One Sword Reigns Supreme

2513 Jian Zhongxian No. 2,199 Chapter: Ye!

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At this moment, the corpse is stacked everywhere.

At the top of the city wall, there is a huge banner, there are two big characters on the banner: Big Chu!

Big Chu!

After half a month of bloody battle, Dachs finally won the Warcorn.

Chu Tianxing stands on the city wall, visiting the front, visiting the place, a wasteland.

After he wants to look at the wilderness, he is blocked by a mysterious power and cannot be advanced.

There is a broader world!

A bloody battle, Chu Tianxing is also seriously injured. His whole right arm has been hit, not only the same, Dichu is also dead thousand!

But this is worth it!

It can get this battle city, then, the Dichuan is a foundation in this ancient place!

At this moment, a teenager went to the Chutian Tour.

Chu Tian!

Chu Tianxing looked to Chutian, Chutian is blood, just like washing a blood bath!

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​I won a smile on my face.

He is quite satisfied with this later!

This battle, Chutian kills a thousand and nine hollow minds and an aerial border, this record is in this battle!


This is the hope of the future!

The most important thing is that next generation, there will be no internal fighting in Bugo, and will not compete for the world!

Because Chutian is too good, other geniuses in Dagu are desperate, and Chutian also makes other genius in the family!

This means that the next generation of Chu family will unite!

Chu Tianxing struck to Chutian, "Come!"

Chutian walked to Chu Tianxing, Chu Tianxing smiled slightly, then pointed to the wilderness, "Have you seen the wasteland?"

Chutian nodded.

Chu Tiankai whispered: "In the world\'s extremely distant world, there is a legendary holy city.

In the city, I buried a peerless emperor.

It is said that this person has a crown of ancient and modern, and there are countless people in life.

Unfortunately, I haven\'t born in that era, I can\'t look at it!

Chutian looks outside the wilderness, the look is calm, "later, it is not necessarily poor than the foreigner!

Chu Tian is incen, then laughs, "Good!

Have this ambition, good!

Ha ha.

Just then, the horizon suddenly broke out, the next moment, a white robe was coming out.

Seeing this white robe, Chu Tianxing\'s appearance of gains!


He saw the other side of the country for the first time!

When the old man in the white robe appeared, a horrible pressure is a shrouded a whole battle city. At this moment, these big Chu elite strong people can\'t help but tremble!

Everyone feels a fatal oppression!

And this is not a white robe old man deliberate!

Chu Tianxing looked at the old white robe of the sky, the look was not comparative, but more but more!

Is this the invincible side of the other side? At this time, the white robe is full of sleeves, and the invisible percentage disappears.

In the field, all the big Chu Qiang suddenly made a breath!

The old people of the white robe fell directly on Chu Tian. "I am a big Wei to offer old Xu Bin, come to you today!

Chutian looks at the old people, don\'t talk.

Xu Bin stared at Chutian, "May I wish to enter my big Wei?"

In the big Wei!

In the dark, some strong people suddenly showed the eyes!

Da Wei!

This is in this endless ancient place, but it is possible to enter the top ten super super forces!

I am really equivalent to the gantry!

At this time, Chutian shook his head. "Thank you for your good idea, you don\'t want to join your other forces!

Wen said, secret all the strong people!


This person actually refused to join the big Wei? Over the city wall, Xu Bin looked at Chutian, "Are you sure?"

Chutian nodded.

After Xu Bin silent, he said: "It is a person who has special air transport, it is different!

You don\'t want, I want to have another chance, it is true, my big Wei is not strong.

Said, he is calm, a token slowly floating in front of Chut Tiantia, "Miss Second, if you don\'t want to join me, you will give you this order, in terms of good margin.

This order is a big Wei Order, if you are in danger, mirror this order, my big Wei will save.

Chutian hesitated, then slightly, "Thank you!

After that, he took the great Wei!

He will naturally not refuse, this is the kindness of others, if he refuses, the other people may have to release malicious!

Xu Bin nodded slightly, "Chu Chuzi takes care!

After finishing, he turned directly to the sky!


In the field, the big Chu Qiang is excited!

This is the first time they see the storm, not only this, the other party actually respected the world!


At this moment, all the big Chu Qiang is a pride from the heart!

At this moment, an old man suddenly walked in front of Chu Tianxing. He slightly, "Chu Shuai, the family has changed!

There is a change in the family!

Wen said, Chu Tianxing brows.

The old man\'s palm is booming, and a sound is floating to Chu Tianxing. After a while, Chu Tianxing wrinkled more deep!

Chu Tian looked to Chu Tianxing, "Three Uncle, what happened?"

Chu Tianxing Shen Sheng said: "The big Chujie was out of others!

Countless people died!

I heard the words, Chu Tianxing browled slightly, "But the owner?"

Chu Tianxing shook his head, "Not!

Chu Tianxing is a bit negligible. "Who is that people can destroy me?"

Chu Tianxing Shen Sheng; "It is said to be a person called Ye Xuan and Qin Guan!

Chutian Shen Sheng said: "Nouns have been heard!

After the silence of Chu Tianxing, he said: "I will go back!

Chutian is said: "I am with the three uncles!

Chu Tianxing shook his head, "No, you take here to the town, then cultivate!

Chu Tian wants to say, Chu Tianxing smiled: "I will go back one!"

Said, he suddenly said, "If I do something, you don\'t take the soldiers directly, because I do something, it means that this is very uncommon, do you understand what I mean?"

Chutian nodded, "understand!

Chu Tian is nod, "Now, the Dachuanjun army is temporarily tenth.

Chutian Zhengqi: "Follow!

Chu Tianxing nodded slightly, then turned around to disappear in the depths of the stars.

Chutian looks to the distant horizon, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Chu Tian\'s mind, "The little guy, will the regrets join the big Wei? I tell you, this big Wei is the top ten super strength of this ancient land!

You are big now in the eyes of others, really even the ant ant!

Chu Tian smiled: "Old, there is you, do you need to join what big Wei?"

That voice suddenly laughed, "You will shoot the gust, but the old man likes to listen, haha.

Chutian hesitated, then said: "Can you tell me what you have?"

After the sound silence, laughed: "What is it former?"

Chu Tian smiled: "Curious!

That sound said: "So, in the eyes of the old man, the ancient ruined in addition to the first Ye people, the rest of the forces are in my eyes, are all antires!

Chutian double eyes, "Ye?"

That voice: "The first ethnic group in ancient and modern people, the family, it is really a talented generation, every generation has a proud of the contemporary days, from ancient times, in addition to the ancient Tiandi, this leaves, almost all It is an invincible existence, only the ancient Tiandi is born, Ye people have been pressed a head, but even so, the Ye family still dares to be hard in the ancient emperor.

Said, he suddenly said: "The Ye people also have a proud of the sky, the name Ye Emperor, this person does not have to lose Ye\'s ancestors, but unfortunately, he met ancient Tiandi.

Chu Tian Shen Sheng said: "He is not as good as the ancient emperor?"

That voice said: "It\'s better!

Chutian silence.

The sound said softly: "The ancient emperor.

However, the emperor of the owner of the avenue, one person, who is a 19th Holy King Temple, nine holy kings.

Hey, I am basically unknown in peace, but I have to accept this ancient emperor.

Chu Tian Shen Sheng said: "How is the ancient emperor dead?"

The wild is old and whispered, "" luck is worse!


After Chutian silence, he said: "Why is Ye\'s ?"

Wilderness: "Two reasons, first, respect!

Although Ye Emai is also a generation of Tianjiao, but in that era, he also admire the ancient Tenthill, the body of the ancient Tiandi is that he broke into nine yuan universe, hunted back, and he personally will be buried in the Holy City.

In the second reason, it is proud. As the pride of Ye people, the entire Ye people will not fight for the inheritance of the ancient Tiandi, not only this, Ye Emperor also personally took the ancestral training, Ye Jiayi did not have the emperor, never Stepping into the Holy City.

Chu Tian\'s hands were gripped, and the blood did not know that they were boiling.



Chu Tian\'s death remembers these two words.

Wilderness continues: "Now, so many years, no know who the representatives of the leaves today.

Little guy, you have to remember, although you have the legendary special air transport, this generation is that Tianjiao, and can even be sealed.

But remember, if you encounter this Ye people, don\'t be careful, don\'t be eyeile.

Chutian nodded, "The old is old, I won\'t underestimate anyone!

The old laughs: "Of course, you don\'t have to fear."

This generation, you won\'t be bad than anyone, the old man believes, this generation of seal, must be you!

Chutian is a little curious, "Feng Di?"

The old road: "After the ancient Tiandi Feng Di, the owner of the Avenue has left a message, and the emperor is once every millions. .

In addition to the avenue owner personally Feng Emperor, there is an emperor, but this emperor is not the master of the avenue, but the world is sealed!

The ancient first power, you can Fengmine!

And to do the ancient people, it is not a general difficult, haha.

The smile is very crazy, and it is proud.

Chutian suddenly said: "The old man, the fair of the family, I am ruined by a border called Ye Xuan.

I am laughing in the wild, "I am relieved, the man is not Ye."

Chutian is curious, "Why?"

The old road: "Ye people, the universe of the universe in a lifetime, never leave the ancient place.

Moreover, if the other party is the people of Ye, I will be able to induce!

Little guy, the next time you speak, not what A cat, Dogs can be used as Ye people, you only say that Ye Xuan is Ye people, this is an insult to Ye.

Chutian nodded, "understand!
