One Sword Reigns Supreme

2421 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and forty-eight chapters: nothing!

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Ancient !

Qingqiu\'s gums of ancient times, slight smile, then turn around.

At this time, the ancient times suddenly said: "Is the dean now?"

The Qingqiu stopped and she turned to look at the ancients and smiled: "Very good!

The ancient odds, if you think.

Qingqiu smiled: "Come on!

After that, she turned and disappeared at the end of the horizon.

The ancient looked at the horizon in the distance, and the eyes were envious, envy Qingqiu could have been with the Xuanqiao.

After a long time, the envy of the ancient eyes became firm!

Only when you are strong enough, you can pursue what you want!

After a while, the ancients turned around.


Cang Yunshan world.

After the Master returned to the Cang Yunshan industry, he immediately came to the King of the Cang Yunshan Dynasty!

Inside the temple, only the Yuan Dynasty and Yun Cang.

After a long time, Yun Cang put down a secret in his hand, then looked at the Master, "I want to live?"

The Master nodded.

He knows that he is troublesome!

Ye Xuan may not be a illegitimate child, but a young master who is deposited, killing a raised little master.

And still the young owner of the Yang family!

Yuan Master does not dare to think!

Yun Cang\'s calmness, "I took the initiative to go to the town sentence!

I heard the words, the Yuan Master had a sudden and trembling: "King king!

Yun Cang shook his head, "If you escape, there is no chance to go to the town sentence, and take the initiative to get a penalty!

The Master is smirk, "Kings, if I go to the town sentence, can I still have a living?"

Yun Cang quietly said: "If you go to the head office, you haven\'t lived!

The Master\'s brow wrinkled, "go to the division?"

Yun Yang nodded, "This is a criminal branch, I have already greeted the principal, you will give you a penalty, let you free from the death of Xing Xing, once the town criminal give you Pointing, even if it is a small master, no right to interfere. If he interfere, it is equal to the Queen Criminal Department, that is, the contradiction between his sentence!

Wen said, Yuan Master suddenly excited.

Town prison!

This is an independent institution of a Yang family, only two people, one person is a sword owner, one person is the master\'s mother Su Qing Shi!

In addition to these two, the town sentence can not listen to anyone!

Yuan Master understands the meaning of Wang. If Ye Xuan is not to kill him, it is equal to the town\'s criminal, and for the town\'s criminal department, it is equal to contradiction with the owner of the mother.

Thinking of this, the Yuan Master\'s mouth is slightly smashed.

Yun Cang said softly: "When the contradiction can\'t solve, then we will transfer contradictions, let the contradictions upgrade!

The Master is deeply a ceremony, "will admire!

Yun Cang quietly said: "He will go to this world immediately, let\'s go!

The Yuan Master once again, and then quietly retired.

Yun Gang picked up a pair of folds in front of Yun, after reading for a long time, his look gradually gotten.

At this moment, Yun Cang suddenly put down the folded fold, then said: "Welcome to the Lord!

If the thunder is generally spread!

In the distance sky, a group of people appeared in Yuncang.

It is Ye Xuan and others!

The headed Ye Xuan just appeared, there were countless powerful loves to be locked!

Ye Xuanzi has no expression, and the sleeves are looked. A sword is clear, one instant, and the three we know is cut off.

At this time, Yun Cang appeared in front of Ye Xuan, he greeted, "Yuncang City Dynasty Wang Yuncheng met the Lord!

Ye Xuan looked at Yun Cang, "Yuan Master?"

Yun Cang smiled slightly, "Lear Lord, this person makes mistakes, and has headed to the town prison!

Ye Xuan looked at Yun Cang, did not speak.

After a while, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "I will give you a chance, and you will take him with him in the inquiry!"

Yun Cang Shen Sheng: "Lear Lord, he has been in the criminal sentence, I have no right to interfere with the Town Criminal Division!

The blade is spread, the next moment, the Qing Xuan sword suddenly trembled, turned into the moment, and Ye Xuan directly appeared in the universe, seeing this scene, Yunxiao\'s eyes suddenly shrink, "gave!


In an instant, near Yuncheng, nearly Millions of light rushed to the sky, in the end, like rivers usually gathered in the clouds, at the same time, Yun Cang\'s right hand is gripped, in the moment, countless beliefs to gather from him right hand Among the arm.

Yun Cang anger, a punch!

This fist is out, the whole Yuncang is felt, then directly crack!

Whole cosmic cracks!

At this time, Yun Cang suddenly appeared four residues, followed by four swords and light from Yun Yun.


In an instant, countless white light is sour!

At this time, Ye Xuan returned to the place, the sword.


Suddenly, a crack sound suddenly sounded in the field, in the eyes of everyone, the clouds were directly broken.

But the soul is still!

On his soul, a golden clock is suspended. It is this Jinzhao plus a big array to protect his soul!

See this scene, everyone in the field is shocked!

This cloud is the horror on the god, this is a king!

Just as a sword of this less than a sword? And it is still in the case where this cloud is launched.

too scary!

Yun Cang looked at the Yu Xuan in the distance. It was about to talk, and the sword of Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared.

See this scene, the clouds of clouds suddenly shrink, he handed a fiercely, then fell!

A horrible soul force swept!

Although I didn\'t have a flesh, the strength of this cloud is still horrible!

However, when he contacted the Qing Xuanjian of Ye Xuan, his eyes suddenly shrink, but he didn\'t come.


Ye Xuan\'s Qing Xuanjian did not enter the clouds.


Among the eyes of everyone, Qing Xuanjian directly put Yun Cang soul in the original place.

A silent!

Nothing? At this moment, a group of strong people appeared around Yun, and they looked at Ye Xuan.

Yun Cang looked at the Yu Xuan in the distance, and it was incredible in the eyes, "you.

Is this He Jian Technology? "

Ye Xuan looked at Yun Cang, "To kill me, is the idea of ​​Yuan Master, or your idea?"

Yun Yun was dead staring at Ye Xuan, silent.

Ye Xuan scacked, "I am a stupid, the Yuan master is obviously your hand, if you have no you, he dare?"

The sound fell, and his right hand was gripped.

Qing Xuan sword is dramatic!


Under the eyes of everyone, the Yun Cang soul is directly absorbed by Qing Xuan Jian.

God\'s soul!

See this scene, Su Ming\'s cold sweat after Ye Xuan is moving down!

Oh shit!

This little master is really too metaping!

I actually dared to kill him.

At this time, a cloud of clouds suddenly angered: "Less Lord, the king will make mistakes, you have no right to kill him, you should give him to the town prison, you.

Ye Xuan suddenly turned to the old man, "I will not!

The old man is stunned, "you.

Ye Xuan looked at the strong people in a field, then said: "I want to come, kill my things, you also have a copy!

Said, the Qing Xuanjian in his hand suddenly trembled.

Seeing this scene, the old face was instantly changed, he quickly said: "Less Lord, no my share!"

It\'s all this king decided!

Ye Xuan face has no expression, don\'t talk.

At this time, the chapter on the side has quickly angered: "Is that still not kneel?"

Squat? The old man is first, and then even busy, and the strong in his body is also kneeling!

Everyone is convinced!

Ye Xuan looked at everyone, and then turned to see chapters. "Now, you are the king of this world, fully take over this world!

I heard the words, and Zhang was first, and then quickly said: "Follow!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "How to get?"

The old man in front of Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "This is going to the north!

Ye Xuanpi, "Go to the Town Criminal Division!

The old man is busy: "Less Lord, there is a saying, I don\'t know if you are willing to listen?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You said!

The old man said: "Leight, this town\'s Criminal Department is a special institution, independent of the major universities, and they only listen to the mother and the sword, even the big lady, no right to interfere !

Therefore, if the lesson is to the town of the town, it may be contradictory with them, once contradictory.

Speaking of this, he didn\'t continue to say it!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Are you afraid that I have contradictory with Su?"

The old man nodded.


This is in Yang, that is, as God, the existence of God, can be said that in the status of the Yang family, the status of Su-life is far from the Lord.

Moreover, the entire Yang family can also be said to be founded by the Supreme Master, which is why so many people choose to support Yang Nianxue.

If the Ye Xuan and the Criminal Criminals have contradictory, it is equivalent to a contradiction with the mainstall of Su.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed; "I am definitely very respect for Suyi, I also believe that she is not the person she holds the following to me, but.

Said, he shook his head smile, "I am not intended to be targeted, I only know, I want to die, I must die, no one can\'t hold."

The old man is smirking.

Ye Xuan laughed, then turned to disappear in the depths of the stars.

Seeing this scene, chapter made it quickly.

He only knows who Ye Xuan is going to deal with, he only knows that it is right!

When I saw the chapter, I heard it, and then he got his teeth and immediately followed it.

Anyway, there is no way out!

Now there is only to follow Ye Xuan, only the future!

Originally, the old man is hesitant.

At this time, one suddenly said: "Go is old, are we going to follow?"

After the old silence of the valley, shook his head, "No!

The man silently said: "Now we are best to be faithful, if it is lost this opportunity.

Google\'s old silence: "This less master, too just!"

Don\'t understand for it, he is so hard to have a hard to have a good fruit!

Said, he looked to the distance sky, whispered: "This lesson is ignored, he is a young master, and Yang is a Supreme mother, you can say that as long as the Supreme mother, he is less The main identity is lost.

There is no such thing.

What did he count? "

After finishing, he shook his head, "nothing!
