One Sword Reigns Supreme

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Have to admit that after a long time with you, he sometimes seeing people like anti!

This illusion, many times a little scared!

After all, he Ye Xuan can not be so powerful!

There is no strength to force, many times to be a poisonous, and from the beginning to now, he is not a general less, so he is now smart now!

When the installation is installed, don\'t be installed!

Just then, Qingqiu suddenly said; "Brother, your blood seems to break through!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, laughed, then said: "The small tower said that this is not blushing, which is the true meaning of my madness!

Qingqiu got an eye of Ye Xuan, then nodded, "It is true, your blood breaks through, means that you have realized what is really unyielding!

Have to say, your father is indeed a great person, with the body of the mortal, it is still very great!

Speaking of this, she laughed, then said: "In fact, you can make swords in your blood.

Ye Xuanyang raised the Qingqian sword in his hands: "This sword, easy to use!"

Now the Qing Xuan sword, the more the more it is, the more it is more, anything else, even if his own sword is uncomfortable, there is no feeling of this comfort.

When I heard Ye Xuan, Qingqiu shook his head slightly and smiled: "Different!


Ye Xuan is so curious, "How do you say?"

Qingqiu smiled: "You use your blood to condense into a sword!"

Then I tell you!

Ye Xuan nod, his palm is spread, a sword of the blood is instant!

It is the appearance of Qing Xuanjian, but it is a blood!

Qingqiu looked at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Your blood is very special, this special is not only the blessing of blood, there is a willing, that is, it has its own awareness!


Ye Xuan nod, "indeed!

In fact, he has always known that his mad blood is a sense of consciousness, and like a small tower, many times have an anti-bone!

Qingqiu smiled: "Your blood is different from other people, so you can use blood as a sword, let these swords are cultivated, my own, then you will warm them in the world!

Blood swords are cultivated!

Ye Xuanzhi, then said: "Can it?"

Qingqi nod, "Y!

The Xixiang\'s heart is spread, the sword of the blood is flying directly, the next moment, the sky is directly torn out of a huge crack!

Ye Xuan stunned!

It is not his musen, it is the sword of this blood!

Qingqiu smiled: "It is from you, so it can also be said that it is you, so it has your battle memory, if you use it, this bloody sword is definitely very considerable!

Moreover, it is also possible to attract it!

Ye Xuan nod, some excited: "It is true!

Said, he looked at Qingqiu, "I will cultivate, you point me!"

Qingqi nod.

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, there is Qingqiu point, he believes that his sword will break again!


Tie star.

The Cichin\'s changes, naturally shocked the entire shore, and everyone already knows, this is the Xianbao Pavilion and Wen Xuan College!

Does the big chief return? Everyone is watching.

If retalled, destroy the Xuan Academy and Xianbao Pavilion, then, Dagu is also the big chu, the whole side of the star field is still a big decision!

If you don\'t retaliate, it means that this martial region will have more super forces.


Big Chu.

Today\'s big church world has recovered, but empty is like!

Before that fried, I used it directly to the Grave Tomb!

On the mountain, Chu Nan looked at the distance, and the look is still a bit ugly.

He is still it!

When did you have to be so? At this time, Chu Tianxing appeared aside.

Chu Nan recovered his thoughts and looked to Chu Tianxing. "Is it found?"

Chu Tian is nod, "I found it!

Said, he is the palm of your palm, and a reel is slowly floating to Chu Nan, and Chu Nan opened, silence.

Chu Tianxing said softly: "Before, the owner has already launched the sorrowful universe, and that battle, the helper from us, all the death, not only this, the fire, the monk It is directly being deserted.

When it comes to this, he looked to the Chuan, "the family did not investigate the previous things, and blindly launched a war!

Chuan Shen Sheng said: "I didn\'t think of the fire and the Shenming Hall, it is related to them!

Chu Tianxing shook his head, "Also, the owner is in that battle, but it is too late, but I don\'t know why you suddenly leave!

Obviously, there is a strong force behind the side!

Said, he whispered, "" Headman is mysterious, the strength is more unspeakable, even he is jealous, and take the initiative to leave there, it is obvious, there is a strong "strong" !

After a long time in Chu Nan for a long time, "It is my fault!

Chu Tianxing is complicated, "Your fault is big!

Said, he is also sigh.

Chuan double eyes slowly, "What should I do now?"

After the silence of Chu Tianxing, he said: "Stay and see it, see what they want!"

If you want to get through the kill, I can\'t sit still, and if they just want to build the Academy and Xianbaoge here, let them build, we don\'t stop, even help.

Chu Nan looks to Chu Tianxing, "Is it helpful?"

Chu Tian is nod, "Since I don\'t, then join!

Chu Nan\'s face is a bit ugly!

Chu Tianxing smiled slightly, "If you feel that the face can\'t let go, let me to do it!

Chu Nan whispered sigh, then said: "Then I have a closed time!

Chu Tian is nod, "Yes!

Chu Nan looks complicated, then turn around!


Peaceful decentralization!

In fact, this is already very decent!

Otherwise, this time has failed to let him have to follow.

You know, although he is a big ethnicity, but in Dachu, it does not mean he can speak.

If he does not let alright, wait for him, only trial!

Looking at Chu Nan, Chu Tianxing in the field also shook his head.

This time, Big Chu is really hurt!


Watching an institution.

Under the guidance of Ye Xuan, the Jiendao attainment can be said to be a sharp, not only that, his realm is also progress in the guidance of Qingqiu!

And his sword is now useful, it is getting more skilled, and it is getting more and more strange, because these bloods have their own ideas!

The blood is from him, but there is his own consciousness, so it can\'t be completely herself, simply, his blood can be self-cultivated!

And he doesn\'t have to worry about the blood of the rebellion, because this blood has nothing, it will no longer exist.

Among the stars, Ye Xuan is surrounded, the sword of the nine-sided blood is interlaced.

Nine Sword Wars!

Ye Xuan looked at the nine-handed sword war, laughing very bright!

These swords formed by the blood are really good, because his power now is the blood of the blood, the most terrible thing is that he uses Qingxuanjian, but also can\'t break the sword of these blood, this is a bit I apologize!

After a long time, Ye Xuan stopped, his palm became open, and the blood of the blood flew back to him.

Ye Xuan turned to look at Qingqiu, laughing: "Shantou, really!

Qingqi nod, "You can bother your people in the world!

Ye Xuan nod, his heart, countless people swords into his bloody swords, after the swordsman in the world, the swords of these blood are trembled, sending a sound of Jianming!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Go!

The sound falls, and the blood of the blood in his hands is time to make a bloody sword.


In an instant, the starry sky is directly torn!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan double eyes, this blood of this blood has become more powerful after borrowing the sword of the world!

Just then, on the side of the Qingqiu suddenly said: "Brother, in fact, you can teach them to use swords!"

I heard the words, Ye Xiunedied, then said: "Can it?"

Qingqi nod, "Yes!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "How do I teach them?"

Qingqiu smiled: "Demonstration, guide!

Because they have your battle memory, so you can use it as long as it is demonstrated!

Ye Xuan nod, "I will try!

Said, he suddenly showed no me!

Without me!

In an instant, the sword of the blood of the blood in the distance disappeared, and it was already outside the time!

See this scene, Ye Xuan face becomes lifted!

The sword of these blood is a bit against the sky!

On the one side, the corner of the Qingqiu mouth is slightly, "Can I?"

Ye Xuan nod, "very powerful!

Qiqiu walked to Ye Xuan face, she taught the messy clothes for her mysterious, then laughed: "The sword is thousands, slowly.

Ye Xuan looked at Qingqiu and was seriously said: "Shantou, as far as I know, you have already bored it, but why you are now.

Qingqiu blinked, "You are curious, I have already bored, but why can you still appear, right?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "This body is not my body!

I still remember that she used her four-handed swords, let me reproduce it? "

Ye Xuan nod, "We met the first time!

Qingqiu smiled: "Yes!

It was that she reversed some of the way to make my consciousness, and I asked you at the time, I didn\'t want me to live, you said hope, so I hide my awareness in your sword, and finally resemble it.

Wen said, Ye Xuan has understood!

Qingqiu continued: "So, they are always integrated with me now, nor one!"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Can you still meet again?"

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "You guess!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "If you can still meet, what will the strength?"

Qingqiu blinked, "You guess!

Ye Xuan Master\'s face, this guess!
