One Sword Reigns Supreme

2495 The second chapter of the two thousand four hundred and four chapters: I don't want to work!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Hyun leaves turned around and looked, not far away, a woman walking slowly, the woman wore a blue dress, long hair fluttering, hands still carrying a fish had been eating.

When the woman saw, leaf mysterious face again in a hint of a smile, "read sister!

Curtain obsessed!

Lord of Heaven today!

Hyun leaves obsessed suddenly appeared in front of the curtain, he looked at the woman in front of the familiar, softly: "Sister read, long time no!

Curtain obsessed hand gently wipe the blood leaves mysterious mouth, he smiled and said: "very miss!

Ye Xuan laughed!

Have to say, he was very happy at the moment!

He had many enemies, appeared one by one, how can he not happy? In particular concept sister, before one another, he never seen curtain obsessed, but he did not think now at this critical moment, even personally came to read sister.

Have to say, it makes his heart warm!

See like a child leaves mysterious smile, curtain obsessed with a smile, she gently rubbed the leaves mysterious head, then smiles: "When will reminisced again!

Then she turned to look unto four huge virtual image, laughing: "? The little guy, you know what the four of them are right."

Ye Xuan seriously said: "One look is not good!

Obsessed with the mysterious curtain Baileyiyan leaves, then he said: "They called four Dafa God, from the other side of the distant stars, even stars on the other side, also belong to a head, face.

Xuan Ye Chen Sheng said: "This is the enemy, hit more, playing strong, I was almost unable to cope!

Curtain obsessed with light laugh: "Nothing!

Then, she gently patted the shoulder mysterious leaf, "to borrow a sword with you!

After that, she suddenly rushed to the sky, the next moment, the Qing Xuanjianhua in Ye Xuan is in the hands of swords and light appears in the hands of the sky scene!


A sword sounds torn the sky!

In the distance, that is a shot of a huge imagination of the first hand, "Little antity, also dare to take the God!

Said, it suddenly took a step forward, and he went to the scene!


This smashing, all of the gods of Xuan Zhen felt a horrible pressure of destroying the earth!

These top-level strong people have the powerful power of the universe!

Among the eyes of everyone, the scenes have been directly sword!

This is the hard!


Suddenly, a fried sound was fried in the starry sky, which followed, the huge virtual image of the lungee was directly retired to 100,000 feet, he just stopped, his hand in his hands was directly broken into Countless fragments!

See this scene, the next Ye Xuan suddenly swayed, roar, "the sister, forever!

Forever God!

Below, there are countless strong people who will see the mysterious books are also boiling at this moment!

Qingqiu looked at the scenery of the starry sky, smiled slightly, "Yes!

Ding peony medicine turned to look at Qingqiu, blinking, "Is it ok?"

Qingqiu smiled and didn\'t talk.

Ding peony medicine is silent, and the heart is quite complicated. At this moment, she suddenly remembered who the eyes were able to make her feel that the universe, this universe should not exceed the number of hands.

The giant imagination of the starry sky, looked at the giant imagination of the scenery, and his face, the next moment, he was so furious, anger, a boxing scene Men!


This punch, the whole star river is boiling directly, like a super tsunia, the whole tablet is directly picked up hundreds of thousands of feet high, the horrific!

The whole starry sky is extremely small in front of it!

In the face of this horrible punch, the distant, the scene is calm, she suddenly jumped, immediately, she was a sword!


A sword is like a thunder, blinking, followed, a sharp tear sound is in the scene, the next moment, the endless time and space is directly torn out, the mouth appears, the scene is directly disappeared In the same place!


A sword light entered the mouth, quiet, suddenly, millions of miles of star fields were directly smashed by a sword, while a huge virtual image was slowly falling.

Seeing this scene, the next Ye Xuan face once again ranked a smile, and the heart is also a breather!


Still so good, still so powerful!

On the starry sky, the scenes of the scenes have a brightest sword, the long skirt fluttering, like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks, and in her hands, the Qing Xuan sword slightly fused, and the sound of the sword.

The curtain is turned to see the depths of the distant starry sky, laughing: "No side, a trick?"

No main point, "Yes!

The scene suddenly rushed to the sky, a sword is boundless!


The sword torn the sky and crushed everything!

The starry is deep, the main gods are calm, he stepped forward in front of him, and the right hand turned, and then the down is a pressure, this pressure, surrounded by the starry sky, suddenly the ancient singing suddenly diffuse The whole starry sky!


The sword is broken, and a pen is straight down!

After instantly, the scenery has appeared in the next way to see Xuanzi!

And the power of the horrible power still has no disappearance, swept, this is falling, the whole view is destroyed!

See this scene, the Ye Xuan\'s face is instantly changed, she will shoot, and at this time, one hand holds his shoulder, it is Qingqiu!

Qingqiu\'s sleeves, a sword is on the sky!


Sword is torn, and suddenly returns to normal during the world.

Deep, deep, no side, "" "The girl, your sword can\'t hurt me!"

The scenery looked at the unilateral owner in the depths of the stars, and she was rare in her eyes.

Just now, she has seen her gap with each other!

At this time, Qingqiu suddenly spoken: "At present, the universe, only three swords can kill him, even the avenue pen owner, now, it is not to him!"

Said, she looked at the scene, laughed: "However, the girls who have a girl are also very good, your future achievements will not be under him!"

The scene is laughing; "It doesn\'t matter, but it\'s just that I can\'t be discouraged. After all, the universe is unlimited, except for the three swords, there is no countless super power.

Qingqiu nod, laugh: "Yes!

At this time, the no side suddenly suddenly said: "Then let\'s start!"

Qingqiu looks boundless master, "Good!

The boundless main heart is booming, and it is slowly drifting from his palm. The next moment, the Rong is directly burning.


This burning, a blood red flame suddenly swept the time and space in front of him, very fast, the flame violently beloved, the next moment, a flame giant splendid out!


With the emergence of this flame giant, the scene is one of the stars!

Unable to withstand it!

This flame giant is up to ten times, the first born is a black corner, the arms are like a sunny giant column, and every step, the whole star river is a drama, as if the earthquake is general!

The scene of the scene is slightly smashed, "the fire!


Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the scene, "also from the other side of the strand?"

Nodded, "This family can enter the top five in the stars!

This no-theiel is actually able to demonstrate them.

Ye Xuan is silent, he also has some egg pain, he found that this enemy is really bigger, the more you do, continue this, when is it? At this point, Ye Xuan suddenly looked up to the owner, "No side, I think it doesn\'t mean this!"

What is your brand, can you finish it in one time? We will win, don\'t ink!

The side of the laugh is: "Okay!

After finishing, his right hand speared his right hand, far away, siege and Tianxiu also have a strong back.

Annan Jing three women\'s brows are frowned!

And the other side, the top of the universe is also stopped, then retreats to the boundless main body, the girls in the quiet temple have not continued to continue, they will retreat to Ye Xuan.

Among the stars, there is no side to face the next Leaf Xuan and others, and the top of the three-dimensional universe is basically gathered!

After that, he suddenly referred to the woman, and laughed: "How do I, I will play with you, An Wu, Tianxiu, prayer, and a curtain girl, you have four people together, how to ? "

One fight!

I heard the words, and the Ye Xuan face was changed.

Annan suddenly said: "Don\'t use four, I am convenient!"

The sound fell, she suddenly rushed to the sky!

In the stars, there is no longer laugh: "It is an An Wu god, it is strong!

Then he suddenly take a step forward, a pointing out, pointing out that moment, the entire galaxy burst open, a huge crack up thousands of miles across the entire suddenly endless galaxy, and also at a breakneck speed toward the boundless universe spread away, and not a time to rest, the entire boundless universe of endless Galaxy also do broken.

A broken finger Galaxy!

This is just the result of power refers to leakage.

Below, An Nanjing eyes flashed a touch of ferocious, a move her wrist, hand guns suddenly facing a thorn.

Make every effort shot!

Thorn in the gun directly on the infinite Lord\'s fingertips.


Suddenly, the world is trembling fear, the next moment, Annan Jing collapse, officials directly back to the place, but then she disappeared into place directly, the stars, and refers to the boundless main swept away.


The sweep, the sweep accurately gunpoint An Nanjing guns.


Direct rifles cracked, and the sudden release Annan Jing guns, a rotating, kick down towards the boundless main head kick in the past.

Boundless suddenly raised his left hand main rail!


An Nanjing boundless main abruptly stopped all the forces, and motionless!

An Nanjing Yi Chan stature, flash backwards, back Baizhang, escaped the boundless main right-handed punch, but the next moment, the infinite Lord suddenly appeared in front of her, the next moment, countless blur Luezhi.


An Nanjing eyes slowly closed again.

The next moment, in the eyes of all, An Nanjing battle and retreat.

See this scene, Ye Xuan face silen down.

At this time, Annan suddenly opened his eyes, she fierce her hands, "Wu Zhiji!

The sound falls, she suddenly swayed!


This punch, countless residual shadows dissipated, the world is dark, countless star rivers!

Without the side, he stopped. After he stopped, he looked at Annan Jing in the distance: "It is a person who has also strongly talented the sword sword swords, but you don\'t have time to add, otherwise , Your achievements are not under the swordsman!

Annan Jing looked at the owner, "You are not your own!

Not a body!

At this point, everyone in the field is shocked!

There is no one in front of you is not your own!

Below, Ding Yam turned to look at Qingqiu, "Do you know that he is not your own?"

Qingqi nod.

Ding peony medicine looked at Qingqiu, "Why don\'t you say it?"

Qingqiu shook his head, "said that it is nothing to say, there is no significance.

Ding peony medicine is silent.

Just then, the owner suddenly suddenly said: "This is over!

After finishing, he looked down the next Ye Xuan, "To break, you have to kill you first, I will sacrifice yourself, kill you, to break the life of this generation, break the unlimited bureau, you die, the avenue owner exists again Significance, everything in the world will take a break.


Suddenly, his body gradually became condensed!

The body is coming!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field is color change!

Below, Qingqiu is slightly squatting, she slowly grasped his right hand, and a horrible breath has poured out from her body!

The sky, the owner suddenly laughed, "Qingqiu girl, no arrival!

Even if you recover your strength, you can\'t stop me!

At this moment, his body has been condensed, and everyone also saw his appearance. It is a man in white, long hair shawl, comfortable, and a touch of Confuciors.

There is a step forward, this step is coming to Ye Xuan\'s face!

In the field, Annan Jing and others have a flash of color, they directly rushed to Ye Xuan, but the next moment, they were shocked, they were rushing to Ye Xuan, no matter how fast they speed, they are in the same place!

They are unclear time and space prisoner!

The girl crazy shredded the endless time and space, and the owner has appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

The Qingqi\'s eyes are cracking, and the breath is crazy. Unfortunately, she is still slow.

She is cheated!

The true purpose of the boundless owner is not the person who kills the body, nor is it destroyed from the existing universe. He has always been the purpose of killing the mysterious, with Wanjie, and ending the world created by the avenue.

He is to sacrifice himself to end this generation of people and the whole million universe!

Ye Xuan looked at the man in close time. At this moment, he felt death, different from the kind of death, this time, he felt that his life will end!

At this moment, the trendy air of his body was crazy, the blink of an eye, all the destitutes were completely disappeared, and he used himself to dissipate different, this time, it is destroyed!

Resist? He knows that he can\'t resist!

give up? Of course give up!

Ye Xuanhuang bluntly slowly, whispered: "Qing, I don\'t want to work hard!"


Next to Ye Xuan, the time and space suddenly broke, the next moment, the woman in a dresser slowly came out.


PS: Ten chapters.

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Also have the opportunity to get my own signed sword alone and invincible swords entity book!