One Sword Reigns Supreme

2409 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and ninety-six chapters: pretending to be a little master!

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The small tower is silent.

It knows that this little master is really angry!

Since study, the little master has changed many, but the blood in his bones is still there!

This time, the world sent people to kill him, obviously to do fire!

After getting the Ye Xuan command, the two strong people of Xianbaoge quietly retired. They did not have any questions about Ye Xuan\'s order. Ye Xuan said what they would do.

On the side, the kill looks at the Ye Xuan, which is disappeared, and struggles in the heart.

Have to say, he is really tangled at this moment.

Don\'t follow it? He is actually struggling, there is no bottom in his heart, because following Ye Xuan\'s words, it is equivalent to involving the internal battle of the Yang family, in which case they are likely to become a victim, you know, Yang people are not general Family, in this horrible family, one is not left, that is, it is tenure.

Of course, such as Ye Xuan said that if the zone of Xuan Zhen is successful, they can also change fate!

With very high interests, it is also accompanied by extremely high risks!

After a long time, the kill is whispered.

In the end, he gave up!

He doesn\'t want to bet!

Gambling, maybe change the destiny, but maybe there is.

Now, there is nothing bad, although it is flat, but it is very stable, at least don\'t have to take risks, don\'t go to hang!

Kill the master\'s palm boat, then said: "Let this quite to the Chinese world, we don\'t pick this!"

After finishing, he will pick up the old man who gave it to the body and then turned around.


After getting orders, the Xianbaoge will start to act immediately, soon, the long, a few great Xianbaoge Branch, personally rushed to the big heaven!

Now in Ye Xuan, Who doesn\'t know in Xianbao? This is a close man who is close to the owner!

After getting the command of Ye Xuan, a few presidents did not hesitate, directly with the strong people in the pavilion to the big heaven.

Big Tianjie.

Qingqiu is lying on the chair of Ye Xuan often, she is reading.

That chapter stationed in respect.

In fact, compared to the Xuan, he is more afraid of Qingqiu, this little girl is not a general terrible.

At this time, Qingqiu suddenly said: "The world sent people to kill my brother?"

Chapter I nodded, "Yes!

There is no expression in the green hills, don\'t talk.

Zhang Yizhe hesitated, then said: "Less the main world!

Qingqi nod, "I will accompany him!

Zhang made a bitter laugh, "the world has the strong, I think.

Qingqiu suddenly asked, "Is the strong on God very powerful?"

Zhang makes it stunned, "this.

Is it not worried? "

Qingqiu shakes his head smiles, "" Everything in the realm, all the ants!

Said, she suddenly said, "except my brother!

Chapter Make: ".



In the palace, Tuo Yan looked at Ye Xuan, "Is it going?"

Ye Xuan nod, "to do something!

After Tuo Yan, after a moment, he said: "When will it come back?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Qing Xuanjian is in my hand, I can come back at any time!

Tuo Yan suddenly kissed Ye Xuan, then whispered: "I am waiting for you!"

The Ye Xuanzi is suddenly set off, and there is some evil charm!

It seems to feel the changes in the regions of Ye Xuan, Tuo Yan\'s cheek is red, "you.

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, the two disappeared at the same place, at the same time, the avenue pen and the small tower flew out of the palace.

Tower: ".

Avenue pen: ".


After the number \'day\', Ye Xuan left the palace.

When Ye Xuan returned to the big sky, the big heaven has gathered a lot of strong people.

Chapter I came to Ye Xuan face, respectfully said: "See too little master!

Ye Xuan said: "How much is we now?"

Zhang makes a somatsu: "Plus the top of the big world, there is twenty-six!


Ye Xuan\'s chapter is made, "What is the world?"

Zhang made a hesitant, then said: "The gap is too big!

The Central World has at least 50 or more, in addition to this, they can also mobilize the universal world of the world, can say that the middle world is in a short period of time. At least 100 people!

Ye Xuan nod, "understand!

The chapter makes it happen.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t be afraid!

Zhang makes the head, "I am not afraid!

I am anger!

Less Lord, how do they dare to send people to kill you? They are just working in Yang, and they dare to send people to kill you, I.

I am angry!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "I am too angry, all, do them!

Zhang makes a silence: "Do!

Dried now!

Ye Xuan smiled, then looked at Qingqiu, "Shantou.

Qingqiu suddenly said: "I will go with you!"

Ye Xuan has some hesitating, "you still need you.

Qingqiu interrupted the words of Ye Xuan, "I will go with you!"

Very resolute!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then nod, "Good!

Wen said, the green pilk is sweet and smile.

Ye Xuan suddenly got an eye on green, then laughed: "Are you agency?"

Qingqiu nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "I finally be better than your realm!

Ha ha.

Qingqiu suddenly made a thoughts.


In an instant, the Qingqi\'s breath suddenly skyrocket, directly from the spirit of the gods to God!

Ye Xuan smiled stiff, and the heart was 10,000 horses!

The chapter on the side is also petrified in the same place, and he suddenly feels a bit blocked in the chest.

Cultivate? Oh shit!

Look at people, people don\'t need cultivation, directly break through!

The chapter makes it more and more, the heart can\'t stand!

Qingqiu blinked, "Brother, what happened?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "You.

Will it broke through? "

Qingqiu nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan brows, "You don\'t need Zone? Don\'t you need to feel?"

There is a bit confused in Qingqiu. "Breakthrough is not a very simple thing? What do you do?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Zhang makes the expression like a sculpture.

Yixuan is still a bit difficult to understand, "Shantou, why do you break through this simple? This is not normal!

Qingqiu wants to think, then said: "I may compare the day!

Ye Xuan Mas face black line, "What do you mean, are we too stupid?"

Qingqiu smiled, "Brother is not stupid!

Ye Xuan bitter, "Then you tell me, why do you break through?"

Qingqiu is silent.

Ye Xuan light channel: "Can you say it?"

Qingqiu shook his head, "I am thinking about how you fool you!

Ye Xuan: ".

Qingqiu suddenly laughed: "Brother, I have been very powerful for a long time, I am very powerful, invincible!

Ye Xuan silent is half-way, said: "Brother is!

Qingqiu laughed: "In my heart, your brother is the most powerful.

Ye Xuan lightly smashed the young head of Qingqiu, then smiled: "Go, fight with my brother!"

Qingqiu mouth slight, "Good!

Ye Xuan directly took people to the world.

On the road, the Chairman of the Xianbaoge Branch convened the president of Xianbaoge Branch. He looked at everyone, then Shen Sheng: "Everywhere, this time we are going to be the Chinese world, and the middle world is behind Yang, do you know? "

Everyone nodded, and the look was some dignified.

Don\'t say that the Yang family behind, even if it is a Chinese world, it is not good to deal with. To know, the world of the world can mobilize other world power!

Once there is a hundred honey, then, they are not enough to see it.

Lan Qing Shen Sheng: "Of course, we don\'t need to be afraid!"

Because Ye Gongzi is a young master, give them one hundred courage, they don\'t dare to kill the husband.

However, they must dare to kill us, so this time we go with Ye Gongzi, we have to do it.

At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s voice suddenly sounded in the scene, "Lan Qing President, you can rest assured, I will not let you become cannon!

Lankao turned and looks, not far, Ye Xuan slowly came.

See Ye Xuan, Lan Qing smile, "Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You can rest assured that I will get you can do it!

Lanka nodded, "I believe that Ye Gongzi character, just Ye Gongzi, you have thought, since they dare to find someone to kill you, then prove that they have decided to tear your face with you.

When I said this, he suddenly said: "Can you contact the Yang family?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Do not need to contact!

Lankao stunned.

Ye Xuan smiled: "What do you do with Yang?"

Lan Qing is silent.

Ye Xuan looked up to the depths of the stars in the distance, and the eyes were gradually refined.


Central world.

Ye Xuan et al. Rushed to the Chinese world, the world already knows.

Inside the main hall, the Chinese world is already gathered.

Everyone looks some unrest!

Ye Xuan!

They didn\'t think that Ye Xuan actually came to the world.

The most important thing is that the previous world will also make people to come to the world. When he Ye Xuan came to the Chinese world, if the Chinese worldwide is not kneeling in front of him, then he Ye Xuan will be a sass!


Have to say, everyone is still very angry!

Although in the Yang family, they are unable to be, but in this universe, they are all the top batch of people, when is it so humiliated? At this time, the Director suddenly appeared in the hall.

Seeing the Si Jun, everyone quickly greeted.

The Si Jun is calm, "I heard a little mainly, how do you see?"

Everyone is silent.

The Si Jun said calmly: "The command will go down and immediately block the world.

All time and space leading to the outside universe, no news cannot pass the middle world.

Furthermore, immediately let the world\'s landlord rushed here in an hour!

I heard the words, everyone is somewhat, what is the people? At this time, the Si Jun said again: "That is, some people pretend to be the Lord!

Pretend to be a little master!

I heard the words, and everyone in the middle of the scene suddenly understood.
