One Sword Reigns Supreme

2430 The second thousand three hundred and forty-seven chapters of the swordsman: the mouth is to be responsible!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


In this way, Ye Xuan successfully took the emperor.

What seems to be, Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at you, "What is the realm of yourself above the god?"


Have to say, he now talks about a little collapse!

What is the realm of this, it is too much!

It is shook his head.

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "Don\'t know?"

Qing smiled: "The realm is a constraint, one rule, I have already been within the realm, but also is not interested in the realm.

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "understand!

Said, he looked at the little girl next to, "What is your name?"

The little girl smiled slightly, "!

Ye Xuan nod, "Can you tell me this realm?"

The little girl nodded, "To the gods, a total of nine, one heavy, representing millions of years.

On the top of God, it is the legendary \'free\'.

Ye Xuan brows, "Shim?"

, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

This level of power can be said to have surpassed the power of faith, reaching another level!

And this level of power has been in the Millennium Era, but now this era.

Said, she shakes his head, "I am afraid that it is very little!


Ye Xuan wants to think, nodded slightly.

Qingren look to the emperor, "Not!

Di Yan still wants to say anything, the young suddenly said: "The one is hanging, is your family, right?"

: "Yes!

Qingli looked at the emperor, "Do you think he is amazing?"

, "Of course!

Above the situation is the virtual, and the virtual, it is the legendary real, really, the beliefs, beyond the material, the body consciousness and the soul reach \'really ".

This level of strong, that is.

Qing suddenly said: "That is quite weak!"

The emperor is stale.

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

I have to say that young people are now getting more and more skinned.

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he looked at the emperor\'s strong people in the field, then said: "Di Yan girl, is these people have real?"

shook his head.

Ye Xuan asked again, "Is there a virtual ?"

Di Yan still shook his head.

Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking, ""

,, !

Ye Xuan speechless.

, "I really had a feet in the world, and it is a lot of virtual me!

Said, her look, "That battle, we lose too much!"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Your opponent is this Yin Linger?"

, "Yina, just a small role, and more horrible!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, some doubts, "You are a human king, don\'t you know?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "The old man did not tell me!

: ".

Ye Xuan suddenly said; "

Don\'t say these!

, you take your ethnic to the gods of the gods!

When I arrived, my sister will receive you and will arrange you!

, "Do you still have a sister?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!


Ye Xuan Xiao said: "When you are there, you have to be very good!



Qingqiu this girl is not vegetarian!

, "We will only listen to you, anyway, we can do your sister again.

Ye Xuan speechless, if you listen to me, I am afraid of my sister!

After a while, the emperor leaving the mandarin of the emperor.

This place seal is released, and these emperors are all free, and now they can only follow Ye Xuan, because they know that this horror forces of this universe are likely to come again!

The emperor is now this, if you don\'t have a thigh, I am afraid that I can only wait for death.

After the other people left, there were only left in the field.

Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, then laughed: "Qing, this secret trip, can not be a general smooth!"

Come all the way, there is no accident!

There is a young, it is cool!

Ye Xuan can\'t laugh.

At this time, the horizon suddenly broke out, the next moment, and a vain was quietly condensed.

Ye Xuan looked at that vain, some surprised.

The vain of the way is an unlike, but the other party is not a body, but a virtual image!

The vivid shadow looks over the next green, hoarsess: "You dare to kill me!

Young nod, "dare!

After the vain is silent, the road: "Woman, you will pay for this price!"

Said, he will disappear.

At this time, the green suddenly became open, and the sideway sword flew directly.


The sidewalk sword suddenly did not enter the eyebrows of the vain.

Almost at the same moment, the boundless universe, a huge cloud in a huge cloud, a scream of a scream, the next moment, a sword is from the whole city!


In an instant, this cloud is directly into the ashes!

The boundless universe, countless terrorists have turned into this cloud in the city.


Waver field.

The vain of the vain that was spiked by a sword in the green, "you.

what have you done!

The green look is calm, pulls the hand of the leaves to turn around.

At this time, the voice of the avenue was suddenly sounded in the scene. "I batch, do you think this is the Galaxy? In front of her, the mouth is to be responsible!

That vacant: ".


Ye Xuan took you to the next secret, the place of funeral.

In the starry sky, Ye Xuan Yujian is in the line, and you will stand next to him and tightly pull his hand.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Yellow, I have not yet asked you, why do you suddenly appear?"

Qing Dather turned to look into the Ye Xuan, "I miss you!

Ye Xuan slightly, then shook his head smiled, "I am also!

In this world, only you have no need for her, without any purposes.

The purest!

After a while, Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Brother, what is the boundless universe?"

After the avenue pen is silent, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuan brows, "You don\'t know?"

The avenue pen: "Don\'t return to me!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Don\'t you manage it? Are you joking?"

The avenue pen is sigh, "I really don\'t want me, there is some special, the owner is in the management!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said; "Can you let your hostess, let them don\'t bully me?"

The avenue pen: "The owner is now there, no matter there!"

Ye Xuan is something wrong, "Why?"

The avenue pen sink: "Big Brother, I am just a pen!"

How do I know so much? "

Ye Xuan speechless, this is broken with the small tower!

When you are forced, it is a pen, you don\'t understand it!

Ye Xuan looked at the youngest, some hesitated.

Do you want to bring you to the boundless universe? This is going to a circle, who dares yourself? At this moment, a scream suddenly interrupted the thoughts of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked up and stayed in the distance, in the depths of the stars, one person is a war!

The monster body is huge, heights are height, it is like it, and there is a feet arms, and there is a tail.

And with it is a woman in a white dress!

One person is quite fierce!

Ye Xuan was inadvertently blended, he flew in the other side with a green.

But at this time, the white dress in the distance suddenly slammed by the monster!

After a boxing flying white dress, the monster made a punch again. This fell, a very terrible force suddenly swept it, once, the whole star field is boiling, countless Stars are more direct.

See this scene, Ye Xiyuti is jumping, this monster is very fierce!

At this time, the white dress in the distance suddenly refers to printing, the next moment, she appeared in front of it, in an instant, countless golden rune suddenly poured out.

Bang Rynard!

In an instant, the monsters were blown directly, and then they were hited and retreat, and those golden runes had a large part of the Ye Xuan and Qingfei flying!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xixiang is shocked, it is going to shoot, at this time, the white dress in the distance suddenly angered, "stop!

The sound is falling, and those golden runes have stopped when there are tens of feet from Ye Xuan and Yue.

At this time, the white dress suddenly referred to, "" Qiankun borrowed!

The sound is falling, a huge golden rune is directly covered with the monsters, and a horrible force has spilled in those runes. Finally, in the monster.


Soon, the monsters were screaming, but those runes did not lose, but more and more!

In this way, not long, the monster beast is dying!

At this time, the white skirt woman took out a small pot and gently, and the monster was directly received into the small pot.

After leaving the monsters, she suddenly looked at Ye Xuan and Qing, she stepped out one step forward, directly came to Ye Xuan and Qing, looking at Ye Xuan, her brow wrinkled, "God.

Leaf Xuan nod.

The white dress woman looked at Ye Xuan, "How do you dare to come here?"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "come to do something!

What is the girl? "

The white dress is calm: "Tianshi Zong!

Ye Xuan silent.

Have not heard!

The white dress is about to talk, just at this time, the starry sky suddenly trembled, just like a big earthquake, at the same time, a very horrible powerful breath swept!

See this scene, the white dress woman is slightly smashed, "the legendary emperor.

After that, she turned to look at Ye Xuan and Qing, "This monster is strong, you will go first!

Ye Xuan asked, "Are you playing?"

The white dress is shaking his head, and the look is not comparative, "can\'t play!

But I can drag it.

Ye I thought about it, then said: "Do you want me to play?"

White dress woman looks to you, "she?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

After the white dress, the woman talked into a white moment, said: "Do you fight?"

Yue shook his head, "no!

White dress woman stunned.

Yue shook his head, "I will only kill!

Ye Xuan: ".
