One Sword Reigns Supreme

2485 The second chapter of the second thousand four hundred and forty-two chapters of the fairy:

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Yang people!

Ye Xuan turned his head, he was also a little curious.

Because Yang people are outside the old man, the best thing to play is Anyi, and now, Anuntie has been dragged by a holy monarch, then who came people? At this time, the distance between the horizon suddenly appeared green light, the next moment, a woman came from the time!

See this woman, Ye Xuan stunned.

He has seen it!


Once the old age, the elder family is long!

Seeing Tianxiu, the Ding peony medicine below is also slightly, and the mouth is slight!

The Tianxiu strictly said that it is a Yang family, and the Tianxiu has never been in Yang, so she didn\'t think of Tian Xiu back!

The day of the day, the Yang family, some strong people suddenly excited!

Tianxiu, this is the anti-sky strong!

The strength of the year is more than the super terror of the sword sword sword sword, even if it is the sword sword sword, it is also to respect the show.

Tian Xiu looked at Ye Xuan, then turned to look at the ancient saint of the distance, the next moment, she suddenly disappeared in the same place!


A green light is torn in the scene!

In the distance, the ancient holy monarch is slightly smashed, he wonders, a moment, thousands of knives are like Wan Ma Pentium.



Suddenly, thousands of knives were broken, and the ancient Shengjun was directly rooted outside, and when it stopped, the long knife in his hand fell.

The ancient Shengjun\'s eyes were slightly smashed, he looked at the woman who came to him in the distance, and the look was not comparative.

On the other hand, Ye Xuan looked at the god of the same gimmick, smiled: "Is it more excited? I am invincible, you will be free!

I am invincible, you will be free!

At this time, the gods of the gods have become difficult to look into the face of the strongness!

This is in contempt!

God suddenly laughed: "Yes?"

Ye Xuan looked at God, "Yes!

God laughed: "That day, we are more than anyone!"

After that, he turned to look at the depths of the distant starry sky, "Dear no side, the matter has come, do you still have to hide strength?"

Ye Xuan turned his head to the deep place of the distant starry sky, he also saw the owner.

Seeing the owner, his eyes slightly, the Qing Xuanjian in his hand suddenly trembled!

The war is high!

Cry with this guy? In the Xuanxuan brain, he suddenly rose this thought. Next, he shook his head and smashed this idea, or find a good bully bullied!

When I heard the words, the boundless owner was silent.

God laughed: "If you want to consume me, then I can only return.

Now he has seen the strength of this existing universe, although he is not afraid, but do not want to be a gun.

Since everyone now is to destroy this existing universe, what only will I only let the ? He is not stupid!

Just then, the no side of the owner suddenly said: "You are so much, why do you want to fight with him? Do you think this is a family? Are you a punch?"

Everyone: ".

God\'s face has become a bit hard to look, "No side, do you make sure you don\'t let you shoot?"

He knows, this is not a batch of super strong, otherwise, it is impossible to stop with the gods and God monsters!

Headless: "You want to take the benefits, don\'t want to desperately, there is this good thing in the world? If you feel a loss, then you can take you now!

God is dead and staring at the owner.

At this time, Miss True suddenly passed cold: "No side, we are now a win-win situation, the discrises are coordinated, you are a smart person, you should know this truth.

If you only think about letting us fight with the existing universe, then I tell you, you are wrong!

Although I want to get the heart of the two universe, I will not be shifd by you!

Head, "Then let\'s go!

Wen said, Miss Miss face is difficult to look!


God looked at the owner, did not speak.

The owner suddenly said: "God Jun, I have not let you have the power of the whole nationality, but do you do your best now? If you want to get the biggest benefit with the smallest price, then you want to be wrong. !

Shen Jun Shen said: "How do you want me to do it?"

The boundless main road: "You do your best, don\'t hide!

You can rest assured, your isoe is not a family, and you see all the strengths of the universe, and when you will be in the crucial moment!

God didn\'t say anything, he turned to look at the Ye Xuan, "kill!

The sound falls, he is right-handed directly, then a punch to Ye Xuan!


This fist, a horror force of the earth and destroyed land directly shrouded Ye Xuan, at the same time, 100,000 cavalry rushed, not only this, but also hundreds of black robes, suddenly scratch from the sky Down!

At one hundred people, all are all gods!

This is directly desirable!

When the goddess shot, Ye Xuan double-eyed, his right hand was holding Qing Xuanjian, and he was going to shoot, and at this time, a woman suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, the woman suddenly , Fist!


In an instant, a swirl suddenly appeared in front of her fists, the next moment, a horrible force was swept in the whirlpool.


The woman suddenly fell from the time and space in front of God!

See the woman in front of you, Ye Xuan stunned.

He doesn\'t know this woman!

At this time, the following sinister medicine suddenly said: "He is praying, you are called pray!"

Pray for the sky!

Ye Xiu Xiang, I\'m busy: "Pray!

Praying to the sky and looked at the Ye Xuan, I smiled, then turned to the past!

Ye Xuan did not dare to delay. He directly looked directly to 10,000 cavalry, without any nonsense, his palm was booted, and Qing Xuanjian suddenly flew down, next moment, hundreds of millions of flying sword directly turned into a sword light towards Those cavalry have been in the past!

In an instant, the entire horizon is directly covered by swords!

This time, those cavaliers did not stop, but rush.

Hard hard!

They want to break through the Shuxuan\'s sword!

At the same time, that hundreds of gods have rushed to bottom, and at this time, hundreds of swords and light suddenly began to get on the school!

Participant, it is Situ to listen to the cloud!

After her, all of them are the Jian Xiu, these swords, who are in front of her in the small tower before.

These swords repaired, because they were cultivated in the small tower, plus the material support of Qin Guan, therefore, all have reached the hobby.

It can be said that this is a batch of strong people who are currently watching the strength of Xuan Academy!

Hundreds of sword repairs directly greeted the top-level strong, although the realm is a first order, but these swords should be the strength of the battle, but those strong people are not weak, with one Three, actually did not fall in the wind!

On the side, Ding Yam is looking at the sky. "At present, the" there is a long power of the universe and the ancient belongings, there is no gods, in addition, the opponent, the opposite of the opposite, the opposite is still awakening a group of top strong people, And now, those strong people have not appeared!

Qingqiu nod, "he should be in the preparation of Qin Guan girl!

Qin Guan!

Ding peony nodded, in fact, she knows that there is no longer to kill Qin Guan, but unfortunately, Qin Guan\'s money is really horrible!

Moreover, Qin Guan mastered the current scientific and technological civilization of the current universe!

To kill Qin Guan, the three swords do not shoot, not general difficult!

What seems to be, Ding Yam looked up to the deep place of the starry sky. At this moment, Annan has put the Ye Shengjun.

Completely press!

When I saw this scene, Ding peony is suddenly toned, but the next moment, her eyes got up, because she found that a black shadow suddenly joined the battle of Annan Jing and Ye Shengjun!

Two hits!

Ding peony pills turned to look at the other side of the sky, and there is no one, the ancient Sheng Jun also has a mysterious powerful helper!

Ding peony medicine Shen Sheng said: "The boundless main dragged them!

Qingqi nod.

The sky, the goddess and the prayer, he looked at the day, "Who are you!

Pray for the mouth of the mouth, "praying the day, praying more than the sky!

The sound falls, she is shaped, the next moment, the top time and space of God\'s head, followed by the fire!

I lost my eyes in God, "Then I broke your day!"

The sound falls, and his right foot is slammed, and it will rise up.


Suddenly, a deafening fried sound was honest, followed by, a vast shadow ended!

The retreat is that God!

After stopping, God looked up and looked at the praying days in the distance, and it was full of horror, "how it is possible!

Praying, "I have been playing by a woman in this life, and you.

Said, her mouth disdainfully, "What is the same?"

The sound falls, she directly in front of it.

God\'s eyes are slightly smashed, and the arms are broken.


God will return again!

And when he stopped, his arms were split directly, blood sputtering!

Seeing this scene, God\'s face has become difficult to look hard, being crushed.

In the distance, I took a picture of the sea, and then turned to look at the necklace of the distance, her mouth slightly, the next moment, she would take it, at this time, the Qingqi suddenly said: "Don\'t give him Shot!

I heard the words, praying, and her brow, she looked at Qingqiu, when she saw Qingqiu, her eyes suddenly squatted, "is you!

Seeing this, the broth of Ding Yam has a sudden change, "Better, she is a body, not that life!

She is protecting the three-dimensional universe!

Pray for the day.

Ding peony medicine refers to the gods of the far away, "I will kill this first!

Praying in the sky, I looked at the Qingqiu, and then turned to see the gods in the distance. At this time, God suddenly said: "Are you playing? You.

Praying suddenly disappeared in the same place.


God\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, the next moment, he flew out!


God\'s flesh is directly cracking!

Praying, watching the flesh of the flesh, swallow: "I am very capable!"

Uncomfortable? You will play me!

God suddenly looked up, roaring, "people!


The black swirl suddenly became dramatic.


On the other hand, after the drug is silent, her palm suddenly spread, and a sound synergistic rose slowly. When the sound summors come to the air, they directly burn.



PS: I have a break in the last few days.

Waiting for my card to break again!

Be sure to card the most critical point!
