One Sword Reigns Supreme

2402 Swords in the second thousand three hundred and eighty-nine chapters: do not hate!

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Looking at the angry, Ye Xuan smiled, "I will see you and the entry of the school, do not conflict!"

I wanted to say anything in Ye Xuan, I still want to say anything, I suddenly pulled the arm, then said: "You are a family now, cautious!

I have no expression, "all people returned!

The people of the people: "

I don\'t understand my brow, "Do you understand? We have to say a whisper!

Everyone: ".

In the end, everyone retired, now I am very young, but I still don\'t want to refute.

But the people who wanted to be young and whispering yet!

When I went at this moment, I still still be a little unwilling, I was willing to win the family of my daughter, how can he be willing? But he is also very clear, he can\'t change anything!

The thing of the ancestors did not change, he couldn\'t change, what he thought about, and his daughter is good.

I watched the people, I saw an eye, some dissatisfaction, "Old, can you not disturb us? Why do you do it!

I am full of black lines, "I am you!"

I don\'t say anything, "I didn\'t say it again, just let you bother us!

Wen people hesitated, then said: "You are a long family, you have to remember your identity!

Don\'t worry because of a man, you.

Wen people whispered sigh, "Old, do you think he will see me?"

Through the people.

Wen people shook their heads, "A person who can make the ancestors who have reached the appearance of the ancestors will see the industry of our people?"

I watched the Ye Xuan, silent.

Wen people shake your head, "Go out!

I watched the Ye Xuan again, I was laughing, then turned around.

After the people left, he went to Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What do I do?"

After the silence of the people, he said: "You go!

The course of the college, I will handle my sister.

Those who wanted to raise the hand of the people and shake his head, "Don\'t be this!

There is no expression of people, turning around and disappears.

I am sighing whisper, then looks to Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, can you talk?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Of course!

He said softly: "She likes you!"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "feel!

Wonderful people asked, "Do you like her?"

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "the girl, she just likes me, not love me, I like it is different from love.

Those who look at Ye Xuan, "Her favorite is love!

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, heroic and said: "Your woman, a lot, right?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Those fascinating: "This girl is very fierce. She is definitely unwilling to follow you with other women, and you are a smart person, you have guessed this, so you don\'t want to provoke her.

However, your charm is too great!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Is I charm?"

I nod, "" Money, handsome, strong strength, background strong, will also ask women!

Most importantly, you are very powerful, when you saved me, very domineering, she should like you at that time!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then smiled: "You said this, I found that if I am a woman, I will like myself!"

Wonderful: "

The small tower suddenly passed: "Do you want to face it?"

Ye Xuan: ".

I suddenly swayed, "Ye Gongzi, forgot to say!

You still have a terrible place, then don\'t face!

When Ye Xuan face suddenly was black, did you not have the face? I am so laughing: "Do you like a girl?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Don\'t hate!

I thought about it.

The small tower whispered sigh, "lying in the trough, the little master, do you know that you have a slag this sentence?"

Ye Xuan said: "What do you want me? I really don\'t hate her!" I really don\'t hate her!

The small tower is speechless.

The avenue pen suddenly said: "Cannot let this hang come to the Milky Way!

In front of Ye Xuan, I went to smile, "Ye Gongzi, you.

Ye Xuan Xiao: "Meng, do you like me?"

I thought about it slightly.

Ye Xuan asked again, "Do you like it?"

After the moment, he is silent, and he said: "Don\'t hate it!

Just finished, she also stunned.

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "I will come to you again!"

Said, he took out a piece of quite to the odor, then said: "This is the money of the creation of the college. I will send someone to help you!

After finishing, he turned and left.

Originally, I thought about the nation in my hand, silent.

At this time, the people of smells appeared in the eye, she looked at the distance, "Sister, do you like him?"

I am very white, I am smelling, "Silly Shantou, you.

Wen people turned into the head and looked straight to the people, "You just do this, never dare to look directly at your heart."

Said, she looked at the distance: "He is not more than one hundred times better than that of the wood?"

I am silent.

I said that I said: "Don\'t have any psychological burden, anyway, you haven\'t happened with the wood.

Thunder is smile, "Silly girl, he is far from us!

He is now seeing him, may be just the best of the Iceberg in his strength.

Moreover, he must have many extremely excellent women.

Wen people love: "What is it?"

I am sigh in my heart, and I have a fear in my eyes.


After leaf Xuan leaving the people, he returned to Qingcheng.

There is Qing Xuanjian, he is going to go anywhere, it has become simple!

And when he returned to Qingcheng, it was shocked directly.

The entire Qingzhou has already happened to change the earth!

Today\'s Qingzhou, the Chunchang Academy has become a view of the school, and the Western Academy has now become a large super forces in Qingzhou, this kind of one.

With the help of seeing muanchuan, the whole of Qingzhou\'s martial arts civilization rose.

Ye Xuan came to see Xuan Academy. He used to be a guspy college. When it comes to here, a familiarity will be born.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he looked up, in the college, from time to time, there was a reading voice.

Ye Xuan directly came to the Hall of the Hall, in front of the Hall of the Hall, there were hundreds of students sitting, and the reading sound of the students was sent out.

And in front of these students, a man is teaching!

Not someone else, it is ink!

Ye Xuan looked at Mo Yun, smiled slightly, at this time, ink, the clouds have never had a young and flowers, only mature and steady!

Grow up!

Ye Xuan suddenly thought of the scene when I first arrived!

At that time, it was really happy!

There is also a Juan, Xiaoqi, Bai Ze.

Full memories!

Ye Xuan face is getting more and more concentrated.

At this moment, the ink that is in the lecture in the distance seems to feel something, suddenly looks at the position of Ye Xuan, when seeing Ye Xuan, Mo Yun started to be a stunned, then smiled: "How to come back ? "

I heard the words, the students suddenly turned back, when I saw Ye Xuan, everyone first was a stupid, and then quickly got up and respect each other, trembling: "After seeing the dean!


In the field, those students are excited.

Because Ye Xuan is too mysterious!

Ye Xuan rarely came to this college. Many students who join the Academy have just heard Ye Xuan, but I have never seen Ye Xuan, so Ye Xuan has always belonged to the legendary existence, at this moment, they have never thought, The legendary dean has returned to the college.

Ye Xuan looked at those students, laughed: "Don\'t have more gifts!

The students got up, they all wondered Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Is it more handsome than a statue?"

When he came, he had his statue under the mountain, very large, very long!

When I heard Ye Xuan, the students suddenly laughed.

At this time, a little girl, a 167, suddenly ran to Ye Xuan\'s face, she looked at Ye Xuan, "Dean, are you sword repair, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The little girl blinked, "Can you perform it?"

Finished, full of expectations.

The same is true of those students.

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Yes!

The sound falls, he is the palm of your hand, the next moment, Qing Xuanjian suddenly rushed to the sky in his hand, Qing Xuanjian entered the cloud, the trend was trembled, followed by all Qingzhou, countless sword suddenly trembled, then As a sword, the sword is rishes, and finally, like a river, it is generally gathered to the Western Academy, the blink of an eye, the mysterious college is gathered for hundreds of thousands of swords!

At this moment, the entire Qingzhou strongman is turned to see Xuanxuan College!

The man came back!

Watching Xuanchuan, the school looked up at the sky, and the heart was shocked.

Now Qingzhou\'s martial arts civilization is far more, but the real sword repair is still there, and like Ye Xuan is so strong, there is no!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly made a heart, hundreds of thousands of swords directly, straight into the deep place, this, the whole star river slider.

Ye Xuan suddenly took the right hand to the lower pressure, hundreds of thousands of swords were straight down from the deep pen, and the whole horizon was directly torn.

Looking at the hundreds of thousands of swordsman straight, lower, countless colleges in the heart, after retreat, but when the swords came to the mysterious college, all swords suddenly stopped.

Seeing this scene, those students suddenly loose!

The Ye Xuanzi is slight, and the sleeves are lofty. All swords suddenly cultivate a sword light disappeared in the sky.

Retrieving the original owner!

The blade is spread, and Qing Xuanjian returns to him. He looked at the little girl in front of him and smiled: "Shuai?"

The little girl nodded, "handsome!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

At this time, the small tower suddenly said: "Little Lord, I also want to install it!

Ye Xuan: ".


PS: Thanks: The vast star empty blue, the old fish dried, I used to say that the book friends 56542577, a sword reminder more readers, there are many readers, I can\'t listen, sorry, thank you for us. With the voting, other comments I don\'t dare to make it, but reward and vote, I am sure every day, and I will update it at any time!

Thank you for reward and support!

Love you guys!