One Sword Reigns Supreme

2496 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and eighty-three chapters: Where is your home? Refers to a direction!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Su skirt destiny!

When the moment of destiny appears plain skirt, boundless main face instantly upheaval, he had no hesitation, Yi Chan stature, direct Putui in a million!

When that moment boundless main retreat, all the moments in the field back to normal!

Young children there is no reason that the boundless main retreat, this moment, she only leaves mysterious eyes, she walked slowly in front leaf mysterious, she pulled leaves mysterious hands, smiled, "I\'m coming!

I am coming!

Begin to feel the warmth of heart, leaves mysterious smile, "let you down!

He leaves mysterious, and ultimately their fate!

Do backing the king!

Strong generation? Fuck strong generation, the second generation is not a strong smell? Green took the child leaves mysterious hand, smiled and softly said: "How can I will never disappoint you down to Costa Rica?!

Ye looked mysterious young children, hesitated, then said: "? That I made a strong second generation"

Green child micro mouth lift, "Good!

Ye Xuan laughed.

Green children turned and looked at the distant millions inside and outside, boundless owners have not seen!

After just back, when young children to speak with the mysterious leaf, infinity is already the main escape, now, he who has no idea where he was.

The Lord has boundless escape, but those top strong field did not get away, at the moment they are still ignorant of.

How boundless Lord suddenly ran out? At this time, young children suddenly looked up to the sky statue of a giant fire spiritual family, to see the young children it seems that the giant statue of the fire Eldar suddenly his right hand slowly clenched up, the next moment, it suddenly toward the position of young children suddenly is a blow.

The punch blasted, a pillar of fire plummet from the sky, if Zhe Yiquan down, the whole concept of mysterious universe is afraid to be torn apart!

Seeing this fire, the Giant suddenly shot, the young, the eye smoked, and the sleeves were flying out.


Among the eyes of everyone, the sidewalk sword directly caves, the huge arm of the fire, and then it is not in its eyebrows along its arm!


The huge fire, the body is trembled, and it is directly used by this sword in the same place. No matter how it struggles, I can\'t break this sword!

The fire-fighting giant looked at the younger, "you.

Qing Dynasty direct view of the fire, "Where is your home?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The fire is trembling: "You.

You are.

Qingyan\'s eyebrows, next moment, her palm is open, the sidewalk sword is slightly trembled, one instant, the fireman giant is directly illusory!

The Fulien Giant\'s face has changed because it finds it to be erased!

Qingli looked at the firework giants, "refers to the direction!

The death of death is close to the Fulien Giant has to succumb to the right hand slowly lift it, then point to the right.

The green palm is spread, and the shank sword on the top of the firefritic giant is suddenly rushed to the sky, and then disappears in the eyes of everyone.

Trims of the Star Field, Fully.

The fire is living in the fire world, the fire world is different from the other world, this is a world that is completely composed of magma, at the temperature, up to tens of millions of degrees, the outsiders are at all in this world.

It is precisely because of this, the fire is the superior force of the top five of the martyrdom of the fire.

In the past few years, there have been no forces to attack the fire world!

On this day, a swager suddenly resounded throughout the other side of the star, which followed, and the sword directly appeared in the air world!

In the fire world, countless firemon workers have looked up to the sword, and the eyes are full of solving and curious!

At this time, in the fire world, a sudden roaring suddenly, "Who dares to commit me a fire world? Is it lucky?"

As this voice falls, a huge fireman is from the sky.

At this time, the shank sword pen straight!


This fall, in an instant, the whole fire world is hard to be eradicated!

All buried, one is not left!

The whole side is shocked!

All strong people turned to look at the fire world, and they see, only one paint is black!

The entire fire world is removed!

All mutual somewhere is already awkward, who is doing? .

Watching in Xuan, I am open, and the sword returns to her. She looked at the fire giant, "You can go home!

The fire giant trembling: "Really?"

Young noddes.

After the fire is turned and run, after running dozens of star fields, I saw the woman didn\'t shoot, and it suddenly made a breath, the next moment, its look became pushed, "actually did not kill.

Take my return to the races and kill again.

After that, it disappeared in the deep situation of the stars.


Watching in muanchuan, I looked at the giant imaginary pictures, I saw it in the eyes of Qing, and one of the huge false pictures suddenly said: "You, we are the protection of the Temple of the Star Word of the Shore.

Said, they pointed to the next Ye Xuan, "our goal is just him, nothing to do with others!"

Qingren look at the virtual image of the speech, "God Mission?"

That huge virtual image nodded, "Yes!

Very good!

God Ming Hall, that is one of the five super power of the mutual field, the strength and the heritage are still above the fire!

Qing suddenly nodded, "Good!

The sound fell, she paired, the next moment, the sideway sword disappeared without seeing, when they appeared again, already in the mutter field!


The Shenming industry is a group of special practice, claiming to be god, and the strength is mysterious.

On this day, a sword suddenly appeared in the Shenming world, and at this time, in the gods, a huge statue of a grand temple suddenly slowly looked up, it looked at the sword, next moment, it Suddenly roaring, "the enemy!


This sound roars, resounding the whole god!

Enemy? In the Shenming Dynasty, countless strong people came up and somewhat.

Who dares to make a god world? At this time, the statue of the roar suddenly rushed to the sword directly!

At the same time, some gods in the field also rushed to the sky.

At this time, the shank sword suddenly fell straight!


This fall, the whole Shenming industry is directly erased, all the gods of the gods are dead!

The opposite star field, all the strong people look at the direction of Shenming, that direction, black!

The entire Shenmin is full of hundreds of millions, and at this moment, the time and space of hundreds of millions is directly erythowed.

There is a horrible color in the eyes of the superbdom of the shalaria, and the three super forces are immediately started to start the top defense big array in their respective families and enter the special alert.


Watching in muanchuan, the green palm is spread, the sidewalk appears in her hands, and the sky, the three huge virtual images browned, I don\'t solve it!

Just then, one of them saw what I found. When the face is instant, it looks at the youth, and it is full of horror, "you.


Qingren look calm, "What?"

The emblem is full of horror, "No."


Absolutely impossible.

You can\'t wear my sword, I am god!

This is absolutely impossible!

? In the field, everyone looked at you!

This woman gave people home? Everyone is somewhat!

And the three ladies and Gu Shen Jun at the moment are mainly petrified!


Now they, only fear!

At this time, the green suddenly wandered, and a sword was on the sky, the moment, the remaining three virtual images were directly erased!

Even the power is not!

On the side, Annan Jing looked at the green, did not speak.

Tianxiu and Praying Day are also watching you, and they are more cold, after all, have been with grievances!

Of course, they have two people!

This woman is simply like God, no, the so-called God cannot compare with her!

Powerful to make people despair!

Qingre suddenly looked at the three ladies and Gu Shen Jun, seeing you, and the two faces were dramatic.

Gu Shen Jun quickly said: "You, I am a nation.


Have not finished, a sword is already in the hole!

It is the sidewalk sword!

Three lady faces instantly become pale!

Qingli looked at the gods, "Where is your home? Refers to a direction!

Gu Shen Jun\'s face became pale, and there was no blood color!

At this moment, Qin Guan suddenly appeared in the field, she pointed to the right, "I know, over there."

Gu Shen Jun: "

Qingmen looked at the Qin Guan, the palm is spread, and the Qing Xuanjian between the gods, suddenly disappeared in the same place!


Different God.

At the same god circles, a man stood quietly.

This person is a distant family, he looked at the sword of the sudden appearance, gently smiled, "To destroy me is from God? Come, let me see, you have.

The sidewalk sword suddenly fell!


In an instant, the whole is directly into the ashes!

There is no viser!


Watching muanchuan, next to Ye Xuan, the young man is spread, the Qing Xuan sword returns to her, see this scene, the third lady is sitting directly on the ground!

She knows that she is gone!

Qing Dai\'s sleeves, a sword is suddenly flying out, in an instant, all the strengths of the whole sky disappeared!

Hard students are erased!

Restore calm in the field!

Seeing this scene, Qin Guan in the side touched his small bag, and then admired: "Really big!

Everyone: ".

Below, you will look at the Ye Xuan, a slight smile in front of it, "brother, kill it!

After the Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "Young, you are too strong!"

They are in front of you.

Even the ant ants are not on!

Qingli looked at Ye Xuan, "In front of me, except you, who is not a antity?"

On the side, praying the sky suddenly said: "The sword swordsman is in the White Robe."

Qingmen looked at it and prayed. "In my eyes, they both!

Everyone: ".
