One Sword Reigns Supreme

2452 Swords in the second thousand four hundred and forty-nine chapters: Show children!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

It\'s too bullying!

Have to say, Ye Xuan is really gentle.

Obviously, after breakthrough, you can raise your eyebrows, however, it\'s still a brother!

younger brother!

Who is this mother? Improper!

At this moment, his mentality is really collapsed!

At this time, the voice suddenly sounded, "How to be discouraged?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, silent.

Discourse? He is not discouraged!

Although the mentality has some collaps, he is not discouraged.

Yuxuan is sitting up, then starting to heal, because the Zhenhe is enough to treat the medicinal herbs, so, don\'t have to restore the flesh.

Ye Xuan looks away, "Are you?"

That voice: "You don\'t have to manage this!"

If it is hurt, it will fight again!

Get up again!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, suddenly got up, directly turned into a sword!


After I was completely reached, Ye Xuan\'s strength reached a peak, but he is still a lot of mysterious people in front of him!

The pressed dead!

Even if he is an invincible, it is still not the opponent!

Ye Xuan is also not discouraged. In contrast, he thinks this is not a bad thing, because he found that after every crazy battle, he will have a small improvement!

In this way, in this dark and dead place, Ye Xuan is a crazy battle in addition to cultivation.

And his sword is also getting faster and faster, not only that, but his moment is invincible, it is already able to divide six points, and now there is no such invincible comparison, there is no more than a few times!

However, he still can\'t play this mysterious person!

I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, he looked in, "How can I get a thousand knobs?"

He can actually use Qing Xuanjian directly to reach thousands of knocked resistance, but he doesn\'t do this, this is nothing to do with cheating, and the thousands of knocked the country through that way is not true.

At this time, the mysterious humanity: "To reach the thousands of knockers, you can\'t do it now!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Myter of mysterious man: "You have not reached the limits of my real, that is, my world!

True me!

Ye Xuanli is busy to show the world, in fact, his world\'s sword field, when it is a sword, he is shocked, he still doesn\'t feel the mysterious people in front of you!

Mysterious man: "Your sword is very good, especially after borrowing the swords of the world, it is stronger than the true people, but it is not enough!

The sound is falling, a mysterious force suddenly covered with Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan\'s face color!


In an instant, his human sword field has begun to be broken, in just a short time, his human sword is completely disappeared.

The mysterious people continue to say: "I really have the world, it is a kind of combo, or it is also a field. In your own domain, you can suppress the other party, but can you know how to maximize this suppression? "

Ye Xuanmi, "Ask the seniors to enlighten!

Mysterious man: "Concentrate!

Ye Xuan brows, "concentrated?"

Mysterious man: "Yes!

It is to focus all the power at a point, just like a hand, a finger\'s power compared to the power of fifth after grasping, is it strong? "

Ye Xuan silent.

Mysterious man: "Your belief is extremely strong, but you can use a little bit of way, if you can put these beliefs, concentrate on one, the power, will grow in a number of times!

Ye Xuan nod, "I will try!

Said, his eyes slowly, and the sword is coming, countless people swords are full of swords, I don\'t know how long, all human swords suddenly brought together.


A torn sound suddenly slammed.

Ye Xixiang is a joy, because he found that this power has indeed added a lot!

Mysterious man: "Not enough!

Ye Xuan nod, "I understand!

Said, he continued to start cultivation.

In the next day, Ye Xuan is crazy every day, once again, constantly pursuing his limit, then breaking its limit.

I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan\'s swords and human swords have finally reached his own limits.

At this time, the mysterious man appeared again!

Ye Xuan looked at the mysterious people in front of him, without any nonsense, he stepped forward, the sword domain directly shrouded the other party, the next moment, Qing Xuan Jian fly out!

In an instant, all human swords are gathered at a point.


Suddenly, a fried sound was resounded in the sword. The next moment, the world\'s sword is crashed with people\'s swords. At the same time, a fist directly in his abdomen.


Ye Xuan\'s whole person directly flew out, this flying is hundreds of thousands of feet!

When he stopped, his flesh directly broke it, only the soul!

On the ground, Ye Xuan lied, silent.

At this time, he sounded a footsteps in his ear.

The mysterious man went to Ye Xuanqiang, "got up!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I am calm!"

Mystery man:".

After a long time, Ye Xuan slowly stood up, his eyes were full of solid colors, "continue!

After finishing, he began to recover the flesh.

Not long after, the flesh is restored!

Ye Xuan looks forward, "continue!

After that, he rushed out again, but there was no doubt that he was blown again.

In this way, Ye Xuan continued to challenge the mysterious people, but constantly slammed, the flesh was broken again, but he was not discouraged.

He is not looking for abuse, he is pursuing its own limits.

January later.

Ye Xuan is in the ground, his eyes are slightly closed.

In this month, his meat was broken.

And the harvest is also huge, his human sword is strong with the human sword field to a hiding point.

However, he is still the opponent of this mysterious person!

Still being spike!

No accident!

The mysterious people are stronger to despair!

After a while, Ye Xuan\'s appearance, he looked in, he can feel that the mysterious man is in front of him.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound; "Seniors, can you shoot a fight with me?"

Mysterious man: "No!

Ye Xuan stunned.

The mysterious man also said: "Because I have no realm!"

No realm!

I heard the words, Ye Xiunedied, and then shouted: "Lying, you have no realm?"

Mysterious man: "Yes!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Seniors, I also know a few people who have no realm, you.

Mysterious man: "What are you talking about?"

Ye Xuan nod, "the seniors know?"

Mysterious humanity: "I know.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Do you know youth?"

The mysterious people continue to say: "Cognition!

Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "who is more powerful than you?"

Mysterious man: "Do you ask so much? Anyway than you!

Ye Xuan Master face black line.

Myter of mysterious man: "You continue to fight with me, and I will fight with others, maybe there will be surprises!

Ye Xuan nod, then directly.

This sword, it\'s alive and jealous!

Whether it is strength or speed, in his opinion, it has met perfect.

However, there is no ovulation.


A sword is broken, and Ye Xuan fly again.

As before, after flying out, he flesh directly broke away, leaving the soul.

After the flesh repair, Ye Xuan once again rushed out.

In this way, in this dead place, Ye Xuan also cultivated for half a year.

half year later.

This day, Ye Xuanzheng is going to shoot, the mysterious man suddenly said: "Yes!

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned, "Can?"

Mysterious man: "You have reached your own limits.

Ye Xuan silent.

In this year, he did feel that he had reached its own limits, and he wanted to break through its own limits, only reached a thousand knocked.

Mysterious man: "You can go out now!"

The other party must go, Ye Xuanlian is busy, "What is the predecessor called?"

Mysterious man: "You will know yourself later!"

Ye Xuan still wants to ask, but he found that mysterious people have completely disappeared, and Ye Xuan did not find that the mysterious person disappeared moment, the Qing Xuan sword in his body was slightly trembled.


Ye Xuan is silent, the heart is confused, who is this mysterious? After a long time, Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts. He swept away from the four weeks, the next moment, he suddenly went forward, slammed, "broken!


The sword is falling, the space is split, and a white light is now.

Soon, the whole dead is beginning to be broken.

After a while, Ye Xuan is appearing on a military field.

He left the place where the dead!


Outside, in the big temple, Tianzi suddenly looked up to the old people in front of him. "He crushed the land of death?"

The old man nodded, and the look was not comparative, "he is not going out, but directly broken down!

The sky is slightly smashed, "" With his strength, it is impossible to break the dead.

The old man Shen said: "I also feel very incredible!"

It\'s sudden to open it, and then swept away, the space in front of her slightly fuse, followed by, the scene appeared in front of her.

Among the pictures, it is a military field, and Ye Xuan stands on that play.

Tianyi looked at Ye Xuan, "It\'s still true, but his breath is completely different!

The old man is going to talk, just at this time, there is a false vane on the play of the play.

Seeing this vain, the old man was shocked, and quickly greeted.

In the eyes of this vain, it was the hell of hell.

On the downtown, Ye Xuan looked at the false shadow in front of him, it was clear that this is a test.

At this moment, the vain suddenly disappeared in the original place, a boxing to Ye Xuan, this punch, it can be described as fast to the extreme.

It is simple speed and strength, no flowers in the lot!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place!

He, faster!


In the eyes of the horror and the old man, a sword suddenly wore the old man\'s eye, and Ye Xuan himself, he had been in the old man, he was very open, and Qing Xuan\'s swordshed made a sword. Back to him.

Ye Xuan slowly walked in the distance, the head did not return.

After getting used to the speed of the mysterious person, he found that the speed of this vain in front of him is like a turtle.

In the temple, the sky is dead and staring at the Ye Xuan in the picture. "His reaction and speed have reached the realm of real, but also the limits.

Speaking of this, her mouth is slight, "When it is a show!
