One Sword Reigns Supreme

2400 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and eighty-seventh chapter: fortune telling!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Who is the strongest person Yang? Green shirt man!

Who is Ye Xuan\'s? Green shirt man!

Zhao Nie is silent.

The grade of the sword sword is not that he can contact, but if people leave Xuan want to call, isn\'t that simple things? People are fathers and sons!

Ye Xian Dan is against them in the dead? Do they dare to go to death? At this point, Zhao Niang sighed.

He suddenly found out that this contest, just started, they have been destined to lose.

Thinking of this, Zhao Nie whispered sigh, he got up, slightly, "Leight, this is not, please ask the young people to have a lot!"

Ye Xuan suddenly got up, a sword was chopped.


Not far away, Naurotian soul was directly in a sword, the moment, Luo Tian soul, was absorbed.

See this scene, Zhao Nie\'s face change, he looked to Ye Xuan, some angered: "Less.

At this time, three breaths directly shrouded on him!

Triple gods!

Zhao Ni was shocked and did not dare to attack again.

Ye Xuan looked at Zhao Nie and smiled: "Adults have a lot? I don\'t have a lot.

Zhao Nie stared at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Chapter makes cold and cold looks at Zhao Nie, and it is not hidden in his eyes!

Whether it is before, Luo Tian or this Zhao Nie, not so respect for Ye Xuan.

Normally, these people are not qualified to see Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Are you a border?"

Wen Yan, Zhao Niang\'s alert, "Less Lord, you.

The Ye Xuanzi is slight, "from this moment, the border is taken up by me!

Zhao Nie\'s face is cold, "Less Lord, you don\'t have any position, no right.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Yang is I have established, that is my home, since this is also my home, I will come back, isn\'t it very normal?"

Zhao Nie looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Two seniors of Xianbaoge, please ask this Zhao Dynasty to drink tea!

At this time, Zhao Nie suddenly became illusively.

An old man in Xianbaoge; "Ye Gongzi, has not yet!

he\'s gone!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

Zhao Nie looked at Ye Xuan, did not speak, soon, he completely disappeared.

"Just arrogant!

At this time, the chapter on the side made the sudden anger, "these people, dare to contempt to the least the master!

Really too arrogant!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I rarely be in the family, they don\'t know me, it is normal!

The chapter makes the face is cold, "Not normal!

They committed the above!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Slowly pack them!

Said, he is facing the palm of his hand, and a quite ring appeared in his hand.

This is the quenteen quie of Luo Tian before, Ye Xuan looked at the quenteen ring, in the quince, there is a hundred billion feet!

$ 700 billion!

A small number!

The Ye Xuanzi is slight, he puts up the quite, then looks to the chapter, "Help me send me to the mysterious school Qingqiu, let her personally come here, then take over the Roman!

Zhang makes it slightly, "Okay!

Ye Xuan also said; "Also, you also send some people who have a good person to help manage.

Now the most lack of mysterious school is the people, and the top of the chapter, there should be a lot of talents!

When I heard the words of Ye Xuan, Zhang made a slight ceremony, "Okay!

It is scheduled to be arranged!

After that, he quietly retired.

Ye Xuan suddenly turned to look at the two mystery behind him. He took out the golden monet of Qin Guan to him. "Two predecessors, what is the strong?"

One of them calmly: "The strong on God!

God on God!

Ye Xuan double eyes, this strong person under the Qin Guanji is horrible!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan asked, "Two predecessors, why do you listen to Qin Guan girl?"

One of them laughed: "Qin Qi, generous!

Another person is also busy, "very big!

Ye Xuan speaking.

There is no doubt that these two guys are bought by money!

The money is invincible!

Ye Xuan smiled, recovered his thoughts, then looked at the quench in his hand, he now there is a full of 37 billion fears!

Have to say, he has never been so rich!

Sprint God? Ye Xuan Dang returned to the small tower!

He decided to sprint God!

Now there is money, there is time, just sprint God, otherwise, he feels that his realm is somewhat not enough!

The enemy is getting stronger!

After returning to the small tower, Ye Xuan directly uses the avenue pen to achieve the community.

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Brother, can you really do not help me improve the realm?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "Know the realm, you can!

However, I have to see your own situation, you will improve the two-order now, high, your body is unable to bear.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Brother, I still have a curious place, you are the executor of the fate, that is, do you know the fate of a soul, right?"

A avenue pen has some alert, "What do you want to do?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I am curious!

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "You are right!"

Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "In order to say, do you know when a person or a life is dead?"

Avenue pentagon: "Yes!

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, his mouth was slightly.

Avenue pen guard: "What do you want to do!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I think, I can give myself myself!"

Charge fleet!

Avenue pit: "You.

Don\'t come!

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Why?"

The avenue pen is sigh, "" You do this, it is equal to the disclosure of the air, leaking the air, the consequences are very serious!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What context?"

After the avenue pen is silent, I finally didn\'t say anything.

as a result of? What consequences? It finds that it seems that there is really no consequence!

Who dares to promote this hang? Anyway it doesn\'t dare!

The avenue pen is sigh, "Ye Shao, if you leak the air.

You think, if a person knows when he is going to die in advance, what will he? "

Ye Xuan said: "To change your own destiny!

The avenue is: "Yes!

However, in general, he can\'t change it!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Why can\'t you change?"

The avenue pen silent: "A person will die, there must be his death, his death, just fruit.

After Ye Xuan Shen silently, said: "You are the executor of fate, that is, your master is the departure of the fate, he controls the fate of the people, who is dead, who is dead, right?"

The avenue pentagon: "No!

Ye Xuan brows, "Then explain!"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "I am just a pen!

Ye Xuan face suddenly black.

The small tower suddenly said: "Broken pen, can you calculate me?"

The avenue pen calm: "Don\'t die!


The small tower suddenly angered: "Broken, do you see me?"

The avenue man is angry: "Do you know? Laozi see you unknone?"

Xiao Tower said: "Single!

The avenue is a pass: "You will pick it up!

Xiaota Road: "My master is a green shirt, my sister is a life!

you choose!

The avenue lady said: "Are you a single-handed? Ah ???"

The little tower is calm: "You can also call people!

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan smiled and didn\'t care about the two quarrel guys. He sat in the ground and started to absorb those Zone!

After the earth is enough, there is also a bottom gas!


When I was cultivated in Ye Xuan, Qingqiu came to Luo.

In the city main house, in the hall, Qingqiu sat first.

Not far from her, it is chapter, there is a person who came in the god.

Chapter I look at Qingqiu, respectfully.

He knows that this little and Ye Xuan relations are very uncommon.

And let him be a little surprised. He actually felt that this little girl is very dangerous!

It is very dangerous!

Now Qingqiu is just a ancestral spirit, but it gives him a dangerous feeling, which makes him very shocked.

Qingqiu laughed: "Where are those people in Luo?"

The chapter makes it recovered, nod, "are still there!

However, these people are afraid that they are not very easy to use. After all, it is a person who is Luo Tian.

Qingqiu blinked, "This is a good office, find a few birds killing, they will be very obsolete!

Zhang makes the expression.

Green Hill got up, she slowed down to the gate of the hall, she looked up to the distance, whispered: "Luo Dynasty is very big, we need more people, I need more than a strong person, but also need those Cultural people!

Zhang makes nod, "I will do it!"

Qingqiu nodded, "In addition, we have to take over the entire Luoyie, since it is necessary to take over the entire Luoyie, you have to deal with those forces in the Roman.

You can help me tell them that the order in the Roman will be re-established by my view of Xuan Academy.

Zhang Yifu hesitated, then: "So, will not cause Luo to move.

chaos? "

Qingqiu smiled: "Just kill a group of people!

Chapter makes sweat!

How is this little girl who violent than Ye Ye? Qingqiu suddenly asked, "What is the person who is disrespectful to me?"

The chapter made the stunned, then said: "Zhao Nie, this person is the landlord of the border, that is more than one more than our row, this person is at least the top three strong!

Qingqiu\'s eyes, "Zhao Nie!

Said, she looked up and looked up to the sky, the next moment, her eyes slowed down, very fast, the sky is suddenly distorted!

Chapter I live, what is this? Soon, there is a virtual image that there is a virtual image, and the virtual appearance is gradually condensed, it is the Zhao Nie!

See this scene, chapter makes it completely.

What should this little girl do? Zhao Nie was like a moment, and when he turned and looked at the sky, he saw Qingqiu.

Qingqiu looks at Zhao Nie, palm is spread, "sword!


Suddenly, Zhao Ner\'s top, a sword broke enough!

There is no expression of the green hills, "!

The sword pen is straight!


The Zhao Nie has not reacted, and it is not in the top of the sword. In an instant, Zhao Nie was directly erased.


The chapter makes the whole person directly on the chair, and it is incredible.

Qingqiu took the clapping, then turned to see the chapter, "Don\'t tell me, I will use the sword!"

Chapter Make: ".

Qingqiu is going to leave. At this time, she suddenly looked at the right, she blinked, "Brother reached the god!


Said, she hit a referring, in a moment, she directly reached the spirit from the ancestrality.

The chapter makes it feelrested, and the whole person has numb.


PS: In the autumn, the weather is getting colder, everyone remembers the clothes.