One Sword Reigns Supreme

2498 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and eighty-five chapters: she invincible, he invincible!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Qin Guan gone!

Some depressed leave.

After Qin Guan, the greens followed Ye Xuan continued to walk towards the distance.

Ye Xuan looked at the depths of the stars in the distance. At this moment, he was very relaxed, and the shackles in the heart were no longer.

On their own? Do not!

He is now recognized!

He Ye Xuan is to do it by the king.

Let go of your heart, let\'s put down the shackles, a light!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan turned his head and looked to you, "Are you still walking?"

Young noddes.

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Where is it?"

The young people reach a hand, "The owner of the avenue never touched!

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, "It\'s not that the avenue owner is everything in this world because of all fruits? And everything is everywhere.

Qingyan shook his head.

Ye Xuan looked at you, waiting for explanation.

Qingli whispered: "He is in this world, almost invincible, but in his own world.

Said, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, "he mixed very badly.

Ye Xuan: ".

Yue looked up at the deepest place of the starry sky. She didn\'t know where she saw it. After a long time, she whispered: "Brother, live, happy."

As for invincible.

I am invincible, is you invincible? "

Ye Xuanlian is busy nodding, agreed, "Yes!


The corner of the green mouth is slightly picked up, "I am alive, happy is alive, and I can\'t help it.

Said, she refers to himself, "call me!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he tightly pulled the hands of the young children and said: "must!

The young smiled slightly, pulling Ye Xuan walked in the depths of the stars.

On the Xixiang, a sword suddenly poured out, then getting stronger and stronger!

Second generation? By Mountain King? He used to be bound by these, he always wants to prove himself, prove that his Ye Xuan can also make a generation, prove that his Ye Xuan can not rely on anyone!

And the facts tell him, or the rose king is the most cool!

For a time, it is cool, it has been relying on, it has been cool!

He, recognized!

Ye Xuan has not thought that when he chooses to be assigned, his swords have become more and more stronger!

What is this? Ye Xuan Baisi can\'t solve, so he asked yourself, "Yue, you see, my sword is strong!"

Qingyue pulled the hand of Ye Xuan, and laughed: "Shun from the heart!

Ye Xuan silent.

Qingyan Road: "The practice is cultivated, and" cultivating, it is to repair yourself.

It seems that it is like a forged sword, you need to keep it yourself!

What you put down is to obeys, not yourself, therefore, your sword is broken.

Said, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Do you think people are very shameful?"

Ye Xuan silent.

Qingli smiled and said: "I didn\'t rely on you, and I finally gone alive? Your father, did you rely on many people?"

Said, her voice became soft, "Brother, no matter what you rely on you, don\'t go to tangle, you will fight, but I will call me, I will call me!"

Ye Xuan nod, "I understand!

I heard the words, and the young heart suddenly turned into a breath!

I finally flicked!

She really doesn\'t want Ye Xuan so tired, but Ye Xuan has always rely on himself, she is helpless, and ultimately can only respect, give him the opportunity to exercise.

But in her opinion, there is no need!

She invincible, he invincible!

after one day.

Yellow leaves!

This time is different from once, because this time, as long as he wants to see you, you can call!

Simply, he opened an ultimate active skill.


Once he didn\'t contact yourself, but now it is different!

Not the same!

As long as he thinks, he can summon yourself at any time!

Ye Xuan looked at the endless starry sky, after a moment, he smiled: "Now this universe, I want to go horing!"

After finishing, he turned and left.


Watching an institution.

The previous battle, ended with the comprehensive victory of Xuanzios.

Nowadays, the Xuan universe can be described as a hundred waste, and now, the Xuan universe has no enemy and can develop rapidly!

Under the management of Dinghao Pharmaceutical and Qingqiu, the view of the Xuan universe will slowly return to normal and then develop.


On this day, Ye Xuan licked in the yard, he looked at the Erlang legs, stuffed with the sun, looked at the ancient book.

A light!

Cultivate? He is now unsettled!

Practice this kind of thing, it is good, there is no need to force!

At this time, a woman was slow.

It is Anzhen show!

Ye Xuanqi, he took the shot and laughed: "Sit this!

Anzhen Xiu went to Ye Xuanzhi to sit down, she looked at Ye Xuan, "Is it over?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "only started!

Anzhen Xiu brows micro wrinkle.

Ye Xuan smiled: "My current goal is to change the Xuan universe and the boundless universe, I know, this is very complicated, hard, but I will try to do it, I want to create a new one in this invasive order!

Anzhen show, "I know!

Ye Xuan looked at Anzhen show, smiled: "I have been very tired before, because I have worked hard, I am handsome for three days, and my enemies are always inexplicably powerful!

And I said that I have to rely on myself every day.

So, every time you are shot, I feel that I am playing my face.

Said, he lied down and laughed: "Now, I suddenly be more comfortable!"

Who dares to bully me, or group me, I am called!

Anzhen is silent.

Ye Xuan looked at Anzhen Xiu, smiled: "Go, we go to the boundless universe!"

After finishing, he pulled the Anzhen\'s hand and then took directly to the end of the starry.


The boundless universe.

After the loss of the owner, the boundless universe can be described as a group of unresparable, not only that, now the world\'s boundless power, it is impossible to panic!

Nothing is boundless, who will stop watching Xuan Academy and Xianbao Pavilion? The things that happen to Xuan universe have already known, so they are desperate!

The owner has escaped, how is this? Surrender!

Only surrender!

When Ye Xuan took Anzhen to enter the borderless city, a middle-aged man appeared in front of the two.

The two are the family of Moros!

Muo deeply averaged Ye Xuan and Anzhen Xiu, "I have seen Ye Leo!

Ye Xuan looked at the Fog, laughed: "Is there something?"

Muo is busy: "I call the Mui to welcome Ye!"

Ye Xuan pulled the Anzhen Xiu went to Mu Yu, and he gently patted the shoulders of Mu Yu, laughed: "Tell the big power of the universe, my Ye Xuan is not coming to revenge, let them don\'t worry Fear!

I heard it, and I was suddenly a sigh of relief.

Ye Xuan also said: "There are still some things in my back. Do you need to cooperate, no problem?"

Movus is busy; "no problem!

Absolutely no problem!

, "Follow me with the Qin Pachel, definitely mixed with the owner!

After that, he took the Anzhen Xiu walked in the distance.

Originally, Muo once again loosen!

In fact, he is really afraid of Ye Xuan to retaliate. If Ye Xuan is retaliating, then they are a little chance!

Don\'t say anything else, you will be desperate!

Now, who can hit Ye Xuan in the territory? .

on the street.

Ye Xuan asked, "What is going on next?"

Anzhen is silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Leave it to me!

Anzhen showed Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan tightly pulled Anzhen\'s hand, whispered: "We are coming out from Qingcheng, and now, you will be around you!"

Anzhen Xiuyan: "You are, not missing women!"

Wen said, Ye Xuan expression stiff, but he quickly returned to normal, then said: "But you are unique in my heart!

Anzhen show turns to look into Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

Ye Xuan was turned to look at Anzhen show, looked at the beautiful face in front of him, and he suddenly rose a whisper!

At this moment, he suddenly hate his own love and fraternity!

Ye Xuan smiled, in fact, you are not a lot, just want to give every girl!

I didn\'t think about this tangled problem, and Ye Xuan was in the Anzhen Xiu continued to go far away.


after one day.

The book of Xuanxuan and Xianbaoge once again in the border city. At the same time, the Western Academy and Xian Baoge began to build a border city, not only, the two began to build an alias and Xianbao Pavilion in the boundless space of the universe. .

And this time, there is no difficulty!

The boundless universe is a positive cooperation. Like the once, these super forces will actively send the excellent genius from the family to the school!

Now I am watching the identity of the school student, it is equivalent to a life!

Now, there is no boundless universe, the boundless universe is called the universe!

Although I chose to do the king, the cultivation of Ye Xuan did not stop, he did not manage the mysterious book and Xianbaoge, daily is cultivating with Anzhen.

The two people have different points, and they are really fun.

Of course, this is because Ye Xuan did not use the outer object, if he uses foreign objects, Anzhen is still fighting him!

His view of Xuanjia has a brilliant sword, which can be super anti-sky.

In this way, at a point in the past, the Watching Xuan universe after the war before the event, but more barters!

Because there is a full support of the Fairy Pavilion!


On this day, Qin Guan suddenly came to Ye Xuan\'s courtyard, she looked at Ye Xuan, laughed; "I am coming farewell!"

Ye Xuan brows, "Say good?"

Qin Guantuan, "I have to go to the other side of the star!"

My adventure team has explored an unknown universe, so I want to take some people to build a pass array!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "I will go with you!"

Qin Guanzhi suddenly, then said: "Are you going?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Go see it.

Qin Guan wants to think, nod, "then together!

Now follow you, very safe, walk by the mountain, .

Ye Xuan: ".
