One Sword Reigns Supreme

2468 Swords in the second thousand four hundred and fifty-five chapters: no one behind me!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Incumbent? Ye Xuan is not a silly egg, he naturally does not make himself a cums of Qin Guan.

What is the role of the mountain? Used!

Not relying now, when is it? Before the Xuanzi surface, the death of the Qing Xuan sword in front of him, silent.

See this scene, Ye Xuan face silen down.

He knows that this woman may not follow the drama!

Surprising, suddenly laughing, "Ye Gongzi, in fact, I am very curious about your sister named invincible the world, but it is a pity that there is a heart to seek, don\'t provoke her, otherwise, I will have a top disaster, even It is him, can\'t save me!

So, I refuse to feel!

After finishing, she suddenly wandered, a dark red rope directly set on the Qing Xuanjian of Ye Xuan!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan\'s face is slightly changed, the heart is always moving, but he finds that Qing Xuanjian is dead by the red rope, can\'t break free!

Ye Xuan brows, how is it possible? At this time, the Qing Xuanjian suddenly became fierce, emitted a sword, followed by, the dark red rope fell directly, Qing Xuanjian flew out, then returned to the Xuan.

See this scene, the lavender of the woman\'s eyes shocked, "Sure enough is a good sword!"

In the distance, Ye Xuan turned his head to see Qin Guan, two people look at it.

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "Determine?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

This scene of the Jian said, what is the woman\'s eyebrows, what are these two people do? After seeing Ye Xuan\'s head, Qin Guan nodded. Suddenly, she took out 30 stars, distant, the woman\'s eyes suddenly shrink, horrified: "Block her!

At this moment, she shocked in the heart, she didn\'t think that Qin Guan actually dared to let the stars!

Is this a life and death? At that moment, the lady\'s voice fell, the stars in front of Qin Guan suddenly looked, then Qiqi flew out!


At the same time, a Taiji diagram diagram appeared at the foot of Qin Guan.

Ye Xuan is almost invincible at the same time!

I am invincible!


Suddenly, the entire ridiculous temple directly exploded, thirty huge mushrooms clouds, the whole palace directly moved, countless strong, brain.

At this time, in the whole city, a white aperture rushed around the city, in these white aperture cleaning, the strength of the stars released in the stars gradually swallowed, surrounding the stars slowly returned to normal.

At this time, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan have already retired outside the city, and in front of them, the women\'s women are still there!

Not only the garden woman is in, but the woman in the white robe and the middle-aged man have the old man!

The four people are gods!

However, at this moment, these four people have a touch of aggression.

Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, he found that the power of the stars was swallowed by those white apertures!

This god empire is not usually!

Suddenly suddenly said: "The God of Qin Ge\'s God is really good, and it is afraid that there is no one to play!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "Most Let me shocked or Ye Gongzi, who talent, Ye Gongzi has immunized the power of the bomb!

I am invincible!

Qin Guan also looked at Ye Xuan. For Ye Xuan, an invincible, she is also shocked!

At this time, that suddenly, the palm of the palm was booted, a lacquer black stunned slowdown, very fast, the film came to the air, then, Ye Xuan suddenly pulled Qin Guan\'s arm, Qing Xuan sword It is necessary to transfer the Qin Guan!

However, at this time, the surrounding time and space suddenly compressed, at the same time, a dark hand suddenly explored the space in front of him, and then a punch and Qinguan!

Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, the heart is always moving, and Qing Xuan Jianhua makes a sword light.


A broken Jianguang, leaves mysterious moment Putui to little knowledge outside, and Qin Guan absolutely still in place!

Guan mysterious leaf to look, he saw that Guan Tai Chi circle a foot, "It is?"

Guan blinked, "Tai Chi guardian!

Very powerful!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

The distance that looked Guan Xin Ming, look dignified.

Qin Guan suddenly smiled and said: "Ming Xin girl, you just said that to kill me, do a lot of preparation, and let me see.

Xin Ming suddenly looked up to the sky rocket black mark, the next moment, a huge beam of light emission from the rocket within the black mark, and in that light beam, and Qin Xuan Ye see countless evil soul, the moment, the entire between heaven and earth like a living hell.

To see this scene, leaves mysterious frowned up.

At this time, those who go crazy evil spirit toward Guan Chung below.

Guan suddenly come up before that she used the weapon, she grinned, "Come on!

Pretentious ah!

Sound down, she pulled the trigger direct, instant, hundreds of thousands of beams of light into the sky.

Honghong Honghong.

Suddenly, a Road shrill screams rang constantly.

Endless evil spirit just came out is that white light is broken boom.

See this scene, Xin Ming side that few people face suddenly became hard look!

Guan\'s playing excitement, those evil spirit between short while, the world directly guns and gun clean her hands, but this time, at the right hand middle-aged man suddenly disappeared in place, turned the gun on Guan directly that middle-aged man, but almost the same time, that woman with black gown white robe old man also disappeared in place.

Guan just start going round in circles in place.

To see this scene, leaves mysterious face instantly became pale, quickly Putui.

Long rumbling.

Soon, a white light beam to Guan Road as the center moving around swept off, and that several people rushed to Guan directly swept dozens of lofty retreat outside, and Guan did not stop, still in place going round in circles, a white light surging crazy, the whole city at this moment, just start falling apart.

To see this scene, mysterious leaf are ignorant!

Guan this moment, I feel a play one million!

No one near her!

The whole palace began little by little broken, numerous strong moving around and fled.

That Ming Xin suddenly angrily: "Worship array!


Suddenly, dozens of black light beam from the city sky, the black light beam directly toward the position Guan Chung, when those exposed to white light, the black light beam suddenly violently shocked, but those who are white but still in a point a little swallowed.

To see this scene, Xin Ming suddenly relieved, but soon, her face changed!

Guan bullet because it is too much!

Like endless!

Soon, those black iris began to retreat bombers, the whole palace like a huge earthquake in general, began fragmented.

Xin Ming look very hard to see, though ugly, but she also continue to retreat, even if she does not dare to go hard just those white, mainly multi-ah!

This is who hold up? Guan is playing at the moment and really excited, she frantically pulled the trigger and going round in circles, a circular white light spread out moving around, white trails, grass grows.

Xuan Ye has retreated outside, he looked at the city flashing white light, the silence.

These people, who not mess to mess with this rich woman? This set down, this city should be gone!

And that Xin Ming, who is also retreated outside, take shelter edge!

Not only them, all the strong city of God offerings empire retreated outside the city!

Now Qin Guan, it is really a born!

Suddenly looked into the Ye Xuan, Ye Xiyuti, then smiled: "I don\'t have so many gods, but I have someone, if you are hit me, I am called people!

I heard the words, and the face is more ugly!

Can people call it straightforward? After a long time, it was finally not chosen to leave Xuan dynasty.

Because she knows, Ye Xuan did not scare her, it is true!

In the face of this named mountain king, she is still not holding down yet, so I have not provoked him.

I don\'t know how long it took, Qin Guan finally stopped, and at this moment, the whole city is already a thousand holes.

Looking at this killed city in front of him, the face of the blind, the face is difficult to see.

In the city, Qin watched the weapon of smoke in his hand, grinned, "cool!

Everyone: ".

At this time, the epithelial looks to Qin Guan, and I laugh, "Are you still?"

Said, she has to do it.

Wen said, Ye Xuan face suddenly black.

In the city, after I heard the words, Qin Guanrton said: "I still have wow!"

Said, her wrist moved, and took out a weapon, as she first took the weapon, the difference is that this weapon is also full of bullets!

Seeing the weapons in Qin Guan, the epicchronous expression is stiff directly.

Qin Guan looked at Lin Xin, excited: "Come!


Ye Xuan: ".

Next to Dynasty, those gods have become extremely ugly at this moment.

This woman really does not limit? At this time, the Lin also looked at Ye Xuan, see this scene, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, "Are you thinking that I am bullied, want to move me?"

Look at the Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

Don\'t say, she really has this meaning. After all, Ye Xuan does not have so many strange weapons, it is better to win.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Come on!"

Said, he spread his hands and seriously said: "To play me!

No one after my body, really, you see me, all the way, I have rely on myself, I really have not rely on anyone, any invincible, invincible sister, invincible big brother, all fake, I It is a pressection of the Jian Xiu, come, hit me!

I heard the words, and the blinks suddenly became gloomy. She stared at Ye Xuan, the eyes, killing people, after a moment, she looked at Qin Guan, Qin Guanyang raised the weapons in the hands, and the excitement of the face. " Ah!


We fight!

Ding Xin turned to the Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanyi is old: "When I am playing me, no one behind me, I don\'t have, I rely on myself!"

Everyone: ".