One Sword Reigns Supreme

2424 Swords in the second chapter of the two hundred and fifty-one chapter: If the story is ending!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Skirt woman!


When I saw a woman in a semester, Su Qing\'s brow suddenly got up, she didn\'t think that this woman came!

She knows that this woman is not explained, protecting a brother.

Things are a bit trouble!

Su Qing Shi thought, just talk, just at this time, the short time and space suddenly broke, the next moment, a man dressed in the green shirt came out!

Blood sword!

See the Sword of the Qingshi, Su Qing\'s face became more ugly!

These two extreme people have encountered together, things are quite complicated!

The green shirt sword is looking at the woman, laughing, just talking, Su Qingshi suddenly went to the green shirt man, she pulled the hand of the green shirt and shook her head.

She knows that once they let them be opposed, then there must be a battle!

If the two are now playing, it is a disaster, because no matter whether the existing universe is still boundless, you can\'t afford the terrorist power of the two!

Skirt woman turned to the green shirt man, next moment, her palm opened, the sideway appeared in her hands, then Ye Xuan went to the beauty of the vegetarian dress, he pulled the woman\'s hand, slight smile "" Qing, count!

Skirt woman is shaking, "Brother, this time, listen to me!"

Yang people? What do you count? "

The sound fell, and the sideways in her hands suddenly flew out, and the green shirts were born.


In the distance, the men in the green shirts are slightly smashed, and suddenly, the sword is awkward.


I saw two people suddenly moved, and the Ye Xuan face was instantly changed. He directly received the chapter in the small tower, at the same time, he retired to the vegetarian woman.


Suddenly, the two swords opened.


In an instant, two people are centered, and the squares of millions of star fields are directly annihilated. Not only that, the Yue Wei of the two did not disappear, still taking a very horrible speed to scatter for four weeks, with this speed, most Interest, the power of the two can destroy the entire existing universe, even the boundless universe.

Just when this existing universe should be completely collapsed, a mysterious power suddenly appeared in the existing universe. With the appearance of this mysterious force, the Skirt woman with the power of the green shirt was shouted, and did not go again. diffusion!

But not long, the mysterious power is directly broken!

At this time, a black word suddenly appeared in this starry sky, this word just appeared, a powerful force directly blocked the power of the green shirt and the food woman!

Not long after, the word suddenly broke, at this time, one hand suddenly held the word, the next moment, an ancient book suddenly appeared in this starry sky.


With the emergence of this ancient book, a horrible force hard-student blocked the strength of the vegetarian skirt woman with the green shirt.

However, just blocking, I have not erased it!

Among the stars, the semester woman with the green shirt is standing, the woman is in the face of the woman, and there is no feeling in the eyes.

The green shirt is tightly holding the sword in his hand, and his sword will be red at a little bit.

At this time, a shadow suddenly appeared not far from the two.

With this fantastic appearance, the avenue between Ye Xuan waists slightly fused.

This vain suddenly said: "You are once again, this existing universe collapse immediately, and the universe will immediately collapse.

Billion million creatures will die because of you!

Skirt woman turned cold and looked at the vain, vain: "You don\'t look at me, if you really want to fight, I can\'t stop it!" If you really want to fight, I can\'t stop it!

However, if you really play now, can you think about him? "

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan.

After a moment of silence, she looked at the men\'s man, my face, "if I am not my brother, I will now make your Yang people\'s clean, see you!

Said, she turned to look at Su Qing\'s poetry, disdain: "Yang people? What is garbage!

Do I need a rareity? "

After finishing, she turned and pulled the hand of Ye Xuan and walked towards the distance.

After the sedam woman took Ye Xuan, Su Qing\'s poetry turned to look at the green shirt man, whispered: "Sorry!

I just want to exercise him, I have never thought of it, things turned this!

The green shirt man shakes his head. "This child is generally with me, and many times is very biased!

Su Qing\'s nod, "should be the illegitimate child hurt him!

Said, she sighed whisper.

Illegitimate child!

She ignored an important thing, that is, Ye Xuan has not been approved by Yang Ethi, and Ye Xuan, who has been outside, itself has a grievance to the green shirt, and now I have been treated with Yang, nature. Anger.

In this case, the Yang people still go to him in the dead, and he is naturally angry.

What seems to be, Su Qing Shi looked at the green shirt, once again: "Sorry.

I don\'t have this thing!

The green shirts took Su Qing\'s hand and whispered: "With this child\'s character, he will not return to Yang people again!

Su Qingshi is silent.

She is already able to feel that Ye Xuan\'s character is very similar to the green shirt man, that is, it is very extreme, once he chooses to leave Yang people, he will definitely will never come back!

The green shirt suddenly turned to look at the vain in the distance, he didn\'t speak.

After the illiterate silence, he said: "Things don\'t have the simple you think!"

Silence of a green shirt.

Virtual shadow is whispering, "The development of things has completely exceeded my control.

I can only say that you take care of you.

As for the story of the story, it is sad or hi, all in your own hands!

After finishing, his body gradually became illusively, soon, it completely disappeared in the field.

After the man is silent in the green shirt, he said: "Qing Poetry, I will go first!"

After finishing, he disappeared directly.

Originally, Su Qing\'s silence has been silent for a long time, said: "Direct order, at this moment, Ye Xuan is a Yang World, see his people see the sword!

I heard the words, the ad hoc to have a face color in the face!

See the people who see the sword!

Obviously, this Ye Xuan is the ethnic group of the Yang family.

In the field, Su Qing\'s whispered sigh, "This is the father and son!

After that, she turned and left.


After the young sexy woman with the vegetarian woman, after fighting a sword, directly damaged the origin of the entire existing universe.

It can be said that now the existing universe is directly hurt!

If it is not the owner of the avenue, the entire existing universe is afraid of being completely erased!

The power of the two is too horrible!

Although the Avenue pen owner warns this existing universe, the entire existing universe is still hurt, hurts the vitality.


In a starry sky, you will take the Ye Xuan\'s hand slowly.

Ye Xuan smiled: "Youth, how come you?"

Qingli whispered: "I miss you!"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I am also!

Said, he tightly pulled your green hand.

Qing Dather turned to look into Ye Xuan, "Brother, a person struggles, is it tired?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not tired!

Yellow silence.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I know what you mean, but I think so is very good, you will slowly struggle.

If you rely on you, I will never be more than you!

Young people want to say.

Ye Xuan bitter, "You don\'t want to say, even if you work hard, it\'s all over you?"

Qing dynasty shook his head, "Brother, do you know what I found?"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "what?"

Qingyue looked up to the depths of the Star, she whispered: "A person who wrote someone else\'s fate, his fate is also written by others.

Ye Xuan has some doubts, "Jingsai.

What\'s the meaning? "

The green shook his head slightly and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan: ".

The green suddenly stopped, she looked around the waist of Ye Xuan, and then her head was on the river of the leaves, her eyes slowly closed, and her face rose a touch of smile.

Ye Xuan light channel: "Qingren.

Jindier said: "If the story is ending, I hope that our ending is now this.

After the Ye Xuan silently took a moment, the heart: "Brother, is there any?"

The avenue is in the road: "Don\'t know!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, it is going to talk, the avenue pen suddenly said: "Big brother, how do I know? Anyway, you only need to have something to do, you are fine, she is normal, you have something, she.

Speaking of this, he didn\'t say it again!

At this time, it is an understanding of a truth, that is, the mood of the world is complete according to Ye Xuan!

She can\'t see it, I can\'t get a buning!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Young, you tell me, what did you find again?"

Qingli whispered: "If you have nothing, your brother is alive, everything has me!"

Ye Xuan: ".

Qing suddenly smiled: "Brother, I want to go shopping with you, can you?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and laughed: "Where to go?"

Qingye blinks, "which can be!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "I want to visit the secret!"

I am a little curious, "the secret?"

Ye Xuan nod, positive color: "I have visited some mysterious secrets, dangerous, so I want to take you to visit the secret!

Qing smile slightly, "Y!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, he suddenly turned to look at the distance, "Lan Qing!

The sound falls, not far from time and space, suddenly torn, the next moment, the Lan Qing has appeared in front of the Ye Xuan brothers.

Lan Qing respects a gift, "Ye Shao!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Help me investigate, where there is a secret or remains, I have to go shopping!

Lan Qing hesitated, then said; "Secret or remains?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Lan Qing Shen Sheng; "Ye Shao, I know some, but it is extremely dangerous.

Ye Xuan suddenly waved, heroic: "The more dangerous, I am not afraid!"

I am fearless!

Lan Qing: ".
