One Sword Reigns Supreme

2448 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and forty-five chapters: the sacrifice!

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Ye Xuan this temper can bear? Without any nonsense, he suddenly stabbed.


In an instant, his whole person took out this universe, the next moment, he was a sword.

I am invincible!

He knows that he faces this woman, only one opportunity to shoot.

Therefore, he directly showed an invincible.

The four points suddenly appeared in the Wusun four weeks, and then with the Ye Xuanyi sword, the four points were also slammed the sword!

This time is different from the past, the four points not only have the blessings of the world, but also the power of blood!

The four swords are under the land!

And the Wujun is still calming, with the five swords, Wu Jun suddenly bare!


A sword is broken, and the four points disappeared directly!

The headed Ye Xuan is nothing, because that moment, he is invincible!

But the next moment, the Wu Jun is a punch!


In a moment, Ye Xuan felt a blank head, followed by, he flew out, this fly, it flew hundreds of thousands of feet, just stopped, he fleshy directly broke, only soul!

The Wulun Dynasty stepped forward, this step took out to the front of Ye Xuan Shou, she looked straight to Ye Xuan, "The people of life? If you have no life, do you think you still die?"

After finishing, she took directly with Ye Xuan to disappear.

After a while, Ye Xuan came to a high tower. This high tower actually hundreds of thousands of feet high, from the abyss of the ground until the deep place.

The top of this tower is placed in a sacrifice, while the edges of the surrounding are all wandering.

On the sacrifice, standing with a woman, the woman wearing a large robe, the robe, painted countless strange, her hair is extremely long, have been put on the ground, in her hands, still holding a long The wand, the wand is created by unknown materials, with a dark black eye.

Ye Xuan did not see her appearance because she was back.

Wu Jun looks to the woman, "the sacrifice!


In front of the woman, it is the sacrifice of the boundless universe, in the boundless universe, with a high-level position, only the legendary boundless owner.

After a long time, the sacrifice is slow, slowly turned, this moment, Ye Xuan saw her appearance, very young woman, as for appearance, not a peerless, but it is not ugly, belongs to the grievance, the more you look, the more you see.

The sacrifice is falling in Ye Xuan, smiled, "people who are destiny!

The sound is very soft, just like a wind, it is very comfortable.

Ye Xuanqi is calm, thinking in my heart.

This sacrifice is like this, it seems to be higher than this Wujun!

Before the sacrifice, the sacrifice came to Ye Xuan\'s face, she was a lot of little bells, so when they walked, the bell will ring, very crisp.

After the sacrifice came to Ye Xuan, she got an eye in Ye Xuan, and then smiled: "The people of life!

On the side, Wu Jun Shen Sheng; "Can you deprive it?"

After the sacrifice silent, the palm is open, and the Ye Xuan is a horrified discovery, his right hand actually fell to the hands of the sacrifice.

The sacrifice is slow, and after a long time, she opened his eyes, the look is complicated, "can\'t!

Wu Jun brows, "Why can\'t you?"

The sacrifice looked at Ye Xuan and laughed: "In addition to the life of life, there is a kind of life, that kind of life is more terrible than the life of life!"

Wu Jun Shen said: "I also feel!

The sacrifice: "Wu Jun, this world is much bigger than we think, and it is more complicated, this world, in addition to the people of life, some people are exceeding this world all rules.

Wu Jun looks cold, "After that morning, the existing universe all the universities died, and the elite of each family was also slaughtered by us. Although there are some bass, but not climate!

Now there is only the case that this person created and that Yang people also have the fairy Pavilion, and this person is a key, and if we kill him.

The sacrifice turned to see Wu Jun, "he is more terrible than the thousand people!

Wu Jun brows smiles.

The sacrifice looks to the Ye Xuan in front of him. She is still holding the hand of Ye Xuan, but also constantly stroking Ye Xuan\'s hand, Ye Xuan wants to pick it back, but it is a horror discovery, he is not coming back at all.

The sacrifice looks at Ye Xuan, "This person, I don\'t say we, even if the avenue owner is not him."

Destinant, it is the avenue pen owner gives him, but the life hidden in his body is surpassed.

Mo said this person, just moving this person, I have a big disaster in the universe.

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan, the right hand slowly scratched, I don\'t know what I think.

The sacrifice looks at Wu Jun, "Wu Jun, your strength compared to the avenue owner, how?"

After Wu Jun silent, he said: "It is far less than!

Although she is the most powerful Wu Jun, which is the most hunt of history, but she is still not enough to take her with the avenue owner.

The sacrifice is calm, "" One of the people who even the avenue owner, do you kill him again? "

Wu Jun is silent.

The sacrifice looks to Ye Xuan, smiled: "You are Ye Xuan, right?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

The sacrifice laughed: "Do you know the owner of the avenue?"

Ye Xuan arrive: "I have seen one side!

The sacrifice is a laugh, "Your ordered the owner of the Avenue, but your current life has exceeded a category of the avenue owner, can you tell me why?"

Ye Xuan looked at the sacrifice, then said: "Are you a sacrifice?"

The sacrifice nodded.

Ye Xuan said: "Then you should count, do you want to calculate?"

The sacrifice shook his head, "Some things can be calculated, some things can\'t be counted, then, you are here, I ask you, isn\'t it better?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "I refuse to answer!

The sacrifice is not angry, laughing: "You know, we can\'t kill you, so you have a bit of a little.

However, I want to tell you, we really can\'t kill you, but this doesn\'t mean you can have no fear, because we can abuse you, as long as you don\'t die, put you, I think there is still no problem, what do you think? "

Ye Xuan face suddenly blackd down, he quickly said; "Talk, we can talk, there is no need to do so bitter, you think?"

The sacrifice laughed: "There is nothing else, I ask you question, you tell me the answer!"

After the Xuanxuan silent diagnosed, he said: "I have honestly tell you, I have a few kinds of sisters, which have a super able to play, another kind of life you say, should have a relationship with her!

The sacrifice looks at Ye Xuan, "How can you play?"

Yuxi referred to Wu Jun, "she, one trillion, not fight!"

The sacrifice is stunned.

Wu Jun is laughing, "Niu Cheng is blown by you!

Ye Xuan shook his head, not to say, anyway, he said the truth, never believe, he is used to it.

The sacrifice looks at Ye Xuan, silent, after a long time, said: "Is this?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I still have a kind.

Said, he also pointed at the Wujun, "It seems to be such a sword!"

Wu Jun looks calm, "" The tiger has no dog, when it is so weak, what is the extent? "

Green shirt man: "

The sacrifice did not be rational, she looked at Ye Xuan, "Is there?"

Ye Xuan said: "I still have a big brother.

Said, he also points to the martial arts, "My big brother is very powerful, there is a lifetime, like her, in my big brother, it should be weak!"

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan, did not speak, but the eyes were cold.

The sacrifice is slight smile, "Is there still?"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "I still have a sister. She now has not completely recovered, but I think she.

Said, he also points to Wu Jun. At this time, Wu Jun suddenly directly born to Ye Xuan soul.

Can\'t bear it!

Seeing Wu Jun suddenly shot, Ye Xuan\'s face changed, and he was busy with the invincible.


Wu Jun is in the soul of Ye Xuan, but Ye Xuan is not a little!

At this time, Wu Jun is a punch, see this scene, Ye Xuan\'s eyelids, and just at this critical moment, the sacrifice will stop Wu Jun.

The sacrifice looks at Wu Jun, then said: "He is not lying!"

Wu Jun is silent.

She knows that the sacrifice has a true sense of the eyes, and this Ye Xuan is lying in front of him, it is impossible to pass the sacrifice!

Can you have such a powerful person in this world? Obviously, it is impossible!

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan, "You continue!

The sacrifice laughed: "Is there still?"

Ye Xi Xi, then said: "Do you know that the owner of the avenue is?"

The sacrifice nodded, "Of course you know!

Ye Xuankao: "He is my brother!"

Avenue pen owner: "???"

The sacrifice looked at Ye Xuan, and her eyes were suddenly slightly vibrated.

The sacrifice shook his head smiled, "You this sentence, fake!

Ye Xuan blinked, "I am really true, I can swear!

The sacrifice suddenly reached out and gently pinched the ulcex, then laughed: "You have a much thicker skin, can you do it, say it, don\'t change color?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The sacrifice said: "What is the relationship with you, I am very clear, but it is clear, you are not very clear.

However, there is nothing important!

Said, she turned to look at Wu Jun, "Go to open the prison door, send him to hell!

Wen said, Wu Jun first is a rumor, then a smile on his face.

Ye Xuanxin rose a disturbed, "Where is hell?"

The sacrifice looks at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Although you can\'t kill you, but you can still!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Do we not talk about it? How did you play violence?"

The sacrifice leaned over and looked at Ye Xuan. "Do you bite me?"

Ye Xuan: ".
