One Sword Reigns Supreme

2481 Swords in the second thousand four hundred and sixty-eight chapters: wearing clothes!

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Three swords!

Xiaoxue looked at Qin Guan and said.

Qin Guan said: "Do you want to say, can I practice it myself?"

Little love nod.

Qin Guan shook his head, "I don\'t like cultivation, cultivate it, it\'s too lone to it, I hope to do many meaningful things in limited life!

Xiao Yu suddenly said: "Do the owner die?"

Qin Guanbai has a little love, "Who can I die forever?"

Little love is silent.

Qin Guan suddenly looked up at the deep place in the starry sky, whispered: "Xiaoxuanzi should be almost the same!


At this moment, the starry sky over Kyoto suddenly came into a loud sound, followed by the sky sky over Kyoto.

See this scene, Qin Guanhao\'s mouth slightly, "It seems to be!


A swager suddenly resounded to the depths of the star, the next moment, a sword was falling in front of Qin Guan and Xiao love!

Sword is scattered, Ye Xuan is now in front of two women!

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Is it?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Now, he has cultivated into an element body, although it is not immunized to all element strengths in the world, but the general element strength is difficult to hurt him.

In addition, he also repaired the special practice of Li Lao: Jin Jigang is not bad!

Once the mobilization, his flesh will reach a very horrible level.

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "Try?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qin Guan took the leaves of the black spot, and then the royal sword, Ye Xuan was also followed. After a while, the two came to a dead star farm.

Qin watched a look at the four weeks, then the palm was spread, and a stars appeared in her hand.

See this stars, and the Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly changed.

Qin Guan smiled: "Do not resist!

After that, she palm opened, the stars flew directly to Ye Xuan!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, this moment, he could only choose the guy of Li Lao!


Suddenly, this dead star field was trembled, and a mushroom cloud rushed to the sky.

A road waves are swaying for four weeks!

After a long time, four weeks gradually resumed calm, and Ye Xuan appeared in front of Qin Guan, but at this moment, there is no matter!

See this scene, Qin Guan slightly, then laughed: "Try again!

Said, her palm built, a blood red bomb appeared in her hand.

little boy!

Seeing the little boy, Ye Xuan expression stiff, he hesitated, then said: "Do you want to try it?"

Qin Guan Head, "Need!

You only have to hold my bomb, which means your flesh beyond the hawthorn.

Ye Xi wants to think, "Come on!"

Qin Guan did not hesitate, directly ignited the little boy.


A blood shivered in a bloody.

In the distance, Ye Xuan is dead staring at the little boy, holding hands, saying that it is not nervous, that is fake, because he is also the first time to practice Li Laojiao, this flesh is not reliable, he also No, it\'s okay!

But the power of this little boy, he has seen it with your own eyes!

God\'s hobbies are in front of this place, they are slag!

During his thoughts, a horrible force suddenly broke out in front of the blazed noodles.


A huge mushroom cloud starts directly from the sky, in an instant, the star field of the whole naked eye is instantly ash.

After a long time, the air waves gradually disappeared. At this time, a sword is suddenly flashing!


A torn sound!

Ye Xuan appeared in front of Qin Guan in the distance, the Ye Xuan in this moment is not damaged, but his body is gone!

Ye Xi Xing said: "Nothing!

Ha ha!

Qin Guan referred to the chief, "Are you doing clothes first?

Wen said, Ye Xuan expression stiff, and quickly wear clothes.

Qin Guan glanced at Ye Xuan somewhere and then shrugged, and his face was not rare.

After wearing clothes, Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, excited: "I live!"

Qin Guan Head, "Very Good!

Now your flesh, it\'s hard to be broken!

Said, she looked at the four weeks, continued: "Now, it will break through your realm!"


Ye Xuan stunned, then said: "How to break through?"

Qin Guan\'s palm is spread, and a sword appears in her hand, it is the sword of her rushing!

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "Can you absorb swords, right?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Qin Guan said: "Is you ready?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you want to absorb the sword you charged?"

Qin Guanji, "Yes!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "You are swallowedant!"

What do you use? "

Qin Guan\'s right hand, the tens of thousands of swords appeared in the field!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Qin Guan smiled: "Come, get started!"

The sound falls, she refers to a little, and the tens of thousands of swords are directly turned into a sword light toward Ye Xuan!

And each shank releases its most horrible power!

Seeing this, Ye Xuan also said something, and his hands opened, let the sword did not enter his body!


Soon, Ye Xuan\'s individual is directly overwhelmed by a sword.


Suddenly, there was a horrible breath suddenly broke out in the hunter body!

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly said: "Launch!


In Kyoto below, in a moment, nearly a million slick sword suddenly rushed to the sky, and a sword is swaying toward the sky, and finally came to Ye Xuantou, and then a handle and went to the leaves!

And this did not end, in Kyoto, the powerful sword array after the release of millions of flying swords, flew down a handle of nearly 10,000 huge swords!

When this huge sword didn\'t enter the pixin body, Ye Xuan felt his head, this moment, he felt that he was going crazy!

A horrible force continues to enter him. If he is not his flesh, he will be dying!

Qin Guan suddenly said: "Absorb!

Ye Xuan crazy absorbs the strength of those swords!

And below, the sword is not over, and a sword that has rushed to rushing up is rushing up, then gathered to Ye Xuantou.

Inside Kyoto, countless people looked at the depths of the stars, some are somewhat.

Is this doing? Among the stars, Ye Xuan suddenly trembled: "Qin girl, I can\'t help!"

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "Support, you have now reached the limit of the hobby, as long as you break through this critical point, you can reach God!

Ye Xuan doubled his hands, trembling: "I feel that the body is blown!"

Qin Guan Shen Sheng; "You have to remember one thing, that is, you won\'t die!

Ye Xuanzhi, then said: "Why?"

Qin Guan said: "You are now the people of life, how can you die!

You may be very miserable, but before the next person is not coming, you will not die, so you don\'t be afraid, don\'t be , a word is dry!

Understand? "

Ye Xi Tibet: "You.

You don\'t fool me? "

Qin Guan smiled: "Do you think?"

Ye Xuan said: "I believe you!"

Said, he is holding hard, roaring, "Come on!

More exciting!

Laozi will not die!

Qin Guan suddenly turned into the bottom, "continuing to start the array!

Next, the sword is still running, and a flying sword will rise up.

In just a short time, I have already flying thousands of hands!

And tens of millions of flying swords have been absorbed by Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan feels that he has already blown it, but he is not afraid, he doesn\'t.

There is only one thought in his brain: Laozi is a person who is destiny, and Laozi will not die!

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed, "Come!

Come more!

On the side, Qin Guoji head, "Good!

After that, she looks down, "accelerate!

The sound falls, the sword array below suddenly trembled, the next moment, the speed of the flying sword suddenly increased.

In the stars, the leaves of the vibrus: "Do you want.

Slower? "

Qin Guanzheng said: "Don\'t be afraid, you won\'t die!"

Ye Xuan: ".

In this way, after a few days, after a few days, a terrible sword was suddenly explosing in the hunter body!


In an instant, those flying swords were broken, followed by a terrible breath.

God\'s hobby!

The blade is spread, and a sword appears in his hand. He looked at the sword in his hand, and it was full of excitement!

At this moment, he felt that he was invincible!

Qin Guan got an eye of Ye Xuan, then nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan suddenly turned and sword.


A sword gas is too flash!

Switch, his eyes can be seen, the whole starry sky is directly cracking out of a huge crack, this sword, as if it will be separated throughout the Star River.

Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, excited: "It\'s amazing!

Qin Guan said: "Yes!

Said, she turned, "Xiao love!

The sound is falling, a woman appears in front of Qinguan, positive little love.

Xiao Jian held a sword box, she walked to the Ye Xuan, and then handed the sword box to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked at the sword box in front of him, he refered lightly a little box.


A swager suddenly sounded in the box, the next moment, Qing Xuanjian appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

At this moment, there is a mystery, there is no particular change, but in both sides of the sword of Qing Xuanjian, there are two strange blood rumors, in addition to this, the sword handle of Qing Xuanjun, There is also a red gold.

Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, Qin Guan smiled: "The rumor on both sides of the sword, represents two array, the positive is: Tao method, there is millions of roads with the rules, you are When I mobilize Qing Xuanjian, it also means that the power of mobility and the power of the law, gently sword, equivalent to the power of ten little boys!

Ye Xuan Yu!

Qin Guan also said: "The opposite is: three gods, this is also an attack, because the best defense is attack, so I didn\'t give you a law.

Once this is aprotic, it will push the past, this life, the future, remember, this is not your past life and students, is the former birthday and future generations, these strengths are innocent, exist in the world, and We collect them in the sword through the array, let you drive!

Said, she smiled slightly. "If you push these three power, you have a good life before the world, will become more ghost, this is special array of special array created for you!

This array is plus your previous swords, just a word: awkward!

God ghosts!

Killer in invisible!

You are still alive now, but you are dead!

After the Xuanxuan silent, see the sword handle.

The Qin Guanjiao horn slightly, "the array of this sword handle.


PS: Happy National Day!

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