One Sword Reigns Supreme

2454 The second chapter of the second thousand four hundred and forty-one chapters: slaughter!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Compare Mountain? Ye Xuan is not a human person, his current idea is very simple, then, the enemy should not be too much, he is not called people!

If the other party is too much, what did he do? If you play, you will fight, but you will be called!

Doesn\'t he think this is shameful!

By Mountain King? He is the mountain king!

He is not a face!

Anyway, he will not say anything else to rely on his own stupid!

At this time, Tianyi suddenly said: "What is going to?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he looked to the sky, "I have to go back!

Tianyi Shen Sheng said: "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan nod, "OK!

Tianyi looked at Ye Xuan, "With your current strength, it is not the opponent of Wu Jun and others. I suggest you develop!

Ye Xuan shook his head.

What is developed? He has now really reached its own limits, because he can\'t reach a hobby in just a short time!

What else, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "You said it is right. If I don\'t have people, what is my Ye Xuan? What is the reason why they don\'t dare to kill me? !


Said, he smiled slightly, and said: "I think that someone behind me, this is not my fault!

I don\'t have any psychological burden.

Today, I will tell them that Laozi is someone, and Laozi is relying on the mountain. However, I will call people, mad at them!

Tianyi looked at the Ye Xuan, silent.

She found that this guy seems to have thoroughly lost the burden!

He wants to completely don\'t face!

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Tianzi girl, hell, I am in mind, what is needed in the future, even if I say, I can do my best!"

After finishing, he turned and left.

Tianyi suddenly said; "You want to report, you must live!

If you die.

In the distance, Ye Xuan right hand wave, "If I die, the whole universe will be accompanied by me, what to report, there is no meaning!"

Tianyi looked at Ye Xuan, the disappeared, silent, whispered: "Is he in the mortal?"


Although the hell has banned and seal, with the help of the hell, Ye Xuan is still very easy to return to the ground.

After returning to the ground, Ye Xuan came directly to Tanlian!

Altruation? Do not!

He has no ability now.

Too lateral, Ye Xuan suddenly paused, Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands, he overlooking the Tai Ling, roaring, "I heard the Tai Ling people came out, Laozi did not accept, special challenges, only for Tai Ling young generation!

Too late generation!

Below, countless Taisheng strong people look up and look at Ye Xuan.

At this time, a woman suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, this person is Taichung Wujun.

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan, "More robbery!

Ye mysterious light channel: "Wu Jun, I admit, I beat you, if you are bullying the weak, I can not, but I advise you not bullying the weak, all my life pretending to force every day, but I want to tell you very sincerely today, as long as you\'re not big bullying the small, mysterious leaf today I do not encourage people, I told you too spiritual family of the younger generation a fair fight, even killed, I also recognize the mysterious leaf, but if you are bullying the weak, I was shameless!

Wu Jun Ye looked mysterious, "that you can now shameless!

Obviously, she did not give too Eldar station leaves mysterious younger generation opportunity!

Because she knows, too Eldar younger generation, no one is leaf mysterious opponent.

Ye Wu Jun mysterious look, "Are you sure?"

Wu Jun nodded, "I\'m sure!

Ye Xuan laughed, "You do not a fair fight, you want to bullying.

Today, I Ye Xuan Tu spiritual family too!

I Tu front of your face!

Sound down, spread out his palm, green mysterious sword in his hand, he shouted, "Green children!

Green children!

Sound down, leaves headroom mysterious sudden severe shocked, and the next moment, space split, a woman came out slowly!

And when the woman saw, leaf mysterious shocked!

Because people are not plain skirt to young children, but green hill!

Hyun leaves quickly walked up to green hill, "Girl, how do you come?"

Green hill watching the leaves mysterious, "You do not call it the Green children? I am also your young children.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "I am.

Young children look sadly, "I know that your favorite is her!

Hyun leaves some headaches, how this girl suddenly jealous of it? See Cheonggu looked sombre, mysterious leaves a soft heart, he quickly pulled Qingqiu hand and whispered: "how would you is also very important in my mind?!

More important than my own.

The Qingqiu is sweet, "brother, don\'t be nervous, I just have a joke with you!

Even if you don\'t like me, I will not be angry, because I like you!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, then he turned to point to Wujun, "Shantou, do you play this woman?"

Qingqiu looked at Wujun, looks calm, "Brother, are you too late to Tu? Now you can tune!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

The sound fell, he suddenly turned into a sword light toward the next side!

If this sword is falling, it will also hit the entire Taichung!

Now he, but not before!

Wu Jun\'s right hand suddenly scratched, she blew directly, the goal is not Ye Xuan, but the Qingqiu in front of them!

Qingqiu looks calm, suddenly a sword!


A fried sound suddenly sounded over the sky.

Wu Jun retreats!

Qingqi silk is not moving!

Seeing this scene, the secret of the Taichun, a strong person, the look of the color!

Wu Jun retired? The sky, Wu Jun looked up and looked up to Qingqiu, and the eyes were shot and excited.

The war is full!

Qingqiu is calm, this kind of calm is a little angry, because she feels that she is ignored!

The picture is turned.

Below, when the Ye Xuan Chong is too late, he will fall into the Taichung family in his sword, and a residual shadow suddenly rushed to him, and Ye Xuan double eyes smashed, and a sword!

He has reached a thousand knocked him, this sword is sufficient to destroy the earth!


A sword is suddenly frying over the sky, which follows, and the shadow has retraised.

The person who returned this is Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan retired, he was far away. After he stopped, he looked up to the distance, not far away, standing with a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man wearing a simple robe, the square is straight, it is like a sign, he stands there, the right hand is behind, the look is calm, and the calmness is not forced.

Too late family!

Too late family is looking at Ye Xuan. "I have a million-year-old history, and I have never been being slaughtered!

Welcome to do the first person!

The sound falls, and the five men and two women suddenly appear around.

Six people!

The old man headed on the left suddenly laughed. "Come, I told the Trumpet!

On the other hand, the beautiful woman in the white dress laughed and looked at Ye Xuan. "I heard you said, you have to make a monopoline with my Tai Ling.

Said, she smirk, "You can really be true!

This era, who is still picking? It\'s very embarrassed, we have more people, it is to bully you, how can you? Ha ha.

"How many people?"

At this time, the horizon suddenly came from a voice, the next moment, time and space cracked, the two women came out slowly.

Come, is Qin Guan and Anzhen!

Seeing two women, Ye Xuan stunned, this rich woman is here? Qin Guan looked at the surprise of Ye Xuan, his mouth slight, recruiting, "Hey!

Ye Xuan: ".

See Qin Guan and Anzhen Jing, the beautiful woman, the beautiful woman, "Just two? You.

Anzhen suddenly disappeared in the same place.

In the distance, the beautiful woman in the white dress is suddenly shrinking, a punch!


As a fried sound, the white dress is directly outside the shock to tens of thousands of feet, and it is still stopped, and a long gun is directly worn directly from his eyebrows, and then kills nail In the same place.

The white dress is directly forced.

Anzhen looked at a white dress, "said your waste, you have no opinion?"

Beautiful white dress is angry.

Anzhen suddenly disappeared in the original place. When she appeared again, she kicked at the tail of the long gun.


The white dress is just blown away, the soul is favored!

Seeing this scene, the Too Lingshen long and other people have become innocent, in their eyes, do not conceal it.

Anzhen Jing right hand holds the right side, the long gun returns to her hand, she turned to look at the long and other people of the Tai Ling family, "said your waste, have you have a problem?"

Wen said that the face of the Tanfen family and other people have become difficult to look.

Second kills? Have to say, this moment is too late to be shocked!

While the white dress is not a real million knocked, it is not so straight to kill it!

Anzhen Jing turned his head to see Ye Xuan, "Go!

Go to the butcher!

Ye Xuan did not hesitate, directly turned into a sword light rush to Taichung!

Seeing this scene, Taichung family face is changing, "Blocking him!

After finishing, he rushed out directly, but the next moment, a long gun suddenly broke.

The horror power in the long gun was aware that the Tanfang family was shocked, and he slept, he wandered, and the black huge shield suddenly flew out, blocking in front!


The black huge shield suddenly fell, and the powerful power directly went to the Tanfen family.

At this time, Anzhen Jing is also a shower, "Eight Wanders!


In an instant, the whole is directly swept into a huge cavity, and the five Tai-Rong strong people have been shocked to more than ten thousand feet, and the three people are fascinating!

Qin Guan looked at Anzhen Jing, his hands and palms, excited: "It\'s amazing!

Anzhen Jing looked at the face of the distant family, disdain: "You have not been being slaughtered?"

Said, she looked down the next Ye Xuan, the world, "Come," to see him!

You are hovering you!

Ye Xuan: ".


PS: Everyone is happy Mid-Autumn Festival!