One Sword Reigns Supreme

2407 Swords in the second thousand three hundred and ninety-four chapters: insufficient!

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Inside the palace.

Ye Xuan is lying on the big bed, in his arms, is a unhappy Tuo Yan.

Tuohi Yan is lying in Ye Xuanzhui, his eyes are close.

Ye Xuan looked at the horizon in the distance, with a faint smile.

Bar is very good!

At this time, Tuohiko suddenly said: "Wake up?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Tuo Yan gestically smashed the whispering chest and whispered: "Continue to sleep?"

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Good!

After finishing, he turned over.

Soon, there is a wonderful voice in the temple.

Scale problem, everyone is imagined.


On the same day!

In noon, Ye Xuan left the main hall. He stood in front of the hall and looked up at the horizon in the distance and his mood was comfortable.

At this time, Tuo Yan suddenly walked into the Xuanqi, she gently looked with the waist of Ye Xuan, and then passed the Ye Xuan, soft voice: "Is it going?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Although the college has Qingqiu, but he can\'t give it to Qingqiu.

What seems to be, Ye Xi\'s heart is spread, and his hands in his hands suddenly appear. This sword is much better than before!

It can be said that he is now able to easily kill the power of the community now.

If it is invincible, he can easily kill it.

And his realm is just a god!

His goal is God.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan\'s heart is spread, the avenue pen appears in his hand, it seems to be what, he suddenly said: "Brother, how can I use you to observe someone else\'s fate?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Brother, are you really don\'t work?"

The avenue pen is silent.

Xiaota Road: "Little Lord, this guy follows you is not responsible, what is hidden, let it go directly!

Have me with the little soul, do you have any value? "

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, it seems that the small tower is not right!

The avenue pen suddenly said: "The sky is not leaked. Once the disclosure of the air, it will be anticogeneous.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Who is it?"

The avenue pen sink: "Heaven!

Ye Xuan brows, "Don\'t tell me, are you afraid of heaven?"

The avenue penright: "General Tiandao, I am natural, but I have a heaven, I have to be afraid!

Ye Xuan asked, "What is the heavens?"

The avenue pen silent: "The words in the six characters of the six characters, this way is the first of Wan Dao, the heavens are governed.

If I disclose the air, it will be arranged.

Ye Xuan asked, "Do it dare to arrange me?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Don\'t dare!

Ye Xuan nod, "So, do you understand?"

Avenue pen: ".


Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I really want to know the fate after the small tower!

Can you talk to me? "

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Don\'t die!

Ye Xuan: ".

The small tower suddenly became anger, "Grass!

Soon, a column didn\'t work!

Ye Xuan has some speechless.

He found that this small tower was crushing with the avenue pen.

At this time, Tuo Yan whispered: "When is it?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and laughed: "I don\'t want me to go?"

Tuo Yan nodded.

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, turned to Holding Tuo Yan, walking toward the inner temple, at the same time, a pen flooded out of the palace directly out of the palace.


After the number \'day\'.

Ye Xuan left the palace. This time he had different times before he helped the wall.

Ye Xuan sat down before the stone step, the whole person was soft in the stone step.

Ye Xuan looked at the sky and whispered; "Tired!

Have to say, some things, need to do, but can\'t do every day!

At this time, the avenue pen flew back to the Xuan\'s face, the small tower flew back to the Ye Xuan face.

Ye Xuan looked at the avenue pen and the small tower, he found that this avenue pen is not a body, but the small tower!

It should be said to be a small tower!

The storm of the small tower, only the second day!

At this time, the small tower suddenly laughed: "Broken, Laozi is invincible, invincible!"

Ha ha.

Ye Xuan: ".

The avenue pen silently said: "Do you dare to come to the Milky Way?"

The small tower laughed, "My sister is in the Galaxy, you have a book to play her!

The avenue lady angry: "Grass, can you don\'t move it? If you have a kind, you will come to the Milky Way to find me, I don\'t kill you, it is not a pen!

The small tower is boketed, "Why don\'t you come here?"

The avenue is angry: "I can\'t come out!"

"Will you come out?" Why can\'t you come out? "

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "You don\'t have so much nonsense, you will not come to the Milky Way!

Xiao Tower said: "Don\'t come!

The avenue roller said: "Is it afraid?"

Little Tower haha ​​smiled, "No matter how to talk nonsense, you can\'t change a fact, that is, my owner is more than your master!

The avenue pen calm tone: "Broken pen, I have to tell you, your master is a cow, but you can\'t force you!

Do you know who is my master? Do you know why you have lost so long? do you know? Do you really know? "

The small tower is silent.

Suddenly, it regretted.

It is found at this moment, and it\'s a bit floating!

This avenue pen will make a lot of nothing, but the owner of this big pair.