One Sword Reigns Supreme

2469 Swords in the second thousand four hundred and fifty-six chapters: calling people!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

In the field, it is difficult to see the pole!

A rich!

One person!

how to spell? How to play this? Silent and others are silent.

Originally, they did preparing a perfect plan to kill Qin Guan, but they were directly smashed by Qin Guan\'s weapon!

However, they are still unwilling to give up so.

Suddenly roaring, "starting!

The sound fell, the zhuangly palace suddenly trembled, the next moment, a light column rushed to the sky, blinking, the whole horizon showed a huge light screen disc, the real light screen disc covered the entire palace And on the disc circon, all kinds of strange words, at the same time, an old and mysterious singing sound suddenly sounded in the world.


Suddenly, the whole world began to gradually tremble!

The donkey looked up at the distance in the distance, the look is cold, "Qin Qi main, let me see how strong your money!

The sound fell, she suddenly spread, "got a battle!

Language, a horrible force suddenly rishes from her palm, and then brought together from the scene disc among the horizon.

And the remaining kinds of the odd empire, they also sacrificed their power. With the horrible power gathered from the disc light screen, the runes around the disc shock suddenly trembled, one Extremely terrible pressure is swept in the sky.


Below, Ye Xuanqi has become a little downtown!

This is a super-array of the power of the entire empire!

Ye Xuan has some concerns about Qin Guan, no hesitation, his body shape, appearing next to Qin Guan, "Do you need help?"

Qin Guanli smiled; "Need!

Ye Xuan looked at Qin Guan, "said!

Qin Guan blinked, "You hurry, escape far!

Ye Xuan was slightly, the next moment, he didn\'t hesitate, no nonsense, turned directly to the sword to disappear in the end of the sky.

It\'s very decisive!

Seeing this scene, Qin Guan slightly, and immediately shook his head smile, "It\'s a sensible guy, this kind of nature, I like it!

After finishing, she looked up and went to the distance in the distance. "I will send you a big gift!

The death is dead, staring at Qin Guan, "Come on!"

Qin Guan suddenly pulled a huge black bomb from the small bag. This bomb is at least ten times more than the star bomb. In addition, this bomb has countless mysterious strange words, and if it is fine Looking at it, it will find that there are many fine lines on the surface of this bomb, which is very small, such as hair, they are running slowly with a regular manner.

On the surface of this black bomb, there is a red button!

little boy!

This is the super star bomb she created: a little boy!

Qin Guan went to the distance, grinning, "killing you!

After that, she pressed the red button directly, then she quickly turned away, a golden golden clock directly shrouded her, she seems not enough, and even busy on the ground, her hands cover their own ears.

When she pressed the red button, the little boy suddenly took a burning flame!

Seeing this scene, the distant face in the distance changed, "fall!

The sound fell, the huge light screen disc suddenly slept, the next moment, the countless mysterious runes suddenly down from the sky, these mysterious runes directly turned into a fire column, in an instant, the whole horizon is like a whole Foot flaming is normal, the heavens and the earth began to become illusively at this moment, shocking!

Hard hard!

At this time, the little boy suddenly trembled, and then directly turned into a flash explosion.


A loud sound suddenly sounded in the scene!

This fried sound, countless universe!

With the sound of this fried, countless pendant fire column is in an inter-smoke, not only that, the light screen disc is also in the blink of a virtual, a wide range of millions of miles clouds in this endless universe The starry sky is blooming.

Tens of thousands of miles, everything is dust!

The farther far away from the farther, sudden turning, next moment, a horrible pressure and waves come!

Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrink, a sword.


Ye Xuan was shocked to Hundreds of Million, and when he stopped, the power waves rushed to him again.

Ye Xuan double eyes are slightly smashed, and the palm is spread, and a sword is swept!


The human swords and the Qing Xuanjian suddenly took the air waves to tear a deep mouth. He turned his head. After him, the air waves have destroy dozens of star fields.

Ye Xuan cold sweat directly flows down!

What is Qin Fu Po? Ye Xuan looks far away, the whole person has some numbness!

God Ming Empire, at this moment, the palace has already turned into ashes!

When Qin Guan detonated the super bomb, the countless defense of the Shen Ming empire was launched, but it was not used. Under the fried, all are all cultivated for ashes!

The God of the Devo is over, and that is still here, but their flesh is gone!

Not only the flesh is not, the soul is also extremely weak, close to transparency!

God\'s hobby!

Around the square, in addition to their gods, the rest of them were all spiked!

Including this kind of powerful, there is no power to live in the super bomb!

Dynamic looks in the distance, it is also hiding in the Qin Guan, the brain!

Qin Guan naturally also lives!

Just, the golden clock covering her has also appeared countless cracks.

At this time, Ye Xuan appeared in the court, he walked to Qin Guanyue, he knocked the Jin Ben, then said: "End!

Qin Guan slowly looked up, when she saw Ye Xuan, she grinned, then got up, she swept away from four weeks, blinking, "all felled!

After finishing, she also looked at the new people. When she saw a few people were still alive, she had a smile, "It seems that this power needs to improve, go back to let them continue to improve!

Ye Xuan: ".

When a few people heard the words of Qin Guan, the expression was stiff!

Is the power not enough? Is this what fucking people? The people are numb!

Qin Guan looked at the new a few people, then said: "Still playing?"

The death is staring at Qin Guan. "I don\'t believe you!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan speechless!

Qin Guan suddenly took out a little boy, she grinned, "I am still!

The epithelial expression is stiff.

At this time, Qin Guan took a dozen little boys, she smiled, "I am not only, there are still a lot!

Ye Xuan silent.

This rich woman.

Too much against the sky!

The distance is suddenly suddenly said: "Let\'s go!

After that, she directly turned into a white light disappeared in the end of the sky.

The rest of the monarchs also disappeared in the distance.

do not fight!

She is desperate!

One almost puts the soul of their fried, as if this rich woman detonates them.

Whole boundless land, afraid that only the boundless Lord can live? After seeing the Xinyi and others, Qin Guan suddenly sat down and somewhat weak.

Ye Xixiang is shocked, and I am busy: "What\'s wrong?"

Qin Guan sighed, "The impact of the bomb is too big!

Have a big impact on me!

I am now tired now!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How did you resist the impact?"

Just now, he is experiencing, it can be said that there is no hobby that can\'t stop, but Qin Guan is in the center of the explosion, but it can resist it, this is not normal.

Qin Guan\'s palm is spread, a golden golden clock appears in her hands, "This is a defensive treasure, very strong, and when I was covered, I was in the world.

However, it still has no power that can completely resist the power of the little boy!

Said, she shook his head slightly, "I will give people in the future!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Thank you!"

Avenue pen: ".

Qin Guanwei looked at Ye Xuan, stunned, "Hey.


Ye Xuan stretched out the right hand, seriously: "Thank you!"

Qin Guan hesitated, then handed the golden bell to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan\'s passed the golden clock, then asked, "How to use this?"

Qin Guan gently patted the golden clock, and the Golden Time documented as a sword light did not enter the bluff.


In an instant, the leaves of the hunter spilled a thin golden light!

Qin Guan said: "You can now!

Ye Xuan\'s eyes slowly closed, after a while, he found that he has established a god link with that Jin Zhong.

Ye Xuanxin thought, next moment, he was directly covered by a gold bell!

However, this golden clock has been turtle!

Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, Qin Guan smiled: "Don\'t worry, this golden bell has self-repair function, how long does it take for it, it will heal yourself!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qin Guan turned his head and looked at the four weeks, then whispered: "This time they designed to kill me.

Obviously, they want to solve people around you!

Ye Xuan wants to think, nod, "Yes!

Said, he looked at the four weeks, then said: "Qin Guan, we went to the hell!"

He has not forgotten to promise the hell!

Qin Guan Head, "Go!

Ye Xuan directly drove the Qing Xuanjian, the next moment, he disappeared with Qin Guan in the same place, once again appeared, already in the hell.

Just appeared in the hell, the sky is in front of the two, see Ye Xuan, Tianzi smiled, "Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xi Xiao said: "Let your people prepare, let\'s go to the Xuan universe!

Tianyi looked at Ye Xuan, "Determine?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Tianyi Shen Sheng said: "The family above.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Nothing, you are doing it!"

Tianyi looked at Ye Xuan, nod, "Good!

After a time, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan came to the exit of hell. Qin Guan directly called the old, and the Lao Lao only used it less than a quarter to crack this seal!

Soon, the hell left the place where the dead.

Ye Xuan and Qin Guan also came to the ground, and when the two came to the ground, the two faces suddenly suddenly, because they were not far from them, there was a man!

People are not someone else, is being boundless!

Qin Guan pulled the sleeves of Lafi, "this is not dead, called people!

Ye Xuan: ".
