One Sword Reigns Supreme

2497 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and eighty-four chapters: You will do it!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

That\'s also!

Praying in the sky, looking at you, no words.

When you don\'t play others, this mouth is still close.

You know, this is not good!

Qingli turned his head and looked at the Qingqi in the distance, and Qingqiu was also watching her at the moment.

The two have seen an eye and did not speak.

Qingre turned to look at Ye Xuan, "walk away!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

After that, the brothers and sisters walked in the distance.

At this time, Ye Xuan seems to think of what, he turned to look at Qin Guan, "Come!

Wen Yan, Qin Guan is first, then quickly smiled: "Good!

After that, she quickly followed the past.

In this way, in the eyes of everyone, the three people walked in the distance!

In the field, Ding peony medicine looked at the Ye Xuan three in the distance, whispered: "Is it over?"

Qingqiu shook his head.

Ding peony medicine turned to look at Qingqiu, "Why?"

Qingqiu whispered: "The owner, there is still no death!"

Wen Yan, Ding peony medicine is silent.

On the side, Annan suddenly turned around, seeing, Ding Yami quickly asked, "Xiao An, where?"

Annan Jingou does not return, "practice!

After that, she has disappeared in the deep situation.

At this time, Tianxiu and Praying Tian also turned around, Ding Yami was busy: "You have to go?"

Tian Xiu turned to look at Ding peony medicine, "practice!

After that, she disappeared directly with the praying days.

I have to say that this battle has three impacts on them. Originally, in their eyes, they should be the strongest outside the sky, but now, it is not!

The universe, countless!

Ding Yam suddenly looked at the scene, and the scene readed slightly smiled. "I will wait for a while!

Ding peony nod, "Good!

After finishing, she looked at the temple of the Nether.

After the first day, he was silent, and he said: "We have to leave!

Ding peony has some curiosity, "Where is it?"

Pluto: "Practice!

After that, she took her wife and went to the depths of the stars.

Ding peony is whispered, "" can be played, all of them! "

Qingqiu suddenly said; "Isn\'t there me?"

Ding peony medicine turned to look at Qingqiu, the mouth is slightly.


The deep starry sky, the never-faced main face is inchabulent, "You don\'t say that they will appear again?"

At this time, the voice of the avenue owner suddenly sounded in the scene, "I don\'t know your purpose to kill him!

You are fine!

Kill him, with the worry, ending my world.

You are doing this!

Hey, the lake: "I just want to try, I don\'t really want to do it!"

After the avenue owner is silent, he said: "Do not take the case!

No side smiled: "You said, don\'t prefer him!"

The avenue pen owner angered: "You still have to be stupid before, do you not be stupid? That is to choose to rely on yourself, you want to make yourself to make a generation, because so, the three swords do not have forced intervention But now, he will not make a generation!

He is going to do the king!

No side, "" What is it? "

The avenue pen owner angered: "What is it? That means that he has not returned to me now!

Now he, as long as he is playing, he is called a sister, play Niim a hammer!

No side silence.

The master of the avenue also said: "You really will do it!"

The owner suddenly suddenly said: "If you are shot, I will succeed!

Avenue pen owner cold channel: "You are not afraid of death, I am afraid of death!"

The boundless lasp is sigh.

The owner of the avenue also said: "You are best not to mess!

The boundless arms shrugged, and then disappeared directly in the deep side.


In the field, a sigh suddenly sounded.


A certain starry sky.

Ye Xuanzhi has Qin Guan and Qin Guan, who is walking in the distance, Qin Guan will take a green child from time to time, and it is full of curious colors.

Qingmen looked at Qin Guan, "How?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Can I ask you a few questions?"

Qingren directly: "No!

Qin Guan immediately turned to look into Ye Xuan, giving Ye Xuan to make the eyes.

Ye Xuan smiled and then looked at you, laughed: "Qing, Qin Guan girl is very good, helping me a lot!"

Qing Dather turned to look at Qin Guan, "ask!

Qin Guan gave a thumbs up to Ye Xuan, then looked at you, seriously: "Do you think technology is the way to exceed the martial arts civilization?"

Qingli looked at Qin Guan, "What is the way you said, is it a knowledge, right?"

Qin Guanji head.

Qingyan Road: "The way to practice, it is the brain, the way of technology, is also brain.

Therefore, the so-called science and technology road and the martial arts are all pulse, and the difference is that the martial arts cultivation is its own, and the technology of technology is the external object.

After Qin Guan silent, she paired, and a piece of armor appeared in her hands.


Qin Guan looked at the young, "this one, represents the defensive side of the science and technology" of the technology I have, please give pointed!

The green palm is spread, and the view is slowly floating to her hand. She swept her, then said: "A piece of A, 10 million array!

Guan nodded, "powerful, right?"

Young children looked Guan, "junk!

Guan expression froze.

Ye Xuan suddenly said; "within a little armor, it contains ten million kinds matrix method, which has been very much of it!

Guan smile shaking his head, "Actually, what she said, what does a lot of money!

Once in the Milky Way, there is a thing called chips, which can be hidden billions of transistors, but this is a long, long time before technology.

Then, she paused, then said: "I used this principle, this piece of some of the world\'s top sinks hidden matrix method in which, unfortunately, now technology is not enough, can not be hidden more!

Young children suddenly said: "You are an excellent idea!

Qin also said to watch young children, young children: "Unfortunately, your in the wrong direction!

Qin Guan quickly said: "Please enlighten big brother!

Young children looked Guan, "You can burn ten million kinds of space-time space on this armor, then create a time and space to do battle formation in these space, this way, you do not is the ability to even hundreds of billions hundreds of millions or billions of matrix method hidden inside this armor? "

Ye Xuan: ".

Qin Guan Chen Sheng said: "Initially, when thought about, but difficult to implement!

Because to do so, it requires a very powerful carriers of, otherwise, the general object simply bear a huge world. "

Then, she saw the young child, "you gave Xiaoxuan Zi Xuan sword to create a green, very sturdy body, but Zhebing Jian was just an ordinary material, how do you do it?"

Young children looked Guan, "which involves a higher level of knowledge, you can understand it?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Guan laughed; "Tell me!

Green children nodded and said; "material immortality!

Guan Chen Sheng said; "I know the material, but how to be able to make the material immortality?"

Qingli looked at Qin Guan, "practice.

Said, her palm is booming, a tree is slowly floating, "The matter is immortal, what is the extent to which it is constantly transforming, transforming what exempted?

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "The scales of the second are hard, is it to say, she is constantly changing myself?"

Qingli looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Brother, you are so smart!"

Ye Xuan: ".

Jindier said: "The crazy head is practicing, then relying on the practice to constantly constantly change their scales, after a certain limit, it can be indestructible.

Practice, it is a constant Nirvana to rebirth again and again!

After saying, she looked to Qin Guan, "said the way of technology and martialo, this is one, the two can complement each other!

As for how to make the material reach the true immortality, this is what you should consider.

Qin Guan Shen said: "Is there a good way to make a simple method?"

Qingyue is calm: "I don\'t know!"

Qin Guanwei looked at Ye Xuan, and he fierce it to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then looked at you, "Jindier.

You know, right? "

Jinger looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Of course!

Qin Guanzhao mouth slightly smoked.

Qing Dynasty looks to Qin Guan. "What method do you use will not be in this one?"

Qin Guan Shen said: "Compressed!

Speaking of this, she suddenly shrinks, and her eyes are excited, "I understand!

I understand!


I can now use my grasp of technology will continue to compress some material, then turn the compression of these substances continues to combine, and finally compressed, so again, after a certain level, will be able to produce what I need!

Young children looked Guan, did not speak.

Qin Guan excited: "The fate of the girl, the last question!

Dai Mei Wei Cu young children.

Guan mysterious leaves quickly gave a wink.

Hyun leaves some headaches, if someone else, he still could refuse, but this rich woman.

You can not refuse ah!

Xuan Ye Qing children pulled the hand, softly; "young children, she was the last question!

Young children looked Guan, "he said!

Guan watching young children, seriously said: "How can disregard any time and space barriers, so that thousands of the universe, an idea to it!

She knows that the immediate fate of the universe is not torn, but transferred directly.

Across numerous star field, and instantly reach a destination, this is really an exaggeration!

If you do pass it, her way of science and technology will be a qualitative change, as a result, all of her weapons can take advantage of this principle, let their attack speed to reach the most extreme!

Who stand up? Young children: "The disregard for time and space obstacles, you have to jump out of time and space!

Guan Wei Zhou brow, "out of time and space?"

Young children looked Guan, "do you think of where I stand now, it is in this space and time?"

Lengle Leng Guan, then said: "You.

Young children said: "I was standing outside all the time and space, and then folding time and space!

Then, spread out her palm, then gently pinch, "as long as I want, the whole universe can instantly folded into a piece of paper!

Ye Xuan is a horror.

Qin Guan silen for a long time, excited: "I understand!

Qingli looked at Qin Guan, "Is there a problem?"

Qin Guan quickly shook his head, "no!

Qing Dynasty direct attention Qin Guan, "Then you still don\'t go? I have to be alone with my brother!"

Qin Guan: ".


PS: Thanks to all reward readers when broadcasting yesterday, thank you for your support!

Strive to make a release, wait for me to make a break!

thanks for your support!