One Sword Reigns Supreme

2480 Swords in the second thousand four hundred and sixty-seventh chapters: cultivate!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

In front of the world, the grave suddenly separated from both sides, followed by a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man wore a large black robe, full of white hair, no blood color, on his right face, there is a deep crack, which makes him look quite!

The middle-aged man looked at the necklace, took the dust, laughing in front of it, "With the owner, I have never thought of, you also have the enemy!

Are you not always invincible? How can I need to find a helper now? you.

The owner suddenly turned right away.


A illusory five finger directly pressed on the middle-aged man.


In an instant, the middle-aged man was soft and soft, directly kneeling.

The whole boundless tomb is donated!

The middle-aged man in front of the eyes, "" Canaan, who gave you the courage, let you talk to me? "

Men\'s face named Canan is a bit ugly.

There is no side of the owner; "If you want to die, just need some head, I can fulfill you now!

Canaan is silent.

The boundless main hand suddenly grasped!


The virtual right hand suddenly scratched, and the eyes of Canaan were suddenly rounded, the flesh and the soul began to become illusively!

He wants to resist, but it finds that he can\'t release it!

Feel this, the heart of Canaan is very awkward, when I am busy: "I surrendered!"

Bless the right right hand whispered.


Canaan is directly outside to ten feet, and the whole person is soft.

On the ground, the eyes of Canaan were full of horror.

No side shook his head, "Canaan, your first person in the era, the first person in the Age of God, is not a little bit.

Canaan looked at the owner, "Is the first person in the Age of God not you?"

The boundless main road: "Don\'t take me with you in the same level!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Canaan is silent, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

At this time, all the tomb of the endless tomb has been opened, and there are tens of thousands of mystery!

These strong people come from different era, and they are the most top-powerful people in all era!

In the field, all the strong people are watching the unilateralism not far away. When seeing the neutral owner, the gods of the strong people are extremely dignified, and they also have awe!

No side!

This is like a god in the boundless universe!

At this time, there is no side suddenly lane: "Destiny is a shackle, changing all beings, this time, I will wait for freedom!"

Said, he swept a venue, and the strong people in the field slowly squatted.

Suddenly, the main suddenly said: "Waiting for the order!

After finishing, he disappeared directly.


After leaving the unilateral cemetery, he came to a unknown starry sky, and he went to a dead star field.

The never looks far away, there is a grass house.

In front of the grass house, the owner came to the grass house, and the dish was sitting on the monk.

The boundless look at the monks, " , you should still have a good thing!

The monks slowly opened their eyes, and his right hand gently turned the beads in his hand, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Good!

No side turn around!

At this time, there was no sudden way: "This battle, how many cars do you have?"

The boundless main head is not returned, "10%!

During the grass house, there is no silence for a moment, whispered: "Even the monks also cheated.


Too late.

Now the Tan Ling family, after being wanted by Qin Guan, the whole is too late to say that it is terrible!

Every day, some people attacked Taichung people.

I have to be calm every day every day, but gradually, she also has some strength!

Because the enemy is getting stronger and stronger!

However, it is also good, that is, it is constantly fighting, so she has achieved great improvement!

She now has reached the real god, not half a step!

However, even if you reach the gods, there is still someone to keep looking for too trouble!

Because Qin Guan gives money, too much!

At this time, the owner suddenly appeared in front of Wujun.

Wu Jun looked up and looked up to the boundless owner. She stared at the unilateral owner.

No side, "" But in grievances? "

Wu Jun, said: "I have always respect you, but I am too late to suffer from the disaster, why don\'t you help?"

No side shook his head, "It is you whoever it!

Wu Jun\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, without any nonsense, it is directly a punch.


This punch, a terrible boxing of fists directly covering the owner, and the time and space where the endless owner is directly collapsed, be a paint black!

But there is no one thing in the never!

Wu Jun double eyes, the heart is shocking!

The boundless main road: "You are too proud, there is no one, think that you are the most enchanting genius of ancient and modern, this kind of mentality, even if you don\'t suffer today, you will have a big loss in the future!

Wu Jun is silent.

No side, said: "Why is the Moro to be able to stay? Because they know how to converge!"

And you don\'t understand!

When you face the Ye Xuan, you have been looking at him, take him as a waste, is that he doesn\'t think of you now, but you have never thought about it, how many years do you practice, and how many years he cultivated? Be confident, but it is not your own risk!

Wu Jun looked at the owner and did not speak.

No side, said: "Collapse your own conceive mentality, you will become better!

After saying, he is facing the palm, and an ancient reel is slowly floating to Wu Jun. "I will cultivate this method, you will surpass the gods!

The sound fell, he turned and disappeared in the deep situation.

Wu Jun looked at the reel in the field, she did not refuse because she needs to become stronger!


But the problem is, she has no money now.


Thinking of this, her face is instantly gotting!

Because she thought Qin Guan!

How horror can be seen for the first time.



Ye Xuan is still cultivating his flesh, and with the help of Li Lao, he began to absorb the energy of various elements between heavens and the earth, and his element is also slowly completed!

The pavilion.

On this day, Qin Guan came to Wudong, Chen Wu and others immediately got up, and respect each other.

Qin Guan smiled: "What is the study?"

Chen Wu Shen said: "It is ok tomorrow!

Qin Guanji head.

At this time, Chen Wu hesitated, then said: "The owner, when we studied, I found that this sword technology also hides a sword skill!

Qin Guan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, "I also hide a sword skill?"

Chen Wu\'s head, "Yes!

Qin Guan said: "Take a look!

Chen Wuxi is busy picking up a reel to handing Qin Guan, Qin Guan opens the reel, after reading a moment, she calmly said: "The power of blood!

Chen Wu has some intake, "the power of blood?"

Qin Guanzhi, "is the power of blood!

He only exerts an invincible in the case of complete madness, in order to activate this horrible sword skill, the power of this sword skill, can make him briefly jump out of the realm.

Said, her looks gains, but after a while, her eyes flashed a complex, "Yang Boyi is very deep!

If Xiaoxuanzi is really forced to desperate, complete madness, this sword is powerful, very few people can stop!

Chen Wu hesitated, then said: "Do you want to tell Ye Gongzi?"

Qin Guan said: "No!

Chen Wu does not understand, "Why?"

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "Since it is hidden sword skill, let it continue to hide!

Chen Wu nodded, "Good!

Qin Guan said again: "After tomorrow, you wait to see Xuan universe, listen to Qingqiu girl\'s order, help her improve the strong people of Xuan Academy!

Chen Wu et al. Immediately, respectfully, "Follow!

Qin Guan turned and left.

After a while, Qin Guan came to a crystal palace.

God cream!

In the style of God, tens of thousands are busy.

At this time, the little love appeared in front of Qin Guan.

Qin Guan look calm, "What is it created?"

Xiao Dao: "It\'s good tomorrow!

Qin Guan looks to Xiao love, "I want the best defense!

Little love nod, "it is best!

After doing well, we will start studying now, strive to upgrade in the shortest time, create better battle armor!

Qin Guan nodded, then turned to leave, it seems to be what, she turned to see Xiao love, "How many sets can you create?"

Xiao love Shen Sheng: "Currently, you can only create two sets, the home of the main set, Ye Gongzi is set!"

Qin Guan said: "Can you build production in batches?"

Xiao love shook his head, "can\'t!

Because the second girl\'s scales are too small, we can only buy ten scales from her every year.

Qin Guan whispered.

The scales of the second are still the most robust material of the universe, but the problem is that the scales of the two are to get it.

And each year will only be 10 pieces of scales every year.

The best quarantine is always on the body, but the problem is, can you always go to the twitious scales? Two , but the Lord dare to challenge the life!

Although she fails, she dare!

Just this courage, in this universe, it is unique!

Xiao Dao: "Cannot be built in batches, then replace the material, use the primary material to create, I need to create a hundred set of top-war armor.

Little love nod, "Yes!

However, its defensive ability is afraid that there is a big gap than these two sets!

Qin Guan said: \'Create it!

\'Xiaoyi nodded, "Good!

Qin Guan said again: "What about the sword?"

Xiaofei slightly, "the owner can take a look at it, will surprise!

Qin Guan smiled: "Yes?"

Little love nod.

Qin Guan haha ​​smiled, then said: "Also, I\'ve gone you before?"

Xiaoyi nod, "has been proper, only to be a successful flesh of Ye Gongzi, we can start!

Qin Guan smiled slightly, she turned to look at the distance, whispered: "Xiaoxuanzi, see I gave you a big surprise.

Xiai love hesitated, then said: "House, why are you so good to Ye Gongzi?"

Qin Guan smiled: "I am actually a purpose!

Little love is a little indisal, "What is the purpose?"

Qin Guan shrugged, "I can threaten me, it is three swords. If I have cultivated a sword, or more than three swords, then I am not very bull, haha.

Little Love:".
