One Sword Reigns Supreme

2511 The second thousand four hundred and ninety-seventh chapters of the fairy in the sword: try his best!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Take the top of the house!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the Chuan looks, angry, "" What do you do? Is it challenge me? "

The sound fell, the leaves in his hands suddenly flew out, just like a flying knife directly to Ye Xuan.

In the distance, Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, suddenly, he took the front and slammed the sword.


This sword, directly stop the leaves, the leaves of the leaves, but there is no disappearance, but not only this, countless horrible power is still constantly bombarding Ye Xuan\'s Qing Xuan sword!

Before the leaves, the Ye Xiyou flashed a piece, and the hands of Qing Xuanjun slammed forward!


This pressure, the leaves are directly broken, and it is virtual!

Ye Xuan violently retreat!

In the distance, the eyes of the Chugan flash shocked, "the situation is clear!

At this moment, he is really shocked!

He didn\'t think of it, it was only a gods of the gods, and this moment has reached the unimagin!

So fast!

The heart of Chuan rose a hot alert!

He can\'t undertake anyone, especially a super enchanting genius, this genius, often have the strength of the battle, just like Chutian!

Just when he shocked, the gods had entered the big Chujie, and countless defensive arrays were like crispy paper in front of this god.

A horror force that is destroyed in the world swept below!

Below, countless big Chu Qiang is full of horror and horror!


At this moment, they suddenly felt some desperation.

Because rational tells them, they can\'t stop the power of this horror!

In the eyes of Chu, it flashed in the eyes, "all people withdraw!

Get the order of Chuan, in the Dachut, all the big Chu Qiang will go directly to four weeks!

When the Chu Nan\'s palm, he had to resist the gods, and at this time, a sword suddenly walked to him!

Chu Nan is anger, "roll!

The sound fell, he turned, a punch.

This punch contains countless universe powers.

Ye Xuan did not dare to practice, directly evacuated the road in the Qing Xuanjian and the three gods, in addition to this, he immediately urged his own blood and swords, there is an invincible!


He has seen this top-level power of this kind of heart, so I don\'t dare to know, he knows, a big idea, maybe life!

The two are just hard!


With the sound of the sound, the sword is suddenly cracking, and the Ye Xuanlian is far away!

Just stopped, his right hand directly turtled!

This hit, he still falls in the bottom of the wind!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly rushed to the sword, turned and went!

Because the god has already fallen!

Seeing that the god has fallen, Chu Nanmun wants to crack, he doesn\'t have the god of God, but the right hand is in the distance, "I will leave the old man!"


This grab, the time and space where Ye Xuan is suddenly crushed, countless horrible power to flock to Ye Xuan four weeks, leaving Ye Xuanji in the original place!

At this time, the god has fallen.


Suddenly, a huge mushroom in a long period of tens of millions of huge mushrooms from the Dachu.


Just a moment, the whole big chief is unique, not only that, the starry sky over the big Chujie is completely raised at this moment!

The whole shore star is shaken, countless time and space!


Inside the trip, countless strong people are awkward!

In the end what happened? Ancient temple.

On the mountain, the ancient temple is clouded in the direction of the big Chu, and when I saw the huge mushroom cloud, I was in the middle of the hands and twilight, whispered: "Good cloud.


At this moment, the big chu is already erased!

Among the dark time and space, Chu Nan looked at the four weeks, the whole person\'s head is blank!

At this moment, the corner of the mouth is blood, and it is more hurt everywhere!

I was also seriously injured.

Even he suffered serious injuries, not to mention the people in the big Chu family? At this time, a seriously injured black dress suddenly appeared next to Chu Nany, trembling: "The family is long.

Only 36 people escaped out, the rest of the people.

Wen Yan, Chu Nan\'s face is white!

What seems to be, Chu Nan looks up in the distance, and the dead stars in the distance, Ye Xuan is standing there!

He is naturally not dead!

When the power exploded, he not only urged the view of Xuanjia, but also made Qingxuan Swords on himself. The most important thing is that he also applying an invincible, let himself It is in an invincible state in an instant!

Therefore, he is not damaged!

Seeing Ye Xuan is good, Chu Nan\'s face is instantly, he glared at Ye Xuan, "damn!

You should die!

The sound fell, he suddenly jumped, directly born to Ye Xuan!


This fist is out, this dead time and space is boiling directly!

Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, his eyes slowly closed, and the strength of the blood in the body was crazy and the world\'s swords were crazy. Next, he stepped out step forward, and a sword went out!

Qing Xuanjian, two array of miraminated!


Ye Xuan, this sword, a force that destroys the earth and destroyed the land!

And when the two power contacts - the moment!

Countless sword light, Ye Xuan crazy violent retreat, and in the moment he retired, Chu Nan directly appeared in front of him, very fast, and then pointed out to leaves into the vision!

The Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, it is about to go out, but at this time, he suddenly feels that the Chuan movement in front of him seems slow!

Ye Xixiang is very shocked, the dark road is not good, even if you are busy, however, it is late, Chu Nan\'s direct point is in his eyebrows!


In a moment, Ye Xuan retired 100,000 feet.

Ye Xuan Kong stopped - !

His horrible view of Xuanjia directly fell!

At this time, Chuan once again appeared in front of Ye Xuan, this time, Ye Xuan sniffed the breath of death!

With the enemy of the heart, you are not a person, but the whole universe!

Because the other party can continue to take strength from this universe, there is no anti-anti-!

This is the heart!

Today, this whole side of the star field, the only one of the hearts!

Chu Nan looked at the Ye Xuan, the look at the time, "Damn!

When the sound falls, he has pointed out to the bluff in the leaves!

Previously, I saw that Xuan Jia took a lot of power to the meaning of Chu Nan, but now, the view of Xuanjia has been scrapped.

At this critical moment, Ye Xuan suddenly drums the heart of the law!


In an instant, Ye Xuan\'s entire body became a red gold!

At the same time, Ye Xuan\'s right hand turned, and a sword turned, straight into the belly of Chu.

He did not dodge, no defense, because it is too late!

Chuan speed is much faster than him!

At this moment, he can only live!

At this time, Chuan\'s fingers have been in the bluff in the leaves, and almost the same moment, the sword of Ye Xuan also cut out!



Ye Xuan\'s whole person flew out and flew out, flying out, the golden inch inch in his body was crushed, and the flesh is also cracking at a little bit, and blood sputtering!

Chuan did not shoot again. He bowed his head to his abdomen, his abdomen, there is a deep sword mark, blood, and the right source of constant spills!


Chu Nan looked up the Ye Xuan that fled away from the distance, and there were many daggers in the eyes!


Although it is just a difference, he knows what this is meant, meaning the difference between heavens!

It can be said that in the two sites, the difference has at least dozens of times!

Before he was, he could kill the sky, but at this moment, he didn\'t do it, not only this, but also hurt!

Chu Nan stared at Ye Xuan, although he was an enemy, but he had to admit that this young man is really excellent in front of him!

The more this, the other party is going to die!

Big Chu can always be said to the stars, that is, because of the big Chu has always killed the potential enemy in the cradle!

As long as it is not a big Chi, as long as it is too superior, it will die!

Chu Nan looked at the Yu Xuan in the distance, his right hand, lighted his abdomen, this pressure, a sword in his body was directly forced by hard work!

This sword gas is just that Ye Xuanqing Xuanjian is in his body, you want to destroy your vitality in his body!

After moving out the sword, Chu Nan looked at the Yu Xuan in the distance. Ye Xuan at this moment is like a blood, although the flesh is not crushed, but it has also been turtled into a spider mesh, as long as I touched it!

Chu Nan looked at Ye Xuan. Face!

The sound fell, he suddenly disappeared in the original place!


In front of Ye Xuan, a time and space suddenly broke, and Chuan appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and he once again pointed to the bluff.

Looking at the point in front of it, Ye Xuan\'s eyes suddenly shrunk into a needle, but it quickly returned to normal!


At this moment, in the face of death, he became calm!

People? Of course, he can call people!

However, he doesn\'t want to ask people!

If the other party, if the other party is much higher than himself, he will definitely not hesitate!

However, the other party has no group, the other party is only a first order than his Ye Xuan!

He did not want!

Once old, you can challenge it, why do you have any? At this point, Ye Xuan suddenly roared, in the body, the blood was crazy, at the same time, his soul and the flesh were directly burned here!

Burning soul!

Burning flesh!

What is the strongest sword? Just fight everything!

He has never done this, so he never know where his ultimate limit!

At this moment, he used his own life to live this sword!

This sword is out, life and death, the future is in the sky!

If you win, he is happy.

If you defeated, he recognized!

This is all right? At this moment, he did!


At this time, the blood in the hunter body is treated vigorous, and the next moment, these blood pulses directly changed.

The distant endless starry is deep, a man in a green shirt robes suddenly stopped, he looked at his body, at this moment, his blood was thrown.
