One Sword Reigns Supreme

2446 The second chapter of the second thousand four hundred and forty-three chapters of the fairy:

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Have to say, the chapter is directly .

A sword!

The power of Ye Xuan\'s sword was so strong, and he smashed his right hand. This is what he didn\'t think of, this person is so powerful? There is no much thinking, the chapter is busy: "I lost!"


I still have to quickly admit defeat. After all, it is not the battle of life and death. It is not necessary for the so-called bone hard just, but he really lost to people!

It\'s still a mouth, that is, it\'s a death!

He can still die now!

Seeing the argument directly, Ye Xuan also did not have a lot of waste, when the palm is spread, the chappine is flying back to him.

The chapter looked at the Ye Xuan, the eyes were full of jealous, nothing to say, when turned around.

In a certain place, the tomb is looking at Ye Xuan, silent!

He can\'t see it, this Yaxuan is sprinting really. He is actually a bit shocking. To know, Ye Xuan is just on God, and now, Ye Xuan has immediately to achieve true, and it is directly to cross the virtual!

Can you play with this? The tomb is looking at the long leaves, the look is calm.

Ye Xuan is very excellent, but there is a lot of excellent genius as the universe, so he has not killed his heart.

At this time, Ye Xuan in the distance suddenly slowed down.


In an instant, the star field where Ye Xuan\'s position is boiling.

At this time, the human swords of Ye Xuan also happened to the earth-shaking change.

Really me!

In the distance, Ye Xuan double eyes slowly opened his eyes, he looked up and looked at it, and he saw the head of the tomb.

Now, he is already able to feel the tomb.

See Ye Xuan\'s view, the tomb is calm.

Ye Xuan smiled and turned to leave.

He didn\'t shot this tomb, because he was very clear even if he reached the real, he was not the opponent of this old man and the martial arts.

After a while, Ye Xuan came to God Weet.

Seeing Ye Xuan once again came to God Wartado, some people who were in the gods of God were toned.

Ye Xuan is coming again!

Who is this Yixuan to challenge? Everyone is very curious!

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Xi\'s hands spread, a never drifted to a stone pillar, when seeing the position of the quilt, everyone directly opened his eyes, and it was difficult to Confidence.

The first root!

Ye Xuan wants to challenge the first!

The first name of the Shenwu List is called: Nalan!

The rebellion has not been able to shake in the hepidation.

Narani, Nalan, is one of the six people in the universe. In the sixth family, ranking second, still above, and Nalan is also known as the Nalan has the fierce. The genius is also one of the two major super enchanting in the universe.

Everyone did not think that Ye Xuan actually challenge the first Nalan!

I didn\'t think of this in the dark tomb, very unexpected!

Ye Xuan Challenge Nalan is soon spread, after a while, the gods will have tens of thousands of people!

Now they already know the identity of Ye Xuan, this is a genius from exotic domains, and many people have no hatred in the eyes of Ye Xuan.

After all, the boundless universe and the existing universe have happened!

Among the eyes of everyone, the first stone pillar slightly fused, very fast, a woman slowly came out, the woman dressed in a black tight robe, the whole robe did not have any pattern and patterns, very simple Simple, she is very casual with her long, but at the end, I use a ribbon.

Her ears are different from ordinary people, they have to be big, and her eyes are dark blue.


In the field, some people suddenly cheered.

After a while, the people in the field boiled, this Nalan and North Qing in the eyes of the young generation, as the God\'s general existence.

After Nalan came out, she looked at the Ye Xuan, the look calm.

Ye Xuan looked at Narani, the look, but his heart was secretly guarded, because he found that he couldn\'t feel this woman in front of him!

The other party is like there is no general!

Not easy!

Of course, this is exactly what he wants!

Now he is not interested, just want to become strong.

Nalan suddenly moved to Ye Xuan, this step fell, and a very terrible momentum is like a million mountains, it is generally pressed towards Ye Xuan.


In an instant, the whole godwood is directly blown away, annihilating!

The junction of the entire Shenwucai does not help with the array.

In the field, everyone is awkward, and there are violent retreat.

At this point, four mysterious man in black suddenly appeared in the field, four virtual lift his hands, and then gently down to a pressure, the pressure, Nalan Ming sense of terror unleashed the momentum suddenly be controlled in brilliant piece Taiwan area!

Before Nalan, Ye Xuanqi calm, he is calm, and a sword is full!


This sword was hard to live with the momentum of Nalan, but at this time, Narani stepped forward.


The power of the momentum suddenly doubled!

Doublefully increased.


Ye Xuan\'s sword is directly pressed.

Ye Xixiang is shocked, he is the palm of your palm, and the swords of people suddenly poured out, and they did not enter his own sword.

Take the sword!

After the swords of the world, the swords of Ye Xuan were also skyrocketing, and then resisting the momentum of Nalan, but at this time, Nalan ran forward.


In an instant, the power of the momentous power is doubled!


At this moment, the four mysterious olders were directly retired to thousands of feet, and the four people were awkward. They quickly suppressed it, but they were shocked, they couldn\'t stand at all.

As the main target of this moment, Ye Xuan\'s human sword is directly crushed, and the momentum is like a collapse and pressed against Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan is suffocating in an instant, and the whole body seems to be crushed, and it can\'t move!

In the distance, Nalan looked at Ye Xuan, looks calm, no advancement.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly looked up, he was very open, in an instant, countless people swords from him!


A swager suddenly resounded in the world, the next moment, the momentum of Nalan was directly torn away by the humane swords of Ye Xuan, this mouth opened, Ye Xuan Don felt a whole body.

But at this time, Narani stepped forward.


In an instant, the power of the momentum is again doubled!

In the distance, Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrinks. His sense of the sword is directly hard to be born by the momentum. At the same time, his flesh actually begins a little bit!

Ye Xi Xin shocked, this momentum is definitely he has seen the strongest in history. As for young, you usually don\'t play this, you encounter any sword.

At this moment, Ye Xuan did not dare to retain, he directly activated his blood!


A powerful blood is swept away from him, and when the blood of this blood appears, his human swords will come out!

After both combined, the momentum released by Nalan was forced to retreat, and the time and space surrounded directly at this moment!

The power of the two is really too horror, and the space in the field can\'t afford their power!

When seeing the blood of Ye Xuan, Nalan\'s eyes flashed in the vision, she didn\'t speak, and stepped forward again.


In the field, Nalan is once again doubled!

It is doubled!

In an instant, the blood of Ye Xuan\'s blood is still suppressed again!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan face silen down, is this woman changed? One step is double? The blood of Ye Xuan\'s blood is defeated with the festival of the world!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuanhuang bluntly slowed down!

Sword? He still has no sword!

Soon, Nalan\'s momentum will put the blood of Ye Xuan and the sword of the world to him, and at this moment, he clearly felt the terrible terrible!

Ye Xuan gods are incomparable, if it is now putting this air in him, he will instantly look at the soul!

His flesh and spirit simply can not bear it shares the terrible power!

At this point, the distance Nalan Ming suddenly take a step forward.


Moment, the sense of momentum suddenly soared, its power is not doubled, but increased several times!

Viagra blood of the leaf mysterious world of sword and intended to be pressed directly back to his body, leaves mysterious eye pupil suddenly shrunk, this moment, he had a sword, a sword in his hand suddenly mysterious blue sky.


Direct sense of momentum is torn blue mysterious sword off, the next moment, the universe leaves mysterious escape directly into another time and space, while almost the same time, Nalan Ming released the sense of momentum direct pressure over his face.


Hyun leaves the body violently shocked, but emerged unscathed.

At the moment, he is invincible!

Moment invincible!

To see this scene, Nalan Ming eyes flash of surprise, she looked at the leaves mysterious eyes with a trace of curiosity.

Distant, mysterious leaf suddenly a sword.


With a sword song resounded, suddenly appeared in four blur Nalan tea around four blur armed with sword suddenly shouted Zhanxia!

Moment invincible!

When the four opt Zhanxia sword handle that moment, far away, that Nalan Ming suddenly raised his right hand, then gently press down a.


Moment, four Jianguang fragmentation, that four blur the number of direct collapse, officials lofty retreat outside, and when it stopped four blur, slowly began to dissipate, and soon, four blur It is completely disappeared in the eyes of the crowd.

But this time, Ye Hyun appeared in front of the tea that Nalan, Nalan Ming looked to the distant mysterious leaf, she was about to hand, at this moment, far from the leaf Xuan suddenly said: "Let the bear !

Contract? Nalan is slightly, "Well?"

In the field, everyone is in a face.

Winned? Is Ye Xuan won? The crowd of everyone, Nalan is also a bit awkward, is it defeated? At this time, in the following crowd, some people suddenly said: "Lying, really don\'t face!"
