One Sword Reigns Supreme

2487 The second chapter of the second thousand four hundred and forty-four chapters of the fairy: Who is not good!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


God is awkward!

The three lady on the side is also awkward!

The god is given to the sword of the unknown. That 100,000 cavalry is so second? Gone? In the field, those who are all from the strong people have petrified in the same place!

What happened? How didn\'t say it? At this moment, the neutral owner suddenly appeared in front of the gods. He saw the owner, God Jun asked the savior, and quickly said: "Save."

No side suddenly angry, "stupid!

Big stupid!

Let you fight, not letting you talk nonsense!

Do you think this is a debate? This is fighting!

Battle of life and death!

What are you talking about her? You are so stupid!

After finishing, he disappeared directly.

God Jun: "???"

Opposite God, praying the sky suddenly; "You don\'t want this kind of unharitage expression, I am very serious, who is not good!" Who is not good!

You are gone!

You accept this fact!

God Jun glared at the praying day, "You give me a set!

Praying for the sky stall, some innocent, "I let you have a little awkward, this is hurting you?"

God is dead and staring at the praying day, but also talk, at this time, the shank sword in his body slowly drifted.

God is stunned!

When the sidewalk sword left the goddess, God\'s heart was big, because he found that the life in his body has not disappeared, that is, the other party did not choose to kill him, but gave him a line of life!

However, at this time, the sidewalk sword who just left his head suddenly stabbed!


Under this thorns, the gods will be found on the spot!


God Jun: "???"

On the one side, I am shocked by the sky, "silly children, how can she let you go? Time.

I don\'t know what to eat, and I practice this age, IQ is like a mental disability!

God Jun: ".

At this time, the shank sword suddenly rushed to the sky, disappearing directly in the star river!


On the side, Ye Xuan helpless smile.

Yue is coming soon, go!

In fact, he still wants to see you, but unfortunately, you will run away with you!

Looking at the bloody head of the place, Ye Xuan shake his head smile, playing these 100,000 cavalry, have made the strength of the milk!

But but only more than a thousand people, and the green is fell, a sword is flying, and 100,000 brains will fly out!

More than Qin Guan\'s money is good!

There is not much thought, Ye Xuanlian is busy with a Dan medicine.

Soon, his face gradually recovered!

After the moment, the Ye Xuan\'s breath was restored. He looked at the sake of the Sword of Xuanchuan and the arrogant people still watched!

The two sides will become more intense!

Jian Xiu, who is cultivated by Xuan Academy, is all super-sword repairs that can be challenged, but at the moment, hundreds of hundreds of hits, there is no cheap!

Because that hundreds of arrogance is also growing from the killing, it is good!

Ye Xuan is going to shoot, and at this time, the black whirlpool suddenly trembled, and the old man in the black robes came out slowly. At the same time, the more than 100 blacks behind him. I walked out of thousands of gold kails in the whirlpool!

After the black robe is coming out, he swept away from the four weeks, then he looked at the three lady who trembled, "Li Shenjun?"

After listening to the old people in the black robe, Miss San came back to God, she looked at the old man, trembling; "no!


Didn\'t you? The old people in the black robe, "Three Miss, what do you mean?"

The three ladies are still full of horror, she is going to talk, and the praying day suddenly said: "She means, they are all dead!"


Miss: "

The old man in the black robe is praying, "Who are you!

Pray for the right hand, then hold, "I saw this little fist?"

The old brow is browled. At this time, praying suddenly grinned, "I am a person who hits you!

After that, she is directly a punch!


This fist, a horrible force instantly swept, in a moment, the time and space in front of the two came!

The power of this punch, the old man is suddenly shrinking, he has not retired, but a front of the front, a punch is over!

Hard hard!

When the two fists just came out, it was fierce, and the black robes were far away!

And praying is not retired!

See this scene, the old people in the black robe is full of dignified color!

On the one side, Miss San suddenly said: "Gu Shen Jun, don\'t look at this person!"

The old man in the black robe looked at a verse, then Shen Sheng; "Miss Sin, Li Shenjun is really war dead?"

Miss II nodded.

The old man is brow, "Who kills?"

Three lady trembled: "A sword of the sky, only to see his sword, no one!

No people!

The old man\'s face has become a hard time. "You are said that Li Shen Jun looked at the other person."

Miss II nodded.

At this moment, she is awkward.

That sword, too foreigner!

Seeing Miss Tri, the old face of the black robe suddenly became ugly.

Miss San Shen Sheng: "Still playing?"

The old man is silent.

Strong people can kill Li Shenjun and 100,000 cavalry, this strength.

Just then, the boundless main sudden suddenly of the starry sky: "You don\'t want to take it away, she will not shoot again!"

The old man of the black robe looks up and looks at the boundless master. "You are sure?"

Head, "I am sure!

However, the premise is that you don\'t have any nonsense before you fight!

Gu Shen Jun is silent, some doubts.

Miss San Shen Sheng: "Gu Shen Jun, this existing universe is not simple, far from we think so simple, we.

Gu Shen Jun\'s mysterious sound, "The life of the home must get the heart of the universe and the universe of the universe.

I heard the words, and the three sisters were suddenly sinking!

It is necessary to get the heart of the universe, this means that it is also hit!

Gu Shen Jun looked at the praying days before the face, "I drag this woman!"

After finishing, he angrily refers to Ye Xuan, "You wait for this person!"

At this time, praying suddenly suddenly: "Do you know that the King King? If you don\'t know, I will explain it to you, let you.

The boundless main voice suddenly self-prayed and Gu Shen Jun head, "Don\'t listen to her nonsense!

Wen said, Gu Shen Jun no longer ink, directly towards the past!

Praying: "

The 10,000 golden armor brought by Gu Shen Jun was rushing to Ye Xuan, this rushing, Ye Xuanlun felt a horrible pressure!

More than those cavaliers before, there is no weakness!

See this scene, Ye Xuan face is sinking!

Another group of old people!

Ye Xuan suddenly paused, Qin Guan gave her two stars directly to the sky.

Seeing the two stars, those the gold kails were frowned, but they did not retreat. At this time, they bordered, will they retreat? Just then, the two stars suddenly exploded!



The two shocking sounds suddenly resounded, followed by two mushrooms, and the power of the earth destroyed the earth, the mysterious college fiercely broke out, some of the gold armor soldiers directly bombed the soul Destroy!

And the remaining parts of the gold kails have changed their faces, and they dance long guns and resist the power of the two stars!

At this time, a sword is suddenly turned around, and the next moment, the golden armor, a head, turned into the sky, turning the moment, another head flying, no one That sword light is like wearing flowers butterfly, and the eyes are in the eyes, and dozens of gold armor\'s heads have fallen together.


At this time, the leader leader is suddenly roaring!

When I heard the leadership, the golden tailor was close to, and the hand held a long gun and slammed the front, and the guns were gathered together - bang!

With a time and space broken, a sword is broken, followed by Ye Xuan directly, forced to retreat!

After stopping, Ye Xuan looked up to those who were strong, and there was more dignified, and the attacks of these cavaliers were very strong. If not his flesh, the hit, it may be seriously injured!

As for the view of Xuanjia, he did not choose to expose it, that can stay at the moment!

At this time, the That That That Sacred Hearted with a long gun to refer to Ye Xuan, "Kill!

The sound fell, and the tens of thousands of people suddenly held a long gun forward.


Countless guns gathered in one place, then formed a huge gun with thousands of foots, this gun is flashing, and the Ye Xuan at the distance!

In the distance, Ye Xuan\'s eyes are slightly smashed, he suddenly followed the front, and he slammed the sword!

Hard hard!

This sword out, countless people swords crazy.


Ye Xuan Yi Jian, in a moment, a horrible energy suddenly broke out, and the Ye Xuan was rooted outside of the fertilizer, and he just stopped, dozens of obsoletes have been brushing to him. , Immediately, dozens of holes are directly stabbed, and at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place.

In the distance, the gold armor is unsatched, "Yu!

The sound fell, he suddenly had a gun network that appeared in a gun!


A sword is suddenly lying on the gun, and the gun network is trembled, then cracking!

Seeing this scene, the cavalry was spent on the eye, he held his front and bowed to the front of the front, and tatched it directly!


A sword is broken, the distance, the sudden disappeared suddenly, and it is already outside the day!

At this time, the That Mold Achie was suddenly roaring, "gathered!

The sound is falling, tens of thousands of gold armor suddenly gathered, everyone crazy releases their fierce guns.


In an instant, the guns gathered in one place, and the entire star river trembled directly!

In the distance, Ye Xuan looked at the 10,000 golden armor. He slowly held his right hand, countless people swords out, and his hands in the hands of the swords, and the That is suddenly trembled.

At this moment, I don\'t know which student suddenly roared, "the dean of the cow!

Hear them!

