One Sword Reigns Supreme

2467 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,454 Chapter: My sister wants to talk to you!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

What the hell? Xuan Ye see this scene, is directly scared out of their wits, they quickly caught Guan hand, warble: "? What do you want"

Qin looked toward the distant, "killing them!

Xuan Ye Chen Sheng said: "You\'re a bunch of it, not just killing them, we fear that even you will be killed!

Guan This is a huge star power bomb after bomb explosion produced a star of more than prestige very undesirable environment strong enough to seriously injured, one hundred explosion? Fear is within a radius of one hundred million years, the barren ah!

Of course, he had no idea how Guan actually be afraid of ghosts? ghost!

Body is the soul ah!

She was afraid of ghosts? Hyun leaves some strange looks.

Then, within the gates came the plaintive sound of a Road, see this scene, leaves mysterious face suddenly became pale, his look unto them inside the gates, roaring, "Can they must mystify up?"

At the moment, he really want knives to injure!

Some Fam likes it mystify, playing the bells and whistles.

Who can be in front of this is? This is Guan ah!

Yiyanbuge bombing that your whole family!

Then, suddenly sounded a distant footsteps on the street, followed by a surge of chilly wind hit, icy.

Ye Xuan Wei Zhou brow, he looked into the distance, this time, there appeared a man dressed in black armor, man pale as a sheet, spears, burly, who exudes terror and coercion cold.

Armor man suddenly spoke, "those who trespass Yin Ming Palace, die!

Sound down, he suddenly disappeared in place, with a spear stabbing Qin Guan Xuan Ye, the spear, the opportunity to fast if thunder, do not give a reaction!

When the leaves mysterious react, that spear has come before him, he thumb gently pick.

Green mysterious sword flew off!


Jianguang from a mysterious burst out in front of leaves, tools and try to spear is green mysterious sword cut to stay still, and then, after that the man suddenly rushed spear armor, his hand holding that spear, we must once again shot, this time, Guan suddenly pulled out a gun and pull the trigger.


A white light emission, that man armor bombers flying directly to Baizhang outside!

After the Armor man stopped, he looked Guan, scowled next moment, he suddenly plunged forward, shot stabbing Qin Guan.


A thrill of horror imposing direct rolling away toward Guan!

People yet to come, it has the potential to!

Guan look calm, there is no shot, because the leaves mysterious stand in front of her, leaves mysterious eyes squint slightly, suddenly a sword cut.


A song resounded through the sword, the sword meaning a thrill of horror swept out!

Room sword Italy!


Jianmang suddenly broke off, middle-aged man directly again and again Putui, but this time, since the field is a white tear it off!

Distance, middle-aged man eye pupil suddenly shrunk, he spear a block.


With a sound of bombing resounded, middle-aged man to move back end of the street.

Ye looked mysterious middle-aged man, look calm.

After the middle-aged man stopped the hands of the spear suddenly break off his silence for a moment, looked up to the distant and mysterious Ye Qin Guan, hoarse: "The kind of singled out!

Single pick!

Wen said, Ye Xuan took a look at Qin Guan, and then two people shook his head.


The middle-aged man suddenly looked up.

Soon, a horrible breath started from the city, then moved to Ye Xuan and Qin Guan.

Call people!

See this scene, the next side of Ye Xuan suddenly said: "You only say a single one, I think there is!

Middle-aged man angry to Qin Guan, "I am playing with you!"

Ye Xiu Xiang, then thumbs up, "there is an eye!

After finishing, he retired directly.

Middle-aged man looked at Qin Guan, "Come!

Qin Guan wants to think, then the right hand stretched into the small bag.

Ye Xuan looked at the small bag of Qin Guan, I don\'t know what I think.

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly took out a gun, which made the gun and the previous, very long, very large, the gun body consists of ten small barrels, it looks some heavy.

Qin Guan took the handle of the gun, put on the trigger, and she looked at the middle-aged man in the distance, "Come on!"

Ye Xuan looked at the weapon of Qin Guan, some curiosity, this is a gadget? In the distance, middle-aged men looked at the weapons in Qin Guan\'s hand, disdain, "leaned by external objects, Huihu whistle!

After that, he suddenly took a long, and a horrible gun is directly like a lightning and swept by Qin Guan.

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly lifted a gun, a big drink, "Yeah.

When she passed the trigger, the ten huge beam suddenly became out of the gun, but this did not end, the muzzle, the beam took the time, short the time, At least 10,000 beams are ejected.

Tens of thousands of people!

In the distance, the middle-aged man\'s horrible guns instantly dissipated, followed by the middle-aged man directly to the end of the sight.

At the same time, the end of the line, the horrible fried sound is constantly resounding, it is really awkward!

Inside the number, dozens of fried sounds, what horror is this? At the end of the line of sight, there is a lot of mushrooms, and the whole city has a huge mushroom cloud. These mushrooms are only pressed!

Ye Xuan people!

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly shook his head, "Not intended!

After finishing, she took the weapon in her hand.

Ye Xuan looked at the end of the distance, the middle-aged man is already gone!

Shot except!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he looked at the weapons in Qin Guan\'s hand, "Qin Guan girl, this weapon you used?"

Qin Guan smiled: "I have improved a weapon, you can launch 100,000 bullets a second!


Ye Xuan Shen said: "How many bullets have?"

Qin Guan said: "100 million!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff, "100 million? Are you serious?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Of course!

This weapon can be high-tech, and its bullet is in the special space of the gun body, just like a quench.

As long as people are not tired, the bullet is almost unlimited!

100 million!

Ye Xuan looked at this huge palace before his eyes. He didn\'t sure this shot can not ruin this place.

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, and asked, "How much do you have?"

Qin Guan blinked, and then set a finger.

Ye Xuan brows, "a?"

Qin Guanbai has an eye of Ye Xuan, "there is one million!

one million!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

He really believes in Qin Guan\'s words!

If the Yang family is there is no old, we must destroy the Yang family, isn\'t it very simple? Without the old, who can stop this superfoy? Qingqiu does not recover strength, I am afraid that there is no way to take Qin Guan!

At this time, the two suddenly came to a woman in front of him, the woman wearing a black uterine dress, tall, long-awaited, she followed an old man, the old man wearing a black robe, the square is straight, it is like A long gun, a look like a knife, is fierce.

The woman looked at Ye Xuan and Qin Guan, and then said; "How do two calls?"

Ye Xuan said: "My name is Ye Xuan, next to this is Qin Guan girl.

After the woman is silent, he said: "What are two people here?"

Qin Guan suddenly asked, "Do you have inheritance?"

Ye Xuan is speechless, this Qin Guan is too disabled.

The woman looked at Qin Guan and did not speak.

Qin Guan said seriously: "You look at this, he is Ye Xuan, is now the first day of the Xuan universe and the boundless universe, if you have inheritance, you can give him, really!

Ye Xuan: ".

After the woman is silent, he said: "Two, change a place to talk?"

Qin Guanji head.

Ye Xuan two people followed the woman toward the distance, on the street, both sides were very cold.

Not long, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan follow the woman to a temple, on both sides of the stone step below the hall, all three of the black armored guards of 30 hand-held spears!

These guards are actually a thousand hunger!

A total of 60,000 hobby!

Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking.

Is this 10,000-hobby? What seems to be, Ye Xuan looked at the old man who was standing next to the woman, and he found out that this old man is a god!

A living god!

Ye Xuan and Qin Guan are all surprised, what is this forces? When the woman took Qin Guan and Ye Xuan into a temple, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, in the main hall, standing on the left side of a white robe, and the woman\'s right hand is behind him, holding a roll of ancient books, At this moment, she looked at Ye Xuan and Qin Guanjing!

The opposite of the white robe woman, there is a middle-aged man, the middle-aged man wears a simple robo, and his waist hangs a hunger. At this moment, his eyes are in Ye Xuan and Qin Guan.

Both people are gods!

Ye Xuan received his eyes, looking at the distance, no one, only a black dragon chair.

The women\'s women suddenly turned to look at Qin Guan and Ye Xuan, she fell in Qin Guan, "Qin Guan girl, hello!

Qin Guan!

Qin Guan slightly, then smiled: "You know me!"

The palace is a woman nodding, "Of course!

Nowadays, the most rich people in Xuan universe!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly pulled the Qin Guanshu sleeve, the mysterious emotion, "it is not strong!

Said, he looked at the four weeks, the heart: "Brother, do you have a danger?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "No!

Said, it suddenly talked, and said: "This is the most dangerous!

This place is because there is a boundless master, so it is not worth it!

The suggestion I gave you is withdrawal!


Ye Xuan silent.

If it is really dangerous, now withdraw, afraid that it is already too late.

At this time, the woman\'s woman suddenly laughed: "Qin Guan girl, my name is the Xin Xin, the princess of the God of the Imperial, today, my commander command to kill you here.

Qin Guan looks calm, "kill me?"

The woman nodded and laughed: "The never said that the people of life are temporarily killed, but the people around him are not the people of life!

Said, she smiled slightly, "Qin Guan girl, we know, you have a lot of superpoli, it is a very dangerous person, so we have prepared it.

Also, remind you, don\'t let you have any stars, if you let you talk too much, we really can\'t stop, but now you have a lot of Ye Gongzi, that is, if You put a star bomb, everyone is alone!

Qin Guan smiled: "Does Ye Gongzi still die? No side did not tell you, did he die?"

The woman nodded in the palace, "said!

Ye Gongzi died, we should die, but.

Said, her mouth is slight, watching Qin Guan, "But I still say that if Ye Gongzi died, not only we will die, Qin Guan girl will die, if Qin Guan girl wants to make jade, you can now Release star bomb, everyone is annoying.

Qin Guan silent.

She really didn\'t dare to fry the leaves!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly paid, Qing Xuanjian slowly drifted to the women\'s clothes, "I have a sister to talk to you, you induce.

Avenue pen: ".
