One Sword Reigns Supreme

2453 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and forty chapters: I really have lost!

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After it leaves mysterious beheaded virtual shadow, Yanwu suddenly becomes illusory up!

Ye Xuan stopped, his eyes slowly closed again.

I do not know how long, he slowly opened his eyes, but at the moment, he has been in a cemetery.

Inferno cemetery!

Soon, nearly Road soul leaves the body in front of mysterious.

These are a group of ancestors hell.

Ancestor of all the soul in hell looked mysterious leaf, to see the leaves in the mysterious tribe is not hell, are all these souls brow wrinkled up.

Led by a mysterious soul leaves the body looked, "who you are!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Ye mysterious!

The soul leaves the body staring at the mysterious "You hell not my tribe!

Leaf Xuan nod.

Soul body frowned, "You are neither my people, why can come here?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "Come this experience!

Then he looked at all the soul body, then said: "? It is also a test of it."

Led by the soul leaves the body looked mysterious, "this is the last test, but you hell not my tribe, therefore, we do not agree with you to participate in this test!

Ye Xuan thought, then nodded, "then I go!

After finishing, he turned and left.

And at this time, a black old man suddenly said: "Wait!

I heard the words, those souls in the field looked at the old man, and the words were still.

Ye Xuan fidelized to the old man, he found that the surrounding the soul is looking at the old man, and it is full of awe.

Obviously, this is a big!

Black old people look at Ye Xuan, "You can choose to try this!

Ye Xuan also didn\'t ask why, nod, "Good!

In the field, when the soul body heard the old man, it was stunned, but he didn\'t dare to say anything.

The old man looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "This is the close, exercise your soul and mental strength and willpower.

Are you ready? "

Leaf Xuan nod.

The old man turned around and looked at the soul, "start!

The sound is falling, the soul body suddenly turns into a white light, the white light is not entered the bluff.


In an instant, Ye Xuan doubled, all over the body, whispered, this moment, he felt that his head was blown!

Soon, countless information suddenly flooded into his brain, this information is the memory of these souls, of course, just about cultural memory.

Originally, Ye Xuan\'s body trembled, countless information flooded into his brain, this impact, it is too terrible, he is so fast.

However, he is still hard to bite his teeth.

He knows that this is his opportunity!


This race once is stronger than the Taichung family, and the hell of these ancestors, each is the lowest one, these people\'s cultivation experience and memories, what is precious? This is actually equivalent to it!

Ye Xuan\'s hands were gripped, and the body could not be trembled.


He now supports its own willpower.

Also, when I was fighting with my mysterious people, his willpower has been enhanced.

Never say!

never give up!

In this way, the time is a little bit.

Half a month!

Ye Xuan\'s body gradually calmed down, his soul and spiritual power have been slowly adapted.

I don\'t know how long it took, a white light spread out of the blush, all souls appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

The head of the black dress looks at Ye Xuan, "How?"

Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he was deeply a gift to everyone, "Thank you for your predecessors!

Black old people nod, "Can you have an echo?"

Ye Xuan nod, "there is!

Black old man said: "You burned the", then we pointed you, let you reach the thousands of knocked! "

Ye Xuan first is a stunning, then big joy, he quickly deeply, "Thank you!

After that, he sat down and then started to burn the Yuanyuan!

Is the Yuanyuan!

Because he found that the Zone is now, although there is still, it is not so big!

When the Yuanyuan is burned, countless aura suddenly poured into the pixin body in the same trend.

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "Thousands of knocked, it is a thousand robbery, this thousand robbery, refers to the robbery.

A person\'s life is a practice. In this process, it has already been cultivated, but many people have not taken these robbers.

A kind of disaster is a kind of experience, every mood breakthrough is a practice breakthrough.

In the next time, Ye Xuan began to take a relative!

I don\'t understand, ask, and in front of these strong people, I can answer his question!

And his people are swords, it is the human avenue, and it is easy to compile with this thousand robbery. Therefore, it is easy to practice this thousand knocked.

Let Ye Xuan\'s surprise is that when practicing, his human swords have begun to change!

In this way, half a year has passed, the disc is sitting on the ground, is like an old man to enter, his hair has also appeared a silk white hair, and more and more.

I don\'t know how long it takes, I am sitting in the place, suddenly slowly open my eyes, he is in the eyes, a vicissitudes.

In this year, he has experienced a robbery every day, and he is a kind of life, and he has experienced a thousand kinds of life with the help of the soul strong, and he has experienced a thousand kinds of robbery!

In front of Ye Xuan, the old man smiled slightly, "How do you feel?"

Ye Xuanqi, he is the palm of your hand, and a sword is slowly floating!

When seeing this sword, the black old man and others have a slight change.

This sword is more than ten times more than before!

Ten times!

Most importantly, this world is unlike ever, now the world\'s sword, contains a lot.

At this moment, Ye Xuan also achieved a thousand knives!

Ye Xuan looked to the old man in front of him, he deeply, "Thank you for your predecessors!

Black clothes looked at Ye Xuan. "Although you are not my own, but I have been inherited by our family. My family is now desperate, I will ask you to help it!

Ye Xuan nod, "of course!

Black old man smiles slightly, "take care!

After that, he gradually became illusively with the people\'s soul.

Obviously, he wants to be a good margin with Ye Xuan, should say that he wants to give the hell!

After a while, the black elderly and others disappeared.

Ye Xuan once again a deep gift in front of it in front of it.

At this time, suddenly time and space suddenly became ill, I didn\'t know how long. When the Ye Xuan opened his eyes, he had already taken the entrance to the hell trial, and in front of him, it was the day.

Tianyi looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Congratulations!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you!"

Tianyi looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "You gave me a big surprise!

Ye Xuan smiled and then said: "Is I played now Wu Jun?"

Tianyi shook his head, "can\'t!

Ye Xuan silent.

Tian Yu smiled: "You know this woman,"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Tianyi light channel: "This person is a true day, the speed of the sky, the speed of practice is the fastest, and the talent is also the best.

The most terrible thing is that she is more effort than ordinary people.

When she is really, she is already able to defeat the next Wu Jun, and her most exuberant record is the third-order defeat opponent, and the other party is not a weak, the other party is also a two-order challenge. Super enchanting!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "You want to challenge her, difficult!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Nothing!

On the day, I will let her sing!

It\'s slightly, then smiled: "You can have!

Ha ha!

Ye Xuan Shen Shu: "The predecessors of the predecessors, the talents, are the ancestors of the hell, right?"

Tianyi nodded.

Ye Xuan said: "They are all hobby?"

Tianyi smiled: "They don\'t matter of the true Warrior, only the pseudo-million knocked, the real Way, is very difficult, then Wu Jun is a million knocked.

Ye Xuan said: "What about you?"

It\'s blink of an eye, "What do you think?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You should be a hobby, right?"

It\'s a smile, "Ye Gongzi, do you know the overall strength of the universe?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I only contacted too late!"

Tianyi looked at Ye Xuan, "Tai Luan, is just a horns in the iceberg.

Ye Xuan silent.

Tianyi light channel: "Today\'s Tan Ling family can rank the third in the boundless universe, because of Wu Jun, this person can enemies at least ten million knocked strong!

However, you have to remember a little, she is not the strongest of the universe!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Who is the strongest in the universe?"

Tianyi smiled: "I don\'t know the strongest, but the strength of the three is definitely above Wu Jun.

First, it is the mysterious sacrifice. This person is proficient in the ancient gods, its strength can only be said to be deep!

Second, it is the boundless owner. This person is extremely mysterious in the boundless place. After that, after the war, there is no edge of the corner, no longer appears again.


Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "At that time, he didn\'t die?"

Tianzi shook his head, "no!

This person also has handed hands with the owner of the avenue.

The owner of the avenue pen!

Ye Xuan brows, "The owner of the avenue pen owner?"

I nodded, "However, no one knows the win."

Of course, everyone knows that because of that battle, all the strong people have retired back, the boundless land is also hidden without side, no longer have to go!

After the Xuanxuan silent, the road: "Third?"

The day of the sky, gradually be cold, "The third is the Moro\'s family, a smart unparalleled super genius.

It is said that this person is enchanting, and it is still on the martial arts and the sacrifice, and under his rule, the Moro is not only a big injury after the war, but it is getting stronger, it should be, it should be Said that today\'s Moros is the strongest in history!

Said, her eyes slowly closed.

Ye Xuan suddenly nodded and no longer said.

Tianyi looks to Ye Xuan, "You are not afraid!"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "They are more, I also have people!"

Tianyi smiled: "What are you?"

Ye Xuan nod, "I have already understood it!

As long as they don\'t have too much, I will not call people.

If they are more than people.

Said, he shrugged and then said: "I don\'t think about it, I have never lost!

Tianyi: "
