One Sword Reigns Supreme

2447 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and forty-four chapters: kill!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Have to say, those people in the field are .

What is this? Did Nalan defeated? Obviously, no!

Moreover, the two of the two people, Nalan has always occupied the wind.

After Ye Xuan said, he turned to the royal sword, it was going, but at this time, a horrible momentum directly shrouded him.

Ye Xuan stopped, then turned around Nalan, "What?"

Nalan looked at Ye Xuan, "continue playing!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Why?"

Nalan\'s direct view of Ye Xuan, "Not divided!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "then fight again!

The sound fell, he suddenly held the Qing Xuan Sword.


This is rushing, the stock released by Nalan is directly to tear him, followed by the sword, and the blink is to the Nalan!

This sword is destroyed!

Nalan is calm, when the sword is the moment, her palm suddenly turned away.


In the eyes of everyone, a sword is broken, and Ye Xuan directly retreats, Ye Xuan has not stopped, and a fist is already in front of him.

This fist is out, and the space is boiling directly, then a little lost!

Under a punch, everything is not!

The terrorist power in this boxing, the Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrink, if it was in this boxing, he was afraid that he would take the horse to accompany you? At this critical moment, Ye Xuan had to show an invincible!

Because he retreats, it is more impossible to dodge, but if it is hard, it is not dead, this woman\'s fist is horrible!

When Ye Xuan went out of this universe, then the punch has been bombard, and Ye Xuanfeng is hard to live this!


Ye Xuan\'s body is trembled, but it has not been damaged.

Seeing this scene, Nalan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, damage!

At the time of Nalan, the four residuals suddenly appeared around her, next, four swords and light!


The four tears suddenly resounded!

Nalan\'s right hand suddenly lifted and then fierce.


In an instant, the four swords and photos were fragrant, and the four reshuges were directly retired from a terrible force to tens of thousands of feet, just stopped, four reshuges were completely annihilated.

At the same time, a sword suddenly walked to Nalan.

Qing Xuanjian!

Nalan\'s right hand suddenly lifted and then grabbed.


Qing Xuanjian was actually hard to be caught in his hand.

In the distance, Ye Xuan double eyes, his heart, the Qing Xuan sword is trembled, slammed, Nalan , release hands, slightly, Qing Xuan sword sticker Over, but next moment, Qing Xuan Jian is coming back!

Nalan suddenly referred to, and then gently swept on the right with a strange angle, this sweep, turned an accurate and unmracted to the Qingxuan sword sword.


Qing Xuanjian is directly flying.

Ye Xuan\'s heart is spread, and Qing Xuanjian flew back to him. At this time, Nalan suddenly appeared in front of him, she turned, and she swept away.


This sweep, countless time and space, powerful power will directly except for the strong people around the battle.

Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, he didn\'t dare to move this woman, and immediately showed an invincible.


Nalan is directly swept directly on the pussy shoulder.


Ye Xuan\'s body was trembled, but it didn\'t damage it, and almost at the same time, Ye Xuanyi sword turned to Nalan\'s head, but this sword was emptied, because Nalan didn\'t know when to retreat to Baizhang Outside.

After stopping, Nalan looked at Ye Xuan, and the eyebrows were once again, "" You are the surgery!

Ye Xuan grazing Qing Xuanjian and waved, swords and light, he smiled slightly, "I am invincible, I am the sword, I am invincible!"

Nalan looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you have homemade?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then nod, "you can understand it!

Small soul: ".

Nalan nodded slightly, "very good!

But should you not be unlimited, right? "

Said, she slowly held his right hand, and a horrible trend was again wrapped in Ye Xuan.

In the distance, Ye Xuan suddenly raised his hand is a sword.


This sword, the situation was once again torn, but the next moment, a residual plundering to his top, Nalan raised his right foot and slammed down.


This is, as if you want to break this whole universe, extremely shocking.

Ye Xuan\'s eyes were slightly smashed, and once again showed invincible.


Ye Xuan\'s body suddenly trembled, and it was a hard to live in the terrorist power of Nalan!

Nalan retreats to the distance, she looked at Ye Xuan, her brow, I was about to shoot again, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Don\'t fight first!

After that, he turned directly to disappear.

Nalan stunned.

This is gone? Under the gods, everyone is also stunned, this does not fight? Is this at home? Of course, the most important thing is to win? On the gods, Nalan looked at the horizon and silence.

In fact, she has already felt the real strength of Ye Xuan. If there is no such thing as the sword skill, Ye Xuan\'s current strength is not enough to compete with her, but the sword skills.

Nalan\'s eyebrows deeply wrinkled!

When Fang Ticked, Ye Xuan actually unsatisfied her strength, which is really abnormal.

After Nalan silence, turn around.


Ye Xuan challenge Nalan\'s news quickly spread throughout the boundless universe.

It is to know that Nalan can be one of the two major super genius today. It is the god of the universe of the universe, and Ye Xuan actually challenges it. The most important thing is that there is no defeat!

Is Ye Xuan defeated? Maybe not!

Because Ye Xuan is playing with it!

So, very fast, the boundless universe is a virgin and Nalan fights, and the more it is, the more the leaflets, and even the leaf Xuan also presses Nalan.

In short, Ye Xuan is now a complete name in the boundless universe.


Middle of the stars.

Ya Xuan disk sat in the ground, he was a little excited at this moment, and he immediately retired, not afraid of Nalan, of course, he is also very clear, with his current strength and Nalan ratio, definitely still The gap is because the other party has not fully effort from the beginning.

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, his eyes were slow and closed!

He hurriedly, because he has a new feelings, that is, it is invincible!

He thinks that this moment is invincible, it can improve, what is it? Enhance the strength of the four residues, and there is an invincible in an instant.

Ye Xuan suddenly got up, a sword stabbed, the whole person took out this universe, the next moment, he entered a unknown time and space, in this time and space, Ye Xuan sweared four weeks, he found, he It is not only the existing universe and the boundless universe. This is a strange world.

Ye Xuan wants to try to understand this time and space, but he is a horror discovery that his knowledge is not going out, and his whole person is like a black hole, this feeling, let him have some panic.

What time is this? After Hui Xuan Shen, after a long time, he recovered his thoughts and he suddenly came out of the sword.

I am invincible!

In this moment of the sword, he is invincible!

At this moment, he carefully felt, so soon, he found that he had a mysterious power to shroud, but the mysterious power turned blisted.

In the moment, it is invincible, not always invincible, it is invincible when he sword.

After Ye Xuan silently, he looked at the four remains in the distance. He suddenly appeared in front of the four reshuges. When he carefully got the four residuals, he found that this world has actually It is himself!

Own? Ye Xuan has some .

Before, he didn\'t take a closer to observe the four residues. He didn\'t think that these four remaining shadows were herself.

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he slowly slowed down. He began to try to feel these four residues. After a while, he was surprised to find that he was able to connect with these four residue.

This is really a big big discovery!

Ye Xuan suddenly mentally, very fast, countless people\'s swords appeared around, these people swords in the fourth tract, gradually, four residuals dare to start condense!

Ye Xixiang is happy, and even quickly release the swordsmanship. After a while, the four resilings have concluded a real image, just like him, just like it is.

Looking at the four eyes in front of you, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Hey!


The sound is just falling, and the four fits all the swords.


The four swordsmann straight, the sword lights, the time and space is blown out, followed by the power of the world, the strength of the earth, the surrounding sky begins to break the annihilation!

But soon, there is a horrible force around, and this force directly caught the field.

Ye Xuan turned his head and saw his head again.

The tomb is also looking at the leaves, the look is calm.

Ye Xuan received his eyes, he took a deep breath, he can confirm it now, that is, the invincible sword can be improved, and all aspects are improved.

Not only that, these four residues can also inherit his swords in the world, and in addition to the world\'s swords, these points can also inherit his blood, and inherit his human sword and blood, this The strength of four fits has increased several times.

This is a big discovery.

At this moment, the long-awaited Wu Jun suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

See this woman, Ye Xuan right hand slowly holds Qing Xuanjian.

Wu Jun looked at the Qing Xuanjian in the Xuanxuan, and then directly see Ye Xuan, "to kill!
