One Sword Reigns Supreme

2431 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and fifty-eight chapters: you put it!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Will only kill people!

When the white dress, when he heard the words of Qing, the first is a rush, then the brow is slightly wrinkled. She once again carefully got a green, very fast, her looks gain!

At this moment she was a horrified discovery, she felt not to be a breath!

She is now the peak of their own, and she actually watched the woman who is not blind!

This is not normal!

The white skirt is once again gotting an eye, and the eyes flashed and hesitated. It seems to consider what.

At this time, the stars suddenly boiled, the next moment, suddenly cracking in front of a few people, followed by, a middle-aged man appeared in front of the three people!

This middle-aged man has a long hair, and the hands have a crack behind his hands, and in him, it exudes an extremely horrible pressure.

See this middle-aged man, the shocked white dress woman recovered his thoughts, and the look gradually gnifier.

Middle-aged man looked at a white dress woman, there is no expression, "Tianshi Zong!

A group of antifoudom of a group of antiquities!

The sound fell, and his right hand was gripped.


A horrible momentum is directly covered in the white dress!

The white skirt woman is slightly smashed, and it is about to shoot. At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly looked at Ye Xuan and Qing.

When I saw it, he frowned slightly.

The monsters are very sensitive to dangers!

When I saw it, my heart suddenly became a little uneasy.

Ye Xuan suddenly returned to the eyes, then laughed: "Qing, let\'s go!"

He didn\'t want to intervene this person, a demon, although this white dress released goodwill, but this does not mean that he will believe in each other!

People who can mix this realm, no one is simple!

Outside, still need more heart, harmful, and the heart of the anti-human is indispensable.

When I saw Ye Xuan and Qing, the middle-aged man was stunned, but did not say anything, and the heart was still loose.

At this time, the white dress woman suddenly said: "Two, etc.!

Ye Xuan flashed to see a white dress woman, smiled: "Is there?"

The white dress is thinking, then laughs: "What is the two?"

Ye Xuan said: "Tour!

The white skirt woman looked at the Ye Xuan, then laughed: "What is this son called?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Ye Xuan!

The white skirt woman smiled slightly. "I see the son talent is extremely excellent, is there interest to join Tiansong?"

Join Tiansong? Ye Xuan stunned, I am going to talk, at this time, the middle-aged man in that side suddenly said: "Little brother, what is your treasure?"

Ye Xuan looks to the middle-aged man, "Why do you say this?"

Middle-aged man laughed, "This woman has the sky, she will find what gods have brought on your body!

She invited you to Tiansong, just want to kill people, or, she is delaying time, waiting for Tianzong Zongqiang to support!

I heard, Ye Xuanlian was busy: "Seniors, this is impossible!"

This girl is beautiful, how can it be such a vicious person? "

Middle-aged men stunned, then shook their heads, "Young people, you!

Still too simple, this world is complicated.

Ye Xuan said: "I don\'t believe this beauty is this vicious person!

Said, he looked at the white dress woman, "Is it right?"

The white dress woman blinked. "Of course, how can I be a vicious person?"

Ye Xuan laughed, then looked at the middle-aged man, "I saw that she said that she is not such a person!

The middle-aged man is whispered, "" It is like you very simple people, this world is afraid! "

Ye Xuan: ".


The avenue pen suddenly said: "What is your stuff!

The white dress woman looked at the Ye Xuan, like laughing, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

At this time, the depth of the stars in the distance, the number of horrible breath saw this scene, and the middle-aged man\'s face was suddenly sinking!

Tianshi Zongqiang is coming!

Soon, an old man appeared in the field with a beautiful woman, and the two were in a black robes, and the two had just appeared, and the eyes were falling on the middle-aged man, and smirked.

Seeing these two people, the white dress suddenly turned to look at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Little brother, go to my Tiansongzong?"

Ye Xuan quickly shook his head, "No!

The white dress woman looked at Ye Xuan, the more wearing a smile on his face, "I think you are still better!

Ye Xuan \'frightening\' looks at the white dress, "you.

You are a bad person!

The white skirt woman is smiled, "What is the good or bad in the world? But it is, who is strong and noble!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "You and I have no irritation, why do you want this?"

The white skirt is flashing in the eyes of the white dress. "Do you have a lot of gods, right?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

White skirt women\'s mouth slightly, "Sorry, I look at your God!"

Ye Xuan low sigh, "Girl, you are not right."

The world is wrong, you.

The white deprot woman suddenly said: "I don\'t want to hear you nonsense!"

Ye Xuan stunned, the next moment, he turned to look at the young, "Qing, you come!"

Child nodded, palm is spread.


The white dress is still not reacted, it is directly that the sword is not embedded!


A blood is brought out from the white skirt.

Seeing this scene, a few faces in the field are instantly changing, and the white skirt is even more round, such as lightning strikes, the brain is blank.

What happened to yourself? Why can\'t you move? "you.

At this time, the teacher of the day, suddenly looked at you, trembling: "Who are you!

Qingmen looked at the old man, and the sleeves watched.


A sword is directly in the old man, in an instant, the old man is removed directly!

Seeing this scene, the emperor of the next side suddenly shrinks, scared.

The beautiful woman\'s face in Tiansongzong is even more pale. It seems to be what. She palm is booming, a black rumor makes a black arrow, and go straight into the deep situation.

One is wearing a cloud, thousands of people Wan Malay!

Ye Xuan looked at the beautiful woman, shook his head, "I hate it most, I\'m called people!

The avenue pen hesitated, then: "You.

never mind!

I will not say anymore!

It\'s time to find it or have to give the leaves.

The beauty of the woman stared at you, in addition to deep trick, there is anger, "Who are you!

I dare to kill my Tiansong.

Qingyue looked up to the deep place in the starry sky, in the deep situation of the starry sky, and the traces of the beautiful woman, her eyes were slow, and the next moment, her palm opened, the sideway suddenly flew out!

In a starry sky, a giant city is over, a sword suddenly appeared.

At this time, suddenly roaring in the city, "Let\'s give you the dog, I dare to commit my Tianshi, I.

The sidewalk sword suddenly fell.


When the sword entered into the city, the whole city was turned into a virtual.

There is another day of the world!

Qingmen looked at the beautiful woman on the side, the look was calm, "You don\'t have to wait!"

No one is coming!

Beauty woman said: "No one comes? Do you think who you are? You.

Just then, she seems to find anything, and suddenly turned around. After a while, her whole person was hit, the whole person was like a soul, "this.

How can this be.

The white dress also found it at this moment!

Tianshi is gone!

Two women also look at the woman in the supper skirt, and they are only in front of this skirt, women have a sword!

A sword is buried in Tiansong? The two women have been completely embarrassed.

Not only two women, the mid-year man in the side is also awkward.

The powerful Tianszong has disappeared? Who is this woman in front of me? At this time, the green came to the Xuanqi, she took the hand of Ye Xuan, said: "Brother, you put it, I am killing them!"

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan Master\'s face black line.

What is your own? Do you like it? Know Goro Muoji!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, then looked at the white dress of the sword, whisper sigh, "Girl, you think about me, I have so many gods, will it be a general person? Even if you do a counterpress, IQ!

The white dress is looking at Ye Xuan, "Who are you!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Ye Xuan!

Have you heard? "

The white dress is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "No!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "The worship!

After finishing, he looked with a sleeve.


The white dress is directly erased.

White dress woman: ".

Ye Xuan was turned to see the beautiful woman of Tiansong, and the beautiful woman was busy: "You, I have heard you!"

Ye Xuan blinked, "Have you heard me?"

Beautiful woman nod, "heard!

Ye Xuan nodded, "Then you will go!

Wen said, the beauty of the woman.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You go!

Beautiful woman hesitated, then said: "When it is true?"

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "Of course!

The beauty of the woman deeply, "Thank you!

After that, she turned and disappeared directly in the horizon, the distant starry sky, the beautiful woman saw Ye Xuan did not move, and suddenly made a breath, she sat in the starry sky, the whole person is blank.

Revenge? Do not!

She is not a thought.

If you have a sword, you will be able to get rid of the Tiansong. Is this kind of person? "Ye Xuan!

The beauty of the beauty is slow and slow, and this name is medically.


In the starry sky, the emperor saw a photo of Ye Xuan, then said: "Why don\'t you kill her?"

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "The installation, can not be installed again, stay next time!

Demon: ".

Ye Xuan did not say anything, pulling yourself turning around.

What seems to be, the emperor suddenly deeply, "I dare to ask the seniors to call?"

In the distance, Ye Xuan He is not returned, "Ye Xuan, the Dean of Xuan Academy!

The emperor is silent, there is no words in the heart, I don\'t ask you, you answer something.
