One Sword Reigns Supreme

2479 Swords in the first two thousand and four hundred and sixty-six chapters: my gale and other rebirth!

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During the Shenzong Palace, the little girl wearing a big red dress. She is not very old, it seems to be only 11 or two, but the hair is very long, and the waist position.

Although it is very small, it is a beautiful embryo, which will be willing to work in the country.

Seeing the little girl, Shen Zongzong\'s main face disappeared, he smiled slightly, "Shantou, when did you come back?"

The little girl laughed: "Just arrive!

Said, she took directly to sit down, and she looked at a cup of spirit on the table, and then continued: "Does the father not pay attention to the things there?"

Shen Zong Zong Jing said: "Is there you?"

The little girl has a blind eye, and then is positive: "If I have not guess wrong, the ancient belongs should also receive the same order as us!"

In other words, it is nowhere to be a day!

After the silence of Shen Zongzong, he said: "Is it not afraid of the wolf?"

After the little girl is silent, he said: "Two possibilities, first, no main strength, far exceeding the imagination, he is not afraid of the god of the god and the devil; second, the Qin girl and Ye Gongzi is really It\'s too difficult to deal with it, it is difficult to do, so I can only find foreign aid!

Shen Zongzong\'s Shen Sheng: "Is there two possible?"

The little girl looked at Shen Zongzong, "It is entirely possible!

Shen Zongzong is silent.

The little girl whispered: "The never gives us!

That is to say, how long does it take? We will participate in this war!

Shen Zongzong is still silent.

The little girl laughed; "Does the father don\'t want to participate in this war?"

Shen Zongzong maind.

The little girl shook his head, "there is no way!

We have no way to violate the command of the owner, if it is violated, it will not be able to follow!

Shen Zongzong looked at the little girl, did not speak.

The little girl smiled slightly, "Is the father think so?"

Shen Zongzong is nodded, "people who can let the opposite the owner, no one, no more people!

The little girl suddenly got up, she looked at Shen Zongzong, slightly, "father, at this moment, my gods officially quit Shenzong!

After that, she turned and left.

Shen Zongzong suddenly said: "What reasons?"

The door of the distance, God smiled: "I don\'t want to marry!"

After that, she has disappeared not far away.

In the Zong Demon, Shen Zongzong shook his head smile, "Good reasons!



Inside the blood pool, Ye Xi Jingjing, at this moment, his flesh has been changed.

He has absorbed the blood of sixty-nine pools!

These blood are both blood to the strong monsters, in addition to this, there are many extremely precious Tianwei Di Bao, can be said, it is money!

In the blood pool, Li Lao can be more exciting, because he found that no matter how painful, Ye Xuan is still able to endure!

This is really hanging!

It is worth mentioning that Qin Guan has made Ye Xuan more better cultivation, and has taken the small tower from Qingqiu.

Therefore, the current Ye Xuan is cultivated in the small tower.

January passed.

In the blood pool, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, he has absorbed the blood of 100 pools. He looked at Li Lao, who was excited to the shore, "Is it over?"

Li old blinks, "it is the last time!

After finishing, he was very open, a white jade bottle appeared in his hand.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Is this?"

Li Lao Zhengqi: "This is the Qin Qian master special for you!"

You have to live!

After finishing, he flew directly to Ye Xuan, and then handed it to Ye Xuan, "swallowed!

Swallow? Ye Xuan slightly, then took a white jade bottle, when he opened the white jade bottle, he was full of horror, "This is the blood of Erwa!

"Two blood?"

Li Lao\'s brow, "Who is it?"

Ye Xuan looks to Li Lao, "You don\'t know?"

Li is shaking his head, "I don\'t know!

This blood has an extreme horror, super super horror, you take the next, I will soak the flesh with the medicine, let your flesh reach a perfect embryos!

Embryonic state? Ye Xuan has some doubts, I am going to ask, Li Lao suddenly said: "Don\'t waste time, fast!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then take it directly.


Under this, in a moment, the Ye Xuanfeng directly burned it!

Ye Xuan double eyes, the whole five senses twisted directly at this moment!

Li Lao suddenly patted his hand, suddenly poured into countless green liquids in the pool, blinking, Ye Xuan is wrapped in these green liquids!

And the mysterium is also crazy to absorb those green liquids!

Soon, Ye Xuan is a clean absorption of those green fluids!

Li Lao suddenly said: "Continue!

The sound falls, and countless green liquids in the pool!

Looking at those green liquids, Li Lao can\'t help but feel some distressed, these are money!

These green liquids are all rare genius treasures in the world. It can be said that every one of the treasures is worth the city, and this pool, at least ten thousand kinds of genius!

This is burning!

In the pool, Ye Xuan\'s whole body is shaking!

He is burning, not only outside burning, but it is also burning, but the problem is that the green liquid is constantly repairing him!

Therefore, he is now true for survival, you can\'t die!

After a while, Ye Xuan also absorbed the green liquid of the pool, but very fast, another pool\'s green liquid appeared!

In this way, after nearly one month, Ye Xuan took the blood of the twitter blood with the help of the green liquid!

After absorbing the bloody blood of the Erman, Ye Xuan\'s entire body became a blood red. In his body, the blood vessels were placed, extremely shocking.

Ye Xuan Lao Lao, "Li Lao, I am in this body.

Li Lao smiled: "Normal, you need to take a while to completely absorb the blood!

I feel now to feel your flesh!

Ye Xuan slowly slowed down, his right hand slammed.


This grip, he instantly feels full of endless power.

Xuan Ye got a little excited.

At this time, Li old suddenly said: "This is what the excitement is just beginning?!

Ye Li Xuan look to the old, "just beginning?"

Li old nodded, "Whether it is material to treasure those days, or those blood Wicked, are just laying the foundation, only your flesh lay the foundation to be able to practice my flesh to create the ultimate power law: the body does not break!

King Kong is not bad body? Hyun leaves his face black line, you will not be able to take a good name, please? Li old palm spread out, not directly into a white leaf black eyebrows, and soon, the influx of information leaves many mysterious brain.

King Kong is not bad body!

Gradually, the leaves become thickened mysterious look, because he found that Li old may seem tricky, but the preparation of this "King Kong is not bad body" really really hanging!

An hour later, Li Xuan came into leaf old with an endless sky, old Li looked around and whispered: "? See these stars did not."

Ye Xuan nodded, "I want to absorb the power of the stars do?"

Li old to see the mysterious leaf, thumbs up, "You\'re so smart!

Xuan Ye silent, this old man is in connotation yourself? Li Road: "the world a myriad of elements, is only one power of the stars, we have to absorb a myriad of elemental energy, then let your flesh become elements of physical fitness!

Hyun leaves somewhat puzzled, "element constitution?"

Li old nodded, "Let your flesh become elements of physical fitness, as long as you flesh become elements of physical fitness, and people play against you in the future, other attacks on you, its power will be greatly reduced!

Xuan Ye Chen Sheng said: "? It is not a body of King Kong is not bad."

Li old laughed: "King Kong is not bad body strictly speaking, can only be regarded as a magical practice of the law, for example, after you run the Heart, your flesh will enter an invincible state in a short time, of course, not really invincible, but your flesh will become indestructible, but can not be sustained ah!

Like the man eating the same kind of drug, a short time super fierce, but can not always have that state ah!


A chill mysterious leaf, FML, this parable.

Small tower with some one!

Li old and said: "You are now absorbing power of the stars, remember, when absorbed, to the operation of the power law I wrote, if there is any problem, remember you said to me, I give you a scene change.


Ye Xuan looked at Li Lao, full face horror, "Lao Lao, have you practiced this practice?"

Li Lao said: "No!

In the past, the blood of the monsters in the district area couldn\'t stand, they did not help me, only you, you are really talent!

Ye Gongzi, you can rest assured, although no one is cultivated, I estimate, the problem should not be too much, it is unlikely to have a danger of life!

Ye Xuan: "???"


No border.

In a small restaurant, Ding Yam is sitting quietly, she is watching an ancient book.

At this time, a vain appeared next to Dinghao Pharmacy, the vivid shadow slightly, "there is an interest in the west of the north!

Ding peony has a slightly, she puts down ancient books, whispered: "The boundless contemplates use external forces for us!

After that, she suddenly got up, "he will reach a certain transaction with the other party, that is, the other party may only target the existing universe without boundlessness!

The existing universe is dangerous!

Said, she looks to the vain, "What is the power in the north and the west?"

Victory: "The ancient gas is the odde, the west of Shenzong is the god demon. These two mysterious forces have only appeared in the Age of God. After the Age of God, they have never appeared in the boundless universe!

After the silence of Ding Yuxi, he said: "Nowadays, the universe is now the biggest force is Qin Guan girl. If I am the owner, I must first remove her!

Said, she turned to see the vain, "inform Qin Guan girl, let her be careful!

Also, the existing universe needs her help.

The vain is deep and then quietly returned.


Anxious cemetery.

On this day, a man came to an endless tomb, and it was the owner.

He slowly came to a grave, there was no tombstone before the grave.

He is booted by his right hand, then gently press it, whispered; "I have been born with my gong, follow me!


Suddenly, the grave in front of him suddenly trembled, gradually, the whole piece of unilateral cemetery began to tremble.
