!"

You have this blood, you can fully challenge the heart!

Ye Xuan nod, "can play, but I don\'t know if I can\'t win!"

Qin Guan is going to talk, just at this time, the secret appearance suddenly appeared in the field, secretly sinking: "The main, Ye Gongzi, there is a bad news!"

Qin Watching is secretly, "said!

The dark look is not comparative, "According to our investigation, the big Chu has an expedition army. This expedition army is created by Chu and the other day!

Previously, the Big Chujie was destroyed, and the Chizan has sent people to inform the ancient expeditionary army, that is, the strong in the now is likely to come back!


Qin Guan Head, "I know!

I heard the words, secretly slightly, then said: "Pavilion is known.

Speaking of this, what he seems to think, and quickly stopped.

At this moment, he, cold sweat!

Originally, he thought he was the only eyes of Qin Guan, but now it seems that this Qin Gener has other intelligence staff, and he still don\'t know!

Qin Guan said softly: "Ancient!

That is a very far away from here!

The Guichu\'s expedition army is to fight the ancients, and the contendance of this expedition is Chu Tianxing, the generation of Tianjiao, like the Chuan!

However, this person\'s war is far super Chuan!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Two Breakthorn?"

Qin Guanji, "Two!

Ye Xuan looks to Qin Guan, "How long does the other party go to the other side?"

Qin Guan said: "There are still two hours!

Two hours!

After the Xuan Xuan silently, he said: "Let\'s go!

Qin Guanwei looked to Ye Xuan, "Walk?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "Where to!

Ye Xuan Xiao: "Watching Xuan College!

Qin Guanjiao horn slightly, "heroes will be slightly!

After finishing, the two directly rushed to the sky and disappeared at the end of the star.

Originally, the secret is silent, and the road: "What does it mean?"


Ye Xuan and Qin Guan directly returned to the Xuan Academy, see Ye Xuan back, Qingqiu is naturally very happy!

Qingqiu looked at Ye Xuan and Qin Guan in front of him, then laughed: "How are you back?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I miss you!

Qin Guanbai has an eye of Ye Xuan, Huayuan Society guy!

Her time with Ye Xuan is coming back!

They bold the big creation!

Can Big Chu let them go? Now that the other party has two hearts, in this case, two of them must choose to avoid a avoidance!

And where is the most aection? Naturally, I am watching the school!

Here is a super big god!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, Qingqiu smiled slightly, "Brother, are you in trouble?"

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

On the one side, Qin Guan smiled.

Qiqiu walked to Ye Xuan face, pulled the hand of Ye Xuan, laughed: "If you provoke!

it\'s not a big deal!

Ye Xixiang is a warm, whispered: "Shantou, are you not afraid of spoking me?"

Qingqiu looks at Ye Xuan, "Does the sister pet brother, is it a matter of the meaning of the sky?"

Ye Xuan: ".

On the side, Qin Guan immediately thumbs up, "Niu Niu Niu!

Ye Xuanhaha smile!

Just then, the horizon suddenly slightly fusedly.

Seeing this scene, Qin Guan\'s eyelids jumped, and quickly walked to Qingqiu\'s side.

Although she also has a brand, but this does not affect her first!

Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, whispered: "Is it so fast?"

Qin Guanzhi, "It is better than I think!

Can\'t be good!

Ye Xuan turned his head to Qin Guan, Qin Guanzheng said: "I am fearless!"

Ye Xuan: ".

Qingqiu looks up at the sky, the distant horizon, a old man and the middle-aged man come to come!

The head of the head, the big church of the Dichol is now in Kunean!

And next to Chu Nan, Chu Tianxing that is coming back from ancient times!

The eyes of Chuan directly fell on Qin Guan and Ye Xi, his eyes were like sword, and he went to tear the Ye Xuan and Qin Guan!

The whole big chu is that it is gone by these two people!

Next to Chu Nan, the eyes of Chu Tianxing directly fell on the Qingqi. When I saw Qingqiu, he squatted when he was born!

On the side, Chu Nan is going to talk, Chu Tianxing suddenly said: "Withdraw!

Wen said, Chu Nan turned his head to see Chu Tianxing, full of horror.
