One Sword Reigns Supreme

2486 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and seventh chapter: !

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The god is already in the moment, when is he contempt? When is the arrogant? At this moment, he only wants to bury the whole way of seeing the universe!

Soon, the mysterious college is over, the black vortex is dramatic, and the horrible breath is constantly swept.

Praying, I looked at the black whirlpool, shrugged, and it didn\'t matter. Isn\'t it fight? On the other hand, Ye Xuan is still to stop the 100,000 cavalry, not only this, but he also killed nearly the thousand soldiers!

Those cavalry teams are very good. Although his flying sword is much, but as long as Qing Xuanjian can break their long shield, therefore, he will fight for a long time, he also kills thousands of people.

At this moment, Ye Xuan is no longer used, but it is blends.

Under his manipulation, hundreds of millions of flying swords are like living, coupled with his human swords, and every handle of flying swords is extremely strong.

However, this kind of spiritual power and soul consumption is also very big, one heart is used, think about it!

At this time, the sky ride leader suddenly handheld a large gun to anger, "kill!


The sound fell, the cavalry behind him suddenly rushed again.

The sound of the horses shook the world!

At this moment, these cavers are also blushing, and they have a bloodthirsty, and they want to choose people.

In an instant, some of the flying swords were directly scored by the cavalry, but the next moment, there were no flying swords to make up.

Below, Ye Xi\'s eyes flashed in the eyes, he fell to the rider, seeing this scene, the rider leads to the face, and at this time, a sword light has appeared in front of him!

The cavalry leader is busy in the hands of Chang Shield.


As a fried sound, the Chang Shield in the hands of the soldiers crackled, he directly retired, and when he stopped, more than a dozen cavalry had already made a often shield in front of him!

The Cavalry Relievery took the flying sword in the lower side of the flying sword through the cavalry Chang Shun, and the eyes were shot. He said: "I want to see how you resist me 100,000 cavalry!

The sound fell, he lifted his right hand, it is necessary to launch a charge again, and at this time, he seems to feel anything, when the big awkward, it will be returned, but his throat suddenly cracks, followed by, one handle The sword is silent and informed in his throat, nail him in the original place!


Now Ye Xuan\'s, can not be a future, coupled with Qing Xuan Jian and no sword skills, he can do it!

After the cavalry collar was nailed to the place, he suddenly turned to look at a cavalry in the distance, roaring, "At this moment, the departure of Among is a cavalry command.

The sound is falling, the Qing Xuan sword is fierce, the cavalry command is directly absorbed!

God\'s soul!

See this scene, the deposition of the far away from Aunt, suddenly roared, "kill!

Rush now!

The sound fell, he took the lead in the next Ye Xuan!

And he side, the cavalry is also taking Qi Qi again, the horseshoe, stepping the horizon!

Below, Ye Xuan\'s face is very pale at the moment!

It is very difficult to manipulate 100 million to flying swords, and he also manipulated for so long, it can be said that he has already reached his limit.

But he doesn\'t have a way, can only stick to it, because he returns, these cavalry rushes, and is undoubtedly a huge disaster.

Now I\'m going to watch the school, but also can\'t resist this ancient super forces!

Ye Xuan suddenly sucking a sigh of relief, looking at the countless cavalry, with a horrible breath, his eyes flashed, he suddenly roared.


A bloody horse starts!

Activate blood!

With the activation of the blood of the blood, the hundreds of millions of flying swords directly become a red sword for a shank!

Ye Xuan suddenly roared, "Hey!


In an instant, hundreds of millions of swords rushed to the sky, shocking the universe!

In the distance, then Ammon suddenly roared, as crazy, "continued to charge!

When I heard Amon, those who were all gods were as crazy, they were generally tacited!

At this moment, they also played the fire, they as a pioneer cavalry, countless than a lifetime, it can be said that many times, the cavalry is a charge, but it has already meant the battle, but today, they have been defeated by a few people!

This is a shame for them!

The cavalry charge, Wan Ma Pentium, who can stop? Today, they have been stopped, can this be tolerated? The sky, countless cavalry gay, like crazy, generally towards the next Ye Xuan Chong!

On the way, countless flying swords were punched.

Below, Qingqiu looked at the sky with a hundred thousand cavalry, and she was holding the right hand, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

Surrounded by students, students who watched the school are also watching Ye Xuan!


This is the dean of the school!

At the beginning, they were very strange to Ye Xuan, because Ye Xuan was basically not watching the school, they only knew that Ye Xuan was the dean, only this, and at this moment, they knew that Ye Xuan was the dean!


Not just a name, it is a responsibility, it is a kind of service.

At this time, the people in the four weeks of Ye Xuan were suddenly skyrocketing!

At the same time, the Saxi suddenly came back in the four weeks of time, suddenly there was a terrible human sword!

I have to say that the battle between Xuan Academy is given by Qin Guan\'s Xianbao Pavilion puts all the views of the Shuixuan Universe!

Today\'s battle, it is not only to be related to the survival of Xuan Academy, but also related to the survival of the whole view!

Therefore, Ding Yam has let the people of Xianbaoge will put on the battle of Xuancai, the purpose is to let all the students who will see the school know everything happened today, remember those who see Xuan College and see Xuan universe. And those who die!

At this moment, the Swords between Leaf Xuan people suddenly increased, the most important reason is because he has established a prestige in all the student students of the Shuixuan College!

Once faith, just a simple belief, and at this moment, it is not only faith, and there is worship, and there is excited, and excitement.

The horizon, the people in the world are getting stronger.

This sudden sword is changed, he has never thought of it, but this is a good thing!

The sudden increase in swords, and his flying sword is also an instant.

Bang Rynard!

The sky, a flying sword flying over, the cavalry has been retreating again in front of Ye Xuan, but not only this, not only, the Chang Shield of those cavalry can\'t afford the flying sword of Ye Xuan!

Seeing this, the face of the gods in the distance suddenly became extremely difficult to look!

Doesn\'t it say that this guy is a king of the mountain? Such a terrible strength such as such a horrible, this is the mountain king? God looked up and looked at the stars in the distance. At this moment, Annan Jing and the opponent of the day increased!

Take a three!

Although the two women were hit three, but he was shocked, these two people actually played their opponents!

Two holy monands plus the mystery of the other than the strength of the Shengjun, they were pressed!

Seeing this scene, God\'s face became again!

Once these two women win a few people, then, these cavaliers will be slaughtered directly!

At this point, God looked up to see the deep place of the starry sky, "No side, now they have been dragged by me, if you have a shot, you will be able to hit the existing universe!

The boundless owner shook his head, "Qin Que is still not shot!

Qin Gate!

God suddenly roared, "The woman is that there is money, why?"

I heard the words, and there was no older eyebrow.

Is it rich? ? Whether it is an Annan Jing, or the day, there is still a good day, there is no Qin Guan terrible, not to say strength, but the overall strength!

The three people are alone, they are individuals, but Qin Guan is different, this woman is countless!

When I heard God\'s words, I was a bit angry. This guy is so despised Qin Guan, this is the edge of death!

The never looks at the way of watching the book below. In fact, Qin Guan is in the Shuixuan Academy, but has not been showed, this woman chooses hidden, then represents a must kill!

And the woman\'s killing, is it right? Therefore, his people have been preparing!

I didn\'t have a movement of the never, God didn\'t hit one place, but he didn\'t help why, now the isothe people have entered the game, want to withdraw it, it is impossible!

They can only be desperate!

God looked up and saw it. At this time, the black swirl suddenly accelerated, at the same time, a horrible breath continued to attack.

The person has not arrived, and the situation is coming!

Obviously, the top of the is already rushing here, and it will come immediately!

Seeing this scene, God\'s heart suddenly made a breath, and the arrogant is still dispatched again!

What seems to be, he suddenly looked down to Ding peony medicine, he saw it, before, this woman also called people, but now there is no move!

? Obviously it is impossible!

Suddenly there is a shadow in the heart of God, since the Annan Jing and Tianxiu and the Praying Day appeared, he naturally did not dare to see the mysterious universe today!

Therefore, when you see the Danjiao medicine, he is actually very cautious. Who knows what this woman will call? Suddenly, God showed the praying day in front of the front, "Why don\'t you shoot!

From the end of the battle, there is already a while, but this woman didn\'t take it, not normal!

Pray for the sky: "Waiting for you!

God\'s face is cold, "arrogant!

Praying to laugh, some doubts, "said, why do you want to play the little guy? Do you not know that there is a very metamorphosis woman behind him?"

God\'s eyes are slightly smashed, "the metamorphosis woman, what do you say is a skirt woman?"

Obviously, they still spent the leaves in Ye Ji before.

Praying in the day, some are surprised, "Since you know her name, why dare to come to her brother? Do you not know that she is a guilty mad?"

God looked at the day, disdain: "But it is a sword repair, what is my bisteony? You are the strength of me, I don\'t know anything!

Praying, thinking about it, then said: "I really don\'t know the strength of your isothe, but that woman.

I advise you to be aware of her!


God\'s brighter, "I have a fear of her? It\'s a big joke, I am a goddess, I have a hundred thousand army, and I don\'t have a hobby. I need to be awe. One edge universe? Jian Xiu, did not have seen the world, I dared to say invincible, I can only say, ignorance, ridiculous, she.


Suddenly, the sky space is split, and a sword is torn off!


God\'s monarch has not responded, and his whole person is directly hired into the top of the head.


A sword was sputtering in the body, in an instant, the 100,000 cavalry brain is Qi Qi, and it is red!

Everyone is awkward!

Praying to look at the sword on the top of God, silent.


Praying to look at the full face, whisper, "silly children, I let you have a little awesome, do you think I am harming you? Yes, yes, I am harming You, .

Laughing with two hundred pounds of fat.

God Jun: ".
