One Sword Reigns Supreme

2405 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and ninety-two chapters: I am invincible!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard Ye Xuan, I was somewhat hard when I left the law, "Less Lord!


Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am mine!" I am mine! "

If the Lord of Da Tianjie is unwilling, you let him come to me!

After finishing, he walked in Qingqiu.

Originally, the left care method is low.

What is this? In fact, they also paterse the attitude towards the Yang family!

That is, the Yang family wants to let the world!

If you want to make Ye Xuan to do it, but the swordsman has never announced in the Yang family, and even didn\'t even say that Ye Xuan\'s existence!

In many Yang people, it is natural to recognize Yang Nian Xue. After all, Yang Nianxue has been growing up in Yang family, and has been following the sword sword, and Ye Xuan is recently not known to come out!

If they recognize the sky, I am afraid that I am angry that Yang Nian Xue, I want to know that Ye Xuan is a super big who has supported her!


Left care is whispered.

Ye Xuan did not take the left care and other people, he already entered the big city in Qingqiu!

This big city is a prosperous city throughout the Tiantianjie. After entering the city, the field of view is extremely open, the construction spacing in the city is far away, so it is very open to a look.

Ye Xuan also found that the people in the city is very large, this city, at least tens of millions of people!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Left care!

His voice is just falling, and the left care method appears next to Ye Xuan.

After the just conversation, this left care method has greatly changed the attitude of Ye Xuan.

Such as Ye Xuan said, regardless of Ye Xuan and Yang Niang Xue fight, then it is definitely not their little !

In this case, why do you want to stop? You know, the right care method has been killed.

Ye Xuan looked at the people in the city, then said: "Every year Yang family selection excellent genius from this city?"

I nod left, "Yes!

A powerful force, it is necessary for fresh blood, other places I don\'t know, but in the big heaven, we will choose some excellent genius and enchanting every few years, and then cultivate.

Ye Xuan slightly nodd, he turned to look at the left care, "" Your landlord still see me? "

The left care is smirk, "the main owner is not in the city, before the young master, he has left the big heaven!

Ye Xuan brows, "has left?"

Nice left care method.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Where do you get?"

The left care is shaking his head, "I don\'t know!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, laughed: "He will not deliberately hide me?"

The left care is laughing, and I don\'t dare to pick up.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Go to your city of the city!

Left care is busy, "Good!

After finishing, he took the way in front!

At this time, Qingqiu suddenly said: "Brother, I will go shopping!"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Be careful!

Qingqiu smiled: "Okay!

After that, she turned and disappeared not far.

Ye Xuan looked at the left care, left careless law, quickly waved, soon, three of the people had followed the past.

After a while, the left care method took Ye Xuan to come to the city main government, and he had to say that this city owner is really big, just like a palace, and it is extremely luxurious.

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, then said: "Very big, very good, suitable for the college!

Left care is more embarrassed, don\'t talk.

At this time, an old man suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, the old man looked at Ye Xuan coldly, "This is the main government of this is the city, the outside people must not be good!"

On the other side, the left care is busy: "Old Week, this is the Lord!

The old man has no expression, "No one can\'t!

When the left care method suddenly stiff, when Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Left care, this big day is not a Yang people?"

Left protection: "Of course!

Ye Xuan nod, next moment, he suddenly disappeared in the same place.

In front of Ye Xuan, a little sword is present, in an instant, Ye Xuan directly appeared in the universe, the next moment, four residual photos directly from the old week.

I am invincible!

When Ye Xuan Shi show this sword, the old week\'s face is in an instant change. He is open, and the black shield suddenly blocked in front of him. However, as the four residuals appeared, the black shield suddenly broke , Followed by, four swords are overdone from the old Week.


As four tears are resounding, the old Zhou even the shield has made several pieces of scattered, blood sputtering!

At this time, Ye Xuan has appeared not far behind the old weigh.


Ye Xuan slowly walked away, "I don\'t like bloody!"

Left care is directly petrified in place.

Have to say, the left care law at this moment is completely ignorant!


You know, the old week is also five strong people!

This level of strong, in the entire big world, only the next dominion, but at this moment, in the face of the horrible sword of Ye Xuan, even the strength of the hand, it is directly killed.

too scary!

The left care is awkward in the heart!

He believes at this moment, don\'t say him, even the landlord is here, I am afraid that I can\'t pick up the sword of Ye Xuan just now!

Sword master!

The left care method suddenly turned and roared, "I still don\'t cut it? I don\'t know if the little master doesn\'t like bloody taste?"

Soon, someone came to clean up.

After Ye Xuan is entering the hall, the whole person is soft in the chair.


He continued to show two incidents in a short time, which is too big!

With his current strength, the limit should be three times, but if he is now, the consequences, he can\'t estimate it.

Because he is already weak now!

However, this moment invincible plus Qing Xuanjian, it is simply invincible.

Don\'t say these strong people, even the small towers that have been transformed before can\'t resist!

Maybe there is only the two battle armor to barely resist!

At this moment, the left care method appeared outside the door, the left care method slightly, "Less Lord!

Ye Xuan took out a Dan medicine, then said: "Come in!"

The left care method walks into the temple, and at this moment, Ye Xuanqi has resumed calm.

Ye Xuan said: "I take over the big heaven, if someone is not convinced, you will kill me!"

The left care method hesitated, then said: "The main owner.

Ye Xuan looked at the left care, the look was calm, "if he didn\'t accept, then he also killed him!

Left care: ".

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "What is the world that is strong than the big world?"

The left-handed law is deep: "That should be the Chinese world, where there is a super power on the gods!

Whether it is the godroom or the border or Luoyie, or the big heavens, all of the world tube, in addition to this, according to what I know, the Chinese world is almost a hundred similar big world like the universe.

The world of the world, is wrong, not the main owner, but the boundaries, a world, is equivalent to a small prince, a command, can instantly transfer countless army!


Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The big world is going to the Chinese world, right?"

The left care method hesitated and nodded.

Ye Xuan smiled and whispered: "So, the world of the world can barely touch the core circle of Yang.

right? "

The left care is smirk, "I don\'t know this!"

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, his heart said softly: "Tower, you have been with your old man, do you know Yang?"

Xiao Tower said: "Don\'t know!

Ye Xuanbei\'s wrinkle.

Xiaota Road: "Little Lord, I tell you that this Yang family will definitely not create the owner!

The owner is not too interested in creating forces!

Therefore, create this strength, it must be a Supreme!

If the Supreme Master is found, the snow is really a legal heir!

Ye Xuan Master face black line.

The small tower said again: "In fact, the little master, what do you care about this Yang family? Don\'t forget, you have to have a sister after you, a Yang family is compared with his wife, the owner does not take the situation, that is not different 12,000 thousand miles? "

Ye Xuan silent.

The small tower continued: "However, I think, the owner should be to inherit the Yang family!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why?"

Xiao Tower said: "That ring, the owner gives you the ring, is the owner wear himself.

Obviously, his attitude is already very clear!

However, these silly caps are not enough, don\'t know this ring!

I think this ring, only the people who really core circles are realized, for example, listen to the level of the cloud.

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "What do you say now? Continue, I think I have to kill a lot!

"What are you afraid?"

The small tower suddenly angered: "Little Lord, I don\'t like you now!"

Are you reading it? "

Ye Xuan stunned.

The small tower continues to anger: "When are you so blood? When the Qingcheng is not aunt, the Ye Xuan, who is not succinked? The original is the Ye Xuan, who dares to slaughter millions of people, you have to remember, no matter what this The big world is still the world, but it is the subordinates of Yang Jia. In the case of the Milky Way, they are working hard, one work, dare to bully the son of the boss, is this not anti-day? Not you To get them, they must get you first, are you afraid? Do you do it!

Destroy them!

Kill a batch of power, they know to respect you!

You are still worried!

Ye Xuan silent.

The small tower continued: "You are a little master, you are the son of the owner, you are a legal heir, but they don\'t recognize you, this is a hairy thing? The little master, you have to remember one thing, that is These people, if there is no owner cover, they can\'t even be a fart.

Why do the owner agree to create this Yang? Why do you want to give you a ring? Obviously, I want to help you.

In the 10,000 step, even if the owner has not had this idea, then you don\'t need to manage so much!

People don\'t commit me, we don\'t commit crimes, don\'t say a few subordinates of the Yang family, even if the owner is hurting, then you have to do him!

What happened to a father? "

Ye Xuan Master face black line.

The avenue pen suddenly said: "Break Tower, I remind you, talk to my mind!"


The small tower suddenly angered: "You are broken, don\'t talk to me!

If you have some kind, I won\'t be scared by my sister\'s sister!


The avenue lady angry: "Broken Tower, don\'t challenge my bottom line, do you believe that Laozi immediately arranges you?"

"Ask you to arrange!

Xiaoya angry: "In addition to the sister, the old man is afraid?"

What I still want to say, the small tower suddenly said: "Don\'t give me forced, you are with your master!"

Laozi invincible, your main servant is free!

Avenue pen: ".
