One Sword Reigns Supreme

2466 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and fifty-three chapters: I am afraid of ghosts!

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Too late.

After the martial arts, she was cold and coldly swept away from the four weeks, and her face was incomparably ugly.

Since the wanted order appeared, the Taicheng family has now been killed, this is undoubtedly a snow, because the current is too late, the core people have left.

Qin Guan!

Wu Jun hands grasped, and the eyes were cold.

At this moment, Wu Jun suddenly turned, far away, there was a black robe.

See this black robes, Wu Jun double eyes, "how, want to take me to reward?"

The black robes are hoarse: "I know Wu Jun\'s strength is superior, and the old man did not grasp the martial arts, but the old man still wants to try, after all, as long as you can hurt Wu Jun, you can change a lot of the Zone!

After finishing, he suddenly disappeared in the same place.


In the field, a black light swept.

The Wujun\'s eyes flashed a smell of cold and killing, the next moment, she disappeared directly in the same place.


No border.

On the day of the Xianbao Pavilion Branch, Xianbao Pavilion was announced auction auction.

God\'s hobby!

Have to say, this news came out, it directly gave a blessing city boiling.

God\'s robbery, or belongs to the legend, because even the enchanting Wu Jun, it is not a gods, and now this Xianbao Pavilion actually auctioned the inheritance of the gods.

In an instant, countless strong and forces came to Xianbao Pavilion.

On the first day of opening, Xianbaoge is hot.

Borderless Chamber of Commerce.

Yong Ya sat in the room, the face is a bit cold, she didn\'t think that Xianbao Shangchain opened in the boundless city!

The most important thing is that these forces of the universe have no one to oppose!

You know, Xianbao Pavilion can be from the existing universe!

Of course, she didn\'t think that this Xianbaoge opened the first day of the auction of the gods\' strong!

God\'s hobby!

The boundless chamber of Commerce has been inherited, but that is as a treasure, don\'t say auction, even this news will not disclose.

And this Imperial Pavilion actually public auction god robbery inheritance!

At this time, an old man quietly appeared in the room, the old man Shen Sheng: "Yong Ya is old, what do we do now?"

After the silence of Yi Ya, he said: "Go to Xianbao Pavilion!

After finishing, she got up.


In a starry sky, Ye Xuan Yujian is on, he is Qin Guanzhi, and Qin Guan is also in the royal sword. Of course, her sword is filled!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Xianbao Pavilion opened today, are you not worried about Xianbaoge?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Is it not better?"

Ye Xuan silent.

Out of the chaos, then she can fly off the borderless city!

You know, now Qin Guan is around the border city, but it is buried near hundred stars!


It is enough to completely eradicate the entire city!

Qin Guan suddenly looked at the distance. At this time, a black man appeared in front of Qin Guan, and the black man immediately went deeply, "the home!

Qin Guan slightly nodded, "have major discovery?"

The black man nodded, excited: "I will wait for the new discovery of the relics, preliminary estimates, this remains come from the most brilliant era of the boundless universe: Shenming era!

God\'s era!

Ye Xuan brows, Sudden explanation, Suddenly explained: "This gods have hundreds of millions of years, as the most brilliant era of the universe, this is born in that era, in that time, this era The boundless owner is still a crown of contemporary, and the suppression is strong.

Ye Xuanmi nodded, then said: "There is a group of people to explore the secret for you."

Qin Guan smiled: "Of course!

Otherwise, I have some time? "

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "How many people?"

Qin Guan wants to think, then look to the black man, "Old touch, how many people do you now?"

Old touch: "There are about 360,000 people!

36 million!

I heard this number, Ye Xuanlun was speechless.

Oh shit!

This is outrageous!

Why is Qin Guan so rich? Because there are countless teams behind her for her!

Qin Guan suddenly said: "The remains of the gods, a little meaning, walk!

Old tack, then respectfully ride.

Under the leadership of the old tack, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan came to a vast mountain range. When entering this mountain range, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, this mountain ancient trees have high, it is simply covering the sky. On the day, the weeds under the ancient trees, and there are also hundreds of feet.

Qin Guan said softly: "It seems that there is no one in this place!"

Old tack, "is a complete remains!

The ruins of the ruins are very powerful, and the gods are still cracking!

Qin Guan slightly nodded, "The complete remains, then you can\'t break away.

Old touched nodded.

Soon, the three came to a mountain wall, and tens of thousands of people in front of this wall.

When I saw Qin Guan, this tens of thousands of people immediately kneel, and they said: "After seeing the owner!

Qin Guan nodded, "Let\'s get up!

Everyone got up, and when watching Qin Guan, these people were excited.

Most of them are not good, and they are not valued in the world. Under normal circumstances, they have no opportunities for a lifetime, but Qin Guan attaches them to them, not only funds them, but also pays attention to them, give them opportunities.

In their heart, Qin Guan really exists like God.

Qin Guan looked at an old man in front of him, laughed: "Is this a law, is this wrong?"

The old man named the old law saw the name of Qin Guan called his name. When I was an excitement, I was busy: "Let\'s go back to the Lord, this area is really special, far superfine, the knowledge of the law, but the home is rest assured, we have a few old guys Confidence to crack this array.

Qin Guan Head, "Crack this array, we can learn more about the god era, and if there is a diagnosis, give you!

Wen said, the old law quickly served a gift, "Thank you, the main!"

Qin Guan smiled, then turned to look to Ye Xuan, "Let\'s wait!

Ye Xuan nod, then walking with Qin Guan to the side, and old law and others continue to break the rules.

Ye Xuan looked at it, he found that this whole mountain was covered by a strong array.

Qin Guan\'s stars should also be stronger, but if Qin Guan said, if you use a star bomb, it may destroy this complete remains.

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Qin Guan girl, after you say this, you can learn more about the god era in more detail?"

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Do you think I have come to these sites every time, is it really for the so-called money and God?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Isn\'t it?"

Qin Guanbai has an eye of Ye Xuan, "these so-called secret sites, although there are many money, but for me, the nine cows are not countless!

Ye Xuan Shen said; "You want to know the era of the era through these prolifications!

Qin Guanji, "Yes!

I want to know those era, the best way is archaeological!

Ye Xuan nod, "I understand!

Qin Guan said soft: "Many civilizations in the era are very interesting!

And I also want to see, there is no legendary science and technology civilization, but unfortunately, I have never encountered it, nor, I have some, but those technologies.

Said, she shakes his head, "I am distressed!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you want to find scientific civilization?"

Qin Guan smiled: "The science of science, there is no end, even now I have mastered the science technology, but it is a horn of iceberg, because of some of our science fantasies, it is still unable to achieve.

Therefore, I want to see if there is a higher scientific civilization or other special civilization!

Ye Xuan nod, "I understand!

Qin Guan smiled slightly. "In fact, I want to talk to your sister, because she understands the martial arts and sentient beings, only use horror to describe, talk to her, I should have a lot of gains.

But unfortunately, she doesn\'t like to chat with others, and the temper is not particularly good.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "This is a little thing, next time I take you to see her, what do you want to ask, you can ask!

Qin Guan blinked, "said a word!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Of course!

At this moment, the entire mountain in front of the two suddenly trembled, followed by, a halo spilled in the mountain, and then slowly disappeared around!

On the other side, the Law is excited: "The home, the array is broken!"

Qin Guan smiled: "Hard work!

Lao Lian is busy: "Don\'t dare!

For the main force, it is the pleasure of our old guys!

Qin Guan smiled and then said; "Then I will go in with Ye Gongzi!

The old man nodded, "The main owner and Ye Gongzi please!

Qin Guan turned to look into Yuxuan, "Go!

After that, the two came to a stone door. After entering Shimen, the two suddenly appeared in front of the two, after a while, when the two opened his eyes, it was already in front of a palace.

When I saw this palace, Ye Xuan\'s face became a moment!

The previous boundless city is he has seen the biggest and most magnificent city, but in front of this palace in front of him, the borderless city is like a soil!

The city gate of the palace in front of him is up to thousands of feet, the wall, standing on a high statue, these statues are wearing black A, hand holding a spear, mighty, although a statue, but there is a horrible power Pressure.

Qin Guan suddenly laughed: "It is a bit mean!

Ye Xuan nod, "this is once, afraid is a super forion!

Qin Guan is going to talk, at this time, the city gate suddenly opened, and the city gate opened, a bleaky wind was slowly floated, and the temperature suddenly suddenly occurred in the field. At the same time, a sadness is slowly drifting, bleak and sorrowful!

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly pulled Ye Xuan\'s sleeves. Ye Xuan turned his head to Qin Guan, seeing Qin Guan\'s look and pale, his look is instantaneous, this rich woman thinks dangerous fear? Qin Guan suddenly spoken: "You, I am afraid of ghosts!"

Ye Xuan expression stiff; "???"

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly trembled hundreds of stars, and then ignited.
