One Sword Reigns Supreme

2410 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and ninety-seventh chapters: How is my younger brother?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Pretend to be a little master!

To deal with Ye Xuan, there must be a reasonable reason.

It is undoubtedly a great reason.

After all, the sword sword swords have never recognized Ye Xuan in the Yang family. In this case, they can do not recognize the identity of Ye Xuan.

After killing Ye Xuan, I will find a reason to push it on the head. Isn\'t it finished? Of course, some people are still worried, after all, this is, but killing the Lord, not killing a A cat, dog.

A old man came out, then Shen Sheng: "Si Jun, we don\'t know an attitude of the sword to the young master.

Wen said that everyone has again downs again.

What is the position of Ye Xuan in the green shirt? In case this little master is heavy in the heart of the sword, is it not finished? The Si Jun said calmly: "We have found that this Ye Xuan is just a illegitimate child, the sword is a romantic, there is a thousand children, isn\'t that normal?"

Everyone: ".

The Si Jun said again: "You think about it, if this Ye Xuan is really aware in the heart of the sword, the sword owner will have for so many years? Will you put it? Never mention him in Yang?"

Everyone is silent, she has to say that this Si Jun is still a little reasonable, because they find that this sword is really never mentioned in the Yang family.

Seeing everyone, the Si Jun continued: "Of course, if you have a concern, you will do it, you will come to the city gate, you will forgive, this is not a knot?"

After finishing, he smiled.

Wen said that everyone has become difficult to look.

Going to squat in the city gate? They must not do it!

The Si Jun said again: "The next day, you can see it? When the Ye Xuan took over the big heaven, it immediately treated the big heaven to have it, and he still had to do one.

Are you willing to give up the right? "

At this time, an old man suddenly said: "This person pretends to be the young master, kill!


Inside the temple, everyone has attached.

The surrender Ye Xuan means that it is necessary to give up the right, this is how they are not willing.

I saw that everyone came with, and the Director nodded slightly. He turned a little smile. "Although this person is really a son of the sword, the sword is almost no appearance in Yang, and whoever, I don\'t know, I The Yang family is a big master is a big lady? I have waited for this Ye Xuan, even if the sin is crime, the big sister will force me to wait!


When I heard the Si Jun, the crowd suddenly made a lot.

There is a big lady, and their stress suddenly has a lot easier. After all, now the big lady Yang Niangxue is very high in the family, you must know that the big lady can be the life daughter of Su-life!

The Si Jun looked up and looked at the temple. "But it is a private child, why do I have to fear him?"

In the temple, everyone nodded.

In a corner, a middle-aged man quietly retired.

This middle-aged man is also a world, Mun Zi, middle-aged man retreat, the whole person is suddenly frightened!

He feels that things are not so simple!

Illegitimate child? Even if it is illegitimate, it is not that they can kill!

Moreover, according to his investigations, this Yaxi is a madness of the madness, that is, Ye Xuanji woke up the madness of the sword owner, and this big lady is not awakened!

Qiu Ji looked at the four weeks, then the palm was spread, and a sound of the sound was quietly disappeared.

He thinks that this is not reliable or not to inform it.

Kill the Lord, from some extent, it is already rebellious!

If the strength is strong enough, it is not possible to rebel, but the problem is that in front of the whole world, even the ant ants are not on, actually Just like a village says it is going to rebel.

Is this not looking for death? Qiu Ji looked at the depths of the stars in the distance, and it was full of worry.


After the Si Jun left the hall, he came to the bamboo house.

The Director is slightly rolling, "the world!

After a while, the bamboo house came out of the sound, "He is coming?"

The Director nodded, "Many hours!

The world is silent.

The Si Jun wants to say.

In fact, he is also a little guilty. After all, it is a young master, even if it is a illegitimate child, it is not they can kill at will!

At this time, the world suddenly said: "Worry?"

The Director nodded.

The world is calm; "After killing, it is said that others can kill!

That\'s it? "

The Si Jun is silent.

Oh shit!

Is there a good flicker? In fact, he is most worried about it. So far, this world has not come up. Once you kill Ye Xuan, this world will push all the crimes to his head, let him go to the pot, then Have you finished? It seems to see the worry of the Division, the world suddenly said: "Reassure, if there is no order, I dare to kill the Ye Xuan?"

The above command!

Wen said, the Director\'s look movement, "above? Miss?"

After the interlocking of the world, he said: "Of course!

I heard the words, the Director suddenly slammed down, "It turned out to be the meaning of Miss.

It is both the meaning of the big lady, so it is good!

The world is: "Go!

The Si Jun is slightly rolling, "Follow!

After that, he retired.

In the bamboo house, a middle-aged man suddenly got up, this person is the Chinese world.

When the middle-aged man got up, a vain suddenly appeared in front of him, seeing this imaginary shadow, the boundaries of the gods, "the Lord!

That vacant is not expressive, "It is very simple to mean, don\'t let the people live!

After the interlocking of the gods, he said: "The Lord, he is a young master, killing him, really no problem?"

In fact, he is also a heart, he is not idiot.

However, he is also gambling, he wants to climb up, only the big brother of the above, so he has to cooperate with the above.

The Lord is calm, "What are you worried?"

The world is silent.

I am worried about what I am worried, are you not a bit? Loosing the Lord, "You are afraid that we will finally sacrifice you, let you go to the pot?"

The world does not speak.

The Lord is calm, "I am relieved, I want him to die is the big lady, there is a big lady cover, what are you afraid?"


I heard the words, and there was one of the gods of God.

As long as it is the meaning of Miss, then he is not afraid!

Anyway, Miss Miss is on.

If there is no big lady, he really doesn\'t even dare to kill the Kim Xuan, this Ye Xuan is a good kill, but after killing it? After all, it is the Lord!

Killing Ye Xuan, after all, some people have to come, that is, the cooker, he is also afraid of the pole!

At this time, then the last one said: "Kill him, you can leave the world, enter the hometown.

Xuan Pavilion!

Wen said, the world is suddenly shrinking, the whole body is trembled!

Xuange, that is, he once dreamed of going to the place, but he never dared to think.

It is really difficult to enter that place.

As long as you enter that place, it is barely to contact the true Yang family, now they, barely can only be peripheral!

Now, as long as you kill Ye Xuan, he can enter that place.

At this time, the last one said: "This is your only chance, look at it yourself!"

After finishing, his body gradually became illusively!

The world is slight, "Gong sent the master!

When the last owner completely disappeared, the boundaries were silent after a moment, turned and left!

He has made a decision!


Among the unknown stars, an old man suddenly appeared in this starry sky, and it is the top of the last.

God looks at the depths of the stars, slightly, "Yuan Master!

After a while, a voice sounded deep from the deep stars. "Can you take it?"

The main point is nodded, "I have already gone!

Said, he wants to say.

The Master said: "But is it worried?"

I am busy with the primary, "it is!

Master, after all, is a young master, we kill him so, will there be a problem? "

After the Yuan Master silent, laughed: "Question?

What can I have any problems? You know, this is the meaning of Miss!

Miss Miss!

I heard the words, the last master first was a stunned, then ecstasy, "Yuan Zheng, when is the meaning of Miss?"

Yuan Master calmly: "Nature, do you think I will fool you? If there is no big lady, I dare to let you kill him?"

I am busy, "Yes, yes!

I guess it is also a big lady.

The Master is headed, "It is the master of Miss, and the big lady will see him is not cool. Therefore, you let go, don\'t have any psychological burden!

God is slight, "understand!

Yuan Shi said: "Remember, you must trick the root, don\'t leave any problems!"

When necessary, you can take your own!

I nodded, "I understand!

I know!

Yuan Shi said: "I wish you success!

After that, he disappeared completely!

After the main silence is silent, turn around!


A woman\'s unknown mountain, a woman stands quietly.

This person is Yang Niangxue!

At this moment, Yang Niang Xue\'s breath is dark, and it is clear that her realm has reached the top of God.

Not far behind Yang Nian\'s snow, there was a old man, this old man wore a black robes, holding a sword in his hand!

After a long time, Yang Nianxue suddenly opened his eyes. She took a deep breath, his mouth slightly, "broke through!

After the body, the old man respects a gift, "Congratulations to Miss!

Yang Niangxue stretched a lazy waist, then smiled: "I don\'t know how my brother is!"

The old man said: "The young master should not be good!

Yang Niangxue nodded. "I have this old brother, although the flowers are filled, but talents are still very nice.

Said, she seems to think of, then turn to the old, "Lu Shu, help me investigate, see how my brother is now!"

When necessary, help, after all, I will put him this brother, the old man, I am sister, how can I take a look at him, so he is killed by others!

Ye Xuan: ".


PS: In fact, I have no monthly ticket, I am very miserable!