One Sword Reigns Supreme

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

"little boy?"

Ye Xuan has some doubts, "" This name? "

Qin Guan smiled: "Is there a somewhere?"

Ye Xuan nod, "indeed!

Qin Guan smiled and said: "Let\'s go!

Go to the border city!

After that, she directly rushed to the Sword, disappeared in the deep situation!

little boy!

Ye Xuan wants to think, shake his head, then disappear in the distance.

Shortly after the two disappeared, a woman suddenly appeared in the field.

From the people, it is the Wu Jun of the Tainger!

After learning that Ye Xuan and Qin Guan came to the boundless universe again, she immediately followed.

Today\'s Taicun is already a famous memory.

Because the original is too late, the rest of the people have been fried in addition to those who are not in the family!

This hatred, she is naturally impossible!

Wu Jun looked at the horizon, silent, and I didn\'t know what I was thinking.

After a while, Wu Jun figured it and disappeared.


No border.

The boundless city is the most prosperous city of the universe. In this city, there are more than one billion, the whole city is extremely big, from the city gate to both sides, do not see the head at all, really boundless.

The boundless city is the most prosperous city of the universe. The guards here are naturally a lot, and they are guarded here. It is the neighboring army.

It is worth mentioning that this is the owner of the world, but the boundless owner has almost no in the city.

Qin Guan and Ye Xuan big shake the big swing, enter the city, on the street, Qin Guan got an eye four weeks, then said: "Go to the city!

Leaf Xuan nod.

After a while, Qin Guan took Ye Xuan to the center of the city, she saw a four-week, then went to a maximistic temple, this is a chamber of commerce, regardless of the biggest chamber of Commerce in the universe: a business meeting!

After Qin Guan took Ye Xuan to enter the Chamber of Commerce, a woman immediately greeted up, she smiled slightly, "Two respect, I don\'t know what the two respect have?"

Qin Guan turned to look into the Ye Xuan, Xuanqiyu, "This chamber of commerce does not seem to, the intelligence is not in place, I don\'t know two!

Ye Xuan nod, agreed.

Qin Guan looked at the woman and smiled: "I want to see you of yours!"

Wen said, the woman is slightly, then said: "The girl is?"

Qin Guan smiled: "My name is Qin Guan, Xianbao Pavilion\'s home!"

I am coming today, I want to buy this chamber of commerce, let you talk to me!

Qin Guan!

The woman still wants to say anything. At this time, a footsteps came from one side.

Ye Xuan turned his head, not far away, a woman was slow, and the woman wore a purple skirt, and there was a little red in the eyebrow. It was very elegant and beautiful.

The woman went to Qin Guan and Ye Xuan face, smiled slightly, "It turned out to be Qin Guange, I was this long-standing chamber of commerce, and we changed a place to talk about?"

Qin Guan Head, "Good!

Under Yan Ya, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan have come to an elegant room. From this position, it will look at it halfway.

Yong Ya looked at Qin Guan, "Qin Gou mainly bought our chamber of commerce?"

Qin Guanji, "Yes!

Yong Ya\'s new tea cup has a small mouth, then laughs: "Qin Qi, my boundary is in the boundless universe, every month\'s profits are in the million fertilies, and the chamber of the main city, The monthly profit is more than 100 billion.

Said, she smiled slightly. "I know that Qin Gang\'s main wealth is rough, is the first rich existing universe, but Qin Qi Master wants to acquire our boundless chambers, afraid.

Qin Guan smiled: "I will directly, first, if you are willing to sell, open a price, second, I am here to open a Xiaobao Pavilion, I am opening a fairy Pavilion, I am in one month Road: "The boundless universe wants to conquer the existing universe, is the resource, the aura, is aggression.

And we conquer the boundless universe, the purpose is to make this side better, as long as we are not selfish, the boundless owner is not our opponent.

Ye Xuan looks to Qin Guan, "change the universe!

Qin Guanji, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Work hard together!

Qin Guan smiled: "Try to come on!

The two are smiling!

Qin Guan said: "Our first task is to build a Xianbaoge, then take this Ximen Court, recruit this talent, let more people join us, help us do things, the most important thing is We use this Xianbaoge to interoperate this with the Xuan universe, let the two sides have trade.

Then, we started the college, recruiting this talents, the martial arts civilization here is higher than us, we can let some strong people go to our class to make money.

Said, she shook his head smile, "I will give it to the following people to do it!

What you have to do now is to let the Qingqiu choose some people who can play without the border, build an entry.

After that, she looked to Ye Xuan, "God\'s heart is getting the world!

Ye Xuan nod, "understand!

Qin Guan suddenly turned, "I am here!

The sound came, an old man suddenly came here, the old man went to Qin Guan, and the Qin Guan directly slowly squatted, and trembled: "After seeing the owner!"

Said, I have a deep gift in Ye Xuan, "I have seen Ye Gongzi!

Qin Guan smiled: "Let\'s get up!

The old man slowly got up, but the body was still half bend.

Qin Guan smiled: "I will introduce you, the money is old, it is a matter of my hand, I am good at business!

Ye Xuan slightly smile, "money is good!

Qian Lian is busy: "Ye Gongzi is good!"

Qin Guan smiled, then took out a quite ring before the money, "in a month, died and boundless chambers.

The money is old, then the quarter is: "Half a month!"

Qin Guan smiled: "Good!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How can I be dying in a short time?"

Qian Laozhao must smile, "is very simple, meet the needs of all kinds of guests!

This time, I have brought enough goods, a super artifact auction every day, and a gods of the gods inherit auction.

Said, Qian Lao suddenly said, and said: "The most important thing is that we have contacted some persistent people and talents, as long as we open, they will come here!

Ye Xuan blinked, "excavation?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Yes!

Everyone has a price!

Everyone comes out, it\'s all making money, not what dreams.

So, as long as we have enough price, they will naturally go with us.

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "What is the most important thing in this era! Talent!

So, now, what we have to do is to grab talent with the boundaries of the boundless universe!

What resources, what God, no one is the most important, my chamber of commerce is so big, so many, the most important reason is because my people have more, there are many good people!

After finishing, she looked at the horizon of the distance and whispered: "I will go to a place, anyone thinks that I am going to grab the resources, it is going to make a profit, in fact, I am one place, first do it is to go Enroll talents, excavate talents, and cultivate talents!

Now, I have to attract the people of the boundless universe to me, the universe, need force, but manage the universe, need talents!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then gently pull the skirt of L Q Q Qin, "It is us, your talent is my talent!

Qin Guan: ".


PS: I have a great plan!