One Sword Reigns Supreme

2406 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and ninety-three chapters: illegitimate child!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard the small tower, Ye Xuan was speechless.

This small tower will not drink alcohol? What is this? Leverail!

The avenue pen has been dry with the small tower!

Ye Xuan did not care about these two guys. After he visited a circle in the city mainfather, he finally came to a study.

This is the study of the Lord of Dayijie, very much, all kinds of books!

Before Ye Xuan went to a bookshelf, he took out an ancient book.

Shi Qiu!

This is an ancient book about the history of the big city. Every universe has its own history, and Ye Xuan is something disappointing. He wants to see the history of the entire existing universe!

From the mouth of Qing, he knows that it is divided into two universe, one is the existing universe, one is the boundless universe.

What is the history of the development of the existing universe? Ye Xuan is very curious.

Unfortunately, there is no such book throughout the study. Most of the ancient books have only recorded the history of the big universe and some humanities.

However, he harvest is not small, because he is now a probably aware of the whole day!

Because of this, he decided not to go to the world, but stay here to develop this big world, because the big Tianjie is too big.

After coming from the study, Ye Xuan is beginning to take over the big heaven.

And Ye Xuan\'s entrance, but also shocked throughout the big world.

Little Lord? There is no small place here, so everyone knows that Ye Xuan exists.

However, Ye Xuan\'s sudden step, or many people did not adapt, so Yang Feng Yin violates a lot.

Big Temple.

This Temple is the place where the big heavens is discovered. At this moment, hundreds of people have gathered in the temple. These people are equivalent to officials in the world, and they are in charge of large and small things.

In the temple, everyone looked at the Ye Xuan who sat in the landlord position, and the look is quasi-quasi.

Next to Ye Xuan, it is the left care method and the emotion of just right.

At this moment, the chapter is already a two-heavy, in this big world, it is actually not the top.

Ye Xuan looked at everyone, then said: "I will take over the big heaven in the name of my name. From now on, there is no worldwide, only the Lord!

After finishing, he swept a blind man, "I finish it!"

Who is agreed, who opposed? "

Who is agreeable!

Who opposed? At this time, suddenly it suddenly!

Everyone faces each other.

That left care law is also nervous, he knows that Ye Xuan Squatness and strength, this little master is not good!

At this time, an old man in the middle of the middle-aged man came out, and the old man was the old man: "I oppose, lessons.

Suddenly, the sword between Ye Xuan waist!


A swager sounds well!

I am invincible!

When Ye Xuan\'s out of this sword, all the strong faces in the field were changing, and the old man who was first rushing was even more awkward. When I was busy: "I agree!"

Less Lord, I agree!



If you haven\'t finished, the old man has been subjected to a number of pieces!

Direct spike!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan suddenly sighed, "Why do you say so slow? If you talk about your life!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man who came out with the old man. "What do you want to say?"

Middle-aged man trembling: "Is the Lord, is it going to die?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "How is it? I am not that kind of person!

The middle-aged man hesitated and then pointed out the blood in front of it, "that.

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man, the look was calm, "Do you want to be a topic?"

Said, the Qing Xuanjian in his hand suddenly trembled.

See this scene, the middle-aged man has a big change, and it is busy: "Leight, I don\'t have any opinions!

I agree!

Hand is agreeable!

Said, he retired to the side, sweating DC.

This little master is not a good person!

Ye Xuan looked at the people in the hall, the look was calm, "I am a democratic person with me, if you have any opinions, you can say it, really.

Everyone is silent.

Ye Xuan did not speak, when you got up, then: "Now I announce, I will establish a book in Da Tianjie!

Said, he turned to see chapters. "I now appoint chapters to become the big world, the original is doubled, in addition to this, in the Yang family, except for me, can not Listen to anyone\'s order.

I heard the words, the chapter of the side made the ecstasy, even the knee knees, "Thank you for the Lord!

Daytian Dynasty Lord!

He knows that this is his a big chance.

This big world is not the best in the god community, and has become the big chance of the big world, he will have countless opportunities and resources.

Of course, it is more important that Ye Xuan is clear to start cultivating his own heart, and he is the first heart of Ye Xuan in Yang.

Inside the temple, everyone faces each other.

For this chapter, they are naturally dissatisfied. After all, now Ye Xuan is just a little master, but Ye Xuan does not have any position.

Although I don\'t accept it, but the general is very tacit.

No, I am afraid!

Ye Xuan see chapter makes, "The things of the book, you will do, what don\'t understand, you can ask Qingqiu, she is the first of the martial arts.

Chapter makes nod, "understand!

Ye Xuan looks left the law, "Help me inform me the world, now, the big days are in my management, don\'t return to them, if they are not convinced, I can come to me, anyway, I am a son!

As long as they are not afraid of me, they can come casually!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Left care: ".

After Ye Xuan left, the chapter made everyone left.

The chapter has seen everyone, calm, "I know, you don\'t accept me, but it doesn\'t matter, I don\'t need you!"

I only need you to listen to the order, I put the words here, my orders, if you dare not comply or yin, I will suggest that the young master will withdraw all of you!

And it is never to enter the Yang family, the young temper you know, if he is going out, I dare to collect you!

Everyone is silent.

The chapter will continue; "The first thing we now is to create an entry, see installment, now, you will find me to find all the sorrows in the Da Tianjie, regardless of the realm, just learn to learn, put these people In addition to this, I also need a large number of outstanding talents.

Although everyone is not very observed, but they are still taking, they don\'t want to provoke Ye Xuan at this time.

Ye Xuan himself left the big heaven, and he returned to Qingzhou again, but this time is not a column!

It is the palace of Tuohiko!

Some things, don\'t do it often, but you can\'t do it, when you choose, you still have to do it.

If it is a single dog, it is another matter.


Central world.

At this moment, the Central World held a meeting. This meeting gathered hundreds of people. It can be said that people have power in the world!

Da Tianjie Community is also!

Inside the temple, Zhang Feng face is very ugly.

Because he is gone!

He has already got news, and Ye Xuan is now in charge of the entire big world!

He dares to worry!

After all, it is the Lord!

He can only come to the world to find a rescue!

At this moment, an old man appeared above the main hall, seeing this old, the people in the field quickly greeted, "see the Sports!

Si Jun!

This is the existence of the Chinese world, the existence of the people!

Second only!

The Division looked at the people in the temple, then said: "There is no order of the god, no one can go to the world to target the older.

Said, he suddenly said, and said: "There is any instructions of the Lord, you have to live!

Wen said, everyone stunned.

At this time, an old man suddenly woven: "Si Jun, this lesson is obviously chaotic, will we be so chaotic?"

The Division looked at the old man, "Then you kill him?"

The old expression is stiff.

The Si Jun is cold and cold, and then said: "Remember a little, he is the Lord.

Although the sword owner did not appoint him any position, he is a young master, not I can go to it.

The old man is slightly rude, and I don\'t dare to say anything.

On the one side, the big days of the world will suddenly have a sudden pass: "If he comes to the world to take over the world?"

I heard the words, the people in the temple became an arbitrary, and then he looked at the Si Jun.

After the Si Jun is silent, he said: "Play, you can, but if you play, it is too much!

After finishing, he turned and left.

In the temple, Zhang Feng\'s mouth is slightly smashed, it is obvious that the attitude of the world is that Ye Xuan You can play casually below, but the Chinese world is not you can.

And he knows that Ye Xi Lichi will come to the world a day.

Zhang Feng\'s mouth is slightly smashed!

After the Director left the hall, he came to a jungle. After this jungle, there was a bamboo house.

The Si Jun came to the bamboo house, and the "God, this less thing is to report?"

In the bamboo house, after a moment of silence, a voice slowly passed out, "No!

The Si Jun said Shen Sheng: "I have been investigated, this less Lord is now in what kind of college, and he actually passed the world, the gods, Da Tianjie and Luo Jun were used to create him. What kind of college is, he is this behavior.

Said, he frowned.

After the interlocking of the world, he said: "This person, we are not moving, but others.

I heard the words, the Si Jun was stunned, soon, he was slightly rude, "understand!

After finishing, he turned and left.

They naturally can\'t go to move, but if it is someone? If the Lord is dead in other people\'s hands, what is the relationship with them? On the contrary, they can also give the young master.


In the bamboo house, a voice suddenly sounded, "a illegitimate child.

Don\'t understand for mirror, I still want to go directly, it is ridiculous!


PS: I want to ask, but I know, I will definitely be jealous.

I am fine!