One Sword Reigns Supreme

2465 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and fifty-two chapters: Wanted order!

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I have to say that Qin Guan said it is very reasonable!

In this era, countless people have ignored a problem, that is, talents, talents, people who can refine talents, there are other aspects, such as management, governing the country.

Watching Xuanchuan wants to change the entire universe, leaving him with Qin Guan, must not do it.

After a while, the money is old.

And Qin Guan took Ye Xuan in the city, and finally, the two came to a mountain in the city. Qin watched the four weeks, this place is very good, from this top of this mountain, the bottom is a jungle, The jungle is less than tens of thousands of feet, and outside the jungle is a river. This river is wide, surrounded by the entire mountain, which is the main city building visible to the naked eye.

Qin Guan suddenly paused, a paper purple fairy crane suddenly flew up, soon, this purple fairy crane disappeared in the deep situation and then burned.

Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, Qin Guan smiled: "This place is suitable for building an academy, so I will come here to build an alias.

Said, she took out a piece of paper to Ye Xuan, "You see, this is the college I design!"


Ye Xuan took the design drawings, after he saw a moment, laughed: "Very good!

Qin Guanhao is slight, "that is of course!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, at this time, the time and space in front of the two suddenly fuse slightly. After a while, a middle-aged man appeared in front of the two.

Middle-aged man is moving to Qin Guan, "Harism"!

Said, he looked at the Ye Xuan, which was slightly, "Ye Gongzi!

Qin Guan smiled: "The class work, I want to build a school in this place!

After that, she handed the design drawings to the class, "How much is it!

After the class worked, I took a picture, after a moment, he smelled: "For the building, there are too many flowers!"

Top 100 billion is pulling, but if you want to add various array.

Qin Guan shook his head, "temporarily does not add the array, but the array can be reserved first.

The class is nod, "Good!

Qin Guan\'s palm is spread, and one is slow to floating into the class. "How long does it take?"

The class has swept a four weeks, "a month!

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

The class works slightly, turned around.

Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, "he can cause it in a month? But there is near hundred palace!

Qin Guan smiled: "He has a team!

Ye Xuanbow, "Team?"

Qin Guan Head, "This class is once a small carpenter, I accidentally discovered, and I bake him, and let him form a build team. In these years, he has attracted almost more than 100,000 people, which is responsible for my Xianbao. The construction of all the world.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you have a lot of difficulties in your hand?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Yes!

I didn\'t say smart bionic people with you before? She brought the bionic people who are more powerful than pedicies, and some of my special weapons are their responsible for building.

Ye Xuan\'s thumbs up, "amazing!

Qin Guan smiled, "The end of science is theology, but the science can be very powerful!


I still have a group of science gods. They are specially engaged in research, helping to develop a variety of super weapons that destroy the earth, and take you to my military factory!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Where is your military factory?"

Guan blinked, "to know when to take you!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Well!

At this point, that class of workers has emerged in the field, and this time, he has brought tens of thousands of people!

Tens of thousands of people in front of Guan and leaves a deeply mysterious gift!

Ye mysterious discovery, some of them very excited excitement.

Qin Guan in their hearts of these people, it is really such as the existence of God.

Qin Guan laughed: "You go!

Classes work nod, "started!

Sound down, a crowd began to measure the mountain, no one will, everyone is commenced.

The Guan Xuan Ye came with the boundless city.

on the street.

Xuan Ye ask, "This forces the boundless universe would look at us and build academy cents Hokaku it?"

Qin Guan laughed: "temporarily will, because not want to do stands out.

Ye Hyun nodded.

At this time, a mysterious man in black suddenly appeared in front of Guan mysterious leaf, black people against Guan Jing Ye Xuangong with a ceremony, then spread out palm, a reel slowly migrating to both of them.

Guan took the scroll, looked after a moment, she turned and handed leaf mysterious.

Xuan Ye curious, "It is?"

Qin Guan laughed: "This is some of the information of the major forces in the boundless universe, you can look!

Ye Hyun nodded, he had just opened, not a white light directly into his brow, and soon, his mind countless influx of information.

After a while, the mysterious leaves have a general understanding of the boundless universe.

Nowadays, there are five super forters, which is the Moros, followed by the Nalans and Taichung people and San and the boundless chambers.

In addition to these five super forces, there are two mysterious forces, one is the ancient belongings in the north and the west of the west.

These two forces are very mysterious, even if Qin Guan\'s probes also explore too much information.

Qin Guan suddenly said; "There is still a forces, that is the owner of this, this is the owner of the neighbor, this near Guard is the boundaries of the boundaries, and the strength is unknown.

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, then said: "Is it in the boundless city?"

Qin Guan shook his head, "I don\'t know!

However, people can investigate!

Ye Xuan looked at Qin Guan, then said: "Qin Guan, you think these forces, who threatens the biggest?"

Qin Guan smiled: "The owner of bounds!

This person is really special, and the strength is extremely terrible. For this person, we have to be cautious.

Ye Xuan nod, "indeed.

At this time, a black shadow appeared in front of Qin Guan, black shadow slightly, then whispered a few words, is a mystery.

Qin Guanzi Wei Wei, "Is Ye Gongzi?"

I heard the words, the black shadow face was instantly changed, when I was kneeling, the trembling said: "The home is forgiven!"

Qin Guan looks calm, "said it just now.

The black shadow is busy: "The main, Ye Gongzi, Taichung\'s Wu Jun has been following you!"

Wu Jun!

Ye Xuan silent, this woman seems to kill himself!

Qin Guan turned and looked at it, then smiled: "Wu Jun, come out!"

After a while, a woman came out slowly, it was the Wujun.

Wu Jun looked at Qin Guan and his eyes did not hide the killing.

In fact, she is now more hated by Qin Guan rather than Ye Xuan, because the Qin Guanzhu is too late to fry.

Seeing this Wu Jun stared at Qin Guan, Ye Xixiang was a lot of music. He thought that the other party came to kill him, but now it seems that the goal of the other party is obviously not him, but Qin Guan, and the goal is Qin Guan\'s words. , Then this can be fun!

Qin Guan smiled: "Wu Jun, have you followed me, is it to kill me?"

Wu Jun\'s right hand slowly grasped, and a horrible potential is directly pressed toward Qin Guan.

At this time, next black shadow suddenly blocked in front of Qin Guan, his right hand stared forward.


The spear of this black shadow actually blocked the momentum of Wu Jun!

Ye Xuan looked at the black shadow, and the heart was shocked. This dark shadow is at least half a step!

Wu Jun looked at the black shadow, and the eyes flashed a cold, she was going to shoot, the Qin Guan suddenly said: "Wu Jun girl, do you really want to fight in this?"

Wu Jun looked at Qin Guan and was cold.

The boundless city is really can\'t fight!

After Wu Jun silent, he said: "Qin Guan, you have money, some people, but what people around you? They are the same as you, have there so many bombs?"

Qin Guanyu Wei Wei, "Wu Jun, you are also a person, how, can\'t bull, don\'t you bully me?"

Wu Jun said: "You told me too Linger!"

Qin Guan is a bit negligible. "Isn\'t you let us torful?"

Ye Xuancai is busy, "Yes!

Wu Jun, is you let us slaughter, how can we blame us? "

Wu Jun killed and stared at Qin Guan. "I just use his people, but also people!

After finishing, she glanced over, I looked at it, turned and left.

In the field, Qin Guan brows smashed slightly, "this woman is really.

Said, she shook his head, then said: "Send an anonymous wanted order, where to kill Ta Ling people, enjoy the hundreds of millions of veins, the higher the realm, the higher the pay, if you can hurt the martial arts, enjoy hundreds 100 million veins, disabled, rewarding 5 billion, killing, I reward two hundred billion "

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned.

At this time, the illiteration suddenly said in front of Qin Guan: "Follow!

After finishing, he turned directly to go out.

Ye Xuan speaking.

This hang will not go to Mun Jun? Qin Guan suddenly shook his head, "inexplicably!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "The average person is afraid to kill this woman!

Qin Guan smiled: "It doesn\'t matter, anyway, as long as someone has continued to find her trouble!

Moreover, she must be able to stay around her people every day, otherwise, she is too late to die!

At the beginning of the battle, Qin Guan was flattering. The countless strong people in Taicheng were tragic, but there were some not too late. Therefore, Taichun did not be truly alive, but top-level strong Almost being slaughtered, there is only one Wujun.

Now this is too spiritual, almost already scrapped!

Qin Guan suddenly said: "Go, I will take you with archaeological!"

Ye Xuan: ".


Wanted a hair, the entire boundless universe is boiling.

This is too much!

Under the reward, there must be the courage.

They may not fight Wu Jun, but what about Wu Jun\'s people? Those who are weaker!

So, some dark scatters began to murder Tanfang people, and even more, go directly to Wu Jun.

As long as you get wound, you can have a million feet!

Not long after, the Tanji is a mysterious killer.
