One Sword Reigns Supreme

2401 Jian Zhongxian 2nd 388 chapters: Can't talk, don't talk!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Directly from the ancestors to the god!

And it is a moment!

Zhang makes it feeling enough!

The most horrible thing is that this little girl just sang the sword to kill the Zhao Nie!

That Zhao Nie, at least the three strong people!

What little girl is this? The chapter looks like a monster, and the heart is shocked.

At this moment, Ye Xuan appeared at the door, and at this moment, Ye Xuan has reached the god!

Seeing Ye Xuan, the Qingqiu is sweet and smile, "brother!

Ye Xuanzheng wants to talk, at this time, he knew an eye, then shocked, "Do you have a god?"

Qingqi nod.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "When did it achieve?"

Qingqiu smiled, "Just is the only thing, is it very clever?"

Ye Xuan looked at the Qingqiu, then said: "What did you have made?"

Qingqiu nodded quickly.

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he gently smashed the young head of Qingqiu, then laughed: "It\'s amazing!

Qingqiu smiles slightly, "Brother, what is your sword in your world?"

Ye Xuan\'s head is spread, and a sword will slowly floating from him.

Human swords!

Ye Xuan looked at the swords in the hand, and his face was quite dignified.

I haven\'t seen it for a long time, he found that this sword is turned back!

At this time, Qingqiu suddenly said: "Not enough!

Ye Xuan looks to Qingqiu, Qingqiu Shen Sheng: "The brother\'s sword is not a small Chengdu!

Ye Xuan brows, "Small?"

Qingqi nod, "When is my brother can use the sword to destroy the world of Luo, it will be small!

Ye Xuan: ".

On the one side, Zhang made a hesitated, then said: "Swords are destroyed in the row of Luo?"

Qingqi nod.

Zhang makes a bitter laugh, "I am afraid it is difficult!

There is no expression in the green, "Is it difficult? I feel very simple!

Chapter Make: ".

Ye Xuan smiled.

He did not think that Qingqiu is lying, knowing, who is this girl in front of him!

Qingqiu suddenly said: "Brother, swords are given to me, I want your swordway to raise.

I am busy!

After that, she turned and left.

After leaving the temple, Qingqiu started busy!

She wants to change the entire row!

The Luoyie is very big enough. If the whole Romanians and the gods belief in Ye Xuan, the Sword of the Ye Xuan will get a qualitative change!

Of course, this is not a simple thing.

Ye Xuan\'s swords, it is destined that he is impossible, it can only be smooth.

In the big temple, Ye Xuan listened to the chapter made reports.

Chapter I didn\'t dare to say Zhao Nie\'s things!

Qingqiu can kill Zhao Nie, you can kill him!

He is still not very causing Qingqiu.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "What is Zhao Nie, Jun?"

Zhang makes the expression, how can it be? People are gone!

Ye Xuan see chapter, "How?"

Zhang makes the head, "Less Lord, you have to solve one thing, that is, now many people inside the Yang family do not respect you!

Said, he hesitated, then said; "Can you contact the sword owner?"

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "If you have this thing, you have to go to the old, then I am not too useful?"

Zhang makes a somatsu: "But, you can change your current situation in a word, you.

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "Different!

Although I am a young master, but I have to let the Yang people in the people.

I am in the current situation, even if I know, I won\'t worry about me. If I don\'t have this, how can I take a whole Yang? "

Zhang makes it slightly, "this is also!

Ye Xuan played an eye, then smiled: "Follow me, when you are holding, you are my left right arm!


I heard the words, chapters made a spirit, now I will kneel down, "I will always follow the Lord, I will die!

Ye Xuan pulled blinking, "If I fight with me, who do you help?"


Zhang looked at Ye Xuan in the horror.

Ye Xuan Xiao: "Who do you help?"

After the chapter, I bite my teeth, "I will" with the little master! "

From now on, I will follow the Lord, not follow Yang people!

Ye Xuan looked at the chapter after a moment, then supported the chapter. "You are now a heavy, right?"

Chapter makes nod.

Ye Xuan smiled: "If you want to reach the second weight, what do you need?"

Zhang makes the son sound: "Money!

Ye Xuan asked, "How much?"

After the chapter made silence, "at least 5 billion!

After finishing, he looked forward to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Forget it!

You didn\'t ask if I just didn\'t ask!

After finishing, he turned and left.


Chapter has made petrochemical in place.

At this moment, a quite suddenly fidelized to make the face, in the quince, there is more than 15 billion.

At the same time, Ye Xuan\'s voice came from the time, "Come!

The chapter makes the ecstasy, and then quickly collects the ring, chasing it.


Ye Xuan did not stay in the Romanian, but directly using Qingxuan sword to shuttle and space, came to the people.

He didn\'t spend more than one billion, and this money can not be white.

As for the chapter, it has been arranged to take the small tower cultivation!

In the outside, I don\'t know how the monkey can reach the moon!

When Ye Xuan came to the people, Ye Xuanli felt some unsatisfactory, and the atmosphere at this moment is very nervous.

Inside the hall.

Through the people, a group of people are being confronted by the people.

Wen people looked at the people in front of him. "Do you want to force the palace?"

Wen people are calm, "Old, why don\'t you think of a angle? You see, your daughter is so good, don\'t you be happy?"

I am very angry, "Happy? You have to force the palace now, I have to be happy?"

I watched the people, "I am your daughter!"

I am young and dead, I am staring at the people, "Is there a daughter of this forter?"

I am sighing in the cloud, "Old, we open the door!"

Are you an abstain? "

Wen people are calm, "Don\'t refund!

I nodded, she got up directly, then said: "Call ancestor!

I want to let the ancestors decide!

Everyone: ".


At this time, there was a horrible breath in the Wenren family. The next moment, a white light appeared in the main hall!


Although it is just a spirit of soul, but its powerful, all the strong people feel an invisible pressure.

At this time, an old man appeared in the temple.

It is the ancestor!

Seeing the ancestors of the people, everyone is busy.

And the ancestors of the people did not say anything. He looked up at the distance and smiled: "You have come, why not come out?"

I heard the words, everyone was shocked, and they came to see the temple.

At this time, a man appeared in the gate of the hall!

It is Ye Xuan!

Seeing Ye Xuan, I went to the first, and then I was so happy, she quickly ran to the Ye Xuan face, then smiled: "How come you?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s see you!

Wen people are white and white, "There are still many people here!

What do you say to meat? "


Ye Xuan Master face.

Meat? Do you have a meat? Lying in the trough!

Ye Xuan feels that his brain is not enough.

At this time, I went to the Ye Xuan\'s face, she smiled slightly, "Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan looked at the people, smiled: "The girl, I have never seen it!"

I smiled and smiled. "I didn\'t think that Ye Gongzi will also report to the people!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

At this time, the people of the people were suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, brow, "Who are you!

Ye Xuan watched the people of the people and was about to talk. At this time, the ancestors of the people suddenly turned to see the people of the people, and raised their hands.


Everyone has not responded, and the people who have been directly broken by the people\'s family, and the flesh is directly broken!

Everyone is awkward!

The people of the people were also embarrassed.

The ancestors of the people in the ancestors have seen a long-awaited family, "I can\'t talk, you don\'t talk!

Wen people cloud: ".

Wen people\'s ancestors turned to look at Ye Xuan and smiled: "What is the small friend call?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Ye Xuan!

Wen people ancestors nodded slightly, then looked at the people, "Shantou, this is your friend?"

I nod, "Yes!

Said, "she slightly," the ancestors, call you this time, I want to be a thousand people, but the old man is not allowed, so I want you to help me persuade him!

The ancestors of the people were calm. He looked at the people, then said: "How did you be a family?"

Wen people cloud: ".

Through the ancestors of the people to see the people, "At this moment, you are my long.

I wonder the people slightly, and then quickly said: "Thank you for your ancestors!

The ancestors of the people saw a eye, a little smile, "This girl is still young, relatives, please take a two!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Of course!

The ancestors of the people, "will be period!

The sound fell, he did not disappear.

In the field, everyone is watching Ye Xuan.

The people in the field are not stupid. It naturally can see the attitude of the ancestors of the people. It is not respecting, it is a bit awe.

Those who also turned to look at Ye Xuan, "You don\'t know the ancestors, but the ancestors are very afraid of you!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is there?"

I watched my eyes, "Don\'t give me!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, then said: "Congratulations, you become a long!

Wen people whispered: "Don\'t you want to open the book?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

I watched the people and smiled; "You sent people!"

There is any need, tell me.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Thank you!"

Wen people shake your head, "I should thank you!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "If you don\'t, you will help me open the book!

He is really missing!

I am eyebrows, "But I don\'t study!"

Ye Xuan: ".

I suddenly suddenly said: "Let me!"

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the people, and he smiled slightly. "If Ye Gongzi is assured, I will give it to me, I will do it!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "That\'s natural!

After finishing, he smiled and said: "Then I have to go!

You have any needs, contact me directly, I.

Wen people suddenly interrupt Ye Xuan\'s words, "Just walk?"

Ye Xuan looked at the people and smiled: "Do you have anything else?"

Wen people look straight to Ye Xuan, "You come here, just to do the college?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

I am very angry, "You just said that I am coming to see me!

Ye Xuan expression stiff: ".

Inside the temple, the people of the people were suddenly black.

This is afraid that the people are afraid to change the name.
