One Sword Reigns Supreme

2425 The second chapter of the second thousand three hundred and fifty-two chapters of the fairy: refers to the direction?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Secret remains.

In this universe, there are many unknown areas, and some are the remains of the ancient cave, and some are some special areas, and some of the ancient sects.

The remains of these cavers are generally dangerous. Of course, dangerous while accompanies countless opportunities.

Ye Xuan Li is slowly walking towards the stars in the distance, and the brothers and sisters are hand-held, and the sky is deep and far away.

Ye Xuan suddenly said; "How do you suddenly come? Is there anything?"

He is still a little unexpected to the sudden appearance of youth.

The young people still said: "I miss you!

I miss you!

Ye Xuanji\'s jade hand, the mouth is slight, and the heart is like a sweet sugar.

Youth is good to him, is the purest world!

Something, this life is fortunate!

At this time, the Gannao suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, he gave a deep ceremony against Ye Xuan, then said: "Ye Shao, there are two remains, the land gods and the funeral.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Give me the address!

Lan Qing hesitated, then deeply a gift, "Ye Shao, forgiveness, these two places in danger, unimaginable!


Ye Xuanzheng color: "I am not afraid!"

Lankao smirk, "Ye Shao, I will talk to you, you know the horror of these two places!

These tomb gods, it is said to bury a very terrible ancient power, according to my Xianbaoge, this place may come from the legendary Wancha Era!

Wancha Era!

Ye Xuan brows, "Do you know the era of the Wancha?"

He knows that those sages come from the legendary Months.

Lan Qing shook his head, "Don\'t know!

It\'s just that the Hand is mentioned, saying that this is a very splendid era, in that era, there are countless excellent people!

It can be said that this Troad era is a time that our existing universe is the highest in martial arts civilization.

Said, he smiled slightly, "said the owner\'s words, this is the first of the countless age!

The first time!

Ye Xuan nod, "I understand!

Lan Qing Zhengqi: "Ye Shao, this tomb god domain and the funeral, may all come from the Millennium Era!

As far as I know, I have a strong person to explore these two places, but I haven\'t come out again!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I understand!

If it is me alone, I will definitely, but I am not alone!

Said, he pulled up the hands of Qingmen and smiled: "I am with my sister!"

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the corner of the Qing dynasty picked up slightly, and this laughed, and the universe starry was out of color.

Lan Qing saw an eye-catching skirt woman, the woman is like an ordinary person, standing there, there is no breath, it is too ordinary!

Of course, the Lan Qing will not really think that the woman is very ordinary!

Lan Qingmi, then took out two reels to hand it to Ye Xuan, "Ye Ye, this is address.

Ye Xuan contacts the two scrolls, then laughed: "Thank you!"

After finishing, he opened a reel, he swept behind him, then turned to look at you, "Let\'s go!

Child nod, then with Ye Xuan disappeared at the end of the stars.


In the stars, Ye Xuan Yu Jian is in the next, next to him is a young.

The young children did not rush the sword. She pulled the hand of Ye Xuan, her face was filled with a touch of smile.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Qing, you have spent a sword with his old man, and your sword, almost destroy the entire existing universe and boundless universe!

Why are your swords, why is the power? "

Yellow silence.

Ye Xuan blinked, "Don\'t you say it?"

Qingre turned to look into Yuxi. "I am thinking about how to say a complex question, this, you can understand!

Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Qingli whispered: "All the realm is the antity, all the realm, is also an antite.

A true power, not chained by anything, clear everything, super off everything.

Said, she turned to look into the Ye Xuan, "If you ask me how strong, I can\'t answer you!"

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Qing smiled slightly, "Because I don\'t know how strong I have!"

Ye Xuan asked, "invincible?"

Qingye shook his head, "said invincible, it is all desperate me!

Ye Xuan: ".

The small tower suddenly passed: "Deni sister, who is you with the owner?"

Ye Xuan looked into young, in fact, he also wants to know this problem!

There is a big brother and older brother, who is more powerful? Qingren looks calm, "this problem, when brother is invincible, you will know.

Ye Xuan silent.

He knows that the three swords have finally played.

No one can\'t stop!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan also asked, "Qing, Qingqiu is your own body, that is, if you are willing, you can make it again, right?"

Children nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan looked at the young, "If you are a fit, will it become stronger?"

The corner of the Qing dynasty is slightly smashed, "You guess!

Ye Xuan slightly, then shook his head smiled, "Qing, you are also skin!"

Qing Dather looked at Ye Xuan, "I don\'t need to meet, I can protect my brother\'s life!"

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "So, no matter whether the existing universe is still boundless, no one can threaten me!

right? "

Young nod, "Yes!

I am, even if they join hands, I can\'t kill you!

Ye Xuan smiled.

Qing Dynasty said: "You will not die, but don\'t mean you.

Speaking of this, she didn\'t say anything.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What?"

After a long time, you will say: "You will not die, but don\'t mean that your story will not end.

Just like a book, there is the day of the story.

Said, her head suddenly placed on the shoulder shoulder, whispered: "I am, my brother\'s story will never be over, he dares, I will let him end!"

When she said, she glanced somewhere, and the eyes flashed a cold, "" You dare to let the people of the world, I will kill together!

Someone: ".

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, at this time, he seems to feel anything, look at it, not far from the deep situation, there is a man and a woman.

The male wearing a golden armor, holding a long gun, and the eyebrows with a suffocation.

The woman is wearing a white armor, holding a handle with a sheath with a sheath.

At this moment, both people look at Ye Xuan and Qingren.

Seeing the eyes of the two, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, and he said hello.

At this time, the male and a woman suddenly appeared in front of the Ye Xuan.

The man looked at Ye Xuan, "But go to Wan Tomb!"

Ye Xuan slightly, then smiled: "Yes!

The man looked at the Ye Xuan, shook his head, "Zone on the district, not to enter the gods of Wan Tomb, even if it is the river of the death of the Wan Tomb, you can\'t enter!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Two is also going to Wan Tomb!"

Men said: "Yes!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Let\'s take a look!

The man looked at the Ye Xuan and did not speak.

And the white woman is always on the green, and the white woman has always been confident. However, when he saw the young, she suddenly felt some self-embarrassment.

Ye Xuan did not worry, he turned his head and looked to you, "Let\'s go!

Young noddes.

She preferred to get along with Ye Xuan, except for Ye Xuan, she doesn\'t feel uncomfortable, and I don\'t like others to see her.

Ye Xuan and Qing Dynasty disappeared after the stars, the man with a white woman suddenly said: "The pen of the man is the legendary avenue!"

Benjia woman nodded, "see it!

The man\'s eyes flashes, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

Benjia woman saw the man\'s intention, Shen Sheng: "The realm of this person is low, but it has a large road, I am afraid that it is not easy!"

The man laughed: "It is not simple, but it is good!"

Said, he is facing the palm of his hand, in his hand, there is a small monster, a shape similar to a mouse.

At this moment, this little monster is fanatical looks at the direction of the long leaves.

The man looked at the distant, and some excited: "Take a baby in this person, there are many gods in this person, at least billions of the unicard, there are legendary via veins!

The Yuanyuan!

I heard the words, the white woman was smashed, "Are you sure?"

The man looked at the treasure in the hand and laughed: "OK!

Very certain!

After a diagnosis of Benjia, he said: "You can, the more this person is not simple, especially the woman next to this person!

Men asked, "The woman?"

Benjia woman nodded, "Yes!

This person.

The man suddenly shook his head, "The woman is soft and weak, even if there is strength, what is it?"

Said, his mouth is slight, "I have never seen it so excited so excited.

Benjia women are still worried.

The man continued: "Do this last ticket!

Avenue written you!

All pulse points!

After the white woman is silent, he said: "Yes!

In the next moment, the two did not disappear.


At the end of the stars in the distance, Ye Xuan and Qing suddenly stopped, the man and the white woman appeared in front of the two.

Ye Xuan has some doubts. It is about to talk. At this time, the man suddenly disappeared in the original place, and a shot directly stabbed to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan Master face.

What the hell? Ah? At this moment, a sword suddenly had no signs to penetrate the man\'s eyebrow.


The man is directly stained to the place!

The sword is the sidewalk sword!

The man is completely embarrassed with white.

The man is full of horror looking at the two people, "you.


After Xuan Xuan silently, he said: "What is this?"

The man suddenly shocked: "I.

I am here!


The green suddenly calmly: "Where is Cang Xuanzong? Refers to the direction!

The man is frightening to watch you, "you.

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "Right!

The green palm is spread, and the sidewalk sword suddenly fits.

There are tens of millions of miles in the right, in a certain world, a sword suddenly came into a powerful paradise!


All the strong people in this zone have not reacted, it is the direct soul!

There is no smooth in the world!


PS: Thanks to all readers\' rewards and support.

After breaking, it is necessary to raise a savage, don\'t worry.