One Sword Reigns Supreme

2508 Swords in the second thousand four hundred and four chapters: people!

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Ye Xuan did not hesitate, directly with Qin Guanzhi, the universe!

In the starry sky, Ye Xuan lie on the ground, not a general!

Just now, he has already protected his views.

If it is not a schurna, he may have been hit by most of the power of the other party.

Oh shit!

The universe doesn\'t know him Ye Xuan!

Still to scare the owner!

No side: ".

Qin Guan went to Ye Xuan, she got an eye, Ye Xuan, then said: "Nothing?"

Ye Xuan just said that a blood came out again.

Qin Guan blinked, "It seems that there is something!

Ye Xuan: ".

Qin Guan squatted next to Ye Xuan, she took out a scarf to rub the blood of the mouth and then said; "It seems that we can only step by step!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Is the universe of the universe belong to the protector?"

Qin Guanji head.

Ye Xuan silent.

Qin Guan smiled: "Don\'t think that those chaos, step by step, there is nothing wrong!"

Ye Xuan nod, soft: "Listen to you!"

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "Go to the small tower, I helped you to achieve your mind!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I haven\'t hiped the country!"

Qin Guan smiled: "What is the relationship?"

Said, she is brothered: "Small mystery, I need you to help me block the big Chu\'s Changchu, as long as you send me, I am chaotic!


Ye Xuan Shen said: "Yes!

Qin Guan Dynasty Light View Ye Xuan, "will be very dangerous!

Because you can still have a way to compete with him even if you reach your mind.

Ye Xuan said: "As long as you say a word, don\'t say Dry Chuan, even if it is the master of the Dry Avenue, I do it!

Avenue pen owner: "???"

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan and whispered: "Thank you!"

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, "We say this, you can see some score!

Qin Guan smiled: "Good!

I will not say it in the future!

Ye Xuan nod, "then let\'s start!

Qin Guan Head, and then two people directly enter the small tower.



Topline star field, big chu.

Doubled in the town of Zhen Town, below is a big Chu Qiang.

Chu Nan looks calm, "What is the movement of the Xianbaoge?"

Below, a old man is going forward, "all the people in the martial arts, all people of Xianbaoge have been withdrawn!

If you have been withdrawn, it has become a cold body!

Chu Nan is laughing, "It is said that the Xianbao Pavilion has several unclear wealth in the boundless universe!

The old man looked at the Chuan, "Yes!

Chu Nan calmly said: "I have an ancient Yuanyuan Forward, I have a hundred billion ginsear every year.

Said, his eyes slowly, "Previously, the boundless universe is the land of the owner, the face of the owner, I am big, I\'m still given!"

But now, according to what I know, the owner has left the boundless place, that is, the burden of the universe, I can eat it!

The old man nodded slightly, "it is really!

Chu Nandao: "Xianbao Pavilion and Western College is the most powerful power of the universe?"

The old man nodded, "Yes!

Chu Nan opens his eyes, "Then I will destroy these two forces!

The old man nodded, "I am ready!

Chu Nan nodded, then disappeared in place.


Ancient temple.

Compared with several other forces, the ancient temple seems to be a candidate.

Temple in the mountains!

There are not many people in the temple, only twenty monks!

However, the lowest is a distinctive thing!

The ancient temple was practiced in the mountains all the year, and there was very low in the mountains.

In seconds, an old monk is swept away.

At this time, a monk came to the old monk, and his hands closed ten, slightly, "stay!

Old monk said: "Do you want to get on the boundless universe?"

The monk nod, "Yes!

The old monk nodded slightly, "I know!

The monk hesitated, then: "The boundless universe is a fat meat!

Old and still didn\'t talk, continue to sweep.

The monks still want to say anything, the old monk suddenly said: "Why is the owner suddenly give up the boundless place?"

The monks are stunned.

The old monk is still scanning in the distance, "Strive, let them compete, fight the end, the boundless universe, we leak the other side of the star field, Big Chu won, we went to the boundless cosmic fishing soup.

When he said this, he suddenly said a Buddha, "Amitabha, practice practice, one word,!



A unknown star field.

The three people have stopped, and the neighborhood looked at the distance. He was a huge ancient city. This ancient city was built deep in the starry sky. The wall is more than 10 million, and the city is also full of millions. High.

Before this city, the stars are somewhat small.

In the ancient city, there are three big characters: Warcorn.

At this moment, this war is full of a variety of strong corpses, and the walls have also appeared many gaps.

Next to the owner, Shen Ming Shen said: "This city is magnificent, the first!

Headless is calm: "I have never seen the world!

God name: "

There is no sudden road; "Is there any more than this grand city?"

There is a calm, "" This is just a desert, which is just a desert, which is just a desert.

Ten billion years ago, in this ancient, survived countless ancient super forces, these forces, you can\'t imagine, really, in that era, the air is in the face, the other side of the country What is the same as that.

And all forces are fighting for the ancient first holy city: ancient city.

God\'s eyebrows, "Ancient City?"

The main point of the main point, whisper: "A very special city, because there is, buried the body of the ancient Tiandi!

Shen Ming slammed, "Emperor.

In this world, the emperor, how much wool!

No side shook his head, "This ancient emperor is different, because he is the avenue pen owner personally seals, the ancient Tiandi, the first emperor of the ancient and modern people, once in the Holy King Temple in the nine yuan world, hit the Holy Kings Temple The big holy king did not dare to go out of the Holy Hall!

Said, he lightly said: "This ancient Tenthon is indeed a person.

God suddenly said: "Is the holy temple?"

The universe: "The universe you exist now is just a parallel universe, but only the heart of the world can barely touch the world of universe, from which the strength is used as heire.

And only the unobtrusive can be barely entered the second yuan universe, from which the power of the second Yuan universe is taken.

At present, this parallel universe is the highest realm, and can only enter the third Yuan universe, and everything is going on, it is a hundred times!

Said, he looked at God, "The Holy King Temple is in the ninth year of the world, you said that they can\'t hang?"

Shen Ming Shen said: "Hanging up!

There is no side of the world: "The ancient emperor was born in this world, but it was able to hit the ninth Yuan universe with a self-employment. He also won!

This is a bit away!

There is no sudden highway: "Is he dead?"

Head, whispering, "War!

There is no a little curious, "Who killed?"

The boundless, "he.

I can only say that my life is not very good.

Shenming suddenly said; "The Holy King is amazing, or is it?"

The boundless main expression is stiff.

After the side of the silence is silent, I said: "Can you not mention him in front of me?"

10, "No side, I am a bit curious about the arrogance of the king, he.

The owner suddenly erects the right hand, "stop!

Don\'t tell me him!

I really don\'t want to hear his name, just hear his name, I will hurt!

When I thought, Ye Xuan was threatening him, he didn\'t play, and immediately watched, "Grass!

My grass!

None: ".

God hesitated, then said: "Still pay attention to the quality!

No side, I am angry, "I don\'t have a quality?"

God hesitated, then nodded.

No side is angry: "At the Milky Way, the grass is just a plant, is plants understand?"

God name: "

There is no sudden pass; "With the owner, you have been to the Milky Way?"

I have a deep breath without a sigh of relief, and I have a mood, then said: "Been!

There is no a little curious, "What is the world?"

Headlon: "Night is good!"

Night club? At this time, the deep starry sky suddenly trembled.

There was no shocked with the heart of God, and I was busy looking at it. The distant is deep, and a group of strong people rushed to this side!

There are more than 100,000 feet!

When I saw this group of strong, I was unsatisfied with the god, and I became a moment!

Because this group of strong is so horrible!

The lowest power, all the gods, a middle-aged man who is headed by white, and has reached the heart!

The middle-aged man is still following a blue teenager. The teenager seems to be young, the face is cold, and a cold killing is exuded in his hand, and in his hands, he holds a high-prone one. Huge banner!

The banner is above, only two bright red characters: Big Chu!

Big Chu!

At this time, there is no side of the light: "This is the ancient farmland of Chu and the other year.

The middle-aged man headed, it should be the Chu Tianxing of the highest realm in the realm, and the super enchanting of the times!

Said, he looked at the children of Chutian, "this should be the Chutian!

A anti-day character with protagonist.


There is no a little curious, "What is the protagonist aura?"

Headless, calm,: "It is very burden.

None: ".

Shen Ming said: "Still don\'t understand!"

The boundless main road: "Do you know the king? He is before!

God is morally, then said: "Isn\'t he not now?"

After the side of the silence is silent, he said: "Since he gives up the effort, he is now not hosted by the protector!

He is now completely lying!

How do you want to wave?

Oh shit!


God is somewhat curious, "Is that the king is amazing, or is this people with the protagonist?"

After a long time, "people who have the protagonist, the people who have the protagonist, and the people of the mountains, are people who are destiny!

Do you think yourself!

God name: "
