One Sword Reigns Supreme

2451 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and forty-eight chapters: I don't want to work hard!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

After Ye Xuan entered the black hole, the next moment, he appeared in a dark world!

The whole world is dark!

Even if he uses mystery, it is also invisible.

Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

What is this place? This is completely different from him, before he comes in, it has been prepared to fight, but this place is not!

Quiet, dead is normal!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, suddenly a sword.


The sword tears everything, but there is no sword light, and it is still dark in front of you!

Ye Xuanbow wrinkled deeply.

After a while, Ye Xuan walked away from the distance, however, a paint around him, how did he walk like it is in place.

Finally, Ye Xuan sat down again.


The road to Hell Trial, there is only three people in history, it is clear that this place is not general trial, and this place trial is definitely not so simple!

This paint-black world may be a trial!

Try the mood? Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly.

Time is a little bit, however, four weeks are still silent, there is no change!

Gradually, Ye Xuan found that he began some irritability!

In this kind of dead world, even the cultivator can\'t hold!

But soon, Ye Xuan is returning to normal.

He didn\'t want to try the things, but start reflecting himself.

Anti-province from Qingcheng to the present life!

On the Xuanxuan face, the look is also gradually changing, laughing, touched, missing, and sad.


At the first point, he felt that he owed a lot of people, such as Anzhen Xiu, such as Tuo Yan, such as Zhang Wenxiu and other women, these women followed him Ye Xuan, but he never truly gave these women\'s name.

There is also a young!

Youth is good for yourself, I don\'t know when I started to act, and I should think that she should be like this!

There is also a flower whistle, there is still a face.

There is also blood!

If you have previously speaking, are you still bloody now? Although the old man is very miserable by young, is the old man? No!

Did you give up this year? nor!

It is not tight, but you have to hit it!

Come back!

Wu Jun!


Ye Xuan\'s hands slowly screened, he began to cultivate!

He no longer got to manage this dead place. He is now true, he is guarding his own swords, there is an invincible, and there is a sword between yourself.

In the dark world, Ye Xuan once waved the Qing Xuanjian sword in his hand, because he had countless enhancing and the Yuanyuan pulse, so he did not worry about the problem.

Ye Xuan is constantly improving the strength of four fresses. The most important thing is that in his research and cultivation, he can pass a passage.

Five points!

This unexpected discovery gave Ye Xuan a big surprise, because this means that there is a no-inverse of growth in the moment.

In addition to cultivating the incident, he is also cultivating his own swords and blood, this human sword and blood is all one of his most stronger smelevate, regardless of human swords or blood, It can be improved.

In addition, he began to cultivate his own sword!

Human sword domain!

This is his new creation, because he reaches the realism, he has the ability to create a truth, and this is true, it is his own sword!

Human swords, world swords!

In the dark world, Ye Xuan is not lonely, not boring, not irritability, he began to be excited and began to have a strength.

That\'s, time a little more!

Ye Xuan also didn\'t care about it, anyway, there is no significance of time.

Day, day, year year.

Ye Xuan practiced in this dark world. He didn\'t look for a way out. Anyway, like a bitter repair, once again, I will force myself to reach a limit. After a limit, I will force myself to improve again, then It is the pursuit of the limit, so repeated.


Outside, in the hall, the day of dealing with things suddenly looked up, she looked at the old people in the distance, "Where is he now?"

The old man is deeply said: "Still in the land!

Heaven, the eyebrows, "He didn\'t go out yet?"

The old man smiled, "he didn\'t look for a way out!

Tianyi stunned.

The old man said: "He cultivated in the dead!


It\'s blinking, "Are you sure?"

The old man nodded.

After the moment, he laughed, "I am really interesting!

Actually practiced in the dead, his heart can be big.

Some people have to die, he actually can feel relieved!

Said, she looked at the old man, "What is the practice in it?"

The old man shook his head, "I don\'t know, that place, we can\'t get it, I only know that he is cultivating!

After the day, I was silent, nodded, "I know!

After finishing, she got up.

After leaving the temple, Tianzi came to the Eli God.

When I went to the woman who smashed the woman, she looked at the woman in front of him, whispered: "Sister, why are you?"

At this moment, the woman smashing suddenly looked up, she looked at the British Hall in front of him. "Our family has killed 36,000 people, if it is not me, they will not die."

Tianyi is silent.

The woman who smied looked at the Hall of the Hall. "Don\'t emotionally, emotion, you will have weakness, weaker, will be used by others!

Tianzi shook his head, "I am not in you, you just liked a person who is not worth it.

The woman\'s eyes slowly slowed down. "When is it?"

Tianyi looked at the woman in front of him, "Sister, do you want to die?"

The woman turned his head to see the heaven, "I live to now, it is waiting for a day to fight, I will die for my family, I can freely.

Tianyi is silent.

The woman suddenly said: "You want to borrow the hands of the boy!

Tianyi nodded, "With our strength, it is impossible to compete with them, especially the outside, and there are some super enchanting, such as that Wujun, such as the animal god.

Said, she shook her head, "now they are more powerful than once.

Women said: "The boy is the existing universe!

Even if I join hands to deal with them, it may also lead the wolf!

Tianyi smiled: "The young people are not bad!

The woman turned around to see the heaven, "knowing people know the heart!

Tian Shi smiled and said: "Sister, you love a person, but do not mean everyone is wrong.

Did you see the young swords? That is the strength of the most pure belief, with such a pure belief, the heart is absolutely not bad.

Said, she turned to look at the distance, whispered: "My hell is now a desperate survival!"

Woman silent.

Tianyi suddenly smiled: "Sister, I need you to help me!"

Women said: "Say!

I smiled slightly, "I hope you go to an existing universe.


The land of death, Ye Xuan, who is cultivating, suddenly looking up, "Who?"

Just now, he felt that a breath appeared in front of him.

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, at this time, his eyes suddenly shrink, and slammed.


With a muffled sound rang, Xuan Ye Jianfei directly both man out, this fly, fly leaf Xuan do not know how far, but has not yet stopped, he felt that road is breath once again came in front of him.

Hyun leaves suddenly disappeared in the place!

I am invincible!

When trying out the moment moment invincible, five spare appears below, five spare shouted Zhanxia sword.

Chichi Chi Chi Chi!

Five tearing sound suddenly rang, but the next moment, five spare crashing chipping.

Ye Xuan hearts surprised, it is necessary to retreat, but this time, a hand has fastened his throat, mysterious palm leaf spread out, force the blood of the body and the earth the sword means a sudden gush suddenly, however, meaning it shares with the sword force blood of the just is directly repression appeared.

Ye Xuan looked at before, in front of still dark, he could not see anything!

Without hesitation, the direct combustion of leaves mysterious flesh!


When burning flesh that moment, a surge of forces of terror once again swept out from his body!

However, this force is just appeared and was crushed!

Ye mysterious eyes squint slightly, about to burn the soul, then, the hand suddenly loose off.

Xuan Ye stunned.

Suddenly a voice sounded from the leaves in front of mysterious, "your sword has not really reached me!

Xuan Ye Chen Sheng said: "I really?"

The voice said: "Yes!

Xuan Ye ask, "How do I reach true?"

The voice continued: "understanding of their own!

Ye Xuan silent.

Really me? Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, what is true? That is, really yourself!

The sword will reach true, the first is that people want to achieve real me!


How do I really do myself? On their own? Rely on youth? Depeller? Ye Xuan suddenly shook his head smile, why should he be able to go to these? Life is in the world, doing people, but if you want, no matter what you rely on yourself, it is yourself!

Can you rely on yourself by yourself? Why do you have to stick this form? If you play, you will fight, but it\'s called people. Is this wrong? But you have to die, is this not stupid? Why do I call it? At this point, Ye Xuan once again smiled again, no longer going to do this!

At this time, a powerful sword suddenly came from the in vivo.


In an instant, the space in the field suddenly trembled.

Really me!

Whether it is a honest side, or a bloody side, or the flowers of the flowers, that is his Ye Xuan himself.

Thunder, heart!

Ye Xuan suddenly paused, Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hand, he looked in front, his mouth slightly, "again!

The sound fell, he slammed the sword.


With a sullen sound, Ye Xuan fly outside hundreds of thousands of feet, in the end, he fell to the ground, the brain was blank.

The voice sounded again. "Do you think that you broke through it?"

In the distance, Ye Xuan silently has been a long time, "I don\'t want to work hard!"

Too fucking!
