One Sword Reigns Supreme

2432 Swords in the second thousand three hundred and fifty-nine chapters: can't afford!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

After giving Ya Xuan and yours, the emperor is sigh.

Have to say, this kind of skirt woman\'s strength refreshed his cognition. It turned out that there was such a horrible power in this world.

A sword!

A sword is buried throughout the Tiansong!

You know, the whole Tianshi, the strong is like a cloud!

In addition, there are countless big arches.

It is such a deep super zone, which is killed by a sword.

Just like dreaming, it is unbelievable. If it is not in front of him, he will not believe it.


The emperor is sigh, and the heart is complicated.

What seems to be, the emperor is afraid.

Ye Xuan!

Watching the Dean of Xuan College!

The emperor suddenly said: "A demon!

The sound came down, and a monster suddenly appeared behind the emperor.

The emperor\'s palms are open, then gently, and the looks in the Amie, "the whole demon world," all seeing this person.

Seeing this person, who dares to disrespect, I will destroy their tenth!

A demon, "" long.

The emperor is slow, "Not only that, where the demon of my demon is met, the students of Xuan Shuyuan must be given!

A demon deep gift, "Follow!

Emperor\'s monster: "Ye Xuan, Wen Xuan Academy.

Can\'t afford!


A somewhere is deep, and Ye Xuan is walking with you.

The starry sky, surrounding the star, the picturesque scenery.

I don\'t know how long it took, the brothers and sisters came to a quiet starry sky, and this stars surrounded by any life, and they were dead.

Ye Xuan is not far from the distance, outside of hundreds of feet, there is a thick stone tablet, and there is a line of words: the land of the funeral, it is dead!

The world is here!

Ye Xuan pulled the green hand to the stone note, when I saw the three words of the \'entry, he didn\'t wave.

Ye Xuan pulled the green bypass the stone monument and walked in front, and at this time, the stone monument suddenly trembled.

Ye Xuan fidelized to the stone monument, at this time, the stone is suddenly floating, it is like a ghost!

See this vain, Ye Xuan stunned.

Vain and dumb: "Little God, you also dare to fight this place, don\'t know the life!"

The sound fell, he wandered with a sleeve, and a horrible breath suddenly went toward the Ye Xuan.

At this time, a sword is suddenly flashing in the scene.


The imaginary shadow has not responded to the eyebrows, and the next moment, a powerful force directly put him onto the stone monument.

After a short session, he looked at you, trembling; "You, who are you.

Qingli tightly pulled the hand of Ye Xuan, "his girl!

Sister? The vivid shadow looks to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "When the girl is so strong, I am a brother.

Hey, you think yourself!

After finishing, he took you to turn.

After the body, the vain expression is stiff.


After a while, Ye Xuan took you to a mountain range.

The mountain range among the stars!

The entire mountain is like a dragon disk in the stars, very spectacular.

Ye Xuan looked at the depths of the mountains, the look is dignified, "is a danger?"

Qingre turned to look into the Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan Xiao: "I know, no!

The mouth of the green mouth is slightly smoldering.

Ye Xuan was walking towards the mountain range.

The land of the sky!

He wants to see where this is a place.

Pull your hands, I have!

When coming to the foot of the mountain, Ye Xuan found that there were dozens of bones at the foot of the mountain.

Ye Xuan looked at it, it was an eye, continued to advance.

At this time, one of them suddenly trembled, and the next moment, a soul of it slowly drifted.

Ye Xuan was turned to see the soul, the soul gradually aggravated, and a middle-aged man appeared in front of Ye Xuan and Qing.

Middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan, then smiled: "How do you call it?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Ye Xuan!

The middle-aged man looked at the top of the mountain and then said; "Do you want to go up?"

Ye Xuan nod, "I want to go!

Middle-aged men smiled slightly, "is very dangerous!

Said, his face revealed a kind smile, "Little brother, if you want to find a machine, you are not more adventure, I have a kind of opportunity!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "the opportunity?"

Middle-aged man nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan asked, "What is the body?"

Middle-aged man laughed: "Inherit, my inheritance!

Ye Xuan looked at the man, did not talk.

Middle-aged man continued: "I am a half-step!

Half-step emotion!

Ye Xuan silent.

Since following yourself, he see who is like an ants.

Don\'t say halfway, it is true that I am in front of him, he feels that it is a antique!

Now he finally understands the small tower!

Why is the small tower floating? It\'s all because I have a long time for you!

At this time, the middle-aged man said again: "Little friends, do you want to inherit?"

Ye Xuan nod, "

Middle-aged man laughed: "That is fine, I will enter the sea, you must resist, I will introduce you!

Ye Xuan looked at the man, laughed: "Okay!

The middle-aged man immediately turned into a white light and did not enter the bluff.


Soon, there was a lot of vain in Ye Xuanziko.

At this time, the vain suddenly laughed crazy, "Haha.

It\'s a very good seedllar!


There are so many songs and gods, haha.

I am not thin, haha.

Ye Xuan smiled: "You won\'t want to win?"

That vaciary laughed, "Are you seen now?"

Said, he will take the house, and at this time, a sword suddenly appeared in Ye Xuanhai.


The improcient shadow has not responded to the time by this sword light out of the time, and then hardening nails on a stone.

That vacant is some.

Ye Xuan looked at the vainful shadow, then said: "Take the house? What are you thinking about?"

The vain suddenly looks to you, "you.

It\'s you.

Qingye shook his head, a face, "too weak!

Made: ".

Ye Xuan looked at the vivid shadow, shook his head, and disadvantages, "it is too weak!

After finishing, he took you to turn around and walked towards the mountain.

Made: ".


When coming to the half-mountain waist, Ye Xuan also saw a few kinds of bones, and in these few bones, there was a virtual me!

Ye Xuan looked at the eyes, with you to move forward, when he came to the top of the mountain, he saw a body, this is a middle-aged man, wearing black wars, holding a spear, hand holding a spear, full body There is also a black flow sole around up and down.

Seeing this body, Ye Xi Xin is a little surprised, this body is dead for a long time, but the flesh can save so well, the strength must not be good!

Ye Xuan walked to the body, whispered: "Seniors, what is your inheritance to leave it to the future?"

no response!

Ye Xuan thought, I was going to talk, at this time, the body suddenly slowly opened his eyes. When I saw Ye Xuan, he first became a strangeness.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Senior, hello!"

After the man is silent, he said: "You are so weak, how is it here?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Good luck!

Man expression is stiff.

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, the young suddenly pulled the hand of Ye Xuan, whispered: "Brother!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at you, whispered: "Don\'t heach, he is very weak!


I heard the words, the man suddenly coughed, he looked at you, some dissatisfaction, "I am half-way, you said that I am weak? You.

Qingye shook his head, "You are not weak!

When the man stunned, at this time, Qing Dynasty said: "Are you very weak?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The man was so angry, he suddenly stood up, and a horrible breath directly crushed into you, however, this power is just close to the green, and there is no trace of disappearance.

See this scene, the man is full of face, "you.

You have two minutes!

Yellow silence.

At this time, the man suddenly said: "I am coming really!"

After saying, he was very open, and his long gun suddenly trembled, the next moment, a horrible gun is like a volcanic outbreak, and it is usually went to the green. In an instant, the space is all space!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan god suddenly became dignified, have to say that the man\'s strength is really strong, although the other party may only have a spirit of soul, he may also play now!

Half stepped away!

Ye Xuan Shen took a breath, it seems that it has improved the realm!

Especially now you are!

When the man\'s gun is coming to the past, if it is generally, it is also unable to disappear.

At this moment, the man was completely embarrassed.

He is a bit unbelievable, "" you.

The green look is calm, and I have a thoughts.


The man has not reacted, and a horrible force is directly pressed on him.


The man directly legs soft, kneeling in front of Ye Xuan.

The man is anger, I want to resist, however, the power is dead, and he can\'t play a lot!

At this moment, the man is free to flow directly!

He recognizes the reality!

This woman\'s strength is far!

The man looked to the young, just wanted to say anything, the young suddenly saw the Ye Xuan, "Brother, he is very weak, do not hesitate!

Man expression is stiff.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then look at the man, "seniors, my sister said that you are weak, you can\'t inherit.

This can not live!

we are leaving!

After finishing, he pulled the green and walked away from the distance.

Originally, the man is full of face, after a moment, his throat rolls, "Laozi sained for more than 100,000 years, was awakened by you, together, your brothers and sisters are intentional to breathe me?"

His attitude has collapsed!
