One Sword Reigns Supreme

2423 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and fifty chapters: Do you want to be polite?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Call the ancestors? Zhang makes the people look very quasi-weird.

Call it out to play my son? The criminal sentence is afraid that there is no courage.

The head of the town was deadly staring at Ye Xuan, "Our town\'s Criminal Division is independent of all institutions, we.


At this time, the chapter on the side has turned suddenly: "Your town prostitute is more super, is it more super to be more than the Lord? What are you? You are the subordinates of Yang Jia, and the young master is the master of Yang. Why, are you going to be on the owner? "

The main chapter of the town sentence, "I only listened to the mainstaughter, even if the Lord, there is no right to interfere with our town\'s criminal order!"

Zhang makes nod. "In this case, then you just have just right."

The head of the criminal sentence was browed, and at this time, the Ye Xuan\'s body in the distance suddenly became ill vicked. He saw this scene. The main face of the town sentence, the face of the criminal sentence changed, and his eyes flashed a piece, "array!


In the face of Ye Xuan, he did not dare to do something!

Just now Ye Xuan\'s old man, it is too easy!

The voice of the town sentence has just fallen, and the four black lights suddenly rushed to the sky. The next moment, on the top of the head, a huge black disc array quietly appeared, next, one horrible The black lightning direct pen is straight, and finally, these black lightning gathered into a long-term god.


At this moment, the entire starry sky is directly boiling.

In the distance, the blade is spread, and the Qing Xuanjian suddenly turns a sword!

He did not show invincible!

He wants to see, he can easily kill these to the power without exproportionate the invincible.

When Qing Xuan swords up, the sky is directly torn!


A sword is suddenly lying on that God.


The whole starry sky is annihilated!

The gods crackled, but did not completely annihilapidize!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to shoot again. At this moment, the principal suddenly disappeared in the original place, and a residual photo was torn in the scene.

In the distance, Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, and he is a sleeve, and a sword is shocked.


The main thing is hard and student by this sword.

The principal is shocked, "What is the sword!

Ye Xuan did not have any nonsense, he directly disappeared in the original place, the next moment, countless swords light directly toward the main point.

The main point of his eyes flashed, he said: "Arrangement!


Suddenly, since the town\'s criminal company, a blood red iron chain rushed to the sky, the speed is extremely fast, the blink of the blink is in front of the Ye Xuan, the Yuxi brow is slightly wrinkled, and the hand is a sword!


A sword is broken, and Ye Xuan is directly squeaking to ten!

And the blood red iron chain is not damaged!

Because it is not Qing Xuanjian, so his sword did not break this iron chain, and at this moment, his Qing Xuanjian has been dragged by the God.

At this time, the blood red iron chain suddenly turned into a bloody and rushed to Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan\'s front time and space directly cracks a huge mouth!

Ye Xuan right hand suddenly lifted, the sky, the Qing Xuanjian sword, the \'Human Spirit\' dramatically, followed by golden light.


The sky is broken directly, and the next moment, Qing Xuan sword returns to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan Ying is a one.


Among the eyes of everyone, Ye Xuan Yixiang crushed the blood red chain.

Seeing this scene, the principal of the matter suddenly, "you.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place.


Before the main point, a little sword is now!

Fast thunder!

The main point of his eyes flashed, he took the front, a punch, this fist, a slightly destroyed terrorist force instantly swept.


As a fried sound, the principal is directly removed from the sword of Ye Xuan, and he just stopped, a sword light is to wear his eyebrows!

At this moment, Ye Xuan has appeared behind him.

Suddenly a dead is often quiet!


Surrounded, those towns\' strong faces were incomparably ugly, they did not expect that their principal offended it was so defeated!

Of course, they are more angry that this lesson actually dare to do hand to the town\'s sentence, to know, for so many years, no matter who it is, it is to give the town prison!

Now, this Ye Xuan actually dare to kill the Town Criminal Division!

At this time, someone suddenly said: "Call people!


The sound is falling, and the sounds are suddenly conflicted, and they disappeared directly in the deep place!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the truth of the town of the town. The latter said: "Even if you are a young master, you can\'t interfere with our town\'s criminal, and our town is only right.


That stronger did not finish, a sword did not enter his eyebrows.


That strong body is trembled, then it is directly erased!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan fidelized to see the principal of that did not completely disappear, at this moment, the principal is full of face, "you.

He didn\'t think that this little master in front of him was so horrible, and even more, this lesson did not give it a little.


The strong people of these towns\' criminals are not afraid, only anger.

No one hasn\'t given the face of the criminal pen!

Seeing those towns\' strong faces full of angry, the chapter on the side sighed in the heart.

These people usually have been ran out!

So that you have forgotten your identity!

If a person cannot squand his position, then he is not far from death.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly turned to see the strong people of the town sentence, see Ye Xuan\'s view, and the faces of the town prisoners were dramatically.

At this moment, they finally panic!

In front of this young master, it is not only a small master, but also has a horrible strength.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place.


The main party was directly smashed by a sword, and Ye Xuan did not stop, and he rushed to the strong people of the town sentence.

Seeing Ye Xuan Chong, the face of the people of the town sentence is the drama!

How do they resist? At this time, the distance between the horizon, the time and space suddenly broke, the next moment, an old man appeared in the field, the old man was separated from the distance.


A mysterious force directly locked the Ye Xuan that is shot!


In the distance, Ye Xuan brows is slightly wrinkled, and it is a sword.


The cage is directly broken by him this sword!

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, the old man wore a black robes, painted a small \'town\' word on his chest.

Town prison!

Seeing Ye Xuan, the old man hesitated, then slightly, "Less Lord!

Little Lord!

Ye Xuan looked at the old man and did not speak.

The old man is deep; "Le Lord, the head of the head of the Criminal Director of the Town Criminal!


Wen said, the face of the people in the field of the town is the drama, and they have been busy!

The head office, that is the core circle of the Yang family!

This level is in the Yang family, for them, it is super big!

On the one side, Soviet gods also gradually gain.

The head of the company is coming!

Finally, not to come to the small shrimp!

Obviously, the Yang family has known the existence of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "then?"

The old man hesitated, then said: "Less Lord, I have understood everything, I will give a small master one!

Ye Xuan tender, "Have you want to give me anything?"

The old man is Shen Sheng: "The master is dead now!

Stay now!

Obviously, this is given to the leaves.

Things have developed to this step, the town sentence is naturally to give Ye Xuan face, otherwise, continue to die, is it really destroyed? Therefore, the town sentence decided to compromise!

After all, this lesson!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly shook his head, "It doesn\'t matter!

never mind!

I heard the words, the people in the field looked to Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Wei smiled: "After this, I understand one thing, then, Yang is never asked as it is a person, is it, why It will be in the Yang people who will die. "

After finishing, he was a palm of his hand, and the green shirt was slowly floated. "From this moment, I am no longer a person!

Wen said, the side of Su Ming and others in the side change!

Want to give up Yang Song\'s major identity? That town\'s criminal advice is also one of them, what he is going to say, Ye Xuan is turned around.

The chapter makes no hesitation, following the past.

At this moment, the time and space in the distance suddenly broke, the next moment, a beautiful woman came out!

See this beautiful woman, the face of the ad member faces instantly, he quickly smashed down, "Su main!


Su Qingshi!

Main mother? In the field, the Su Ming and others were heard when he was heard, and the legs were soft and slapped directly.

Yang is now actually controlling people!

After Su Qing Shi, he also followed a sword old, his breath is like a sea, terror is extremely

In the distance, Ye Xuan stopped, he turned to look at Su Qingshi, at this moment, his blood is still active.

Su Qingshi looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan is laughing, "Su Yi should know these things, right?"

Su Qingshi shook his head slightly, "This is a misunderstanding, you can solve these misunderstandings in a better way, but you have biased the most extreme way.

So long, your sex is the same as your father, it is still so biased.

Ye Xuan direct view Su Qing Shi, "Yang people will be used as illegitimate sons, then I will ask Su Qi, are I illegitimate?"

Su Qingshi is smashed.

Ye Xuan suddenly roared, "Is I illegitimate?"

This, in addition to anger, there are some grievances.

Seeing Ye Xuan\'s roar, Su Qingshi behind the sword, the sword old brow, he stepped forward, and a horrible prestimated pressure directly shrouded Ye Xuan, "said to the master, and polite!

Just then, a sword suddenly appeared in the field.

The sword old man suddenly shrinks, the next moment, his head flew out.

Directly by spike!

Next, a woman in a dresses appeared in front of Su Qing\'s poetry, she looked straight to Su Qing\'s poetry. "I talk to you, do you want to be polite?"


PS: Outbreak in advance.


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