One Sword Reigns Supreme

2420 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and forty-seventh chapters: Gu Yan!

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Horror strong!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

Yang people? Mom, is this Yang people are really crazy? Is it really a pig brain? It\'s also a young man!

Moreover, it is still a genuine little master, even if he is a illegitimate child, it is definitely not these subordinates to kill!

Does these people do things with their minds? In the starry sky, there is a breath that a breath is getting more and more horrible.

At this time, the Su Ming suddenly said: "Protect the little master!

After finishing, the strong people with him have come to Ye Xuan, and it is waiting.

Now, he has chosen the station Ye Xuan!

Because he is determined, Ye Xuan definitely is stocked, not a illegitimate child.

Even if it is illegitimate, it is also a illegitimate child who wakes up the blood of the madness!

Of course, he has no other choice now!

Can only choose Ye Xuan, follow Ye Xuan to the end.

The sky, the masters look down on the lower leaves, the look is cold.

"Ha ha.

At this time, the transfer channel next to the Yuan Master suddenly came out of a laughter, the next moment, a middle-aged man rushed out!


The middle-aged man rushed out, and a horrible breath suddenly swept it from the sky, as if it would be crushing this world, and it was shocking!

Below, Ye Xuanqi is calm, and the palm is spread, and a sword will rise.


The powerful pressure of the horrible moment is crushed by this sword!

See this scene, then the middle-aged man who just rushed out was slightly wrinkled, and the eyes were shot, "It is a bit mean!

At this time, there were twelve people behind the middle-aged man, and the twelve people were all to the gods!

Next to Ye Xuan, Su Ming Shen: "Less Lord, this twelve people are not Yang people!

Not a Yang family!

Ye Xuan looked at the Yuan Master, laughed, "It seems that he is looking for foreign aid!

Foreign aid!

The Yuan Master silent did not speak, he did find foreign aid, because he did not dare to let Yang family\'s strong people kill Ye Xuan, the top of the top, the top of the top, can not be fooled, the other side see Ye Xuan, may not only Will kill, but will help Ye Xuan.

Therefore, he can only look for foreign aid, let the people outside will kill Ya Xuan.

In the middle-aged man next to the Master, I looked at Ye Xuan, and then laughed: "Are you a private child?"

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man laughed: "Do you know who I am?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Don\'t know!

Middle-aged man haha ​​smiles, "Laozi is ancient ruler, have you heard?"

Ancient man!

Ye Xuan turned his head to Su Math, Su Ming Shen: "It is an ancient Zongmen, specializing in murderous goods, similar to mercenary!


Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, he looked at the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man suddenly smiled, "kill you, but a big business, you.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the same place.


The time and space in Ye Xuan is directly cracking. When the moment, Ye Xuan directly appeared in the universe, the next moment, the four residuals appeared in that middle-aged man.

I am invincible!

When Ye Xuan Shi exhibited this moment of this sword, the middle-aged man suddenly contracted, "you.

It\'s too late to talk, he suddenly turned his right hand, and he was shot!


The power of the earth destruction suddenly broke out with him!


The four swords of swords are all over the middle-aged man, and in the eyes of everyone, the middle-aged man is directly divided into the decline!

Direct spike!

The scene suddenly became quiet!

In the sky, the Yuan Master is in the eyes, it is incredible, "you.

Have to say, this moment he is really forced!


The middle-aged man is a level with him, however, is it a sword to kill? The ancient man who came to the middle-aged man is also still staying with wood!

A sword spike? And Ye Xuan, everyone is excited!

Especially the Su Math, he is really excited at this moment. He didn\'t think that the strength of Ye Xuan was so strong!

At the same time, it is a bit a greatest, but it is good to surrender, otherwise, it is now afraid that it is already in the bones.

At this time, Ye Xuan looked up and looked at the head of the head, laughing, "Is this?"

The Yuan Master stared at Ye Xuan, the next moment, he suddenly became illusively!


Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, the palm is spread, the Qing Xuanjian in the hand is directly from the sky!


A sword is tearing the horizon, straight to the Yuan Master, however, when Ye Xuan\'s sword came to the head of the teacher, it had disappeared directly.


Seeing this scene, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

If the strong person of this level must escape, he still can\'t!

It seems that Ye Xuan is moving to the ancient rules in the distance, see Ye Xuan\'s view, and those ancient rules have changed.

Ye Xuanzhi has no expression, "kill!


Ye Xuan voice came down, Su Ming took directly to the sky behind him.

Soon, the war!

Those ancient rules have been killed by the Ye Xuanzi in their boss, and the momentum itself has fallen down. At this moment, there is no heartfelt war, so the two sides have just made a hand, they are rushing by Su Mi and others!

Not long after, the ancient rules and other strong people have been killed!

Su Mage came to Ye Xuan face, respectfully: "Less Lord!

Ye Xixing calmly: "Where is the teacher!

Su Shan is shocked, and I am busy: "It is in the Cang Yunshan world!"

Ye Xuan nod, "with way!

Su Ming smiles, "Leight, I don\'t know where this Cang Yunshan is!

Ye Xuan looked at Su Math, and the latter was busy: "I really don\'t know!

Ye Xuan turned his head to the Lan Qing, "check!

Lan Qing respects a gift, "Follow!

After that, he quietly retired.

In the field, Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly.

Cang Yunshan Direct!

This time, he decided to clean the other party in one.

Ye Xuan smiled, "It\'s time to go to Yang\'s headquarters!

I heard the words, the chapter of the side was excited when I was.

Go to Yangjia headquarters!

This is also what he dreams of!

Southern Su Ming looked at the Ye Xuan, the heart is also a happy, if you follow the Ye Xuan back to Yang, what is it? That is equal to it is a letter!

Thinking of this, Su Tianton grinned, like a chrysanthemum.

Not long after, Nalakha has appeared in the field, the Lan Qing is deeply a gift, "Ye Shao, I have already found the address!"

A bit far!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Nothing!

Let\'s go!

The Lan Qing nodded, and then patted his hand, soon, a huge SHA was scratched to the horizon, stabilized in front of Ye Xuan and others.

Lan Qing respects: "Ye Shao, this is the gods, you can shuttle countless star field, sit down!"

Leaf Xuan nod.

He didn\'t have to go to the Cang Yun Mountain, so he could not use Qing Xuanjian to shuttle directly to Cang Yunshan.

After the crowd visited the Zhengen, the Ye Xuan turned to the chapter to make the chapter, Zhang Yes hesitated, then said: "Leight, this world is now needed, you will stay here!

Although he also wants to follow Ye Xuan, but now Qingqiu is not in the world, so he can only take the initiative to choose to stay!

A qualified subordinates must have worry about the boss!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "No!

You follow me!

Wen said, chapter makes the ecstasy, excitement: "Follow!

Stayed in this world, although it can become the world of the world, the monologue, but he still wants to follow Ye Xuan to Yang people!

Following Ye Xuan, there is a star sea!

After a while, the gods launched, and the directization of a residue disappeared at the end of the stars.


The universe of the gods.

Qingqiu returned to the Western Academy, although now the mystery of the book has opened a lot, but the gods of the universe is the general hospital.

Qingqiu directly found the book!

Now the book is the first of the hospital, the right to study, and the right to rights, only Qingqiu and Ye Xuan.

However, he is drunk literature and reading, and it is not much at all!

Qingqi smiled slightly, "Master!


For the sages, Qingqiu has always been very respectful, even if it is now, she still respects the old man before.

Shuxian smiled: "Shantou, you are now.

Said, he shook his head.

He is not stupid, why can\'t you see a change in Qingqiu? It can be said that it is almost changed!

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "I will always be the disciple of the master!

The book is a warm, laughing: "Let\'s talk about it!

Qingqiu nod, "Now the college is getting bigger and bigger, but also has opened many branches, I have not used the person from the person to train some masters to train some people to the branch, let them help the competent articles!

Skinny nodded, "Yes!

There are many people who can use it!

Qingqiu smiled: "Good!

Suddenly said: "How is the Lord he now?"

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "Very good!

No one can hurt him!

Shu Xian hesitated, then said: "Now the college is getting bigger and bigger, more and more, I am a little worried, worried about the original intentions of the college, hehe.

Qingqiu nod, "Master said this, I also know, rest assured, as long as I am, the book will never let me!

Shuxian looked at the Qingqiu, whispered, "Shantou, you are now more and more, I can\'t see it!

Qingqiu smiled: "Yes?"

Book nod, "But I know, you still have a Qingqiu!

Qingqiu nod, "in front of the master!

The master is in front of!

The book shook his head smile.

After the teacher leisurely, Qingqiu left the hall, and suddenly, she turned her head, not far away, there was a woman to go.

The woman looks very young, only less than twenty years old, holding an ancient book.

It seems to be aware of what, the woman turned to look at Qingqiu, when I saw Qingqiu, the woman smiled slightly, "Qingqiu girl, hello!

Qingqiu smiled: "What is your name?"

The woman has a hair of the ear, then said: "Gu Yu!
