One Sword Reigns Supreme

2510 Swords in the second thousand four hundred and ninety-six chapters: in the lower Leaf Xuan!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The big Chu Qiang who came to follow the old people directly!

Is it second? Is the elders who reached the mind? This moment, those who follow the old people in the black robe is completely.

For a time, they don\'t know if it is still!

One of them suddenly stood up, he glared at Qingqiu, "I am waiting for the buddies.


Have not finished, a sword directly tied to his eyebrows, and the voice stopped!

Qingqiu looks at the sky, "I only recognize my brother, don\'t recognize others!"

The sound falls, she also refers to the class.


In an instant, the rest of the people flew out directly.

The Qingqi palm is spread, and a sword light falls into her palm disappeared.

On the one side, the scenery looked at the Qingqiu, laughed: "Qingqiu girl, your sword, is the invincible of the three swords!

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "I am not bad better than them!

The scene is slightly smashed, then thumbs up, "Niu Niu Niu!

Ha ha.

Qingqiu girl, there will be period!

After finishing, she turned to the royal sword and disappeared directly in the end of the starry.

Qingqiu looked at the depths of the stars and whispered: "Mind girl, people are very good!"

Said, she smiled slightly, then sat next to it and continued to read.

The Watching the universe is the old nest of Ye Xuan, no one can come to destroy!


Big Chu.

A black man suddenly stepped into the hall, and the black man was deeply averaged in the top of the top of the top, "the family, the old age, the soul of their soul fragment!"

Chu Nan\'s eyes slightly, "is killed?"

Black people nod, "Yes!

After a long time in Chu Nan, Silky: "It seems that this is the boundless universe has two kings!

Black man is deeply said: "Do you want to investigate it?"

Chu Nan looks calm, "survey!

Although he is very confident to Dachu, it is still careful to make a million ships.

The black man is slightly rude, and then quietly retreats.

Inside the temple, the Chu Nan brows wrinkled, he raised a disturbance in his heart.

It is actually able to feel some unknown causality, of course, if the other party is too strong, he can\'t feel!

For example, the existence of this level of the owner.

When he faces the owner, he can\'t feel any causality. This is why he is so traughter!

Now, he feels a disturbing!

This is uneasy, he doesn\'t know.

Boundless universe? Chu Nan got up, he came to the main hall, he looked at the distant boundless universe, when he looked at the boundless universe, he couldn\'t feel!

After a long time, Chu Nan was silent, he turned and left.

He is still not worried!

As the length of the family, he is naturally be cautious.

After a while, Chu Nan came to ancient temple.

Seeing Chuan arrival, the ancient temple is naturally welcome, open the temple door, greeting Chu Nan!

Chu Nan came to a Zen room, sitting in the Zen house, is an ancient temple to live in Yin!

Chuan handshey ten, "Master Yin Yin, you are good at it, please also ask me!

10, take out a contract, then said: "Chu Shi, please!

Chu Nan took the card to shake, very fast, a sign flying!

Seeing the roof, there is one of the oral skin, but it is very deep.

Chu Nan looks in the yin, the shackles are calm, "What is Chu Shi mainly ask?"

Chu Nan straight into the Yin, "My Chu family is the future!"

10, "Amitabha, congratulate Chu Show, this sign is a big joy, according to the show, the Chu family has the world, will bring the glory of the Chujia ancestors during the year!

Said, he has a thumbs up to Chuan, "Chu, invincible!

Chu Nan slightly, then said: "Master Yin Yin, but it is true?"

10, "Go out, don\'t fight"!

Chrun haha ​​smiled, then said: "Thank you!

After finishing, he got up.

In the Zen room, the monk looks at the roof in his hand, silent, after a long time, whispered: "Female.

At this time, in the yin, a voiced voice suddenly appeared, "The old is not dead, the family is compassionate, your compassion?"

Yinyin looks calm, "What is the relationship with me?"

The sound of the voice: "It is clear, but you lie to him!"

This is a relationship with you? "

Yinyin double eyes slowly, "Sitting on the mountain watching, my ancient temple can come out!

That voice said: "Musical!

Yin smiled slightly, and sorrowful. "When you are in the past, you forgotten in front of the mountain."

The voice is silent.

, looked up and look at the distance in the distance, whisper: "Where is the west of the Star Wrough, the willingness, is there a good end?"

Said, his eyes slowly closed, "Everything is causing!

I tried to die in the ancient temple, today, I am in a great way.

It is really a causal cycle, not not reported, it is not enough!




Qin Guan stood in the seaside, sea breeze, her hair was blown up, she didn\'t know what she was in her hands.

Just then, a man suddenly walked to her.

Ye Xuan!

Qin Guan turned his head to see the Ye Xuan, his mouth slightly, "the situation is clear?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Qin Guanjiao horn smile, "destroyed!

Said, she suddenly made a referral.

See this referring, Ye Xiyou skin, the Qingqiu\'s girl is like to start finger!

One refers to a realm!

Just then, the sea was suddenly boiling in the distance.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the sea area in front, the endless sea is like a boiling water rolling, and it is horrific.

Just then, the sea was suddenly cracking, followed by a huge cylinder slowly, and at this time, there were countless crystal blue apertures in the entire Kyoto, and these apertures were running at high speed. The horrible aura continues to flour out, and finally aggregate in the cylinder.

Soon, the cylinder slowly drifting the surface!

Millions of women!

A shabcommunicated feelings!

Ye Xuan light voice: "Is this?"

Qin Guan reached out to the hair of the ear, whispered: "God!

It is tens of millions of attack array. These array are complementary. If it is running, the material fractal effect can be generated, so the power of each array will increase hundreds of times!

Said, she turned to see the depths of the stars, "coordinates, the other side, the big Chu!


At this moment, the gods suddenly rushed to the sky, and they disappeared directly in the deep place!

Qin Guan suddenly said: "In fact, everyone thinks that I have cultivated, of course, this is not wrong, but everyone doesn\'t know, some of this universe itself is very powerful, no matter Your Draw is still my gods. More use is actually the knowledge of this universe, but I am strengthening them!

Said, she smiled slightly, "In fact, as the young girl said, the way of science and technology and the show, this is a.

The only difference is that God is repaired, and the technology of technology is cultivated!

After that, she looked at Ye Xuan, "The words of the young girl, in fact, not only to me, it is also to you!"

God is repaired, the technology of technology, so don\'t resist external objects, do you know? "

After the Xuan Xuan silent, nod, "Good!

Qin Guan smiled: "I need you to help me block Chuan!"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Good!

Ye Xuan is going to leave.

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly said: "You are so smart, you should know that I have been using you, right?"

Leaf Xuan stopped and silent.

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "You are so cheating, others are good for you, you will be cheated by others.

Ye Xuan went to the starry sky, whispered: "Qin Guan

Qin Guanzhi Head.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Qin Guan, "Why!

Qin Guan silent.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Okay, I don\'t ask!

Qin Guanwei looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you not angry, do I take you?"

Ye Xuan reveals, "Are we friends?"

Qin Guanzhi Head.

Ye Xuan laughed: "I always spend your money, isn\'t it to use you?"

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Maybe we are using it to each other!

But now, we are friends.

The sound fell, he turned to the royal sister, and the blink of an eye disappeared in the end of the starry.

Qin Guan looked at the depths of the stars in the distance, silenced for a long time, soft: "Father, finally, I will stand in front of the Master of the Avenue, let him resurrect you, let you reunite with the mother."


Tie star.

Suddenly, the entire shore is boiling, just like a wave.

The whole side of the star is shocked!

Everyone turned to look at the north, very fast, everyone saw a huge cylinder of the whole body and rushing towards the Great Bud.

Someone is attacking!

Everyone shocked!

Big Chu.

In the temple, Chu Nan seems to be induced, suddenly disappearing in the original place, when he appeared again, he is already over the big Chu, he looked up, full of horizontal!

At this moment, in the big Chu Dynasty, countless strong people are watching the gods in the depths of the stars!

Everyone feels a dead breath!

Chu Nan\'s look is also unprecedented!

He knows that if this is falling, the whole big chu is willing to be virtual!

Chu Nan suddenly angered, "all defenses start!


In an instant, all defensive arrays were started throughout the Budan.

Chu Nan looked at the gods that came to the big church. He flashed in his eyes. He said with a palm of his hand, and a leaf appeared in his hands, and at this time, the time and space suddenly broke out, one The man was slowed out!

Come, is Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan looked at Chuan, holding the leaves in the hand, smiled slightly, "in the next Leaf Xuan, specially take the head.
