One Sword Reigns Supreme

2449 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2343 Chapter: Yourself!

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bite? Ye Xuan played an eye, "Where is it?"

I heard the words, the sacrifices were slightly smashed, and she took the hand of Ye Xuan\'s sudden plenty of force.


In an instant, a terrible mental effort directly invaded the Ye Xuan\'s soul.


In an instant, Ye Xuan doubled, and the whole soul flicked directly.

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented pain, this pain, could not describe, and more and more strong!

Really painful!

The sacrifice looks at the Ye Xuan, the mouth is slight, laughs like a devil, "beg for mercy, I will let you go!

I heard the words, and Ye Xuan suddenly looked up and looked at the sacrifice. He faced a face, grinned, "Just this means? Please come to you!"

The sacrifice looks over and looks at Ye Xuan. "You have a good look, it is really annoying.

No one will die, you are no exception, let\'s play slowly!

After finishing, she turned and walked towards the distance, "send him to hell.

Wu Jun looked at the Ye Xuan, and his sleeves were paired, and they disappeared directly with Ye Xuan.

After the two disappeared, the tomb owner appeared on the sacrifice. He slowly walked to the sacrifice, "the sacrifice, this person is another life-saving?"

The sacrifice looks up and looks at the depths of the sky, "a nature that has never been seen!

After the tomb is silent, he said: "This person is with our boundless universe has ended, if it is not dead.

The sacrifice smiled: "To kill him, you have to figure out what the people behind him are, which is the three of him said.

Tomb main point, "I sent people to investigate!

The sacrifice shook his head, "No, the average person can\'t find it!

The tomb is browled, "I can\'t find it?"

The sacrifice nodded, "You don\'t have to worry about this, I will deal with it!

You are better than you have a cemetery!

The tomb is slightly nod, it is necessary to retreat, at this time, the sacrifice suddenly asked, "Where is the two women now?"

The tomb is Shen Sheng: "Jun Emperor and Cang Sheng follow them!

The sacrifice whisper: "But?"

Tomb main point, "Hands hand, completely, don\'t have to do it!

The sacrifice laughed: "This is interesting!"

The tomb is deep: "Don\'t do it.

The sacrifice suddenly shook his head, "No.

It\'s good to see what they want!

The tomb is slightly nod, "understand!

After that, he quietly retired.

On the sacrifice, the sacrifice of the sacredness slowly slowed down, and the stappence in her hands slowed down.


After Qin Guan and Anzhen entered the boundless universe, the two women did not separate, but together.

Among the stars, Anzhen Jing turned his head and saw her eyes, and saw several star fields.

Qin Guan suddenly took out a long cylinder, she turned, put the sleeve in the right eye, the left eye closed, after a while, she took the cylinder, smiled, "I followed us!"

Anzhen looked at the cylinder in Qin Guan\'s hand. "I know this thing, this thing doesn\'t look far!"

Qin Guan haha ​​smiled, "An girl is watching at the Milky Way?"

Anzhen nodded.

Qin Guan smiled: "This is what I have improved, I saw the existing universe here!"

Anzhen: ".

After a while, Anzhen asked, "Where are we going?"

Qin Guan suddenly took out a compass, on the compass, there was a needle that was slowly rotated. After a while, her mouth was slight, "Go forward!

After that, the sword under her feet suddenly trembled slightly, and then took her to the end of the stars in the distance.

Anzhen looked at Qin Guan and disappeared in the distance.

Not long after, the two women came to a mountain range, in which the mountains, mountains, until the end of the line.

Qin watched the compass in his hand, after a moment, her mouth slightly, "go!

After that, she took the disappearance of Anzhen to disappear, not long, two women came to a stone door, this stone door is in a large mountain, from the stone gate, it is full of feet.

Anzhen looked at the stone door, asked, "Is this?"

Qin Guan smiled: "A remains!

Inside the baby is definitely!

Anzhen: ".

Qin Guan walked to the stone door, at this time, the stone door was slightly trembled, followed by a vain.

The vain is angry, "Whoever, dare to be unauthorized!

The sound fell, his right hand suddenly lifted up, then fierce.


In an instant, a horrible power pressure was swept in Qin Guan and Anzhen Jingou.

Qin Guan took out a handlery and buckled the trigger.


The improcity shadow is directly broken!

Qin Guan went to the stone door, she got an eye, then pushed, stone door opened, and a channel appeared at her feet.

Qin Guan smiled, "Go!

Said, she took An Yan to disappear in front of Shimen.

Among the clouds, the two are watching below.

These two people are being boundless and Cang Sheng, they have followed Qin Guan and Anzhen for a long time, during the period, two people moved, but did not play!

The Jun Emperor on the left is slightly wrinkled. "Where is it?"

Cang Saiously got an eye, then said: "It should be a certain remains!


I heard the words, and the emperor\'s face was sinking. "What is the woman do?"

Cang Sheng Shen said: "These have not discovered the secrets, meaning that the master\'s strength is absolutely good, and this kind of urgency is often there.

When I heard the Cang Sheng, I became a little hard to look at the Great face.

Obviously, this Qin Guan is coming to rob!

I\'m thinking about it, and the nerm is slowly holding down. Now there is some nervousness in the boundless place, which is very important to the boundless land, but very fast, he is loosened. Just talking, at this time, Qin Guan and Anzhen came out again, and her face is full of brilliant smiles, it seems to be good!

Qin Guan\'s palm is spread, and the compass appeared in her hands. After a while, her mouth slightly, and then with Anzhen disappeared in the sky.

Among the clouds, the Jun Emperor is extremely ugly. "What she wants? Is it what she is doing here? It is a bandit!

After Cang Sheng silent, he said: "You have to notify the sacrifice!

Can\'t let this woman continue to go!

After a while, the two left.


On a plain, Wu Jun took Ye Xuan slowly walked.

At this moment, Ye Xuan has already restored the flesh.

When he recovered the body, the Wu Jun did not stop.

Wu Jun suddenly turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Do you know why I don\'t stop you from restoring?"

Ye Xuan said: "Because in your eyes, I have no threat!"

After Wang Jun looked at the black Xuan film, he said: "You, IQ is OK!

Ye Xuan did not speak, he looked at it for four weeks, and his heart was secretly thinking.


This place is definitely not a good place. For the other party, the other party is now can\'t kill himself, but you can abuse yourself!

Ye Xuan looked at Wu Jun, it is clear, I want to get started from this woman, this woman is not in.

Just then, Wu Jun suddenly said: "It\'s here!

After saying, she stopped, she looked at the distance, outside of Baizhang, there is a huge deep pit, with a long-term, located in the center of this plain.

In this deep pit, burned the bears fire.

Wu Jun looked at the deep pit in front of him, and there was no expression. "Where is this hell?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Wu Jun said: "Hell, once is a race, that is, the hell, the strength of the universe in the year is only the Moro, the brank is cruel, and the qi is extremely heavy!

After being counted by each family!

Said, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, "I wish you good luck!"

After finishing, she is going to work, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I went down!

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan went to the entrance to the hell, he leaned over, where he heard some horrible roaring voice.


Ye Xuan suddenly shook his head smile, there is no much thinking, directly, jumping into hell.

Wu Jun overlooks the lower hell entrance below, silence.


Fall all the way, Ye Xuan directly released the human swordsmanship, but he was shocked, his sword was being slowly corroded by a mysterious force.

Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking. He swept away from four weeks, surrounded by a fire, at the same time, those roaring are getting clearer, getting closer.

I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan suddenly fell into the ground.


The whole ground is trembled, and a sword is flying out.

Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, entered the eyes, is a huge mouth, this mouth is the entrance to hell, is also the exit of hell, but, at this export, all kinds of strange words .

Ye Xuan saw a look at the four weeks, surrounded by a gray, suppressing the vitamoson.


At this moment, a woman suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, this woman, dressed in a blood red robes, hair is also a blood, not only, her eyes are also a blood!

In addition, the woman is very beautiful, and the beauty is a bit shocking even if Ye Xuan is shocked. He is used to the beauty, but the woman in front of him is still amazing!

Unlike other women, the beauty of this woman is beautiful, and she has a strange, especially her blood red eyes, at first glance, but it is really horrible, but with her delicate facial features, but also change again. It is very good.


After the woman is behind, she leaned over and looked at the Ye Xuan, the mouth is slight, smiling, "Welcome to hell!

Said, she glanced in a strange light.

Ye Xi Xin is a horror, mother, this woman is not a good!

Ye Xuanli is busy to activate his blood. In an instant, his whole person has become a bloody person, which is more red than a woman.

See this scene, the woman stunned.

Ye Xuanzheng color; "own people, yourself!

Woman: ".
