One Sword Reigns Supreme

2450 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and three chapters: Hell trial!

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Have to say, Ye Xuan and women\'s appearance are simply the same as the woman\'s appearance.

Moreover, ,, ... . . .

From the appearance, the two are simply no difference.

After seeing the change of Ye Xuan, the woman is indeed somewhat.

Ideas? The woman looked at the Ye Xuan, and it was full of curiosity. "Are you really a person?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

The woman looked at Ye Xuan, "You are blood!

Ye Xuan said: "I am a special hell!"

The woman looked at Ye Xuan and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan said: "Are you not believed?"

Woman nodding.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Nothing, we have a trip to you!

The woman looked at Ye Xuan. After a while, she smiled: "Okay!

Said, she stretched out the right hand, "Get up!

Ye Xuan Li lives the woman in Xuan Xuan, and it is smooth and gentle.

The woman pulled up Ye Xuan, then laughed: "How to call?"

Ye Xuan said: "Ye Xuan!

The woman laughed: "I am called Tianyi!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, very fast, he saw an ancient city at the end of the line.

Tianyi suddenly said: "Hell City!


Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Tianyi suddenly turned to look into the Ye Xuan, "Can you let your hand?"

I heard the words, Ye Xuan first was a stunned, and then quickly released the right hand of the sky, smiled; "Sorry, I don\'t deliberately!

Tianyi smiled: "I believe you!"

Ye Xuan: ".

The sky is walking with Ye Xuan, along, along the way, Ye Xixiang is also secretly guarded, he can really think that the other party is so fudge.

After a while, the two came to the city wall. There were two Hell people in the city. When I saw Ye Xuan and the skyport, the two did not block, and the Ye Xuan and the sky are entered into the city.

After entering the city, Ye Xuan found that this hell is completely different from him, and the city is very prosperous. He has not seen the scene of bloody violence. Although these hell people look horrible, but with him Imagine the hell is completely different.

In his original imagination, hell should be very horrible, these horns may be like ghosts, face, full of bloody killings, etc.

However, here, there is no, these horns in the city have a bit special in addition to the appearance, the rest is the same as normal.

Tianyi suddenly laughed: "Is it very terrible outside?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Do you know Wu Jun?"

I nod, I nodded, "Too late is the best Wujun since the history!

Ye Xuan said: "She said that you are bad, say that you are branched and brutal, like killing!

I hack smile.

Ye Xuan looked at the sky, "What is it!

Tian Shi whispered: "It is normal, we were driven out of the boundless universe as a loser, and as a loser, it is natural to be demonized.

Can understand!

Ye Xuan nod, "indeed!

When I laughed, she looked at the Ye Xuan, and the smile was a little meaningful.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, he turned his head to see the not far, there is a woman, the woman is squatting in front of a hall.

Women don\'t have any breath!

And some looked at the hall, the famous hall is: the Temple of the Elverse.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Is this?"

The sky is calm, "the woman is the long of my hell.

I heard the words, Ye Xuantun was one of them, "" Upon Used End? "

Tianyi nodded.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Why is she kneeling there?"

After the moment, I\'m silent, said: "The year is because of her reasons, let my hell is defeated, almost being killed!

Ye Xuan asked, "Why?"

Tianyi\'s calm tone: "I like one of the upper music, because I like it, so I\'m deceived by the other party, with the 12 million knocked strong people to Mros, the final twelve people At the same time, the Mroth and the boundless universe of the universe, at the same time, my hell was besieged, and the whole family was almost destroyed.

If the soul of the ancestors appears, my hell has been slaughtered.

Ye Xuan light channel: "Have her dead?"

Nice old in the sky.

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the woman in the distance, whispered, this is a beautiful male!

Encyclical day suddenly said: "You are really my territory, right?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Day encyclical laughed: "I know the environment is really on what territory do?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Encyclical day watching the leaves mysterious, "Qianjie territory!

Xuan Ye Chen Sheng said: "above Qianjie environment is very undesirable?"

Tianyi nodded.

Hyun leaves whispered Yi Tan.

At this point, the day encyclical stopped, not far in front of her, is a channel, the channel at the end is a black hole.

Day turned to look at the leaves mysterious encyclical, "this road is named road to hell, hell is the trials of the way my family, if you can get out this way, you have a great opportunity to reach Qianjie territory!

Xuan Ye look at the sky encyclical, "Why?"

Day encyclical smiles: "not go into?"

Ye Xuan silent.

Day encyclical chuckle, "What are you hesitating? Or, what are you afraid of? Top people do not then kill you, I will kill you do not?"

Then, she shook her head, "You\'re very good talent, people who really understand the work, but, you know what you lack most is not it?"

Ye mysterious look to the sky encyclical, encyclical day smiled, "bloody!

Ye Xuan silent.

Day encyclical continued: "Wu Jun is so Zheru, Can not you thought about revenge if I were you, day or to commit suicide in order to avoid humiliation, or to bite the bullet to be to Japan?.

Then, she gently patted the shoulder mysterious leaf, and then said: "Young man, you have to understand a truth, the reason why you are still alive, not because you are the bells and whistles, not because of how smart you are, but because behind you have big cause and effect.

Remove this great cause, you think you are? You who are not!

Also, I am now letting you enter this road of hell for trial, not because you have a lot of excellence, but because I value the causing behind you, I\'d like to have the cause of the above people.

Otherwise, do you think I am idle, accompany you here? "

Ye Xuan nod, "understand!

Tianzi shook his head, "You are hard to really understand!

A person who is used to relying on others is hard to change!

There is a kind of dependence, it is in the bones!

Just like now, you are so calm with me, very calmly face me, because your own strength? No, you just have someone behind you, you think no one dares to kill you.

At this point, your heart has always subconsciously escaping, daring to really face.