One Sword Reigns Supreme

2411 Swords in the second thousand three hundred and ninety-eight chapters: Village long level?

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Central world.

When Ye Xuan et al. Come to the world, the world is still waiting.

Zhongshi City is closed, and the whole city is out of the city, and in the city, there are no strong breath hidden.

The city gate, chapter made the guardian Zhongshi City, Shen Sheng said: "Less Lord is not right!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Where is it wrong?"

The chapter made the coming around four weeks, then said: "They want to kill your little master!

When I said this, he was in an instant cold, "It\'s really good!

He didn\'t expect that these people actually dared to make Ye Xuan, which is no longer the same, this is red.

Naked rebellion!

Are these people crazy? I dare to focus on the Lord!

Next to Ye Xuan, Qingqiu looked at the city in front of him, look calm, I don\'t know what I\'m thinking.

The other side of the Lan Qing et al. Become more dignified!

Obviously, this world is to have a dry frame!

Of course, let them shocked, this world is obviously even Ye Xuan also wants to kill!

Several people face each other, they are shocked.

Is this world crazy? Even the young owners of their own dare to kill!

This is the extent of this gallbladder? At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared on the wall, this middle-aged man is the Si Jun.

The Si Jun looked at the Yu Xuan, the look was calm, "Who are you!

Who are you!

I heard this sentence, Ye Xuan smiled, "It seems that you want to say that I am a fake!"

The Division stared at the Ye Xuan, and there was no expression. "Isn\'t it?"

Said, he walked two steps in front of him, directly looking at Ye Xuan, anger, "pretending to be the young master, killing!

The sound falls, and hundreds of horrible breath suddenly shrouded Ye Xuan!

All is on the gods!


At this time, the chapter made sudden anger, "You wait for the bear\'s heart leopard," actually dare to kill the Lord, you.

The Si Jun has no expression, "kill!

The sound fell, hundreds of people suddenly rushed from the city, and at this time, Ye Xi\'s heart spread out!

In an instant, a horrible blood breath is from the inside of his body. In an instant, the whole horizon becomes a bloody sea!


When I saw this madness, the hundred strong faces were changing, and they stopped.

Seeing the madness of Ye Xuan, the face is also changed.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "If you say it?"

The Si Jun stared at Ye Xuan, and his face became extremely ugly.

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, the Si Jun suddenly said: "Kill!

The sound is falling, and dozens of the world\'s martial artists are directly in the past.

The Si Jun is very clear that there is not too much nonsense, the more nonsense, many people here will be hesitant, decisive, let everyone don\'t retreat.

At the moment of seeing those people in the world, the strong people in the world he hekened, they also rushed out!

No way out!

Can only do it!

Seeing the world\'s classics directly, the chapter made the face moment, he didn\'t expect that the people in this world actually kill Ya Xuan in the light day!

This is not so simple!

Seeing the strong people in the world, the smile of the Ye Xuanzhi is gradually got up, and at this time, he suddenly disappeared in the original place, Qing Xuan sword out of sheath!


A sword light suddenly broke out since the sky, one moment, a head of the world, the head of the people, flew out directly, the swords were drifted, and even the gods were named!

Seeing the Maxim of Xi Xuan\'s murder, the martial arts became a moment, "you.

You have reached God!

In the previous intelligence, Ye Xuan is the kingdom, and now, Ye Xuan is still God!

The sudden change has played a sudden defense, and the Si Jun rushed out directly, and he just rushed to Ye Xuan\'s face, Ye Xuan Ying said.


A blood sword light pen straight!

The horror power in Ye Xuanjian was aware that the Si Jun suddenly shrunk, and he did not dare to have a big idea at this moment, and the palm is turned, and it is moving down. This , countless heavy time and space suddenly set off, one The terrible power is pouring out, shocking all over the world.


A sword is broken, and Ye Xuan and the priest have returned at the same time, and the two sides have retired tens of thousands of feet. At the same time, the powerful power out of the two is even more vibrators. .

In the field, everyone has a big change, and it has repeatedly retreat!

On the other side, Qingqiu looks at the four weeks, the look is quiet as water.

She fingers, a sword is quietly emerged.

The Division looked at the Ye Xuan in front of him, and his eyes were full of dignity. His hand has split, blood is reddish.

Ye Xuan\'s strength, great exceeded his expectation!

In the distance, Ye Xuan doubles suddenly slow closes.

Seeing this scene, the Director is slightly smashed, and the right hand of blood is slowly grasped.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly sword.


The time and space in Ye Xuan suddenly broke out, the next moment, Ye Xuan directly appeared in the universe, the next moment, Ye Xuan\'s Qing Xuanjian disappeared directly!

I am invincible!

When the moment of Ye Xuan\'s sword, the Sijun in the distance suddenly contacted, and the heart was ahead!

Death\'s breath!

This time, he felt died.

The Si Jun is shocked, but he still didn\'t choose to sit, he was holding, and he screamed, and then slammed, this kind of bombing, countless beliefs like a wave of tall!

For a moment, the whole world is boiling!

At this time, the position of the four residue stems from the Divide is over.


As four tears are resounding, in the eyes of countless people, the body is directly divided into several pieces, blood sputtering!

God\'s soul!

At this time, Ye Xuan returned to the field, his palm was spread, and Qing Xuanjian flew back to him. He took out a scarf and gently wipe the blood on the junior Shoujian sword, and then calmly: " this?"

That\'s it? Ye Xuan voice falls, suddenly quiet in the field is like a dead.

A sword, second kills,!

Have to say, the people in the scene have been completely ignorant at the moment!

The strength of the Si Jun, they know, that is, the world\'s world\'s horror, but also the peak of God!

At this moment, such a horrible existence is actually given by Ye Xuan Yi!

Everyone is complete!

This leaves are so horrible!

And Ye Xuan, the crowd suddenly excited, the morale rose!

Ye Xuan got the bleeding silk scarf, then looked at the world strong, "Who else?"

Who else? Everyone: ".

"Who else!

At this time, the chapter made sudden roar, "the young master invincible!

Young master is invincible!

This, everyone is bold.

Qingqiu looked at the leaves in front of it in front of it, sweet smile.

In the field, those in the world of the world looked at each other, and the Si Jun was dead, and they suddenly lost the main bone.

Next, don\'t you fight? If you don\'t fight, do you surrender? If it is hit, Ye Xuan\'s terrorist strength.

At this time, a horrible perpetration suddenly swept from the sky.

Feel the horrible pressure, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, he looked at the sky, there was a huge black whirlpool in the sky, there was a swirl, a middle-aged man came out!

Seeing this middle-aged man, Nairu\'s face became dignified, he walked to Ye Xuan, Shen Sheng: "This is the world of the world!"


Ye Xuan looked at the world, the look was calm.

Not far, those in those worlds become exciting!


Just now, there is no lonordering bone, I don\'t know what to do, now I am coming out, they have hope!

The sky, the world looked at the leaves in the lower part, did not speak.

A horrible pressure is constantly crushing down!

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, and the sleeves wandered, and a sword gave up, and the moment was shocked!

Human swords!

The sky, the world\'s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and he is a little unexpected for Ye Xuan\'s sword!

Ye Xuan looked at the world, smiled: "You are the world of the world!"

The world nodded, "you pretend.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed, "Why don\'t you talk nonsense?

The sound fell, he was suddenly spread, and the Qing Xuan Jian was in the hands of the world.

The sky, the world\'s brows, his palm is spread, and a long gun suddenly flew out from his palm.


A sharp tear sound suddenly resounded throughout the sky!


Ye Xuanqing Xuanjian was directly blocked by the long gun, a sword just came into contact with a sword, and the power of the earth and the earth swept the whole horizon.

At this time, a residual shadow suddenly passed down from the sky, below, Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, palm is open, in an instant, countless swords suddenly fly from him.


These swords have just appeared in an instant, at the same time, Ye Xuan\'s personal personal explosion to tens of thousands of feet.

See this scene, Zhang makes it sinks down!

Qingqiu looked at Ye Xuan in the distance, did not speak, and did not have a hand.

She didn\'t have a hand, it is very simple, she knows that Ye Xuan is eager to fight, and Ye Xuan battle can also improve himself!

In the distance, Ye Xuan stopped, he looked at his chest, his clothes were already broken, and the armor was still, and this two-awaited tattoo hardly blocked the horror of the world!

The Ye Xuanzi is slightly, he didn\'t think that the two battles didn\'t live at this time.

Have to say, the old man is really ideal!

In the distance, the nephew glanced at the battle armor wearing a blindfold, and the brow wrinkled. "What is this tale!

Ye Xuan glanced at the gods, "You are in the Yang family, there is more low levels!

The world\'s brows, "What is your meaning?"

Ye Xuan angered: "Your mother doesn\'t even know!"

How did you mix? Are you in the Yang family, will not be the existence of the village head? "

God: ".
