One Sword Reigns Supreme

2509 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and ninety-five chapters: ancient!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

In the stars, a group of big Chu Qiang rushed toward the farmland in the distance.

They rushed very quickly, unstoppable!

At this time, on the battle city, a black robe man appeared, the black robe man looked at the big Chu Qiang, and the sound: "Yu enemy!

The sound falls, and countless strong people suddenly appear above the wall. At the same time, a horrible array of horrible, followed by, the terrorist power of the road, rushed to the city, rushed to the group Dagu!

And the group of big Chu Qiang is half a little fear!

The Chu Tianxing, suddenly angry, "kill!

The sound fell, and his shape was shameful, and he came to the war city, and at this time, the black robes were in front of him.

Chu Tianxing stared at the black robe man, "the War, today I will die!

The black robes named the Warcale smiled, "If you are willing!


The two suddenly disappeared at the same place, the next moment, and there was a surprise loud sound.

At this moment, the big Chu Qiang also war with the strong in the city!

In an instant, the whole endless star river boil!

On the other hand, Shenming looked at the fighters in the distance, and the look was not comparative, "it is strong!

I have no nod.

It\'s just like a family than the battle of the universe.

And these strong people, whether it is a big chu, or the battle of the wilderness is very horrible!

At this time, the necklace suddenly smiled, "What did this? You have never seen a real battle!

That battle is quite fierce, it is really the corpse, how is it more tragic!

There is no deep voice: "Who is in the Holy City?"

There is no side laugh: "The Holy City has not yet lost in anyone!

This is the main reason why this is not a good battle in this year!

God is a bloody battle in the distance, "Do you come to compete for the holy city?"

No side, "What Can I want to miss the holy city? They come to the ancients, in ancient land!

After you stay here, they can have more opportunities. Under normal circumstances, they may choose to attach a super forces to exchange more resources.

Shen Ming Xiao said: "Is it so strong, it needs to be attached to others?"

I am laughing, "Waiting for you to know some ancient wild, you will know what level is in this place!

Let\'s go!

Take you to see the big world!

After finishing, he floated in the distance.

Shen Ming did not look at it, and then quickly told the past.

In the field, the wars still continue.



In the small tower, although only the past one day, the small tower has been in the past decade!

In the past ten years, Qin Guan is helping Ye Xuan break through the sky!

The effect is naturally it!

After all, Ye Xuan Tianfu is not bad, the lack is time and money, and now he is both!

Practice the long-lasted month!

Over the past decade!

In the past 20 years, the two have come to the eve of the two people, and Ye Xuan has every day, in addition to cultivation, it will discuss the martial arts with Qin Guan!

And Qin Guan\'s knowledge is also very profound. It should be said that than her profound, there are not many, and Qin Guan still has a lot of whimsy, such as in the moment of installing invincible, using invincible In an instant, the tuning of the road and the three gods and launched the strongest blow!

Ye Xuan naturally tried!

And after I tried countless times, the results prove that this is completely feasible!

At this moment, he used the invincible specialty, and completely avoided the diaphragm of two array.

Not only that, from now on, he can use the unnecessary violation to avoid all kinds of anti-alpha.

For a simple, he will never be alive!

With the guidance and help of Qin Guan, his sword is also a sharp step!

He is now a half-step air!

It\'s still half a step!

The lakeside, Qin Guan and Ye Xuan station.

Qin Guan said soft: "You are still a matter!

Leaf Xuan nod.

He is now a half-step air, and there is no truly vacant mind, because he feels that there is still a barrier without breakthrough!

It\'s a little bit!

Qin Guan said: "Do you know where this realm is a vacancy?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Qin Guanhao is slight, "Just take the emptied himself, completely venting yourself, to embrace the universe starry sky, embrace the universe, then thorough the universe, thorough the universe!"

Ye Xuan silent.

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "During this time, I found a thing, do you know what?"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What?"

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "You work hard, you can also have hardship!

Talent and understanding are also excellent.

But these years, you have been hitting.

Do you know why? "

Ye Xuan Shen said: "The owner of the avenue is not a person!

Avenue pen owner: ".

Qin Guanha smiled, "Have him!

But there is also your own reason!

Ye Xuan said: "How do you say?"

Qin Guanli said: "Why is there so little in the world? Because the sword repair is too straight, it is basically not known. In this case, if there is no powerful background support, it is a colorfulness!

Didn\'t you find it? All the way, your enemy will always be much stronger than you, this strength is actually very abnormal, but change the angle thinking, these enemies, why not provoke yourself? "

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I oppose!

Qin Guan blinked, "You said!

Ye Xuan Shen said; "I think it is the avenue owner is engaged in me!

Avenue pen owner: ".

Qin Guanha smiled, "Then we don\'t discuss this problem!

Said, she looked at the distance, then said: "You are sitting here, enter the empty state, I am waiting for you outside!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qin Guan smiled, then turned and left the small tower!

In the field, Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the sea, for a long time, his eyes slowly closed!



Gradually, Ye Xuan began to empty himself.


Outside the small tower, Kyoto.

Qin Guan came to the seaside, Xiao love has been waiting here!

Qin Guan looks to Xiao love, "Are you ready?"

Little love nod, "Everything is ready, waiting for the owner to order!

Qin Guanji head.

At this time, secret appearance appeared in front of Qin Guan, secretly stunned; "The main owner, big chu, a batch of strong people rushed to see Xuanjun!

Qin Guan\'s eyebrows, "" Go to Xuan universe? "

Dark pointers, "According to my investigation, I learned that Because the never left the boundless universe, they now want to swallow the Xuan universe, especially our Xianbaoge!

They come this time, they are to brush money!

Qin Guan asked, "How many people are they come?"

Darkness: "There is only ten people, the first is a situation, and the other nine people are not robbery!

Wen said, Qin Guan shook his head smile.

The secret is slightly, then takes to the side.

Go to the Xuan universe!

Now who is the Xuan universe sitting in the town? Qingqiu!

Qingqiu is sitting in the backyard of Ye Xuan, this world, who can come to destroy the Xuan universe? Qin Guan said: "Don\'t worry!

After that, she turned and left, "Xiao love, come with me!

Xiao Love quickly followed the past.

Originally, secretly disappeared.


Watch the universe.

Although Ye Xuan has been left, it is now very rapid to the development of Xuancai, and it is more and more prosperous!

In the yard, Qingqiu sat next to read the book, not far in front of her, is Anzhen Xiu.

Anzhen show is sitting on the ground and is cultivating!

Since Ye Xuan left, the Anzhen Xiu followed the Qingqiu cultivation every day, and under the guidance of Qingqiu, the upgrading of Anzhen is also huge!

At this time, the scene is suddenly coming.

See the scene, Qingqiu put down books, then look at the scenes, slight smile, "Mind girl, all arrange it?"


She is now the Lord of Tiandao, holding all the heavens of the Xuancai, and now she arranges the local road.

Every world, there is a heaven in supervision!

Not oversight all beings, but supervise the mystery of the book!

The scale of Xuanxuan is now getting bigger and bigger. The most worry about Qingqiu and Ye Xuan is to watch the internal corruption of Xuanchuan, and they have established an inspectors, specialize in monitoring the mysterious school, but this is also Far from enough!

Therefore, Qingqiu has established the Tiandao Institute, and the scenery is the courtyard of Tiandaoyuan. It is different from other hospitals. Because the Tiandao Hospital is not in the college, it can be said to be independent of the college, and All the hospitals of the mystery

However, the Tiandao Institute only has supervisory rights, no participation!

The scene is sitting in front of the Qingqiu, laughing: "Qingqi girl, now the development of the Xuancai is very fast, how long, a new order will be built, then, the whole way to see Xuan universe is in this The middle will be different from those!

Qingqiu nod, "hope this!

The scenery laughed: "The matter has been done, I have to leave!"

Qingqiu looks to the scene, "Leave?"

Nodded, "The world is broader, I want to go out!

Qingqiu nodded, "it is!

The girl is holding a lot!

The scene got up and smiled: "You are also your girl!

After saying, she is going to leave, and at this time, I will watch the mysterious college, and the powerful breath sweep!

The scenery of the scene, look up and look at the horizon.

There have been more than a dozen strong people in the sky, which is the head of a black robe.

Big Chu!

The old people in the black robe looks down, "said it is the person in charge of Xuan Xuan College!

Below, Qingqiu smiled slightly, "I am!

The old people in the black robe look at Qingqiu, "surrender, or dead, you choose!

After the Qingqiu silence, he said: "If you want to talk to this, then I can only let you say anything!

The sound came down.


There is no exemption, and the old head of the black robe fly out.

Below, Qingqiu looks calm, "except my brother, no one can put in front of me!

Everyone: ".


PS: Recommend a novel of my friend, the "strongest war" written by Flame Tao.

Introduction: 5 years ago, blood dyed military uniforms, changed a battle!

Five years later, with the endless glory, the king of the king!

The king returns, the wind is again, the blood is booked, and the municipality is burned!

Friends who like to study, don\'t miss it, blood is boiling!