One Sword Reigns Supreme

2422 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and forty-nine chapters: You can call the ancestors!

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The old man is silent.

Ye Xuan did very enchanting, strength is also very powerful, but if it is not a Yang Dynasty, Ye Xuan is in front of the whole Yang family? If you said, what is nothing to do!

The valley once again sigh again. "When I mentioned him, I would like to see if this less Lord has a big concept, but unfortunately.

After finishing, he shook his head, "but it is a bloody teenager, only knowing courage!"


Said, his eyes flashed a disappointment, "and looked at it, he went to the town\'s criminal department, it will be the disaster of the sky, the end result is that the number of small people is not guaranteed, and even the Yang family!


Depth of the stars in the distance.

Su Ming hesitated, then said: "Less Lord, this town\'s criminal department is not simple.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How is it not simple?"

Su Sudan Sudoku: "The director\'s penalty, independent of all departments, only listening to the order of the Supreme Master!

They may not give you a face!

Ye Xuan blinked, "I don\'t need them to give face!

Su Ming is silent.

He suddenly panicked at this moment!

What should this little primary? Is it going to go up Yang? Thinking of this, Southern Sue Ming was flowing down.

Honestly, he is now a bit of thinking, because he found that this little master is going to overturn everything!

On the other side, the chapter enviesfully stands respectfully next to Ye Xuan.

He is not panic at all!

Anyway, he has pressed everything that his life is on Ye Xuan, or it is either a rich and rich, or there is a life and death.

He no regrets!

This is his choice!

Not long after, Ye Xuan et al. Finally came to the prison certificate.

The town sentence is located on a mountain, and the entire town of Zi Yinsen is like a ghost temple. It is a fear of life!

Looking at the town of the town, Su Si\'s face was suddenly dignified, in fact, he just heard the town criminal, did not have exposed to the Town Criminal, because he is too low!

In the entire Yang family, the town sentence is very mysterious. It can be said that it is the talents of the emperor, there is a first-paced terrorist right!

Ye Xuan faces the lower part of the town sentence, slight smile, his palm is spread, a sword is suddenly rushed!


A swager swayed between the world!

However, the Criminal Division of the following Town does not respond!

Seeing this, the chapter on the side made the face suddenly sinking, "Lear Lord, let it do!

The arrival of Ye Xuan and others, this town\'s Criminal Division is absolutely known, and the other party does not respond, only one explanation, that is, I want to give Ye Xuanlai next Mawei!

Little Lord? The criminal department of our town is only responsible for the Supreme Master!

When I heard the words, Ye Xuanhaha smiled, the next moment, his palm was expanded, and Qing Xuan sword appeared in him. He looked at the criminal sentence below. "My Ye Xuanfei does not speak, I have no sentence If you have no hat, you don\'t want to kill more.

Come here today, just to kill the Master!

Below, there is still no response!

The Ye Xuanzhao is slight, smiles, there is some squatting, the next moment, his eyes have become bloody, in an instant, a horrible blood is the same, in an instant, the whole starry sky is like a blood sea, horror is extremely!


On the side, Su Ming and others have the color of the face!

At this time, an old man suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan and others, the old man looked at Ye Xuan, and the eyes also took a trace of dignity, "madness blood, you.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed, "Don\'t talk nonsense!

The sound fell, he suddenly disappeared in the original place!


Among the eyes of everyone, the old man suddenly shrinks, he has not reacted, his head is brought into a blood post directly.

Ye Xuan did not have any nonsense, directly towards the criminals of the lower town, and at the same time, a stunned killing and directly shrouded the entire town sentence.

Under this shroud of this murder, the entire town of the criminal sentence will become a sudden change in the face!

In front of Ye Xuan, the old man is busy; "" Lee Lord, all departments of the Criminal Division of our town, only listening to the command of the sword and Soviet, you.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place.

This time, he did not use the inconvenience, but directly picked all the swords!

After blending the power of \'Humble\', his human sword has reached a very horrible level, but its power has more, he has never tried it!

At this moment, he has played his sword to the extreme!

And under the blessing of the blood, his human swords become more horrible!

At the moment of Ye Xuanjun, the old man was suddenly awkward. He faced the horrible sword of Ye Xuan. He didn\'t dare to have slightly and great ideas, and there was no dodge, because Ye Xuan\'s sword was too fast. He can\'t dodge at all!

The old man suddenly forth, this rush, no number of obsolesys, at the same time, four weeks and space shock!


A dark light directly welcomes the horrible sword of Ye Xuan that!


Suddenly, a sword is broken, countless residual and shades, at the same time, the old man has repeatedly retreats to tens of thousands of feet, and after it is still stopped, a residual shadow suddenly appeared after him, this residue It is Ye Xuan, and a sword does not know when inserted into the old man\'s eye.

This sword is Qing Xuanjian!

Direct spike!

Seeing this scene, the chapter made a shock in the heart, he found that Ye Xuan\'s strength became strong!

Simply leaving!

The Su Ming face is also extremely dignified, and the strength of Ye Xuan is really a bit horrible. This old man is to the gods, and Ye Xuan actually said to kill, just like killing chicken!

too scary!

At this moment, he has identified his own ideas, that is, this lesson is absolutely the sword owner to cultivate!

Thinking of this, he had disappeared many.

In the distance, after the Xuanqiao, the old man is round, and the eyes are unbelievable. He didn\'t think that he was so spiked!

The awareness of your soul is moving quickly, the old man is busy: "Lear Lord, you can\'t, you.

At this time, the Qing Xuan sword fiercely trembled, directly absorbed the old soul!

God\'s soul!

On the other side, the chapter sighs.

This old man, IQ is worrying!

At this time, if you hurry, ask for mercy, you can still live a life.

He knows that Ye Xuan\'s character, Ye Xuan is to eat soft, not eating hard, as long as you are right, don\'t deliberately irritating the sky, the Ye Xuan is a very very good person.

Ye Xuan\'s people are really generous.

In the distance, Ye Xuan\'s heart spread, Qing Xuanjian returned to him, he looked down to the town of the town, at this time, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Ye Xuan, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe , Look cold, in his hand, hold a long gun.

At the same time, in four weeks, there were no number of powerful breaths, which were all locked in Ye Xuan.

See this scene, the distant chapter makes the low sigh, at this moment, the heart is very unbalanced!

How did these human heads have been mixed now? Haven\'t you clear the situation yet? This little master is very busy!

This is the same as such a enchanting, so terrible, this is definitely the sword owner personally cultivated!

Now, these guys are still so treated with Ye Xuan, is it really killing Ye Xuan? However, after killing Ye Xuan? In the chapter, it seems that now, I\'m going to surrender is just the essence!

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan, there is no expression, it is about to talk, Ye Xuan suddenly raises his hand is a sword!

The middle-aged man is slightly smashed, and the right hand shakes, and the long guns are stabbed.


The middle-aged man is directly torn, and this shot is directly in the Qing Xuanjian of Ye Xuan by the Thunder.


A shot of a sword just came into contact, that middle-aged man suddenly shrinks, because he found that he did a long gun directly, next moment, a sword is coming to his eyebrows, and this moment, middle-aged man The look is surprisingly calm!


Ye Xuanyi sword stab, however, this shot has been stabbed, because the middle-aged man has disappeared in the same place.

Ye Xuan suddenly turned, a sword!


A horrible force suddenly broke out, before the Xuan face, a residual shadow directly retired to 10,000 men.

After the middle-aged man stopped, his face suddenly changed, because a bloody sword was straight from his head.

Middle-aged man roar, "Hand!

Do one!

His voice fell, and more than a dozen horrible atmospheres directly toward Ye Xuan.

At this time, the chapter in the distance suddenly said: "Kill!

Said, he rushed out with Su Ming, etc. next to him!

At that moment, Ye Xuanjian fell, that middle-aged man was directly flying to tens of thousands of feet by this sword, and his flesh was directly broken, only soul!

At this time, Ye Xuan is another sword!

Seeing this sword, the middle-aged man suddenly shrunk into a needle, this moment, he has given up the resistance, because he knows that he only can\'t stop the horrible sword of Ye Xuan!


Without any accident, Ye Xuan\'s sword directly took the middle-aged man\'s eyebrow, and then nailed his soul in the same place.

Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of the middle-aged man. He is to do, just at this time, a horrible breath suddenly rushed to the top of the town sentence, and the powerful pressure directly went straight to Ye Xuan. At this moment, the entire starry sky is boiling directly, countless time and space!

See this scene, the chapter of the distance makes sudden roar, "Lear Lord is careful!

Ye Xuan was turned, the palm is spread, a moment, countless human swords, and then resisting the horrible breath.

At this time, the middle-aged man next to Ye Xuan is suddenly trembling: "The principal, save me!"


Ye Xuan suddenly turned back to a sword.

The middle-aged man soul is directly erased.

Middle-aged man: ".

Ye Xuan looked at the middle age man in the distance, grinned, smile, "Come, you can call the ancestors!

Everyone: ".
